40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1881: The Five Realms are the Master!

Although the other party had been on one knee and respected him so much, Li Yao still felt that this Di Feiwen was extremely difficult to entangle.

After pondering for a moment, he deliberately said: "What if I insist on not complying?"

"You should know that the true immortal cultivator is by no means the person who is greedy for life and fear of death. We also know a little about the truth of'preferably broken jade rather than full'."

Di Feiwen said calmly, "When we choose to surrender to a strong man, it is not to save our lives and live in troubled times, but we believe that the strong man can give us greater strength and lead. We go to seize greater glory and a brighter future.

"It is precisely because I believe that'Three Realms Supreme, Vulture Li Yao' is such a strong man, that I am willing to surrender unconditionally. If you feel that we black wind remnants are not qualified to be your most loyal minions, then we really can't find a survivor. The reason for this is to use a vigorous battle to end the history of the five great worlds: Black Wind, Fire Spider, Wild Wolf, Rock, and Purple Fire!

"As for myself, although I am not a combat-type immortal cultivator, it is a great honor to die in the hands of a strong man like you!"

Li Yao squinted his eyes, wisps of psychic energy condensed in his eyes, like two ice cones, piercing Di Feiwen fiercely.

Di Feiwen looked up at Li Yao with expectation.

I don't know if he is expecting Li Yao to become the "King of the Black Wind" or Li Yao can spread his fingers and slap him to death.

There was a rustle in the communication channel in Li Yao's ear, and Ding Ling's voice came: "Li Yao, don't be impulsive, now the strategic analysis expert group of the Supreme Command Center is urgently deducing that you will be the king of the black wind. A series of follow-up changes, for the Federation, this may be a good thing."

Li Yao: "Wife, no, will you tell me later-the council has already decided, so I will be the king of the black wind?"

Ding Lingdang: "A lot of lice are not itchy, and a lot of debts are not worrying. Anyway, you are the supreme of the Three Realms. One more title of "Black Wind King", it's nothing!"

Li Yao coughed twice and stared at Di Feiwen ferociously: "...If I agree, what good is it?"

"There are so many benefits. First of all, it can obtain the full loyalty of the Black Wind Fleet. In the Battle of Star Sea six months ago, the Black Wind Fleet lost at most one-third of its elite strength. There are still a large number of Aegis ships, arsenal ships and The integrated cruiser, as well as the space shuttle and armed crystal armor on it, are all intact."

Di Fei said eloquently, "Moreover, we are an immigrant fleet, not simply to conquer and destroy, but to build and colonize the Star Beach, so there are actually many scholars, workers and various technologies in our fleet. Personnel and a large amount of infrastructure can be deployed step by step as long as sufficient resources and basic materials are provided.

"You should have seen a mining factory that can be upgraded and expanded independently in Kunlun Ruins. There are also a large number of similar facilities in our fleet. In the past, we lacked resources to expand and upgrade, but now, they are all yours. .

"Also, we have a large amount of top-secret information about the real human empire. Although they are all outdated information more than a hundred years ago, our ultra-long-distance communication system can still maintain a certain degree of contact with the empire. On the one hand, this method of contact can get the latest news about the empire, and more importantly, it can send false news from the Star Beach to the empire's homeland, causing the empire to misjudge the situation of the Federation—how much strategic value does this have? Say it?

Li Yao sneered: "It sounds like you don't have much loyalty to your motherland!"

"The so-called country and nation are an imaginary community, and in the final analysis, they are brought together by a powerful force."

Di Feiwen said without blushing, "In the vast sea of ​​stars, the distance between habitable planets is dozens of light-years away, transportation and communication are inconvenient, and the emperor’s authority has been diluted to the point where it cannot be added. The different cultures, customs and styles derived from the unique ecological environment of the planets make people often loyal to the planet they live on, overriding the illusory concept of'empire'.

"In other words, we are the Black Wind Man, Fire Spider Man, Rock Man, Wild Wolf Man and Purple Fire Man first, and then the Empire Man.

"When the empire has great power to protect our interests and punish our infidelity, of course we are absolutely loyal to the empire and His Majesty the emperor; but now, our homeland is occupied by the Holy League, and the emperor has There is nothing we can do about this. We came to the Star Beach and suffered a terrible defeat, and the emperor was beyond reach-in this case, how can we expect us to have too much loyalty to the word'empire'?"

Li Yao couldn't help smiling and said, "You are frank."

"It is better to speak frankly with a strong man like President Li."

Di Feiwen's eyes sparkled, "All of the above are only trivial benefits. In fact, there is another great benefit, and that is the title of the'King of Black Wind' itself.

