40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1858: Between fate

That afternoon, a patter of rain began to fall, and the splashing rain flowers shrouded Federation Square in a misty ripple.

Even if you are in the war museum below the square, in the Hall of Heroes, you can hear the sound of rain coming from all directions.

The sound of the rain reminded people of the grass that broke out of the ground. Although immature, it was unstoppable.

The high obsidian walls surrounding the entire war museum are engraved with the names of tens of millions of heroes in dark gold ink.

At the end of the high wall, Li Yao had just engraved it, where there were still bursts of ink scent in the air. He found the name and also found a family of three who were paying homage to the heroic spirits and inputting information into the information database.

A woman with a thin face, plain dress, and somewhat indifferent and stubborn eyes; another man who was equally plain, slightly fat, and held his wife's shoulders all the time.

There was also a little boy with a tiger head and a tiger brain, with a bright light in his eyes, his head held high, his cheeks bulging, and he was counting. From top to bottom, there were so many names on the densely packed heroic wall.

On the heroic wall in front of a family of three, there are very simple words engraved on it:

"The EFF major, Herienlie."

When Li Yao found them, the woman happened to look back and saw him, her expression did not change, but her eyes flickered.

Although the two sides had communicated in advance, Li Yao still felt a little embarrassed and walked forward with a dry cough.

The man knows his identity, seemingly at a loss and faintly guarded; the little boy doesn't know who he is, blinking with big eyes that are somewhat similar to Herienlie, and looking at him curiously; the woman is generous, with her husband After confessing a few words, he patted his son's head again, and he invited Li Yao over to talk.

"You are Shen Wenyin, Ms. Shen?"

Li Yao said, "The outstanding contribution of Commander Herienliet in the Battle of the Stars a month ago has been confirmed in many ways. His brave and fearless charge made it possible for the Federal Army's wormhole bomb to detonate, and the successful delay was crucial. In two hours, we finally destroyed the Stargate of the Empire in one fell swoop.

"His father is the key to this battle, and is also the model and pride of thousands of federal forces. The evaluation of his military merits and posthumous ranks, as well as martyrs' treatment, etc., will soon have results.

"My father and I... can be regarded as old acquaintances. Now that I know that he still has blood inherited from him, it is reasonable and emotional, I want to tell you this personally.

When Shen Wenyin heard this silently, he bowed deeply, then looked at Li Yao seriously, and said with a hoarse voice: "Thank you, President Li, I thought you couldn't find me."

Li Yao smiled: "It's really hard to find. There is no information about Lingtang in the army. It seems that your father and Lingtang separated soon after getting along, and you took your mother's surname again. It took us a lot of work to inform you. ."

"I... didn't want to come."

Shen Wenyin looked at the family members of the victims who were paying homage to their relatives in the distance, and subconsciously fiddled with non-existent cigarettes with their fingers. After hesitating for a while, they hugged their arms and whispered, "Helianlie is not a good husband, let alone a good husband. I’m not a good father. I hate him. My mother and I hate him. I just want to run away from him and never see him again, even in this form."


Li Yao quickly blinked.

Although it was a little bit surprising, it was not surprising that it was combined with the evaluation of the "mad dog" Hellenlie in the army collected in the past month.

Shen Wenyin stared at Li Yao with complicated eyes: "Chairman Li wants to know about my family's affairs, about Helianlie? In fact, it is nothing special. It is nothing more than a scarred, lonely and crazy man, and a man who has seen too much romance. Novels, full of naive fantasies, are common stories among stupid women who think they can'save' this man.

"It's just that the silly women in the story can often untie the deepest knot in the heart of the man who has been hurt before, and live happily ever after, but the real world..."

She smiled and touched her chapped lips, seeming to put a non-existent cigarette to her mouth.

Li Yao was silent for a moment, and whispered: "I have heard from colleagues and psychologists in the army that Major Helianlie seems to be troubled by a serious mental illness. There are not only the factors of battlefield syndrome, but also the strong stimulation in the early stage. For...I'm sorry."

Shen Wenyin was startled slightly and laughed blankly: "President Li, why do you have to say sorry to me? He is too narrow-minded and can't get it out of the horns. What does it have to do with others?"

Li Yao said, "That’s what I said, but I always have a strange feeling. I can’t talk about guilt. It’s just that I’ve never thought before that people like Helianlie will start a family and have their own. Feelings, anger, sorrow, joy and pursuit of ideals will be like this... a heroic sacrifice."

