40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1882: Business prince

Li Yao stared deeply at Di Feiwen, until now, he finally found something extremely secret from the depth of the other's seemingly clear and candid gaze.

Li Yao smiled, laughing out loud.

"I finally understand your true purpose."

Li Yao re-examined Di Feiwen seriously, and he said, "Unexpectedly, the second person in the Black Wind Fleet is even more terrifying than the first person. Your appetite is far greater than that of Hei Yeming. Hey Yeming wants to conquer only the stars. The Federation is nothing but the Federation, what you want to capture is the entire universe including the Federation and the Empire!"


Di Feiwen said calmly, "Why did President Li say this?"

"Tell me, what you want to create is really just the next ‘Black Wind King’?"

Li Yao stared at his opponent, not letting go of every ripple in the deepest part of his eyes, "Or, what about the next'Black Star Emperor'?"

The ripples in Di Feiwen's eyes twisted and immediately returned to normal, but he added a bit of admiration: "Chairman Li's eyes are like torches. It is true that even a little bit of clues in the deepest heart of his subordinates can't escape Chairman Li's eyes. !"

Li Yao snorted softly, "You don't need to wear a high hat. I feel more and more that you are unfathomable. Are you really just a member of the Black Wind Fleet, a'normal' immortal cultivator? What kind of identity is there, and what forces are standing behind?"

"In the beginning, the subordinates introduced themselves, and the subordinates are just a mere businessman."

Di Feiwen said, "Since I am a businessman, it is naturally difficult to be a pure immortal cultivator."


Li Yao didn't understand, "Why did you say this?"

"The identities of merchants and immortal cultivators are incompatible, and there are naturally frictions and contradictions. A pure immortal cultivator must firmly believe in the purity and nobility of a'real person', and divide human beings into two different classes and races, 5% and 95%. Only the 5% of real and quasi real people are important, and the remaining 95% are lowly, dirty, indecent, and worthless garbage."

Di Feiwen sighed, "But we are businessmen and servants of capital. The only purpose of our existence in this world is to continuously open up markets, plunder more profits, and make capital multiply, swell, swell, and swell!

"As long as there is enough profit, we are even willing to sell the most advanced weapons to the starry alien race with eight tentacles and the vicious extraterritorial demon. How can we care about the difference between the'real man' and the'primitive man'? An empire for a dollar? Jin Yuan, it is worth one dollar, whether it is taken out of the "real person"'s purse with the dragon and embroidered phoenix, or held in the dirty hands of the original person, it is the same, without detracting from its value.

"According to the most classic theory of immortal cultivators, it is believed that the'primitives' who account for more than 95% of the total population are all inferior garbage, and only slaves who have been squeezed and looted are equal to a loss of 95% of the market. After all, It is difficult for you to sell high-value and high-profit commodities to a slave, right?

"Except for those government and businessmen who are inextricably linked to the royal family, nobles, and peerless powers, and occupy various monopoly industries, no merchant, even a business man who believes in the road of immortality, is willing to endure this situation forever. The species only spins in 5% of the snail shells, but there is another 95% stupid thing that is inaccessible to the blue ocean.

"Unfortunately, we are all small merchants and hawkers who have no power to restrain the chickens. In front of the emperor, princes, warlords and peerless powerhouses, we are all insignificant dust. How can there be any power that can change the world? At most, it is just a few wandering ,. The struggling businessmen communicate with each other, hold a group for warmth, and build simple chambers of commerce.

"Naturally, naturally, compared to the Gonggon princes above the court, the powerful people who practiced for three or five years in retreat, or the smug generals, businessmen, especially those who traveled between various worlds for many years, They are often very well-informed guys. If one day President Li and the Xingyao Federation really want to enter the center of the Xinghai Sea, maybe a trader like ours can really provide you with some small help? After all, he is also a thief. The value of it!"

Looking at the other's thief's small mung bean eyes, Li Yao really couldn't tell whether he was telling the truth or the lie. He pondered: "This is what you call the contradiction that is'more secretive but more deadly than the contradiction between the central and local governments.' So, how should I put it, the contradiction between capital and immortal cultivators, or the contradiction between capital and empire? Capital is by nature one of the most powerful forces in the universe, and will never be willing to endure any emperor or any strong The **** of the person?"

Di Feiwen's eyes were shining, and he looked overjoyed: "Capital is by nature the most powerful force in the universe, and will never willingly endure the shackles of any emperor or strong man? President Li said this really. That’s great. You can understand our position. I believe that your future cooperation will be much more enjoyable."

He wiped out the word "one" completely.

Li Yao said coldly: "Whether you have a second identity or any secret purpose, you have chosen the wrong person, no matter the second'King of the Black Wind' or the second'Black Star'. No matter the emperor, I am neither capable nor interested. Please be smart!"

"The fate of human beings is so mysterious and unpredictable. How did Wu Yingqi, who was **** by the Big Five Flowers and thrown into an active volcano in the past, ever thought that after a few years, he would rule the universe as the'Black Star Emperor'?"

