40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1830: Sparks and lightning all the way!

The originally stable and uniform space-time vortex became distorted and violent under the action of this storm. A small part of the imperial reinforcement fleet has passed through the wormhole, but at the last moment it plunged into the depths of layers of ripples.

They were either stretched from a few kilometers to hundreds of kilometers long; or two or three starships overlapped, and all matter appeared on the same coordinate, causing a violent explosion; or they were stuck in "broken" forever. The state of "Void" can't be condensed again no matter what, like a cloud of shining star sea mist.

Almost no starship can escape the deadly vortex. The few starships that escaped by chance were also twisted into a spiral shape, losing all psychic energy and power, judging from the fragmented shell and the cracks that almost penetrated the hull. , It is estimated that the crew inside also died seven or eighty eight.

The star torches that make up the starry sky burst one after another, the huge fireball illuminating almost half of the universe, but it can only make people see the chaotic and tragic scene in the space-time vortex more clearly.

It's like a "masterpiece" of a Fauvist artist splashing ink under the condition of alcohol poisoning. The nightmare picture lasted for about half a minute. The colorful and messy time and space vortex finally collapsed irretrievably. The speed visible to the naked eye was quickly annihilated, and after a few seconds, only a piece of shining ripples remained, like jellyfish drifting along with the current.

This is the real wormhole bomb!

The gate of the starry sky collapsed completely, all the star torches were like blind eyes, and no more light could be emitted; the large-scale imperial reinforcements-the star-sea dinosaurs with their teeth and claws ready to go, together with the annihilated wormholes , Disappeared without a trace!

In the vacuum of the universe, the entire battlefield was silent.

It is like the heart of every soldier, commander, general, cultivator and cultivator of both the Empire and the Federation.

Everyone stared dumbfounded at the coordinates of the annihilation of the wormhole, staring at the colorful flashing ripples.

Even the commanders of the fleet with super computing power, their brains are blank at this moment. Whether they are extremely shocked, ecstatic, or extremely desperate, all emotions are sealed in frozen nerves!

"Why, how could this be?"

Ding Lingdang, White Star Sword, White Xinghe, Golden Heart Moon, Wu Ma Yan, Spring Breeze, Dark Night on the Black Vortex, as well as thousands of EFF and Black Wind people, are all deafened by this deafening problem. A carpet bombing of the brain!

"what is that!"

Regardless of the enemy and us, countless people exclaimed at the same time.

They all sensed an unprecedented power, surged from the depths of the wreckage of the Star Gate, and switched the scanning direction of the detection magic weapon one after another.

At the coordinates where the Empire's support fleet and the wormhole were annihilated, a majestic figure slowly emerged from the depths of the colorful ripples of time and space.

The height of a giant soldier is usually no more than thirty to fifty meters. Even the largest model, it is only a hundred meters at most. It is a drop in the ocean in the sea of ​​stars. It is logically difficult to observe with the naked eye.

However, this figure standing in the sky and dazzling the sea of ​​stars is not the giant soldier itself, not even the spiritual flames it ignited, but its psychic shield and the ripples of time and space that have not been completely annihilated, and the star sea storm that has collided fiercely. !

Super radiation is its cloak; the stream of high-energy particles is like a fiery snake dancing wildly around it; electric arcs that are thousands of kilometers long criss-cross before and after it, condensed into a deep piercing black wind fleet. sky Road!

This giant made up of star sea storms shreds the ripples of time and space, trampled on the road of lightning, spurted a stream of high-energy particles, and rushed to the highest point of the universe like a sea tornado, one hundred meters, one thousand meters, ten thousand meters One hundred thousand meters, leaving an indelible mark on every crystal eye, every monitoring magic weapon, and the depths of everyone’s pupils!

It was like invisible filaments, shot out of this giant, entwined in the starry sky battlefield around hundreds of thousands of kilometers, in everyone's heart.

Everyone clearly felt the suffocating psychic energy fluctuations, and even heard the "rumbling" footsteps of the giant trampling on lightning and stars in a trance.

Is it, is it an enemy or a friend? What is it!

This step is the drum of the whole army's charge, or is it a death knell for life and death?

Everyone was in extreme suffocation, waiting nervously and helplessly.

Ding Lingdang stared at the opponent's psionic radiation pattern scanned by Jing Brain.

For some reason, her heartbeat was getting faster and faster, her chest and cheeks were hot, her lips were tingling, and the fundus of her eyes and eyes were filled up involuntarily.

"Ding Dong! Ding Dong! Ding Dong! Ding Dong! Ding Dong!"

She seemed to hear blood hitting her eardrums, making the sound of wind chimes shaking.


Emergency information came from the highest command center.

When she saw the two words that were so familiar that she was almost unrecognizable, the wind bells in her ears suddenly became ten times denser, her nose seemed to be twisted, and tears could not help but burst into her eyes.

"You are finally back!"


"Finally back, luckily I arrived in time!"

Even with Xiao Hei's tight protection in the control cabin of the giant soldier "Nine Nether Profound Bones", Li Yao was still strongly interfered by the ripples of time and space, tearing countless muscles and blood vessels, bleeding from Qi orifices to a mess.

