40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1831: Endless burning clash!

The road of lightning in front of the Nine Nether Profound Bones turned into a flashing spear, ramming in the depths of the Black Wind Fleet, invincible.

However, all the Imperial Crystal Armor and Space Shuttle that were directly swept by this flash spear will explode directly. Even if the Imperial Starship is more than one kilometer in length and protected by psychic shields and multiple composite armors, they will be embarrassed and fled eastward. Go west, avoid the edge!

The imperial starships that were not affected by the wormhole collapse farther away could no longer take care of the enemies in front of them, and they all changed directions. In an instant, tens of thousands of beams of light and psionic missiles rushed towards Li Yao's direction.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

Sound cannot be transmitted in a vacuum, but when tens of thousands of huge **** of light expand to the limit at the same time and converge into an ocean of light, the eardrums and hearts of everyone on the battlefield are still rippled by the frantically surging spiritual energy. A loud and deafening noise.

The hearts of all the Federal Army and the cultivators were severely twisted, and I wonder if Li Yao can survive such a devastating blow.

But in the next second, the psychic violent wave set off by the Black Wind Fleet was suppressed by twelve more intense spiritual flames. Compared with the twelve spiritual flames that burned through the sky, there were tens of thousands of psychic powers just now. The explosion of the missile was all overshadowed!

The fireball was annihilated, the streamer fluttered, and the Nine Nether Profound Bone stepped on the stars, tearing the layers of flames, and stepping out step by step, not only unscathed, but even because of the turbulence of countless psychic vortices all over the body, it became more clear Domineering!

Behind it, the other eleven psychic energy fluctuations with the same intensity slowly condensed into eleven huge demon gods, with unparalleled aura, instantly enveloping the entire star sea battlefield.

"Like, as powerful as him, there are still eleven!"

Regardless of the Federation or the Empire, everyone was demented.

Before they could react, the twelve giant soldiers had already turned into twelve lightning bolts, deeply inserted into the battlefield of the Black Wind Fleet from all angles. The speed was so fast that they could not be captured at all, let alone. Speaking clearly of their attack methods, only to see twelve lightning bolts galloping horizontally and invincibly, leaving behind a string of fireballs condensed into an explosion road!

Seeing that the incoming reinforcements were slapped back with a slap, and even the gate of the starry sky was destroyed, completely severing the hope of the reinforcements' arrival, the enemy suddenly appeared twelve such tyrannical giant soldiers-a cruel scene in front of them. , Severely ravaged the nerves of all the empire's soldiers, and was instigated by the extraterritorial celestial demon to kill and destroy, at this moment, they all turned into cold sweats.

The formation of the Black Wind Fleet began to scatter, like a tower built by matchsticks, and collapsed uncontrollably.

The imperial giant soldiers who are wrecking havoc in the Liaoyuan are all caught in a dilemma. I don’t know if they should return to the Black Maelstrom, and at least keep their flagship-even though the twelve giant soldiers that have newly joined the battlefield are smashed out. Judging from the psychic strength of the psychic, even if they rushed up, it would be more or less good.

The Federal Fleet is like a rainbow. No matter the command layer of the Liaoyuan, Silvermoon, and Infinite Burning, or the crystal armor attack group led by Ding Lingdang, or even thousands of ordinary soldiers, Li Yao and others are invincible. Encouraged by the picture, all of them were excited and excited.

There have been countless explosions in the depths of the Black Wind Fleet, a series of colorful **** of light shining on their retinas, and their limbs and the cerebral cortex seem to have exploded countless times, giving birth to a brand new force.

Everyone put in the last bit of psychic energy to stimulate the power rune to the limit. Millions of flames are like long spears, all aimed at the direction of the Black Wind fleet, go forward, forward, accelerate!

"The soldiers of the true human empire!"

Li Yao set the communication magic weapon of the Nine Nether Profound Bone into a full-band open mode, which is equivalent to broadcasting in the vacuum of the universe, and screamed at the entire star sea regardless of enemy and me, "Your only hope, that starry sky gate has been destroyed. , Part of the reinforcements were completely annihilated in the waves of the star sea storm, and the remaining reinforcements were also dozens of light years away. It was impossible to come to rescue you. Your plan was completely bankrupt, and you were in a disaster of extinction. There is only one dead end to escape!

"Look at the power of the Star Federation. If you really believe in the belief that the strong are respected, now is the time to put down your weapons and surrender to the real strong!

"You have brought such a heavy loss to the Federation. We never mind, and are absolutely capable of destroying you completely, but now there is a more insidious, more evil, and the same level as the Covenant League, and even surpasses the Holy League. Above, an enemy as powerful as the Pangu tribe, our common enemy, is hiding somewhere on the battlefield.

"That's an extraterritorial demon!

