40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1859: Home, just ahead! (End of Rise)

Li Yao didn't expect so many stories to happen to Helianlie's daughter, and these stories even have an incomparably wonderful connection with his own choices in the past.

He also thought of Ding Lingdang’s speech in the morning. Of course, most of the content of the speech was processed and polished by others. There is only one sentence that Ding Lingdang insisted on keeping:

"No one is a self-sufficient island. The fate of all people... are connected in some wonderful way."

Shen Wenyin’s eyes were originally a little indifferent, but now it was like a frozen lake being wrinkled by the spring breeze, and it became soft and warm. There was a radiance of happiness on her face, and she whispered softly: "When I saw it for the first time When the sun shone on that little furry head, I was reconciled with my destiny.

"I still hate Helianlie, but I no longer hate other people, no longer hate myself, hate my mother, hate you.

"When I was sixteen or seventeen, I used to think about seeing you one day. At that time, I vowed to spit on your face to show my disdain and resistance to'Vulture Li Yao', but now I don't want to talk anymore—especially when facing such a Li Yaoshi, who is completely different from what I imagined.

"I have so many precious things to love, enjoy, and guard. How can I continue to hate with so much time and energy?"

When Li Yao heard this, he breathed in relief, as if a heavy rock fell to the ground in his heart.

Shen Wenyin smiled: "Chairman Li, is there anything else? If not, we will have to catch the last floating boat home. Thank you again for your notice. That's good. Finally, I and Helian Lie, do a break!"

Li Yao moved in his heart and said, "The reason why Major Helianlie made his heroic sacrifice may also have some factors to protect you. Wouldn't your hatred for him be reduced a bit because of this?"

Shen Wenyin shook his head and said: "I know him, and I can guarantee that at the last moment of his life, even if he thinks of you, he may not think of me and my mother.

"I hate him, and I will hate it forever, just as his hatred for you will never die.

"However, I remember that when he was a child when he was over-cultivating, approaching madness, roaring like a beast, he would say that one day he would do a great and vigorous thing, so that my mother and I would look at each other differently. , So that the entire Federation is proud of him.

"At that time, this kind of crazy talk of the loser made me hate it to the extreme, trembling with anger, nauseous and nauseous.

"I didn't expect him to succeed. He really fulfilled his previous promise and really...reversed his destiny.

"I still hate him, but I have to admit that I misunderstood him. He is not a loser. At least at the last moment of life, he is a true hero. I made a special trip to apologize to him today, maybe for a long time. Before, when no one believed him, as his daughter, I should trust him more or less, trust him once."

After saying this, Shen Wenyin bowed deeply to Li Yao, turned and walked towards her husband and son.

"Ms. Shen."

Li Yao thought for a while and raised his voice, "This is my contact method. I heard that Ling Lang has a good cultivation talent. If there is any help, please don't be polite, just ask me directly."

Shen Wenyin paused, did not look back, and did not want to contact Li Yao, waved her hand and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but forget it. Although my son and I are not surnamed'Helian', we are both in our bodies. With the blood of the Helian family flowing, the people of the Helian family can live very well even without the help of'Vulture Li Yao'."

A family of three, supporting each other, drifted away and disappeared in the misty rain at the entrance of the War Museum.


In the middle of the night, on a floating ship across the mainland, most of the passengers had fallen asleep.

Shen Wenyin is still stroking a three-dimensional photo that is not very clear-the uniform of Helianlie in the photo is straight, and even the face has been carefully modified. There are not too many scars and traces of madness. There is a person beside him. The older and the younger two look alike women. That is the beginning of fate. Both the woman and the girl laughed very brightly, as if they were frozen in a happy moment forever.

Shen Wenyin looked obsessively, two crystals gradually gathered in his eye sockets.

At this moment, the son who was not asleep, was watching the video secretly, touched her gently: "Mom, look at it, it looks like the uncle in the daytime!"

Shen Wenyin was startled slightly, and found that his son Jingnao was playing a late-night talk show that was very popular throughout the Federation. It was known for its spicy style, outspokenness, real-time interaction and frequent invitations to big-name guests. Not only did it have a federation. The head of the top five hundred sects, and even the Federal Speaker, appeared in the interview to show all the audience the other side of the supreme leader.

At this moment, sitting across from the witty and wise host who is full of silver threads is Li Yao.

He was wearing an iron-gray robe. He didn't have a lofty, domineering posture, but he was not overly casual, making everyone feel very relaxed, as if he was an ordinary member of everyone.

