40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1804: Remember my name!

When nothing happened, the mad dog had fantasized about his own death.

Just like the thousands of ordinary hot-blooded youths in the Star Federation, he is not afraid of death, but he is afraid of death in obscurity and obscurity.

It was the most dangerous time of the old federation. The people’s style was extremely sturdy, and various war games and heroic films were popular. All sixteen or seventeen-year-old boys who had not fully developed their spiritual roots or other roots, and were full of enthusiasm. We all imagine that the heroes in the game and the movie die like the heroes in the game. The best way is to open the bow and sword to kill the square for three days and three nights. After leaving behind the monster's corpse mountain and blood, under the first ray of **** dawn. , Carrying the hot crystal magnetic cannon towards the overwhelming beast tide, and leaving one or two rhetoric enough to be included in the history textbook-this is the most perfect way to die.

At that time, the mad dog, in any case, would have died like this, like a dead fart.

That was the golden age of his life. At that time, he was a man of heaven, a man of great influence, and a highly anticipated super genius.

He used to think that his fate was predestined long ago. The front is brilliant, thrilling, thrilling, and vigorous. Even if he is not in the world, he is at least the absolute protagonist of this small world around him.

However, the arrival of "that person" completely shattered his dream and killed his unopened path of destiny alive!

Suddenly, the situation suddenly changed, his father went to jail, all his family properties were confiscated, and he owed a large amount of debt. He also suffered a physical and spiritual double blow, and became notorious in the circle. In the end, there was no major university. If you are willing to admit, you can only go to a second-rate college hastily.

The world and destiny he originally thought collapsed.

Affected by this shock, he was devastated, and spent twenty years of bleak years in a muddle-headed manner.

It's not that he doesn't want to cheer up, but every time he is ready to regroup and work hard, news of "that person" pounces like a lingering ghost.

If it's just an ordinary "adversary" or "enemy," maybe you can practice hard to catch up and take revenge.

But "that man" is simply an out-and-out monster, and every time the news is so earth-shattering and appalling, it makes him completely desperate and does not give birth to a sense of confrontation.

He was discouraged and didn't have the guts to compete with "that person", but that didn't mean that the storm that "that person" rolled up wouldn't be swept over him.

With the strength and fame of "that person" soaring all the way, the entanglement between him and "that person" in the past has also been turned up as lace news and hype, of course, most of the news is to exaggerate how wise "that person" is. Shenwu, he is naturally an inconspicuous stepping stone in the corner of the picture. The occasionally slightly "conspicuous" passages are also his ugly, ugly, and irresponsible contrast to the glorious image of "that person".

Twenty years have passed since such days. In the world around him, he seemed to be **** with "that person". Every time the name of "that person" was mentioned, others would mention him incidentally, without words at all. The humiliation, as long as the kind of smiley eyes glanced at him casually, it was enough to completely twist the nerves of Tie Da!

Twenty years later, the former classmates who were far inferior to him had their own achievements and began to emerge; even the ordinary classmates have formed happy families and lived a prosperous life, only he is still immersed. In the midst of self-pity and self-destruction, you can't extricate yourself and become a hopeless drunkard and gangster.

It was the father who came out on parole for medical treatment, who slapped him severely on the sick bed before his death, and it reversed his fate for the second time.

"I...I don't have a seed like you!"

This is the last words of my father.

His hands trembled, trying to close the old man’s eyes, but he couldn’t. From then on, no matter where he went, he seemed to be able to see the old man’s eyes, staring at him condescendingly, igniting the flames of anger. Come here badly!

He thought, he understood what his father meant.

In all fairness, from the perspective of an adult in his 30s and 40s, looking at many things in his teens and 20s when he was frivolous, it is indeed his fault, and he is responsible for it.

Therefore, his emotions towards "that person" are very complicated. It is not so much "hate", but rather intense "jealous" and "unwilling"?

He wants revenge, to "that person", to an absurd fate, to the **** thief! He wants revenge not because he really hates that person, he just wants to tell the world that he will take back what belongs to him, and he is the real protagonist of this world!

During the three days of keeping the spirit of the old man, he was reborn and enlightened.

Just after the first seven of the old man, he completely bid farewell to the past life and walked into the cruelest underground arena in the dark corner of the Federation.

Relying on the capital left by his crazy practice when he was young, he started from the lowest level of liming and played all the way to the annual finals of the 120-city joint arena. For the first time, he played the prestigious name of "mad dog".

The moment he puts on the mask every time before playing is the most relaxing and comfortable moment for him, because in the cruel world of the underground arena, no one knows that he is him, he is a crazy dog!

In just five years, he hurried all the way, from refining qi to breaking through to building a foundation. In terms of his experience and past, it was a miracle not big or small.

During the game, he once looked up at the stars with his bruised nose and swollen head, wondering if one day he could really compare with "that person".

After all, "that person" has disappeared for a long time. It is said that he has entered a state of hibernation, and his strength should be stagnant. This is a great opportunity for him to "overtake on a curve."

But the cruel reality shattered his hopes time and time again. The closest he was to Jie Dan was severely injured in a gold medal competition. After half a year of training, his strength plummeted.