"Recall what happened just now. Do you feel that your desire for killing and destruction has inexplicably increased a lot? Do you find that your blood is stretched, your brain is burning, and you can hardly think? Control your mind!

"It is an extraterritorial celestial demon who is controlling this Xinghai Battle in the background. We are all its pawns. It wants to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. After we have all shed the last drop of blood, it will swallow us all!

"Now, your flagship Black Vortex has become the lair of the extraterritorial demon, and your commander, Hei Yeming, has also become the puppet of the extraterritorial demon, and even a part of the extraterritorial demon!

"Wake up, soldiers of the Imperial Army, stop making futile resistance, put down your weapons, and surrender!

"Don’t your true human empire claim to be the orthodox heir of the Xinghai Empire? The Xinghai Empire 10,000 years ago was perished in the hands of the heavenly demons outside the territory. If you still have the dignity and pride of the inheritors of the Xinghai Empire, Then open your eyes and see clearly, who is your enemy!"

Li Yao's voice, like a wave of thunder, spread rapidly on the starry sky battlefield.

"Exterior Demon..."

Not all imperial soldiers and soldiers could hear his "broadcast", but all the immortal practitioners who heard the "broadcast" had their eyes widened and fell silent.

No matter how cruel and evil the cultivators treat ordinary people, they are indeed very proud of their identity as "humans" and believe in that they are the supreme defenders of human civilization.

To some extent, cultivators are even more fanatical "human supremacists" than cultivators. This can be seen from the name of their country.

As the noble warriors of the true human empire, they believe in the purity of human beings. Even ordinary people without awakened spiritual roots are regarded as "primitives" by them, and they are expelled from the ranks of "real humans", the energy beings of the outer celestial demon. , The same thing as the ghost ghost, even more unable to coexist with the idea of ​​the cultivator, belong to the target to be severely beheaded.

"All of these are the conspiracy of the extraterritorial demon, have we fallen into a trap?"

The cultivators are not fools, and Lu Qingchen's manipulation just now did not leave a trace. When Li Yao said this, many cultivators were shocked and fell into contemplation.

On the Black Vortex, Li Yao's roar set off a stormy sea.


The atmosphere on the bridge almost solidified, and all the cultivators stared at Hei Yeming with incredible and creepy eyes, "You, what are you..."

Hei Yeming was silent for a long time, almost blending with his own shadow, staring at the Jiuyou Profound Gu on the monitoring light screen for a long time, and two words close to absolute zero were squeezed out between his teeth: "Li, Yao!"

Dark as ink gazes rushed to all the immortal cultivators around, wherever they looked, the air seemed to turn into a thick mud, drilling into the pores of every immortal cultivator.

Hei Yeming smiled gloomily, "A little bit of buggy tricks, such a childish provocation, scared you all into this way? I'm really disappointed in you..."

Before the words fell, the bridge suddenly violently oscillated. Everyone was unsteady and fell, and the master crystal brain issued a stern alarm, and dozens of monitoring light screens simultaneously appeared on the psychic shield. Condensed to the bow, a starship burning like a meteor rushing into the atmosphere.

Yes, "Burning" is its name. The flagship of the Great White Fleet, "Infinite Burning", took advantage of the fact that most of the Black Wind Fleet's power was attracted by twelve giant soldiers such as Li Yao, and the Black Vortex fell into a trap. When the instant stiffened, like a shadowless and invisible demon knife, it cut into the core defense layer, and slammed into the wound of the black whirlpool that had just been swallowed by the wormhole bomb!


The psionic shields of the two sides collided with the interference force field violently, smashing out thousands of sparks and arcs, and the lights on the bridge were flickering and dimming. A dozen light curtains were extinguished at the same time, and several psychic transmission pipelines burst together. , The fire extinguishing ice mist also sprayed out in an instant, shrouded the bridge in a cloud of white smoke, embarrassed to the extreme.

In terms of rank, the Black Vortex definitely surpasses the Infinite Burn.

But it was hit hard by a wormhole bomb just now, losing 20 to 30% of its mass. There was a shockingly huge wound on the side, which caused a deadly corner of the tightly defensive fire net that had covered the whole body, turning and avoiding it. The efficiency is also greatly reduced.

The huge body of the Infinite Burn is as dexterous as an ultra-lightweight cosmic war shuttle, sliding out an incredibly graceful arc, and getting in from the most tricky angle.

The psychic shields and interference field of the two sides held a stalemate for only a few seconds, and the defense layer of the Black Vortex above the wound collapsed, but the tail flame of the Infinite Burning was ejected to the limit, erupting hundreds of kilometers away.

Relying on such a strong push, it plunged deeply into the side of the Black Vortex, and one-third of the hull was buried in it, almost cutting off the black behemoth!

"Li Yao, don't think I don't exist!"

On the swaying bridge of the Infinite Burn, the white star sword in the driver's seat laughed.

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