40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1880: Subvert the empire!

Although Di Feiwen said so sincerely, Li Yao didn't plan to agree immediately, but shook his head slightly: "I'm afraid you have misunderstood. I am neither the'overlord of the Star Beach', for the'overlord','Three Realms Supreme 'Ah, the'King of the Black Wind', such messy titles, and the management of a huge fleet or country, have no interest at all."

"Very understanding."

Di Feiwen nodded and said, "The so-called power and status are often just shortcuts to the ultimate power. If a strong man himself has unmatched power, he does not need to be bound by power, status, and reputation. Yourself.

"In the center of the Xinghai Sea, there are many powerful people like President Li who like to be unrestrained and absolutely free, focusing on impacting the higher realm of human evolution, and exploring places where no one has set foot before. They naturally have nothing to do with the mundane affairs of the world. Interested.

"However, the Black Wind Fleet has its own complete operating system. I myself can barely serve the fleet for decades. I don’t need you to manage it personally. I only need to rely on your strength and prestige to regroup and inspire people. Morale is nothing more; it's as if your wife is not a managerial cultivator, but she can still become the Speaker of the Star Federation with an undisputed posture."

"Speaking of this—"

Li Yao said coldly, "I am proud of my status as a citizen of the Federation of Stars and I will never give up this status. Whether the Federation recognizes dual citizenship is still a question, and I will not easily agree with me as the King of Black Wind '."

"Why disagree?"

Di Feiwen asked, "Now the Federation is also eager to peacefully resolve the complex and infinite problems left by the remnants of the Black Wind Fleet. It also wants to obtain our huge fleet and more information and information about the real human empire, and even hope to pass The Black Wind Fleet has a certain level of direct contact with the real human empire-as long as you agree to become our new leader, all this will be possible.

"I know that the Star Federation has its own insurmountable principles, but this small request that we made does not violate any of your laws and even moral standards, right? No one will be harmed in this transaction, on the contrary. It can save the lives of thousands of innocent people, so why not the Federal Assembly?"

"You are clever-toothed, and I started to understand why you obviously have little combat effectiveness, but you can still become the number two figure in the black wind fleet, which is weak and smoky."

Li Yao remained unmoved, "It's a pity that you didn't surrender to me sincerely. You just want to use my reputation and prestige to seek personal gain for yourself, maintain a certain degree of independence, and even become a member of the Federation. It's nothing more than a malignant tumor."

"Of course."

Di Feiwen said calmly, "President Li, please stand on our side and think about it. Although our Black Wind fleet suffered a fiasco, at least one third of the fleet is still unscathed and still has the strength to fight. , And the arrogance from the super hegemony in the center of Xinghai is even more unlikely to be extinguished in an instant. In this case, is it possible to ask us to surrender unconditionally?

"Whether the Star Federation or the true human empire, the'Dark Forest' theory has been quite popular for some time. Although this theory may not be a universal truth, some of its details are quite worthy of reference, for example.' Suspicion chain' this statement.

"The current Star Federation and the remnants of the Black Wind Fleet are not caught in a chain of suspicion? Even if the remnants of the Black Wind Fleet want to surrender, they will worry about what fate they will face after surrender and whether they will suffer inhumanity. Will this torture affect the families and descendants of those immigrant ships? Will they mine forever on the barren planet at the edge of the Xinghai Sea, turning into a pile of dead bones in the depths of the mine, and never have the chance to return to Xinghai? The hometown of the central government, let their battle flag flutter in the wind again.

"Similarly, even if I didn't put forward any conditions today and surrendered obediently and unconditionally, wouldn't the federal side doubt us?

"No, you are also worried about whether these unruly immortal cultivators have anything to do, will they rebel again, you will rack your brains to be vigilant, guard against and weaken us, and the two sides will accelerate friction in mutual mistrust and fall into viciousness. Circulation, and finally'fake it into reality', making the rebellion really happen again.

"For me, surrender is not a problem. The problem is the relationship and trust between the two parties after the surrender. You will be the new generation of'King of the Black Wind'. It is the best I think can break the chain of suspicion between each other. Method."

"You don't have to worry about that."

Li Yao categorically said, "Federation is what counts. We can even merge with the blood demon world that has had blood feuds for hundreds of years. Now the blood demon world is an important part of the Xingyao Federation. Many monster races have become federal members and various key parts. The leader of —— you must know that when the hatred between the two sides was the deepest, the blood demon world almost broke through the federal capital!

"The one-third of the Black Wind Fleet under your command has not even stepped into the territory of the Federation. Everyone can't talk about blood and blood. What are you worried about?"