Since then, he has been ups and downs in the underground arena circle for many years, and has never achieved higher achievements. Later, whether as a "bounty hunter" to open up a resource planet, or join the Federation Army, fight with all kinds of enemies. , No matter how crazy, cruel, and perverted he used to torture himself, the improvement of strength is still slow as a snail.

Jin Dan, hehe, for a whole hundred years, it was just a single Jin Dan. It may be very remarkable in the eyes of ordinary people, but compared with "that person", it is inferior to horse dung crushed by wheels.

I don't know when, he suddenly realized that he would never, never, never compare to that person for the rest of his life.

It doesn't matter, strength is not important, combat achievements are the first.

He would have made a terrifying battle far more than that of the man, even if he died, he would die vigorously!

With this belief, he will always be at the forefront of the most dangerous missions in wars of all sizes in the army.

But fate made a big joke with him again.

He did not catch up with the good times. In addition to the Celestial Ring War, the Federation has only encountered sporadic suppression of bandits and security wars in the past 100 years. Even if it single-handedly wiped out the monsters and bandits on the planet, what merit is worthy ?

At this moment, "The Empire Strikes Back" was originally his best opportunity.

But he did not expect that the main force of the Black Wind Fleet would raid the Tianyuan Realm, and although he experienced this war firsthand, he was the first unit to meet the enemy. Fall, just like so many ordinary soldiers around.

Yes, ordinary...

Until the last moment of life, looking back on the tedious life of the past hundred years, the mad dog finally got rid of the disguised neuroticism and madness, and had to admit with great frustration:

"It turns out that I'm just an ordinary person. Like them, I am alive and irrelevant, and I have always been insignificant.

"God of the thief, fucking, it turns out that Li Yao is your chosen man of heaven. I'm really just a stepping stone.

"I will never catch up with him. No matter how much I tortured myself, it will be useless. The gap between each other will only grow bigger and bigger-now I am not even qualified to act as a rat in his movie!

"This... is fate, right?

"I was an ordinary person, how do ordinary people fight superheroes? Then in this **** war, die ordinary and unknown, just like all the ordinary soldiers around, like dirt and **** , What else can you struggle with? The more you struggle, the more it looks like a joke!

"Die, don't think about anything, old man, I'm sorry, afterlife, afterlife..."

The consciousness of the mad dog gradually dissipated, and the soul fell into a feeble darkness.

But after a long time, I still couldn't wait for complete relief. Instead, my perception gradually increased, and the wound on my abdomen even felt cool and itchy!

Mad Dog's eyes widened, and he noticed that a small blue dot on his retina was beating happily.

Crystal Armor’s medical system was miraculously repaired automatically. He was injecting artificial active cells into his liver. Perhaps it was the impact of some finely divided meteorite that hit the key point of a certain medical unit, right?

On the chaotic battlefield, any unthinkable things can happen, even if the probability is only one in a billion!

"What does this mean, and don't let me die?"

In a daze, the mad dog saw his father's angry and unwilling eyes again, staring at him from the window of the helmet.

Yes, unwilling, unwilling, **** unwilling!

"God thief, what do you want to do, if you really don't want me to die, if there is really a chance, I can compete with Li Yao again, give me some enlightenment!"

"I don't want to beat him, I just want to stand in front of him, let him see what I am now, and tell him-who on earth am I!

"God thief, help me, even if Li Yao is really the protagonist of the whole world, at least let me be the present, when this small battlefield, the protagonist for one second, one second is fine!"

The mad dog burst into tears and roared silently.

As soon as the voice fell, a series of flashes appeared not far away.

"Well, is this the revelation you gave me, thief God?"

The mad dog was startled slightly and hoped again. Regardless of the pain in his abdomen, he urged the remaining runes on the crystal armor and flew towards the flash.

After a while, he braked hard and his eyes were bloodshot.

Those are four or five imperial crystal armors that clean the battlefield.

They didn't find him originally, but he actively activated the power rune array, exposing the target, causing all these imperial crystal armors to fly towards him.


The mad dog said to the thief God.

90% of the area on the battlefield was occupied by the Imperial Army's Samsung Blitz. He was desperate and should close his eyes and wait to die.


Not reconciled! Not reconciled! Not reconciled! Not reconciled! Not reconciled! Not reconciled! Not reconciled!

In a daze, he somehow recalled the golden years in Floating City a hundred years ago, and thought of the once domineering and extremely proud young man.

"Ha ha, ha ha ha ha!"

The mad dog vomited blood, slung it behind him, and relied on the magnetically adsorbed half-handed dragon-killing knife to wave again, making a lawless laugh. The blood sprayed all over the helmet, and even the windows were stained red.

Looking out through the blood, the brilliant star sea is in full swing!

"God thief, and you rubbish..."

The mad dog wielded the dragon-killing knife, activated the last five power runes, and swooped down like falling meteors, "This uncle is the number one master of the Floating City Chixiao No. 2 Middle School of the Star Federation, Helianlie! What do you think I am Who is it, you want to kill me, then try it!"

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