40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1869: Di Feiwen

"Asshole, what are you doing!"

The captain was furious, struggling desperately like a prawn thrown into a hot pot, his face was full of teeth, and he wanted to rush up to bite Chief Mate Fang and Director Qin, "You bastards, do you want to betray the empire too? You are black wind people, black wind cultivators!"

"Save your saliva, my captain, what about the black wind people?"

Chief Officer Fang sat down on the captain's chair, crossed his fingers, and said gloomily, "After the Black Wind Realm was occupied by the Holy League, the Greed Wolf became the only home for all of us. We can't just watch. If you destroy this home, let alone let so many people on the entire starship follow you to death."

"Betrayal, shameless betrayal!"

The captain cursed at himself, "You traitors without bones, don't you even forget the dignity and pride of the immortal cultivators? Are you going to fight with the cartilage of the four small worlds, or are you going to be like the pigs and dogs? The primitive people, in the same way?"

"We don't want to betray you. As long as you agree to our request, you will still be the captain of the Greed Wolf."

Qin’s main channel in the power cabin, “We can’t kill the primitive slave soldiers, let alone treat them as... food reserves. This is clearly stated in the “Letter of Persuasion to Surrender” that the Federation has sent over and over again. Any empire. Starship, if you dare to execute a primitive soldier for any reason, such as'the situation is critical', all the immortal cultivators on that entire starship will be finished. After we are captured by the Federation, none of them will be immortal cultivators. Let it go!"

"Does this scare you?"

The captain's eyes widened, he was about to turn all his internal organs into pus and blood, screaming at the faces of the two traitors, "We will never be caught by the Federation. Before they find us, we can repair the starship. Get enough fuel to start the star sea jump and escape back to the empire homeland!"

In response to the captain's stubbornness, Chief Officer Fang and Director Qin sighed at the same time.

"Leave aside, what is the probability that we can grab enough fuel; not to mention how far the devastated "Greed Wolf" can safely jump in the four-dimensional space without entering the dock for a complete overhaul. , Will it be completely torn into pieces..."

Mr. Fang said very calmly, "Leave aside all technical issues, even if we really succeed in jumping back to the empire, what?

"This is not the first time we have suffered a fiasco, but the second time. Is it the second time in a row in just a hundred years? It is still defeated by a group of barbarians at the Star Beach.

"Whether you admit it or not, the glory, pride, and bargaining chips of the Black Wind people are all gone, nothing left!

"In the fiasco a hundred years ago, we lost our homeland, the Black Wind Realm, but at any rate there is still a large-scale fleet with well-earned soldiers; today, a hundred years later, our fleet is all in stray ground. Run out of food and become a dog of the mourning family!

"Such a bereaved dog, even if it returns to the mainland of the empire, can it still rebuild the glory of the Black Wind Fleet under the eyes of the emperor, princes, and warlords?

"Impossible. Our only end is to be completely divided by many warlords, and to live a life of surrender, displacement, dignity and freedom, and one day, on a vicious battlefield of nine deaths, we will be consumed as cannon fodder. This is simply Yes, what do you think?"

The captain was panting heavily, staring at the first officer with hatred from the bottom of his eyes.

Chief Officer Fang continued to say calmly: "If you are really thinking about the glory of the Black Wind people, then you have a better chance of staying in the Star Beach. At least here, the remnants of the Black Wind Fleet can barely make up for it. With some bargaining chips used in the game, you can bargain with the Federation.

"The Federation also said in the book of persuasion to surrender. Although the Black Wind Fleet is coming fiercely, everyone has only fought in the stars. We haven't had time to do anything to occupy the planets and slaughter civilians, and we don't owe too much. Blood debt.

"They can even reach a peace agreement in the blood demon world that has been fighting each other for hundreds of years, making the demon clan an important member of the new federation, at least it is unlikely to kill us all-as long as we don't do anything stupid.

"Captain, do you know Heiyelan this woman, now the Federation put her on the table as a puppet, although it has the meaning of controlling the Black Wind fleet through her, but it also proves our importance to the Federation.

"Think about it, the collision between the Federation, the Empire, and the Holy League is inevitable. In the Federation, our remnants will still have something to do with their defeat. But in the Empire, we are the bereaved dogs who have failed twice in a row. Not anymore!

"Where to go, isn't the answer very obvious?"

The captain gritted his teeth and squeezed out six words from his teeth: "We are immortal cultivators!"

"Isn’t this the iron law of the immortal cultivator?"

Deputy Fang said, "We were uprightly defeated by the Federation in the Battle of Xinghai. How powerful the opponent's giant soldiers headed by'Nine Nether Profound Bone' and'Great Flame Dragon Sparrow' are, you have also seen it with your own eyes, at least At present, the Federation is the strong. Isn't it justified to obey them temporarily?"