When Shen Wenyin saw it, the host no longer knew what question was asked. Li Yao leaned forward with a sincere expression and talked freely:

"...Perhaps everyone has placed too many unrealistic fantasy and too beautiful personality on me, and regarded me as some kind of lofty and brilliant symbol, a hope that will never be destroyed.

"It's like the host asked me just now, what is it like to turn the tide at the end of the day?

"But the truth is not like this. I don't have any special feelings, because I was not the one who turned the tide at this moment.

"If I have to say what I feel, it is that I once again truly realize that war cannot be won by one person, and civilization cannot be built by one person.

"The'Three Realms Supreme, Vulture Li Yao' that has formed a stereotype in everyone's mind does not exist. I am another person who is completely different from propaganda.

"But the hope, belief, and power represented by the'Three Realms Supreme, Vulture Li Yao' are real, not just for me, but also for all the Federation Army and practitioners; for the sake of their homes and relatives. , Those who dare to face fate; on all of you, in the deepest part of your soul.

"That's why I am only willing to appear on this show today to show you the power of this kind of power.

"Just half an hour of a program is naturally not enough. So in the next stage, our'Yoshih Group' will publish a new biography. I am willing to talk to you all about the real Li Yao. , And what is the world in Li Yao's eyes? This can be regarded as an advertisement for me in advance.

"However, compared to my own story, I want to tell you some other stories, some fighting against my own destiny, true legends of heroes.

"I want to tell you the story of the real Jin Tuyi, who was once a notorious war criminal.

"I want to tell you the story about Boss Bai, who was the king of the spider's nest star in the past.

"I also want to tell you the story of thousands of EFF officers and soldiers like Major Helenlie...

"These stories are not necessarily as thrilling and bizarre as the stories you have heard in the past. There are still a lot of gray or even black, which is unacceptable and will tarnish the glorious image of the Star Federation.

"But I still want to tell them all, just because they are all true.

"I think that the true rise of a country or civilization may not lie in how many victories it has won, how many fleets and powerhouses it has, and how many worlds it has conquered, but rather whether its government has sufficient confidence and courage. To disclose all the truth, and whether its people have enough courage and reason to accept it?

"Today, a hundred years later, the Star Federation has risen-I firmly believe this!"

When Shen Wenyin saw this, tears from the corners of her eyes finally couldn't help but quietly flow down.

But the little boy immediately noticed her strangeness, put down his brain, and shook her arm anxiously: "Mom, what's the matter with you? Dad!"

"It's nothing, don't wake your father, he has been tired all day."

Shen Wenyin gave a "hush", touched his son's warm head, and said softly, "Xiaohui, do you want to know your grandpa's story?"

The little boy was stunned, showing a look of joy, and nodded vigorously: "Think, think, I asked my mother in the war museum during the day. Mother didn't say anything. Of course I want to know!

"By the way, even big heroes like'Vulture Li Yao' come to see his mother during the day. Is he here for grandpa? Are he and grandpa good friends?

"I understand. Grandpa must be his old comrade-in-arms. The two once fought side by side, slaying demons and slaying demons together, defending the Federation, right?"

Shen Wenyin smiled, leaned on the back of the chair, closed his eyes lightly, and muttered: "That is a long, long, long time ago story, but it doesn't matter. Mom has a lot, a lot, a lot of time, and you can tell it slowly. listen."


The tiger-headed, tiger-brained little man lay on his mother's legs, first took a piece of paper and wiped the corners of her eyes, and said seriously: "Then mother don't cry, although grandpa is not there, there are still me and dad, no matter what What happens, my father and I will definitely protect my mother!"

Shen Wenyin's nose was sore, she couldn't help but open her eyes again, but her eyes were attracted by the little reflections outside the window. They were slowly passing by over a big brightly lit city.


The little boy opened his eyes wide, "Are you home?"

"not yet."

Shen Wenyin hugged her son and smiled from the bottom of her heart, "But it's not far away, home... is just ahead."

[Volume 5, Rise, End]

The sixth volume, the empire, is about to debut!

Next volume preview:

Boss Bai: "The empire is in the front, the treasure is in the front, the inheritance is in the front, the great white star thief group, attack!"

Li Yao: "I'm going to the Empire, all the secrets are there!"

Long Yangjun: "Empire... really interesting."

Ding Lingdang: "Li Yao, wait for me, I also want to go to the empire and blow the emperor's head!"

Wenwen and Xiaoming: "Don't be afraid of rain or snow. We are going to the empire to find dad!"

Federation powerhouse, ancient sage powerhouse, holy alliance, heavenly demons... Powerhouses from all walks of life: "Empire! Empire!"

Real Human Empire: "Khan, I suddenly feel a lot of pressure..."

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