40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1868: Aboard the Greed Wolf

If the Tianyuan Realm is regarded as an infinitely extending sphere, then Xiao Ming and Wenwen choose the end that is farthest from the battlefield and the sparsest federal and imperial starships, slowly nurturing their brand new bodies.

On the other side of the sphere facing them, in the past three months and the next three months, there have been countless pursuits, escapes, bloodshed, explosions, conspiracies, betrayals, surrenders, and desperate resistance, countless starship explosions. The afterglow eclipsed the light of the heavens and stars.

After half a year of deep-space voyages or rushing away, the imperial arsenal ship "Greed Wolf" has completely turned into a mourning dog.

The vast majority of its psionic missiles have been exhausted long ago, leaving behind empty, honeycomb-like magazines.

The densely packed turrets also swayed, or after being fired repeatedly, they melted into twists.

The superalloy armor is mottled, and melting explosion craters and meteorite holes are exposed in many places. The ugly colorful, it is like a mangy dog ​​with a skin disease.

The dysfunctional psychic shield, coupled with the intermittent, coughing and asthmatic tail flames, formed this majestic star-sea giant ship in the past, and now it is extremely desolate.

The Xinghai mapping and positioning magic weapons, as well as the ultra-long-distance communication system were all severely damaged, so that they did not know where they were, and it was difficult for them to communicate with other "lost dogs" around them, and at least they gathered into an offensive and defensive fleet.

Xinghai Jumping magic weapon has also failed and is undergoing emergency repairs, but even if the repairs are completely new, they lack the energy to drive Xinghai Jumping magic weapon.

Even if-they can still grab enough energy, where can they jump?

This is the general status quo of the imperial arsenal ship "Greed Wolf", or thousands of imperial starships that are still unwilling to surrender and are still drifting in the sea of ​​stars.

On the messy bridge of the Greed Wolf, the lights are extremely dim, and the light curtains seem to be lit by something, crazily twisting and jumping. From time to time, there are a few light curtains in the corner, after a strong jump. , Turned into a piece of black, completely useless.

The bridge was lifeless, one-third of the workbenches were empty, and there were still suspicious spots resembling blood mixed with brains on the ground. Everyone who shuttled on the bridge looked like walking corpses, silently waiting for the real death to come.


There was a suspicious explosion from the stern of the ship, which continuously hit the gate of the bridge like a dull sea, the light curtain flickered desperately, and hundreds of parameters representing the power of the Greed Wolf fell like a cliff.

The captain of the Greed Wolf is a standard imperial soldier, an immortal cultivator of the Jindan series, tall, strong, with deep eye sockets, a high nose, and a classical statue with the majesty of a giant.

However, the loyal and dedicated captain of the Empire, after seeing another shocking explosion in the power cabin, could only squint his scarlet eyes, except for a few insidious anger jets from the depths of the eye sockets. Outside, there is nothing to do.

Suddenly, the head of the power cabin and the chief mate, who was covered with oil and scorched their hair and eyebrows, climbed to the bridge with rolling.

"Reported to the captain that there was another serious explosion in the power cabin. The power units No. 4 and No. 5 were all damaged, and the No. 6 power unit was also affected. According to preliminary estimates, we lost another 13.5% of power, which is not conventional. The sailing speed cannot be increased, and the support for the defensive shield and the psychic field is greatly reduced!"

"is it."

The captain smiled gloomily, "How about the casualties?"

Power cabin main pipeline: "Because it was discovered in time, the casualties were not serious, and only three slave soldiers were killed."

"Only three?"

The captain said lightly, "Then, draw a hundred more slave soldiers out of the power cabin and put them to death, in order to behave like you!"


The power cabin supervisor and chief mate were all dumbfounded, looking at each other, unable to speak a word.

"Don't understand, you two idiots!"

The captain rushed into the crown with an expression like a demon, he slapped the console vigorously, and roared, "Such a serious explosion. I was reimbursed for two main power units at once, and only three slave soldiers died? How could it be possible! At least thirty or fifty slaves will be killed in such an accident. Are they unpredictable prophets this time?

"It's very simple. These slave soldiers who are greedy for life and fear of death, primitive people who are even more inferior than pigs and dogs, are their ghosts. They deliberately moved their hands and feet in the power cabin to slow us down and let us be caught by the Federation. People catch up!

"Have you never heard of the confederate propaganda of the Federation? Don’t you know that the primitive slave soldiers on our ship are all about to move. They have all been fooled by the Federation, forgetting the glory of the empire and human civilization, and forgetting that they are the fuel. Sacred mission and obligation!

"These shameless people think that if they have the head of the Federation, they can change their bodies and become some kind of first-class people!

