40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1870: The choice of the brown dwarf fleet


The gravity and air pressure in the training room returned to standard values, and as white mist lased out, half of the cabin became smoky.

Li Yao is like a long-breathing behemoth, slowly emerging from the mist of sulfur.

He took the big towel that Lan Bi respectfully handed over by the night, Gu Zi wiped the sweat off his body, and glanced at everyone.

Standing in front of the training room, the Black Wind monks who saw the entire process of his incredible cultivation just now seemed to be facing the rushing flood, their faces were like earthy colors, their hearts were agitated, they groaned, and they even backed a few steps involuntarily. Dare to contend with Li Yao's aura.

"This, is this the horror of'Vulture Li Yao'?"

These black wind monks were covered in cold sweat, their faces were pale, and their teeth couldn't help but "cack".

They all just took the federal "letter to surrender" and voluntarily surrendered.

However, their identities, personalities, and past experiences still need to be carefully identified before they can lead the wolf into the room.

If your hands are stained with ordinary people’s blood, you owe a lot of blood debts, and you have even done all kinds of anti-human activities-such as practicing with living people, extracting human souls to temper magic weapons, eating living people, etc., this kind of cultivation is immortal. Otherwise, the Federation will never accept his surrender.

This point is also clearly stated in the "Persuasion to Surrender".

Not only does not accept the surrender of this kind of people, but for this kind of heinous people, their heads are the most valuable. If other cultivators can tie them five-flowers or just hold their heads and surrender to the Federation, they can exchange for a better way out. .

"The cultivators are divided into three, six or nine grades according to the different crimes they have committed in the past. They are mainly those with relatively minor crimes and those with the most heinous crimes, and then instigate those with the lesser crimes and fight those with the most heinous crimes.

"The so-called'chain of suspicion' theory is exactly the same thing. Even if the cultivators with relatively minor crimes were frightened by the **** of the most wicked ones, they did not dare to fight the latter, but the latter were aware of their crimes. Obviously, he naturally doubted whether the former would take his head to the Federation to invite credit and reward.

"Xinghai flees, runs out of ammunition and food, and has nowhere to go. The psychological pressure is already very high. In the dim and dim and cramped cabin, all kinds of contradictions are on the verge of breaking out. In order not to be regarded as a "fame" by others, it is a heinous person It is inevitable that you have to act first.

"You suspect that I will use your head to ask for credit and rewards, so that you are ready to act first; I also know that you will doubt that I want to use your head to ask for credits and rewards. Then you can only do it before you act first. Start first to be strong'.

"As a result, in the remnants of the Black Wind Fleet, there are not only the'regional contradictions' between the Black Wind Realm and the other four small realms of immortal cultivators, but also a brand new contradiction between the lesser and more sinful ones.

"The double contradiction is severely torn apart, and the remnants of the Black Wind Fleet will naturally destroy themselves!"

Perhaps it was the news of her father’s death that stimulated infinite potential. After Jin Xinyue recovered from the pain of her father’s loss, she immediately threw out such a strategy. It turned out to be very effective. The total number of immortal cultivators who surrendered to the Federation in the past month is already in the past. The sum of five months.

This integrated supply ship "Jiuding" is the identification agency set up by the Federal Army at the forefront. It surrendered to the Federation many six months ago. All the Black Wind monks who have passed the "loyalty and safety test" are stationed here to target later surrenders. , Make independent evaluations separately, and cross all evaluations together to assess the sincerity and danger of surrender of latecomers.

Of course, before proceeding with the identification, let the surrenders see the strength of the "Three Realms Supreme, Vulture Li Yao", which is also very good for shocking their souls and stabilizing the chaotic situation.

In the past few months since returning to the Xinghai Front, Li Yao has seen so much of the monk Black Wind who is dumbfounded, at a loss, and fears him like a tiger, and he doesn't bother to waste time on them.

He was more interested in Hei Yelan, or the "Deputy Commander of the Black Wind Fleet, General Di Feiwen" as Hei Yelan said.

Hei Yelan’s father Hei Yeming, although it can be said that he died under the siege of Li Yao, Long Yangjun, and Yan Liren, but out of consideration of incorporating the Black Wind Fleet, Li Yao and others did not conceal from her about the extraterritorial demon. All the truths made her realize that before Li Yao and the others arrived, the Black Maelstrom had become the lair of the alien demon, and her father Hei Yeming’s brain was deeply eroded by the alien demon, and it became an infallible one. Buckle the "Majin".

"Demon", or "Demon Cultivator", although it looks exactly the same as the past, it is no longer the original self, but the "Devil" with the original skin!

This point is the same whether in the Xingyao Federation or in the real human empire.

Even if Li Yao and the others didn't take action, the past Dark Yeming had already died the moment the demon descended, and Li Yao and the others' attacks gave him a relief.

