40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1803: War chess, and big and small pieces

Facing the three-dimensional light curtain and flexibly turning in the ink-deep universe, the fine light spots spread out like mercury, all the ministers, parliamentarians, staff officers and analysts in the Supreme Command Center were all stunned, and their hearts were lifted. The waves are higher than the waves!

Anyone with a little bit of common sense of space war knows that at an ultra-high speed of thousands of kilometers per second, an entire fleet, hundreds of thousands of ships, will be varied, with different models, safety distances, and psychic shields. How difficult is it to turn the starship in an orderly manner!

The structural strength of the starship itself, the endurance of the bodies and brains of all the soldiers on the starship, the coordination between each other, and the position in the battlefield... are all complicated and calculating problems.

Not to mention doing this in the densest "cone attack formation", not to mention braving the enemy's deadly artillery-if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never believe such a thing. Commanders who dared to do so, must He is a frantic lunatic!

The Great White Fleet did it miraculously.

They staged an extremely gorgeous emergency change of direction. Thousands of tail flames dragged a nearly perfect arc trajectory in the sea of ​​stars, like a sharp machete, thrusting straight into the softest abdomen of the Black Wind Fleet.

"How is it possible, why did the Great White Fleet appear there? Didn't they rush to the No. 2 and No. 3 star gates?"

"They were not disturbed by the psychic magnetism, but actively shut down the network and entered the psychic net silent state, thus avoiding the ravages of the crystal brain virus. Within the fleet, they still maintain a minimum of communication, and use such thin communication. Maintained such a tight and delicate battle formation?"

"Such astonishing dominance ability, is it really a trivial elementary-level Nascent Soul, what is going on!"

"In any case, they came at the right time. Now the second wave of the Black Wind Fleet's starships are mixed with Star Torch. It is a loose disc of loose sand, and it is constantly shocked by the ripples of space. It is simply unprepared!"

"Contact the Great White Fleet quickly, quickly, quickly, what, still can't be contacted? This—"

Unlike the "navy" in the civilization of a single planet, the "deep space fleet" in the Xinghai civilization often has to move away from the mother planet and even the mother world, and carry out explorations and expeditions at distances of thousands of light-years, and even more distant ones. , The mother world has extremely weak control over the deep space fleet. The deep space fleet is basically self-contained, a small independent kingdom.

It can even be said that the Star Federation now has a total of nine worlds. In addition to the seven realms in the conventional sense, the Liaoyuan Fleet and the Great White Fleet are two specific and tiny small worlds.

Compared with the Liaoyuan Fleet, which was heavily funded by the state, the Great White Fleet was built largely on Jin Xinyue, and private consortia and private sects including the Yaoshi Group. It is a type of "barbaric growth and self-destruction". Its control is even weaker.

The Great White Fleet has just completed a nearly one-year long voyage exercise. Although the logbook is sent back every three to five times, in addition to the logbook, where did they go this year, what they did, what changed, and how they played again. What idea-no one knows.

As we all know, the commander of the Great White Fleet, Bai Xingjian, has always been close to the EFF's orthodox fleet system, but is Jin Xinyue's confidant.


Everyone focused their eyes on Jin Xinyue's face.

But Jin Xinyue was just as stunned as they were, staring blankly at the mysterious and thundering light spots on the light curtain, completely unaware of what happened to the Great White Fleet and Bai Xingjian.

"According to the current acceleration, the Great White Fleet has three minutes left, and it will collide with the second wave of the Black Wind Fleet's jumping cluster!"

Above the light curtain, the game is like chess.

The first unexpected chess piece jumped up, revealing blood-stained fangs!


The battle is like chess-senior federal leaders such as Evergreen, Guochunfeng, Jin Xinyue, and Bai Xingjian are chess players.

These powerful men, their wars are carried out in the dry and safe command center, in the change of thousands of light curtains, in a series of numbers, in formations and serial games.

Their wars are sometimes high-rise and magnificent, sometimes curious and unpredictable. They are indeed a big chess game with the Xinghai as the chessboard and the starship as the chess pieces.

On the chessboard, everything is clearly visible, there is a context to be found, there is the so-called "thunderbolt, like a broken bamboo, turning the tide, and counterattack", there are a series of thrilling "victors and losers."

Even if you lose the battle, you can at least know exactly where you lost, and there is still time to be surprised, stunned, upset, and regretful.

But after all, wars cannot be won by these big men alone.

Every ingenious victory of the big men, every interlocking conspiracy, every hidden trap, all rely on countless ordinary soldiers fighting on the front line to complete.