"They have been conspiring on the ship for a long time. Do you really think I am a dead person and don't know anything? No, I just want to find their leader and kill them all!

"But this does not mean that I will tolerate all their sabotage and passive sabotage, no, never!

"We must repair the power unit and the Xinghai Jumping magic weapon as soon as possible, and then find a way to get enough fuel. Perhaps a hundred corpses of the same kind can make these pigs and dogs tighten their bones a bit and figure out what they are!

"Furthermore, the food on the ship is seriously inadequate. Even the cultivators can't meet the daily consumption of cultivation. There is no need to keep so many pigs and dogs that waste food. It is enough to keep their number at the minimum enough to make the starship operate normally .

"Go ahead, freeze the corpse after the treatment is complete, in case you need it."

When the words of the captain heard the sorrow between the lines, as well as the chief mate and the power cabin supervisor of the immortal cultivator, they all shuddered.

After a moment of silence, the first officer took a half step forward and bowed his head and said: "Captain, regarding the news we received from the Green Island, the Green Island has put together a large-scale fleet to allow all nearby empires. The starships all rushed to the past round..."

"That matter, don't talk about it, it's just a trap."

The captain said with red eyes, "Mate Fang, you and Director Qin are both from the Black Wind Realm and are the most authentic Black Wind people. Naturally, the survival of the Black Wind Fleet is in the highest interest.

"But don't forget, nearly half of the people on our ship and in the entire Black Wind fleet are not from the Black Wind Realm, but from the other four smaller realms that we have annexed.

"Do you really think that when there is no doubt that death will come, will these four small realms still be loyal to the Black Wind Fleet and the Empire?

"Hmph, let's analyze the battle situation afterwards, and everything is very clear. It was the squadrons from the four small realms that collapsed first, which led to the disintegration of the entire battle formation!

"After that, many starships in these four small realms even chose to surrender to the barbarians of the Xingyao Federation in a despicable manner. Isn't this all clearly stated in the Federation's deceitful propaganda?

"The integrated supply ship'Green Island' originally came from one of the four small realms, the Fire Spider Realm. More than 70% of the ship was fire spider people. Now, I can't believe them. Who knows if they have surrendered to the Federation. But is it attracting us continuously to the pockets of the Federation?

"Or, they haven't surrendered to the Federation, but they have lost a ‘voting certificate.’ They just want to use the heads of our black wind people as a great contribution in exchange for their future in the Federation!

"Don't worry about them, we still have to find a way to repair the facilities, and then jump behind the brown dwarf 94532, and join the large forces, or simply jump back to the empire homeland!"


Deputy Fang and Director Qin stood at attention, and at the same time stretched out their arms to salute the Imperial Army.

When the two were about to leave the bridge, a Lingbo probe on the workbench suddenly exclaimed.

The first officer rushed over and exclaimed: "Report the captain. At a distance of three hundred light seconds from us, we found a starship of our army. Judging from the other's spirit wave form, it should be a god. Shield ship!"


Captain Huo Ran got up, his eyes glowed, "Get closer to this Aegis ship, send out a distress signal, and then accidentally sink it, you can get enough repair materials and fuel to support us to start a super long-range star sea jump!"

"Yes, Captain, come and see..."

Chief Officer Fang made a gesture of "please", but Chief Qin, who was in charge of the power cabin, did not leave, but followed the captain.

The captain didn't doubt that he was there, so he poked his head toward the light curtain.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred!

Chief Officer Fang and Director Qin took action at the same time. Several soldiers operating at the desk also flew over, but more soldiers were watching from a distance with cold eyes. Some even closed the gate of the bridge directly to prevent the outside world from knowing the situation inside the bridge. .


The captain uttered an earth-shattering roar.

It's a pity that since he can act as a captain, most of his time and energy are naturally spent on how to control the starship. He has the cultivation base of the Golden Core Realm, but he is a management-type immortal cultivator.

It is the first officer, usually responsible for managing the deck, and occasionally flying out of the starship with the commando to kill the enemy. The repair base is slightly inferior to the captain, and the combat effectiveness is slightly more dominant.

Coupled with the assistance of the power cabin supervisor who is also the Core Formation Cultivator, and the assistance of several other cultivators who are proficient in combat, they came by surprise, prepared, and prepared all kinds of offensive and imprisoning magic weapons.

In the blink of an eye, three or five transparent holes were burned between the captain's chest and abdomen, and they were firmly suppressed with restraints. After being **** like a pig, they were thrown to the ground.


When everyone brought down the captain, it was as if they had removed a large stone that was suppressed in their hearts. Their chests rose and fell, and they panted quickly. When they looked at each other, their eyes became clearer and firmer, as if they were saying, "Finally, both ended."

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