Even if it was replaced by Hei Yelan herself, when facing such a father possessed by a heavenly demon, she could only do so, and there was absolutely no room for mercy.

The immortal cultivator was originally more indifferent to the family relationship between the father and daughter than the cultivator. Since Hei Yelan can cultivate to the Yuan Ying level, she is not the person who will entangle these details. She did not count this account on Li Yao and others. , But firmly remembered the name of the extraterritorial demon Lu Qingchen.

In other words, the appearance of the extraterritorial demon gave her a better reason to convince herself, cooperate with the Federation, and control the entire Black Wind fleet, whether for herself, for the dead father or for the living Black Wind people, Both are the best choices.

In the past six months, Heiyelan still fought on the front line of the Xinghai Sea, doing everything he could to gather the disintegrated remnants, doing quite well, helping the Federal Army save precious fuel, ammunition, spar and even immeasurable lives.

But for the Black Wind fleet stationed dozens of light-years away, behind a certain mysterious brown dwarf, she was beyond her reach and could do nothing.

Although part of the brown dwarf fleet has long been impatiently entering the star sea jumping state, with the collapse of the starry sky gate, annihilated in a four-dimensional storm.

However, there is still a very large formed fleet standing still, which has become a confidant of the Federation and the final destabilizing factor.

The surrender of this "brown dwarf fleet" is the real end of the Star Wars.

"What's the status of Di Feiwen among you Black Wind people?"

Li Yao walked to the medical room and asked Hei Yelan, who was following his steps, "What is the status of the Brown Dwarf Fleet now? Is he really willing to surrender?"

"When my father was still there, General Di Feiwen was the second person in the Black Wind Realm, and he had the power to shake my father's position."

Heiyelan said, "However, he is a purely staff general. Although he has excellent computing power, his combat power is not outstanding, and his family strength is slightly inferior to my family strength, so he is fighting for it. In the struggle of the Black Wind Realm, the'landlord' came to a disadvantage, and turned to my father in an all-round way, and tried his best to assist him in leading the Black Wind Realm.

"How do you say General Di Feiwen's style? Heifengren is a famous bravery and madness in the real human empire, but he has added a bit of forbearance and viciousness. He will slowly wait for opponents that cannot be defeated. Opponents are dying of old age—it's almost that kind of character.

"So, even though he is from our competing family, my father still trusts him very much and makes him his right-hand man.

"Just seeing that my father is willing to give him the command of the brown dwarf army with confidence, and he is only leading the elite and carrying out the most dangerous assault, it can be seen.

"My father is convinced that even if the elite forces of the Black Wind Fleet are destroyed, General Di Feiwen can command the remaining soldiers of the Black Wind Fleet and make the best retreat."


Li Yao's eyes flickered, and he muttered, "Is he a very ambitious person?"

"All immortal cultivators are ambitious. We believe that ambition and desire are the source of human progress. People without ambition and desire are not worthy of living in this world."

Hei Yelan said, "However, General Di Feiwen's wisdom is enough to dominate his ambition, and he shouldn't do anything stupid."


Li Yao's eyes flashed, "Then he said he wants to negotiate now, should it be true?"

"There is a certain degree of credibility."

Heiyelan said, "The news gathered through other channels is that serious civil strife has occurred in the'Brown Dwarf Fleet'. The senior officers originally from the four small realms of the Fire Spider Realm and the Purple Fire Realm want to unite to capture.' The command power of the Brown Dwarf Fleet was quickly strangled by General Di Feiwen, which instead made him more controllable in the Brown Dwarf Fleet, and his status was even more unshakable.

"Nevertheless, the Black Wind Fleet is ultimately composed of immortal cultivators in one, four, and five worlds. General Di Feiwen cannot kill all the immortal cultivators in the other four small worlds. On the contrary, he smashed the mutiny vigorously. After that, he had to vigorously appease the cultivators of the four small worlds.

"In short, the hidden danger of disintegration is still there. He must find a way out for the brown dwarf fleet as soon as possible, otherwise this torn up fleet will soon collapse completely.

"They still maintain long-distance contact with the empire, but returning to the empire is a dead end. This is clear from Di Feiwen to every lower-level immortal cultivator.

"The empire will not tolerate two failures. The weak will have to die. This is the law of the cultivator!

"So, negotiating with the Federation and striving for a more favorable surrender condition is the only option for Di Feiwen and the Brown Dwarf Fleet."

"Understand, but there is one more thing, I don't understand it very much."

Li Yao looked at the news just sent from the Liaoyuan Fleet, and looked at the letter written by General Di Feiwen, the current supreme commander of the Black Wind Fleet, with the imprint of his spirit patterns, and frowned, "Why did he have to talk to me? Negotiate, surrender to me?"

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