"The so-called'King of Black Wind' is the supreme co-master of the five worlds of Black Wind, Rock, Wild Wolf, Purple Fire and Fire Spider. In theory, it is the'world master' of these five worlds in one. These five worlds have absolute dominance, and even the emperor cannot interfere excessively."

Li Yao was stunned: "Is there such a thing?"

"Yes, in order to rule the vast sea of ​​stars, the system of the real human empire is very diverse. The capital circle near the Celestial Star is managed by the bureaucratic system directly under the emperor; for the slightly more remote world, the system of enfeoffment is adopted. Leave it to the nobles to manage themselves; if it is a war zone like the Black Wind Realm, it has raised a group of arrogant soldiers, and the independence is often stronger. The local masters are all side-saving and lawless."

Di Fei Wenlue said triumphantly, “The five worlds of Black Wind, Fire Spider, and Rock were originally in the war zone bordering the Empire and the Holy League. With ever-changing changes, our affairs have always been self-managed.

"If President Li becomes the'King of the Black Wind', he will instantly be a great warlord who saves five worlds. If you add the seven or eight worlds of the Star Federation, it will be a change and a leap. Become one of the most powerful figures in the empire!"

"and many more!"

Li Yao is not so foolish as a silly boy, "Dare to ask, if I really become the'King of the Black Wind', where are the five worlds under my control?"


Di Feiwen pondered for a moment, "It should have been occupied by the Covenant Alliance for a full 100 years now, but the empire is preparing for a strategic counteroffensive, and it seems to be progressing very smoothly. Maybe there is a chance to retake these worlds. I don’t know."

Li Yao: "So, you basically wrote a blank check. If I want to make the title of'King of the Black Wind, the Common Lord of the Five Realms' worthy of its name, I will either take it back from the Saint League and be managed by them for a hundred. The frontline planet of the year; or is it shy to reach out to His Majesty the Emperor of the true human empire?"

Di Feiwen: "Chairman Li is safe and restless. If the five worlds like Black Wind are still in the hands of the Holy League, there is nothing to do; but if they have been recaptured by the Empire, they may not be able to take it back. No, it is to get it back. Here comes-at least you are the legal'King of the Black Wind.' Legally speaking, you cannot ignore your power to rule the five worlds including the Black Wind!"

"The system of your empire is really strange."

Li Yao really wanted to scratch his hair, "I thought that the title of the'King of the Black Wind' was just for your self-entertainment. How do you listen to you, will the Emperor really recognize my identity?"

"It's not impossible."

Di Feiwen said with a serious face, "The dispute between the central and local governments of the empire is also very fierce. It is far more intense than the dispute between the "New Four Realms" and the "Old Three Realms" of your Star Federation, like the independence of the Black Wind Realm. In a very sexual world, in the past, oneself had always selected the master of the realm, and then went to the extreme heaven to swear allegiance to the emperor, which was recognized by the emperor.

"Anyway, after the collapse of the Black Star Great Emperor, there has never been a hero like him who can overwhelm the entire Xinghai Sea. The successive emperors who succeeded to the throne seldom dismiss the regional masters chosen because of this. It means that the emperor wants to gather local power and reach out to the core interests of the locality, which will be opposed by a large number of nobles, warlords, and powerful men.

"At least, when the empire confronted the Holy League, no emperor had the courage to risk the split of the empire, so arrogantly centralized.

"Your situation, of course, is quite special, but after all, the Star Federation is located on the border. As the so-called mountain is high and the emperor is far away, the empire may not know the true situation here. As long as it is done properly, it may not be recognized by the emperor."

Li Yao turned his mind and murmured: "Listening to you, the real human empire is not monolithic, and there are many internal contradictions?"

Di Feiwen laughed blankly: "People are unpredictable. Everyone is thinking about their own interests. How many truly noble, pure, and selfless cultivators or cultivators, and how can they be truly monolithic and immortal for thousands of years? country?

"Just say that the small Star Federation, which has only really been established for more than a hundred years, is still in a prosperous ascending period, and the future is bright. There will be the contradiction between the new four realms and the old three realms, the contradiction between the human race and the monster race,' Li The contradictions between the Yao Group and the old forces, as well as all kinds of contradictions.

"The territory of the true human empire is so large, the history is so long, and various interest groups are intertwined, affecting the whole body. Naturally, internal and external troubles are ten times more than the Federation.

"The contradiction between His Majesty the Emperor and the local power faction is only the most conspicuous of the many contradictions, and there is a deeper but more deadly contradiction. After President Li becomes the'King of the Black Wind,' his subordinates will naturally do their best. Assistant, analyze it clearly to you one by one."

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