40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1829: The ignorant, fearless!

Bai Kaixin, Bai Xingjian, Jin Xinyue, Ding Lingdang, Wu Ma Yan, as well as all the Federation forces and all the cultivators who were fighting in blood, all detected masses of high-quality objects containing strong psychic energy fluctuations. Unstoppable descended on this world.

The twisted psychic energy fluctuations are so strong that the ferocious and evil appearance of the Imperial Starship is clearly outlined on the light curtain, like a group of peerless heavenly demons that broke out of the abyss lair!

The Liaoyuan exploded again violently. Numerous fuel, debris, and the crew’s broken arms spewed out. The No. 2 power cabin completely disappeared. The No. 3 and No. 4 power cabins ignited a purple flame. The poisonous gas was permeated, and the iron flow was vertical and horizontal. The center and rear part of the starship turned into the Shura Hell, and a total of eight giant soldiers of the enemy and us are still fighting in this hell.

Several main battleships nearby were also beaten by the enemy to their heads, struggling in countless tumor-like explosive fireballs. In front, a large number of cosmic mines ejected by the Imperial starship, condensed into a block like an asteroid belt. Iron wall and copper wall!

If it fails, the Federation is completely defeated, and there is no longer any force that can stop the advent of enemy reinforcements!

However, they have reached this point, besides moving forward, do they have a second option?

"The third, fourth, and sixth squadrons, at all costs, immediately left the battlefield and returned to the back of the Tianyuan Iron Wall, ready to defend the Tianyuan Star! The first, second, and fifth squadrons, along with the Liaoyuan, move forward! For the Liaoyuan fleet, for the glory of the Federation for six hundred years!"

On the burning bridge of the Liaoyuan, a bloody, scorched white roar of joy.

"Go forward, a full 100 billion compatriots are watching you behind you, you are the most powerful cultivator profession in the legend, Qi refiner!

Ding Lingdang roared violently with the gas refiner army.

"What to build a foundation and form a pill, **** Ning Yinghua, we are a gas refiner, a Tieyuan gas refiner! If it is a man, let the battle spirit explode, breaking through one thousand weights, ten thousand weights, and the entire universe. !"

Wumayan laughed with all the Qi refiners, their aura and battle spirit surging, exploding, and resonating, like 10,000 suns rushing forward.

"Go ahead, let the despicable empire see, the last pride of the Yaozu!"

On the Silver Moon, Jin Xinyue shed her head, like a madman, and no trace of cunning can be seen in her eyes. It is full of the madness of the strong monsters.

Perhaps in appearance, many monster warriors and human warriors are slightly different, but everyone's blood is just as hot!

"Get out of the way, I will personally control the starship and rush towards the black vortex's nine-unit Xuanguang main gun! That main gun has been seriously damaged and it is impossible to lock it to Lao Tzu!"

On the main driver’s seat of the Infinite Burn, Bai Xingjian’s gaze turned into flooding floods. His spirits expanded wildly, and he was completely integrated with the starship. He laughed wildly, "Come on, whether it’s a real human empire." It doesn’t matter if you are a cultivator of immortality, or a demon from outside the territory, let Lao Tzu teach you what is Xinghai Wushuang’s “Ship Art”!"

"Tsk tusk tusk tusk, are the poor bugs desperate?"

On the bridge of the Black Vortex, the night Ming keenly sensed the strangeness of the Federal Fleet, and instantly understood the opponent's thoughts.

This kind of struggle with praying man's arms as a cart and moths fighting the fire can only arouse a contemptuous sneer at the corner of his mouth.

The commander of the Black Wind Fleet embraced his arms, tapping his arms calmly with his fingers, "In three minutes, my large forces will fully descend on this poor world, and the flagship of you bugs, "Liaoyuan", It's almost completely collapsed!

"Light up the entire universe with the fire of a prairie prairie fire? Ha ha, the ignorant is fearless. The darkness of the universe is far beyond the imagination of you bugs. Let me destroy your fantasy and tell you the cruel truth!"

On Tianyuan Star, every city and country is shrouded in an atmosphere of panic and anxiety.

The Xinghai Battle of the main fleets of the enemy and ours, the unimaginable collision of psychic energy, will release a large amount of abnormal radiation and high-energy particle flow, it is impossible to hide it from everyone.

Although the Federal Defense Council has not issued a "maximum alert", the evacuation of people has already begun.

The first to be evacuated were children in primary and secondary schools and kindergartens.

As the hope of the Federation, they will give priority to entering the underground battle fort armed to the teeth and enjoy the strictest protection.

On the playground of a school, under the banner of the Nine Stars Thang Long Fighting, under the command of a special evacuation team composed of teachers and the Veterans Association, children lined up one after another and got on the shuttle to the ground.

