40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1781: Crush the Great White Fleet first!

"let's start."

Wan Guqing's gaze stayed on the nine-star rising dragon battle emblem with Bai Kaixin’s chest and teeth and claws. After a long time, he said deeply and solemnly, "The Federation will win."

"The Federation will win!"

In the light curtain, Bai was happy to salute and turned to leave. The picture of the bridge behind him was quickly distorted, and mottled and colorful rainbow vortices appeared around them—the ripples of space distortion seriously interfered with the crossing. The ultra-long-distance real-time communication of the great world brings a peculiar sight.

In an instant, the information flow containing countless important data took the lead, tearing apart the stars, and rushing through the four-dimensional space. After the transfer and acceleration of the Baihua City unified Ling-net interaction and processing center, it successfully arrived at the main force of the Liaoyuan fleet. World.

These data have built an invisible wormhole bridge between the Flying Star Realm, Hundred Flower City and Tianyuan Realm. Numerous information such as coordinates, directions, navigation channels, star gate characteristics, etc., are transmitted, entered and processed in an instant. .

Located in the depths of the flying star realm, the first mixed formation of the Liaoyuan fleet, including thousands of the latest sharp starships, including the general flagship, was suddenly shrouded in a hazy haze. The haze became brighter and brighter. Every starship swallowed in, and then stretched longer and longer, almost turning into an unstoppable beam of light, shooting towards the crucial battlefield at the moment of destiny!

Compared with the magnificent Star Gate No. 1, the other two Star Gates surrounding Tianyuan Star are smaller in scale, with lower levels, and fewer starships that can be guided at one time.

Moreover, the Liaoyuan Fleet could not assemble all the troops in a big way in order to hide the ubiquitous spy network of the empire beforehand.

Therefore, the first batch of the first mixed fleet to implement the leap, drew the elite of each sub-fleet, is the essence of the essence.

Their mission is the same as that of the Great White Fleet, guarding the gate of the satellite and covering the jump of the main force that follows.

As long as the three star gates are firmly in the hands of the Federation, the Black Wind Fleet will become a fish in the bottom of the cauldron. Under the joint defense of the First Mixed Fleet and the Great White Fleet, the Black Wind Fleet can only rely on 50% of the battle. Power, it is absolutely impossible to break through the Star Gates No. 2 and No. 3. When the large forces continue to arrive, the Black Wind Fleet will be completely finished!

Therefore, when there were waves of restless space ripples around the Star Gates on the 2nd and 3rd, and the gravitational detection magic weapon showed that extremely high-quality objects were cracking into the air, in the Federal Defense Council, from the Federal Speaker Wan Guqing to the secret sword The director passed the spring breeze, or Jin Xinyue who was waving a sword in the light curtain, and all the councillors and strong men who turned from worry to joy in the surroundings-no one has the slightest doubt. This will be an unprecedented victory!


The Black Wind Fleet, which was dragged down by the Tianyuan Fleet with amazing resilience, also detected the gravitational changes from the 2nd and 3rd Star Gate.

Their location and the other two starry sky are exactly on both sides of the Tian Yuan star. At such a long distance, it is difficult to accurately detect the precise mass that causes the gravitational change.

But there is no doubt that the only ones who will leap to the Celestial Realm on a large scale at this time are the Federation's reinforcements.

On the bridge of the Black Vortex, the commander-in-chief Hei Yeming who received this emergency military situation did not have the slightest expression of surprise and thought. On the contrary, he let out a sigh of relief, and then smiled slightly.

"It's finally here, it should be the most elite pioneer of the Liaoyuan Fleet!

"Tsk tusk tusk tusk, on Tianyuan Star, we have worked so hard to deploy a spy network for nearly ten years, but it has also been uprooted and completely suppressed. Jin Xinyue is indeed an unreliable demon girl.

"However, these idiots at the Star Beach, savages who don't know the heights of the earth, really think that I, the commander of the expeditionary force of the dignified human empire, will pin all hope of victory on a renegade who is born in a wild? It's just stupid!

"They would never think that my trump card is not Jin Xinyue at all, but our own people, the cultivator of the true human empire, Su Changfa!

"Now, the most elite vanguard of the Liaoyuan Fleet is coming-but they will also be the only federal reinforcements in the next forty-eight hours!

"As long as the elite of the elite and the trump card of the trump card are eaten in one bite, and then occupy the Tianyuan realm, the Star Federation will be the fish on the chopping board!"

Hei Yeming sneered, and inadvertently swept the bottom left corner of the dense sea of ​​light curtains around the master crystal brain. There was a small, inconspicuous light curtain, submerged in the rapidly changing data of billions of wars, so dim. To disappear.

That was Su Changfa's disciple, and it was also the brainwaves and physiological indicators of Lu Qingchen, the liaison officer he sent.

From the beginning of the war to the present, Lu Qingchen's brainwaves and physiological indices have been very calm, so calm that it does not seem to be in a hot and violent battlefield, but rather like boating in a calm lake.

"Do you want to let him out?"