No way, in order to boost the morale of the entire army and create a gorgeous sound and light effect, he bit his scalp and broke into the center of the psychic ripples that had not yet been annihilated, and violently stirred the spiritual flames to fight against the heavens and the earth!

Although it has created the cool effect of "sparks with lightning all the way", he was also shocked by the backlash.

However, it's all worth it!

He didn't know how Ding Lingdang, Jin Xinyue, and thousands of EFF soldiers did it, but they actually resisted the Black Wind Fleet that had been strengthened by the extraterrestrial demons for so long, miraculously persisting. When the twelve ancient sages are strong, the twelve giant soldiers are coming!

"Thank you, Jin Xinyue, Guochunfeng, Wumayan, Ding Lingdang... and everyone, thank you for bringing me this ‘miracle’. Now, let me give you a new miracle!

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!"

The giant soldier "Nine Nether Profound Bones" uttered a silent scream, and the super-radiation and high-energy particle stream that swayed around the body was like a prominence burst, instantly expanding and brightening ten times, leaving a near-blank trail in the dark universe. A huge silhouette of pure white!

The three unfortunate imperial starships were just on the path of Li Yao.

They were originally torn apart by the hyper-space shock caused by the collapse of the wormhole, riddled with holes and precarious, and "huhu" sprayed flames out through the cracks of the hull.

There was no time to dodge, so he was caught by the Nine You Profound Bone's psychic magnetic field, sucked into the attack range, and instantly exploded, turning into three bright fireballs behind the Nine You Profound Bone.

Under the shining moment of the fireball, some of the imperial starships that were relatively close finally scanned the full picture of the black skull giant soldier like the king of the Nine Yous.

"Didi, Didi, Didi."

The crystal brain of Jiuyou Xuangu found a new communication channel access request.

Judging from the secret pattern sent by the other party, it was the password they had agreed upon when they were in the Baihua Star Region.

A hundred years later, who will be the first to talk to yourself? Will it be...she?

Li Yaoqiang endured his excitement and issued a trembling spirit, connecting the Lingwang ports of both parties together.

"Li Yao!"

Ding Ling's sound suddenly shook the eardrum, nerve endings, cerebral cortex and the depths of the soul, and at the same time stirred up a thunderstorm.

Even when he bit his scalp and broke into the center of the ripples of time and space, Li Yao never felt so suffocated.

He is a dignified ancestor of Yuan Ying, the Supreme Being of the Three Realms. At this moment, his eyes and nose are a bit of flooding. He took a deep breath and reminded himself that he must be stretched and put on a "glorious return" posture. Don't make any **** scenes like tears raining and crying.

Li Yao forced himself to pull the corners of his mouth and laughed loudly: "My wife, I'm back, am I happy or excited?"

Ding Lingdang was silent for a while, probably so excited that her nose bubbled out, and even her voice became a little weird: "Uh..."

"Don't say anything, wife, I know you!"

Even people like Ding Lingdang would be silent. Li Yao thought of his wife’s tears streaming down his face at this moment, and he became so excited that he couldn’t help himself. He endured the thunder in his chest, and said quickly, "I know you want to kill me. Why don't you think you want to die and burn yourself? But now is not the time when your children are in love, you first step aside and recharge your energy, your husband will explode all these immortals or extraterritorial demon as quickly as possible. After we finish cooking these offal, let's resist the lingering and intestinal wars. I have a great road for a whole hundred years, and I want to discuss it with you in depth!"

Ding Lingdang: "Don't, stop talking!"

Li Yao: "Hey, there is something weird, you are not my wife! My wife is obviously a hero of the female middle school, passionate and unrestrained, like a wolf like a tiger, when did she become so shy?"

Ding Lingdang: "I'm your wife, but this is not a point-to-point single line communication channel. Just now I have opened the communication port here to all our troops on the battlefield, and all the Union forces can hear the two of us. dialogue."

Li Yao: "..."

Ding Lingdang: "Hey, Li Yao, can you hear me?"

Li Yao: "Sizzling rustling."

Ding Lingdang: "Li Yao! Li Yao!"

Li Yao: "What are you talking about, I can't hear it. Just now, it seems that an extraterritorial demon invaded my spiritual web and made some messy noises, but it has been killed by me! Now is the real me talking, wife, What are you talking about?"

Ding Lingdang: "...Your gorgeous return has already shocked the audience. Everyone can't wait to hear the voice of'Three Realms Supreme, Vulture Li Yao'. Now, what do you want to say to the soldiers of the entire Federation Army? "

Li Yao: "The military situation is urgent. What else is there to say? I hate people who have to chirp and talk before they do it! The soldiers of the Federal Army, I am the'Vulture Li Yao', not the'Three Realms Supreme', it's just An ordinary one of you! Don’t say anything, let us fight side by side and move towards the enemy’s flagship Black Maelstrom. Every explosion you see is the sound I make!"


This week, I would like to thank all the enthusiastic book lovers, such as "Yun Shu Wu Lian Ci", "Dream No Blue Sky", "Tang An Lan", "Kai Tian Shen Jiang", etc. for their rewards. Everyone's support is the greatest advancement of Lao Niu. Motivation, let us fight side by side and move forward in great strides!

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