40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1782: It's sinister and despicable!

Li Yao was speechless for a while.

Most of his thoughts were still entangled in the scene of the fierce battle in Xinghai that he had just seen. When he thought that his wife, apprentices, and friends were fighting with the most ferocious immortal cultivator of the real human empire at this moment, his mind became a hot pot of porridge.

He knew that this was Professor Mo Xuan's plan to disturb his mind, but how could it be possible for him to completely forget all this?

Professor Mo Xuan continued with a grin: "If you say that destroying such a small village in the'virtual world' is called a'lunatic', then in the real world, a war that has swept across dozens of large worlds will be set off, and it will destroy a tens of millions of people at every turn. What should those people be called a city or even a planet?

"In the virtual world, the town can be rebuilt if it is destroyed, and women and children can be resurrected if they die. As long as you slightly modify a few series of instructions and roll back the data, all tragic memories can be erased, and all pain and despair can no longer exist!

"In the real world, there is only one precious life. When you die, it will never be gone, no more!

"You keep saying that I am a lunatic, a demon, and trample on the best emotions in the world, so if you don’t do this, what else can you do to make a human being civilized in just a few hundred years or a thousand years? Completely stay away from war and usher in eternal peace, and there will never be any living person who will endure the pain you see at this moment?"

Every word of Professor Mo Xuan is like a meteorite containing strong spiritual power, and it hits Li Yao's spirits fiercely!

Li Yao felt the picture in front of him blurred, his soul was quickly dissolving, and his heart stunned, knowing that this was the most direct collision of the spirit, will and ideas of the two sides, that is, the uncompromising battle between the great avenues!

At this time, you must be firm in your Taoism and unwavering. If you lose in the avenue battle, the soul will have cracks. It is inevitable that you will be taken advantage of by the other party’s "road" until you are completely persuaded by the other party. The other side's puppet!

In terms of spiritual power, both Li Yao and Professor Mo Xuan have the rest, and both have different attributes for the blessing of extraterritorial celestial demon. It can be said that they are not the same.

Although Professor Mo Xuan has hundreds of super crystal brain blessings, he is also running more tasks than Li Yao at the same time. The mental power, computing power and spiritual power of the two are almost the same at this moment.

Then, it depends on each other's road, who is more correct and more invulnerable!

"No one likes war!"

Li Yao forced himself to rein in his mind, pulling his chaotic thoughts away from the bleeding stars and burning villages, and shouted, "I also hope that there will never be wars and slavery in this universe, and everyone can live happily. ——I have been fighting for this goal!

"Perhaps... the goal is the same in different ways, but you can't avoid war by turning the entire human civilization into nothingness. This is the same as killing people and extracting souls to treat terminal illnesses. , What's the difference?

"Yes, the resources in the universe are limited, and human desires are infinite. When limited resources meet infinite desires, wars, suffering, and destruction will occur. This was the case ten thousand years ago. Today is In this way, perhaps 10,000 years later, it will still be the case, and no one can completely stop it.

"However, it is the same eternally irreconcilable contradiction between'finite' and'infinite' that has shaped our human beings' endless curiosity, enterprising spirit, and ambition to march into the depths of the universe, and created our magnificent waves. The song and tearful history has made human civilization what it is today!

"Unsatisfied, since our ancestors broke free from the shackles of Pangu civilization hundreds of thousands of years ago, and the shackles of the three fundamental laws, our civilization has always been insatiable, hard to fill, and never knows what satisfaction is! We marched into the mountains, March to the sea, to the distant planet, to the three thousand worlds, to the infinite universe beyond the three thousand worlds, as long as we are given enough time, we will continue to the boundary of the universe, and then use all the wisdom, Courage and ambition will smash this boundary fiercely and continue to march outside of the universe! We hope to obtain unlimited resources to satisfy our infinite desires-perhaps this dream will never be realized, but the great process of pursuing this dream, Isn’t it the full meaning of our human civilization?

"And you, and what are you going to do!

"On the surface, you want to create a perfect, absolute, and infinitely beautiful new world, but in reality, you are using an illusory cage to completely imprison the future of human civilization! You want to kill all of mankind. Creativity, imagination, curiosity, ambition, courage, courage, all the most beautiful things!"


Professor Mo Xuan spread his arms, and colorful flowers suddenly bloomed around the burning village, and dancing butterflies lingered among the flowers. The delicate flowers and the dying village formed a sharp and distorted contrast. "Look, any of the most beautiful things, we can create whatever we want!"