Chief Officer Fang squatted down beside the opponent's head and looked at the captain coldly.

The captain was silent for a long time, took a deep breath, and slapped a **** sputum on the first officer's face: "Bah!"

Mate Fang took out a delicate handkerchief, slowly wiped the saliva from his face, then pulled out the arrow-burst gun from his waist, and pressed it against the captain’s temple. The force was so powerful that it almost pierced the opponent’s bones: " Your subordinates understand your position, do you have anything else to say, Master Captain?"

The captain looked at the traitor awe-inspiringly, took a deep breath, and shouted hoarsely: "Long live the black wind, the real human empire is -"


Before he finished speaking, Mate Fang pulled the trigger.

As thousands of electric arcs burst out, most of the head suddenly burst open, and various tissues and liquids smashed into the air, covering the ground three meters away in the form of a fan.

"Clean up."

Chief Officer Fang frowned slightly and said with a gesture, "It said that the captain insisted on going his own way and insisted that we execute the order to'kill a hundred innocent sailors', and even if we refused to follow it, we even had to deal with our military law. We were forced to stand up and rebelled. In a self-defense counterattack, we missed and killed the captain and seized control of the'Greed Wolf'."


Several members on the bridge did not even look at the corpse on the ground that had lost half of their head. They saluted the first officer, turned and hurried away.

"The communication with the'Green Island' is still smooth, right?"

Director Qin in the power cabin rubbed his hands and hesitated, "Is there any latest news?"

"Still the same, dozens of starships surrendered, and hundreds of starships ignorant of current affairs were sunk."

Chief Officer Fang sighed, "By the way, it is said that after the Battle of Xinghai, the'Vulture Li Yao' who has not appeared in deep space has returned with the giant soldier'Nine Nether Profound Bones', and it has become more battle than Xinghai. Time is more powerful.

"He seems to regard the starry sky as his own training ground, using those imperial starships that have resisted to the end to cultivate new supernatural powers. The number of imperial starships destroyed by him alone has reached fifty."

"Five, fifty?"

Director Qin was dumbfounded, "So exaggerated?"

"Anyway, the latest version of the federal surrender statement says so, I don't think they have to lie."

Mr. Fang smiled bitterly, "Think about it. How can a starship that is riddled with holes, run out of ammunition and food, and loses power, can compete with the giant soldiers? Not to mention the vulture Li Yao's giant soldiers, he is... …"

After a pause, Mate Fang revealed a frightened light in his eyes, and said softly, "Among the army, kill our commander of Dark Yeming!"

Director Qin swallowed hardly: "Then, let's move closer to the'Green Island' as soon as possible!"

"Yes, move closer to the Green Island, and then contact the large forces behind the brown dwarf."

Deputy Fang said, "The Green Island said, General Di Feiwen, the highest commander of the brown dwarf army, is already negotiating with the Federation. You know the skills of General Di Feiwen, of course. Can win us a good surrender condition.

"Of course, the more troops General Di can control, the greater the bargaining chip, right?"


Liaoyuan Fleet, the largest comprehensive supply ship "Jiuding".

In the overweight and high-pressure training room, Li Yaojing is topless, shawl with messy hair, arms open, legs close together, in a huge "cross", suspended in mid-air.

The training room is clearly in the extreme environment of 30 times the gravity and 20 times the standard atmospheric pressure. However, not only is Li Yao floating in the void as if he is not affected by the slightest influence.

There are thousands of magic weapon fragments around him, all vacillating and spinning like crazy.


Li Yao's slightly closed eyes suddenly opened, and there was a soft snort in his nose. Among the hundreds of thousands of fragments, a small half of them flew to him. With a burst of "click, click" sound, just two short. Within seconds, a set of crystal armor was formed!

This was not over yet, this set of crystal armor had just been assembled, and it broke down and exploded in an instant, and another batch of fragments whistled again, forming another completely different set of crystal armor.

In just ten seconds, Li Yao accurately distinguished and screened out five sets of different crystal armor components from the hundreds of thousands of mixed crystal armor fragments, and absorbed them one by one to form them separately. Five sets of crystal armors including high mobility type, heavy firepower type, melee type, long-range sniper type, and Lingzi confrontation type have been added!

The powerful psychic perception, the precise crystal armor and the magical means of shielding objects from the air made everyone outside the practice room stunned and sweating.

"Deputy Commander of the Black Wind Fleet, Lieutenant General of the Empire, the helm of the second largest family in the Black Wind Realm, Di Feiwen?"

Li Yao said the name silently, his heart moved, and he landed slowly.

Hundreds of thousands of crystal armor components "cracked" behind him to form five sets of crystal armor, and they fell to the ground like five steel guards.

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