Listening to the piercing alarms in all directions, all the small faces were pale with fright, and the big clear water-like eyes had a little complicated ripples. Even the most mischievous boys were silent at this time, and even took the initiative to comfort them. Crying, low-grade children.

In just half a day, the children have grown up a lot and understand more things that do not belong to this age.

But the deepest part of the eyes, the crystal-like pure light, for a while, has not faded.

The ignorant is fearless, this sentence may be correct.

Perhaps compared with those who are deeply aware of the darkness of the universe, these children are firmer, more persistent, and believe in—believe that there is light in this world!

Around the campus, smoke pillars and flames are entwined, turning into thousands of sky towers, all the way to the clouds, reflecting the dark sky in colorful colors.

The flame is so full, so gorgeous, so dazzling, it seems that a little bit more intense, really just a little bit, you can completely tear the dark clouds.

At the end of the "Tongtian Pagodas", the members of the Association of Cultivators and Disabled Veterans scattered among the people organized spontaneously and rushed to the sea of ​​stars to poke through the clouded sky!

"Teacher Zhou…"

A chubby little girl wearing a big red bow, hugging a cosmic war shuttle-shaped doll tightly, asked timidly, "Dad said, he is going to the sky to beat the bad guys, and he won’t come back to pick me up until the bad guys are beaten away, you say Can they beat the bad guys away? When will Dad come back?"

Teacher Zhou stared blankly at the dark clouds in the sky, and after a while, she realized, but she didn't know how to face the child's innocent eyes.

"Of course I can beat the bad guys away. My father is also in the sky. He is a armor master, but he is amazing. Every time I wrestle my wrist, he takes my mother and me together with just one finger! Your father can't. And my dad, they will definitely win, and they beat all the bad guys away with three punches and two kicks!"

Before Teacher Zhou could answer, a little boy who was missing a front tooth screamed, and patted the girl's shoulder very old-fashionedly—this action he had just learned from a veteran, "Don’t worry, rest assured!"

"What is your dad? Our dad is amazing. He works in the power compartment of the starship. A starship this big, this big, this... big starship is bigger than the hill next to our school. He listens to him. As far as people are concerned, they run extremely fast, well, faster than light!"

Another clever girl cried.

"My dad is too, he is also—"

"My father, and my father!"

The shuttle car suddenly turned into a noisy ocean. Thousands of words converged into one sentence: "Don't worry, this is our home, Mom and Dad, you will definitely drive the bad guys away!"


There was a thunder in the sky, and a string of lightning flashes of golden snakes fluttered out. The dark clouds that had accumulated for a whole day were actually torn apart a long and narrow gap. The fiery red light like magma rolled on the dark clouds, making each of the children round. Du's face was flushed with the reflection, and in a daze, he couldn't tell whether it was the setting sun or the morning glow!

In the starry sky battlefield, all the tactical brain's psychic detection systems all sounded "beep beep beep". The high-energy response near the Imperial Star Gate became stronger and stronger, far surpassing the ordinary Star Sea battleship!

"It's a bit wrong. With such a violent energy response, the Black Wind Fleet's forces are a bit too powerful..."

Ding Lingdang, Bai Xingjian, and Bai Xinxing, who had extremely rich experience in cosmic combat, were deeply confused as they watched the waves of psychic index that crystal armor gave back.

"This, this is not the psychic energy fluctuation of the starship, this is the psychic energy fluctuation of the giant soldier!"

"Damn, damn, damn! How many giant soldiers are still hiding in the Black Wind Fleet!"

"Three? Five? Seven? No, no, there are more than ten giant soldiers! How could it be possible that the Black Wind Fleet could produce more than a dozen giant soldiers at this time? It's too exaggerated. Right!"

Rao Yibai’s happy calmness, Bai Xingjian’s madness, and Ding Lingdang’s martial arts, when he perceives that a dozen giant soldiers are coming to them in the strongest posture of spiritual flames, they still coincide, from the blood vessels and bone marrow. There was a deep tremor.

As everyone knows, on the bridge of the Black Vortex, Hei Yeming, who was just holding the winning ticket and smiling calmly, was also dumbfounded, with green veins exposed, his hair sticking up, his head was about to explode.

"A dozen giant soldiers!"

"What a powerful Spirit Flame, these are giant soldiers of what rank, so well preserved!"

"Where did they come out? Who are they and why? Why!"

The commander of the Black Wind Fleet roared wildly, and desperately rushed towards the console, trying to prevent the tragedy from happening, but it was too late.

The four-dimensional vortex summoned by the Star Gate has bloomed to its limit, and countless imperial starships are slowly passing through the "narrow" wormhole like bloated dinosaurs. At this moment, a series of vortexes gush out from the depths of the space-time vortex. Sparkling little bubbles.

These little bubbles are like unpredictable energy ghosts, colliding with each other, shining rapidly, splitting crazily, and finally, turning into a devastating storm sweeping the entire four-dimensional vortex!

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