Shen Wenyin raised his eyebrows, watching Li Yao's eyes become more surprised and puzzled, and couldn't help saying: "Chairman Li, you and the'Vulture Li Yao' in books, news, and various publicity and entertainment works. The children are not like them. If it weren’t for a lot of people from the Secret Sword Bureau or some secret service department, they talked to me for a long time, and checked the things I carried with me dozens of times. I would doubt if you were a fake. Up."

Li Yao also laughed, scratching his nose and said: "Since my identity was exposed, it seems that everyone who has seen me has said so. When everyone talks about it, even I almost think I am a counterfeit."

Shen Wenyin held back a laugh, let out a long suffocation, and said: "Actually, I also have a very weird feeling now. The things I have thought about for decades have turned into reality, but they are so illusory, dreamy and illusory. It doesn't seem to be true.

"Did you know, President Li, there was a time when I hated you very, very, very much-that is, Helian Lie had over-practised and was confused, crying and vomiting while holding his belly and rushing at me? When yelling and yelling with my mother, fangs and claws like a brute.

"At that time, I was five or six years old, six or seven years old. I barely knew a few things. I also came into contact with the original legend of'Vulture Li Yao' from all sides. I also knew how my father played a role in that legend. Disgraceful character.

"Of course I can't say that you did something wrong. Everything is on his own account. You are absolutely right, and you are also a victim.

"However, when Hellenlie tortured himself and us so hard that everyone could hardly survive, I, a six or seven-year-old girl, would always be thinking about it, if there was no one like you, I would never There is no "Vulture Li Yao", and Helianlie has not suffered such lessons and changes. Will his destiny, my mother's destiny and my destiny be completely different? Can I live like other children? It has to be a little bit more ordinary, a little more relaxed?

"At least, when other kids are playing the "War Game", they will pretend to be my dad being beaten by you over and over again, until he vomits, and then chase my **** to learn the sound of my dad's vomiting!

"The sound of a dozen or so children learning from my father’s vomiting together, and haunting me until a long time later, I, I can even tolerate what Helianlie did to me and my mother, but I just can’t bear that. The deliberately pretended vomiting sound, at the most extreme time, I thought of death, ninety-seven times."

Li Yao blushed and said, "I'm sorry, I don't think there was a mistake in what I did at the time, but if I was given another chance, I might choose another, more...controllable method."

Shen Wenyin laughed again with a calm face, as if telling another person's story: "President Li, you must not change your mind, otherwise it will be bad.

"I have cursed myself, cursed you, cursed Helianlie, and even cursed my mother countless times. Why do I curse the **** fate to make such a big joke with me?

"But one day, when the best thing in the world happened to me, when I met another big man, and later... I had a little man again, I suddenly felt the little things that happened to me in the past. Di, and even all the good or bad things that happened in this world before I was born, have their meaning.

"The whole point of these things is that when I walked to the middle of the road on that icy morning, I slipped and fell severely, making half of my body numb and unable to get up for a long time, and then all the past came to my mind. It made me completely collapsed, crying like a child, and dimly.

"Because I was crying so thinly, the stupid man who was standing next to your right hand and was secretly watching us noticed and stumbled over to help me.

"Until now, I still remember that I pushed him away, crying and saying a very stupid thing, I said,'Go away, my father is Helianlie', he was pushed so that he was sitting on the ground. After touching his head for a long time, he gasped in his mouth and asked, "Who is Helianlie?"

"Hehe, I have imagined 10,000 times what the world would be like without you, but if'Vulture Li Yao' had never beaten Helianlie, his fate was completely changed, and he would not meet my mother, even if I met, as he was a good-looking son, and it was impossible to have the slightest intersection with my mother, so I wouldn't be born at all.

"Even if I was born and raised in another mysterious and mysterious way, I would not be able to walk through the cold streets of that planet in the early hours of that winter. Will not cry like a fool.

"Then, I won't know him, and I won't own him. They, our family of three are like soap bubbles every day when we are together. They disappear without a trace with a'pop'. I just think of it. Scared to death.

"So, President Li, destiny is such a wonderful thing. If it weren't for the conflict between you and Helianlie back then, not only would I not appear in this world, but even this stubborn, crawling little guy would not. Born!"

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