Hei Yeming pondered for a moment, but finally dispelled the idea, anyway, the overall situation was settled, and it would not be too late to let the monster out after the war was over.

Although Su Changfa is a more reliable compatriot of the empire and a daoist who firmly believes in the road of immortality compared to the wild demon like Jin Xinyue who has never known each other, but...

Hei Yeming's cautious nature made him unwilling to trust anyone 100%. Even this time, he made a small adjustment to the battle plan that Su Changfa had transmitted in advance through Lu Qingchen.

People must rely on themselves, he only believes in his own strength!

Very far behind the Black Wind Fleet, where they first jumped over, Hei Yeming's second force tore through the void and outlined a huge outline on the black velvety sea of ​​stars.

However, many of the curves that make up this outline do not look like a slender and elegant starship, but rather like—


A staff officer quickly stepped forward and reported to Hei Yeming, "The enemy's 16th Deep Space Fleet is speeding up to my rear, trying to form a front and back attack with the Tianyuan Fleet!"

"Finger back and forth, are they worthy?"

Hei Yeming sneered a few times, "The Tianyuan fleet is about to be completely torn apart by us, and this'sixteenth deep space fleet'-what great white fleet, is just a lightweight fast assault fleet, theirs The commander-in-chief is a small character who can only fight guerrilla warfare and harassment war.

"Before the first wave of the Liaoyuan Fleet's attack group completes the jump, solve the Great White Fleet first, and crush them, including their belt bones, into slag!"


Baihua City, the Great Unification Lingwang Control Center, the depths of the spiritual world.

The red leaves were falling, the fire burned to the sky, it was still the "Peach Blossom Spring" a moment ago, but it turned into a tragic Shura slaughterhouse.

A group of rout soldiers wearing ancient armor and riding high-headed horses rushed into the village like locusts, breaking the thousand-year peace here in a moment.

The old man was burned, the young man was strung on a spear, the child was trampled by iron hoofs, and the women's screams resounded through the sky, and even worse than the screams, it was the grinning of the soldiers who broke out.

Such a picture of blood and flames slowly unfolded before Li Yao's eyes.

He knelt on one knee in the weeds in front of the village, staring at everything in a daze.

A disheveled, disheveled woman with a baby in her arms ran towards him crying, followed by a beast-like cavalry.

The cavalry was grinning, holding a spear, and speeding up his sprint, and he was about to make a bunch of candied haws for women and babies.

Li Yao really couldn't stand it. He gritted his teeth, and before the lightning spear was about to penetrate the woman's chest and the baby's skull, he chopped his hand and stabbed the cavalry from his horse with a backhand and nailed it deeply to the ground.

"Grumbling, Grumbling."

The broken soldier was nailed to the ground in a twisted posture, his hands and feet slowly twisted, and a strange sound was made in his throat. The bloodshot eyes were originally a little solidified, but they turned quickly.

He drew himself from the spear inch by inch in a posture that was not human-like, and sprayed a lot of blood from his mouth. His hideous face melted like a candle, and he actually condensed into Professor Mo Xuan's face!

"Why save?"

Professor Mo Xuan, who was wearing a battered armor and a big hole in his chest, stared straight at Li Yao, "Since you think all this is fake, it's all virtual, and it's all made up of data and algorithms, why not? Just them, save these... worthless'foreign spirits'?"

Behind Li Yao, the "foreign spirit" woman simulated by data tripped in the weeds and seemed to have broken her feet, but she resisted the pain and hugged her child tightly in front of her chest. , As if with that weak body, he can protect this child who is also virtualized with data.

Behind Professor Mo Xuan, looking back through the big hole in his chest, the burning village, the slaughtered and ravaged soldiers, and the tragedy of the **** on earth are still cruelly unfolding.

Li Yao has never been so angry.

Even in the deep underground of the Kunlun ruins, when I saw the human ancestors cultivated by the Pangu tribe with the purpose of "tools", and saw the "three fundamental laws" of extinction of human nature, they did not perceive such strong "evil". !

"You are blaspheming the best emotions in the world, and you are blaspheming the proud name of'humanity' itself!"

Li Yao clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, "For you, what are all the most precious emotions of human affection, love, friendship, and are they tools that can be simulated with data and algorithms at will? You are heinous. madman!"

"Don't forget, you were the one who destroyed this peaceful world and the'Peach Blossom Spring' first. I just show you what it will look like after it is completely destroyed!"

Professor Mo Xuan grinned and said, "Since you said that all this is fake and illusory, then killing many old people, women and children here is just a few strings of data modified. Is it worth your anger? ?

"Or, you have to admit that even the trivial data changes in the'Unreal World' can bring incomparably real emotional waves, this village that is heading for destruction in front of you, and this pair of mother and son saved by you, To a certain extent, they are all real, eh?"


In other words, starting today until January 7th, there will be another double monthly ticket event!

Everyone who is capable, try your best to help the old cow. The monthly ticket list is not strong recently!

Also, according to news from the press, the simplified version of "Forty Thousand Years of Star Controls" will be officially released next month, so those who have pre-booked it online will be here soon. Lao Niu is looking forward to it as well!

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