"No, that's different."

Di Feiwen shook his head and said, "From the perspective of the entire human world, the Blood Demon Realm is one of the last demon race worlds. They were originally at an absolute strategic disadvantage, digesting and absorbing them, there is not much future trouble.

"But the Black Wind Fleet is different. We still have a huge real human empire behind us. If we don’t handle the delicate relationship between the Empire, the Black Wind Fleet and the Federation, if one day the Federation really clashes with the Empire, no matter you Whoever wins and loses, the Black Wind Fleet must be the first to suffer.

"The most important point is that the so-called integration of the Blood Demon Realm and the Tianyuan Realm has a very important premise-the leader of the Blood Demon Realm, Jin Xinyue, is your true disciple. This is well known in the world and has become the basis for mutual trust. Doesn’t this also prove the importance of being the “King of the Black Wind”? Because what we need is just such a “foundation of trust”."

Di Feiwen had reason and evidence. Li Yao really couldn’t refute it, but he was a little dumbfounded. He fought with the Black Wind Fleet Xinghai half a year ago and fought Hei Yeming on the bridge of the Black Vortex. He couldn’t expect that one day, Hei The wind fleet remnants would cry and call for him to take the place of Hei Yeming.

"Don't you worry, I will treat the Black Wind Fleet as cannon fodder after I become the'King of the Black Wind'?"

Li Yao asked incredulously.

"Speaking of which--"

Di Feiwen prolonged his voice, "Even if you are not the'King of the Black Wind', as long as we choose to surrender, wouldn't the Federation treat the Black Wind Fleet as cannon fodder?"

Li Yao was speechless for a while and was speechless for a long time.

"We believe that the strategic vision of the Stars Federation should be able to see that the Stars Federation and today's true human empire do not have the possibility of long-term peaceful coexistence."

Di Feiwen smiled slightly and continued talking, "In the past, the empire did not know about the existence of the Federation, and the two sides could still live together under the cover of the vast sea of ​​stars, but unfortunately, in the past ten years, it has been more or less. Some information about Xinghai Beach was sent back to the mainland of the empire.

"This information may not be sent directly to the imperial capital, to the court and the emperor, and the empire that is busy launching a strategic counterattack against the Holy League, even if it collects this information, will not have time to reach out to the Star Beach for a while.

"But how long can such a fragile ‘peace’ last? Twenty years, ten years or shorter?

"If the Star Federation wants to defend its small territory and standards, it must not sit still and wait for the day when the empire's troops are suppressed. It can only choose to take the initiative-not necessarily a military offensive, but more likely to infiltrate the empire. Internally, from the political and institutional level to subtly change the empire, transform today's empire into another form, President Li, am I right?"

Li Yao was shocked. He really didn't expect that the deputy commander-in-chief of the Black Wind Fleet would have such a fierce strategic vision.

Indeed, even after winning the Battle of Xinghai swiftly and swiftly, the result of the research and judgment of many strategic experts in the Federation is that the Star Federation does not have the ability to conduct a "total war" with the real human empire.

A Battle of Stars and Seas can be won by the right time and place. However, if it is a war that spans hundreds of years, it will be the comprehensive national strength of the two sides. There will be no fancy head-to-head contests, even if there are ten more Li Yaos. Adding ten tin bells is not enough to change the outcome of this kind of war.

Therefore, if the Federation wants to enter the center of the Xinghai Sea, at least for a few hundred years, it is unlikely that it will go all the way. It is more likely that it will send some elites to penetrate into the empire and grasp the so-called "primitives" and "real people." "To find a way to disintegrate the empire from within, at least-to transform the empire on a certain level!

Li Yao proposed this idea when he launched the "Black Hole Project" more than 100 years ago. After countless strategic masters' calculations and deductions, it was enriched to where it is today.

Unexpectedly, Di Feiwen pointed directly at the core. In the words, Li Yao couldn't help but feel that "the heroes saw the same thing", and he looked at the "merchant general" of the scorpion rat a little higher.

"If the Federation, or President Lee himself, really intends to divide, transform and even subvert the empire from within, then our Black Wind Fleet will undoubtedly become your most important help."

Di Feiwen is still respectful, as if he has treated Li Yao as the "king of the black wind", "Similarly, as long as President Li is willing to be in the public, in the presence of the five worlds including the black wind, he will officially become a black "The King of Wind', and tell this result to the world, we are also willing to believe your vows and promises, and believe that you will lead us... to the center of the star sea!"

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