"If there is no darkness, there is no light. If the pain and ugliness are obliterated by force, then the so-called happiness and beauty will become meaningless."

Li Yao paused, categorically cutting the railroad, "The contradiction between limited resources and unlimited desires is the only source of human progress, and it is also the reason why our civilization is so splendid. Since your new world has no contradictions, it will Never progress, just a stagnant pool!

"I will never let you turn human civilization into a seemingly exquisite aquarium!"

"That's just your opinion, just the opinion of you big men and heroes!"

Professor Mo Xuan suddenly became angry, "What is the ambition to advance to the edge of the universe, what is the curiosity and creativity to explore infinite possibilities, what is "war is inevitable", Li Yao, of course you are qualified to say such nonsense, after all, you You are the master of Xinghai, even if you die, you will die vigorously, shaking the entire universe!

"But what about ordinary people, ordinary people who are unable to control their own destiny, and those people who are being ravaged by war at the moment, must they sacrifice their precious lives for the flamboyant word of'human civilization'?

"Your life in the real world is already exciting enough, it is a thrilling legend, which ordinary person can be like you?

"Perhaps, most ordinary people don’t care about creativity, curiosity, and ambition to march into the universe. They just want to live, and they just want to live peacefully and carefree, even if they are the fish in the aquarium. What's more, at least don't worry about the ferocious beasts in the sea and the rapid ocean currents!

"Don't use your standards to measure ordinary people, 99% of people will never be like you!"

"shut up!"

Li Yao was angry, his voice grew louder and louder, "It is you who are using your own standards to forcibly define ordinary people. It is you who are doing nonsense under the banner of ‘all for your good’!

"Don't underestimate ordinary people, Professor! Even if there is a gap in strength, courage, courage, and hope for the future are the same for everyone! Even if you are an ordinary person today, through your own hard work, tomorrow will be possible Become an all-powerful person and hero; even if you are ordinary people who are unknown in this life, your descendants will be stronger from generation to generation! This is hope, the most precious hope of mankind!

"And your virtual world completely stifled this hope! Once lost in the spiritual world, all fame, wealth, and passions can be met instantly, and all goals can be achieved in an instant. What can be sung and crying, what is thrilling, what is thrilling, what Heroes and heroes, everything is gone! In such a life, what hope is there, what reason is there to struggle, and what is the meaning of existence?

"From now on, our children and grandchildren will become parasites trapped in silicon chips and spiritual nets, relying on illusory digital drugs to feed themselves all day long and do nothing, until one day, the silicon chips and super crystal brains that carry this illusory civilization will no longer Unable to sustain it, it collapsed, and everything was annihilated in an instant—is this the ultimate form of human civilization in your ideals, Professor!"

Professor Mo Xuan seemed to be persuaded by Li Yao, staring straight at him, and did not speak for a long time.

Li Yao's soul shines brightly, as if the whole world is under his control. He has the chance to win, and his momentum is like a rainbow: "There is nothing to say, professor!"

"Flap! Pop! Pop!"

Professor Mo Xuan applauded slowly, a weird smile appeared on his face, "You make a lot of sense, I do have a bit... I have nothing to say, Li Yao!"

Li Yao blinked and scratched his chin, how did it feel...something was wrong.

After a while, the cold sweat came down.

Li Yao silently stared at Professor Mo Xuan.

Professor Mo Xuan also looked at him quietly.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward for a while.

Li Yao: "Hey, you're so unpretentious like this. When everyone is clearly fighting on the big road, and the contention is so passionate and colorful, you actually play yin?"

Professor Mo Xuan: "Hehe, so you admit that you are Li Yao?"

Li Yao: "Uh, if I say that Master Lingjiu's real name is actually Li Yao-this name is ordinary, and it is normal to have the same name, right?"

Professor Mo Xuan was unmoved: "Hmph, Dark Nebula, Ancient Sacred Realm, and the weird Spirit Eagle Master, I should have guessed it was you, not to mention, besides your Vulture Li Yao, who He would have such a tyrannical strength, but he would say so much that sounds very passionate, but it is just high school student-level nonsense!"

Li Yao: "Well, you really have you. It's despicable. I finally confirm with 100% that you are definitely not Professor Mo Xuan. How can a real professor be so insidious about you? What are you, you!"


Professor Mo Xuan, or pretending to be Professor Mo Xuan’s existence, the smile on his face became more and more weird, and there were cracks in that face, and monstrous magic flames bloomed from the cracks, "Since you are Li Yao, is it? Can't you understand my life form? We are obviously the same kind!"

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