Di Feiwen smiled, "In the shopping mall, there is no 100% profitable business, but as long as there is a profit of more than 300%, it is worth saving your life and fighting with your head, not to mention the current situation of the Black Wind Fleet. The situation is not desperate. When should we wait?"

Li Yao was silent, pondered for a long time, and slowly said: "Your plot, I can roughly outline it, maybe you think that you will promote me to the position of the'King of the Black Wind' and make all the cultivators surrender to me. Use your theories to erode me, I will be ecstatic, self-expanding, and become a cultivator under subtle influence, and then as the spokesperson of your interests, go to the real human empire to intrigue, fight for power, and even subvert the entire empire. Establish a new system designed by you.

"In this way, it seems that the Black Wind Fleet has failed, and even gave up the position of leader. In fact, you have become the ultimate beneficiaries, and I have become another form of puppet."

Di Feiwen blinked: "Perhaps, then is President Li willing to take this important task and become the new ‘King of the Black Wind’?"

Li Yao stared at him: "I'm really curious. Where is your self-confidence, thinking that I will be like a puppet, obediently at your mercy? Even if I become the'King of the Black Wind', I will never I will believe in the theory of “the weak eat the strong, the winner is king” of the cultivator. The first thing I want to do is to send all the high-ranking officers of the Black Wind Fleet to the prisoner-of-war camp, and use the avenue of cultivation to make a good transformation-you want It doesn’t matter to say “brainwashing”; the second thing is to abolish all slavery and master-servant relations within the Black Wind Fleet, so that all civilians will be restored to freedom. I will show them a new way of life and civilization. Tell them what human dignity and pride are. They can also be powerful fighters to defend civilization, not just...some'fuel'!"

"The weak eat the strong, and the winner is king. This is not a'theory', but an unbreakable'fact'."

Di Feiwen said calmly, "Take the current situation as an example, it is precisely because the Star Federation is stronger than the Black Wind Fleet, you are the ones who win, and you are the ones who are qualified to show off and brainwash the losers.

"The victory of the Federation has nothing to do with justice, benevolence, kindness and other factors. It is only because you are stronger.

"A strong man like President Li is qualified to do whatever he wants. Regarding the fate after surrender, we have long been awakened. Although I don't agree with the naive theory of the cultivator, if you ask us to accept brainwashing, then we I will take it seriously and spare no effort to clean myself."

He put on a posture that a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water, and even took the initiative to jump into the boiling bucket. It really made Li Yao lose his temper. After a long time, he frowned and said, "Since you think the theory of the comprehensionist is wrong. What is the explanation for the victory of the Federation? Isn’t it the theory of the cultivators that made the Federation so powerful?"

"The theory doesn't matter whether it is right or wrong, only the question of whether it is suitable or not."

Di Feiwen said indifferently, "The Road of Cultivation is more suitable for the simple and stable living environment of Xinghai Beach, where there is not much change and internal and external troubles, so it has temporarily succeeded; but the problems, variables and enemies in the center of Xinghai Much more, that is a place that cannot tolerate too much kindness and generosity. In many cases, it must be under the dictatorship of an iron-blooded monarch to solve all problems quickly.

"You don't have to keep explaining to us how evil, ugly, and wrong Xiuxian Avenue is. We have already understood these things. I am a businessman and don't like the emperor very much. But the reason why we chose the monarchy and insisted on cultivating immortals Dadao, not because of how good the emperor and Xiuxian Dadao are, how brilliant and correct it is, just because the other options are worse.

"Perhaps in your eyes, the collision between the Dao of Cultivation and the Dao of Cultivation is a contest between justice and evil. It is a relationship between saving 10,000 and slaughtering 10,000; but in fact, it is likely to be'evil' and'more evil'. The contest is the choice between slaughtering 10,000 people and slaughtering 100,000 people-as for the option of saving 10,000 people, that doesn't exist at all.

"Of course you won’t believe it at this moment, you will think I’m alarmist, but please remember that the former Xinghai Republic is the country of cultivators. You have also seen the results about the various corruptions and depravities in the late Xinghai Republic. And darkness, I don’t know how many secret files are stored on the Firefly, you can call them out and have a look.

"Of course, after thousands of years of development and transformation, the current real human empire is slowly decayed and decayed, repeating the mistakes of the Xinghai Republic in the past. Perhaps it is time to inject a new force into it and bring the ancient empire back to life... …"

"Haha, forget it, there is no need to talk nonsense to you, let the **** reality in the center of Xinghai educate you, let time make the final ruling, at least for now, you are a well-deserved strong, strong is justice, Everything you say is the truth. We are your most humble minions and servants, willing to give all our lives and carry your unparalleled strength and will to the entire universe!"

Facing Di Feiwen's fiery eyes, Li Yao couldn't help but shiver coldly.

One thing is more terrifying than Di Feiwen's lies and conspiracy.

That is, Di Feiwen has neither lies nor conspiracy. Everything he said, including the enthusiastic oath at the moment, is serious.

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