For the ordinary soldiers who were trapped in the cruel strangulation battle between the Tianyuan Fleet and the Black Wind Fleet, they couldn't say "the battle is like chess".

Through the blood-stained crystal window, the war in front of them was not a clear chess game, but two huge, chaotic, and violent death vortexes, colliding and entangled with each other, and they were unreasonable. Destroy!

Mad Dog is one of these ordinary fighters.

He couldn't see the conspiracy of the Black Wind Fleet, the chaos of the Liaoyuan Fleet, and the miraculous appearance of the Great White Fleet; he also didn't know that the small light spots that were jumping out of the void in the distance were the star gate components of the empire, not to mention Know what happens when these star torches are assembled.

He only saw the psychic shields of the starships next to him turned a dim crimson, like venous blood that was drying up.

He only saw the shells of many starships turned dangerous orange, exploding without warning, turning into huge fireballs, and at the same time blasting a large number of fragments entwined with violent psychic arcs like goddesses scattered flowers. Coming out, a series of criss-crossing, irregular death storms formed on the battlefield.

He saw that these sharp fragments were like a sickle, reaping lives with ease, treating both the enemy and us equally, and there was no mercy at all. Many federal and imperial soldiers were entangled tightly and were instantly penetrated by the same fragment. , Skewered together like barbecue.

He even saw that many people were hit by the debris and deviated from the direction, and the power talisman was all malfunctioning. No matter how hard it was, they fell into the huge beam of light from the battleships of both sides in despair-the moment they fell into the beam of light. , They disappeared like mosquitoes falling into molten steel, neither the screams nor the blue smoke left a single star.

The mad dog has participated in ground wars in the atmosphere, as well as space wars in a vacuum.

The death of ground war was accompanied by screams, roars, weeping, and heroic roars, as well as deafening bombings.

The war in a vacuum is silent, and everyone seems to be performing a solemn pantomime.

The extremely splendid and devastating pictures and the maddening silence constitute an extremely strange sense of contradiction, making him unclear as to which of the two forms of war is more cruel.

Perhaps wars are the same. For their insignificant dust, these insignificant ants, and the large and small numbers on the battle power calculation table, no matter the ground or the universe, they are just as cruel.

That's right, he is Jin Dan and a major in the Federation Army.

so what?

A starship that was several kilometers long slowly rotated in front of him like a dying whale, and was immediately pierced by dozens of spear-like beams of light, and the seemingly solid armor was easily opened by cracks. , Balls of fireballs, like deformed tumors, spewed out from the cracks, and at the same time, there were countless foundations, pill formations, and even the Nascent Soul monks who controlled the starship—whether or not they stirred up weak psychic shields to resist, These people were eventually burned to ashes, or melted with the crystal armor, turning into orange-red meteorites.

The mad dog drifted in the stormy waves rolled up by the psychic storm, like a straw floating on the sea, passing by the meteorite formed by the condensation of countless human bodies and magic weapons.

His psychic energy is nearly exhausted, and the crystal armor is on the verge of being scrapped, leaving only dozens of talisman arrays that can barely function.

At this moment, any small meteorite may kill him. Faced with such a grand and chaotic battlefield, such a ridiculous and cruel fate, what is the difference between the golden core and the ant?

The dead leaf butterfly-like figure suddenly stagnated, like falling into the eye of a temporarily stable storm, the battlefield in full swing, strangely calm.

The violent concussion in the skull gradually stabilized, and the mad dog sensed the pain of broken tendons, bursting internal organs, burning nerve endings, and burning out of his soul, like suffocation.

This battle-tested veteran realized with the keen intuition of a mad dog that a moment of calm is an ominous sign-they lose, they lose!

The flames of war in the icy universe burned fast and quickly extinguished. In an instant, only the cold starship wreckage and a strangely shaped corpse were left beside him, like an endless star sea tomb, shooting from the depths of the wreckage. , The scattered beams of light will soon provoke a hundred times the number of counterattacks from the opponent, and there will be a large swarm of imperial armor masters attacking swarms like locusts!

The mad dog laughed miserably, but laughed out a large group of blood clots, and there was a burning numbness in his lower abdomen. When he looked down, he found that a fist-thick antenna was deeply pierced near his liver area.

The experience of passing by death time after time for a whole hundred years told him that this was a fatal injury.

This time, I really struggled to the end.

"So... ordinary way of death, fuck!"

The mad dog's eyes turned black for a while, and the past flashed in the dark like a revolving lantern, and the burning pain in the liver area coincided with the unforgettable punch a hundred years ago.

He wants to vomit again.

I want to vomit all the blood in my life.

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