40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1883: Interest bundling

Di Feiwen's proposal is unprecedented, at least the Star Federation has never encountered such absurd conditions for surrender.

Of course, the Star Federation had never competed with a cosmic power of this size before, and had defeated its opponents to some extent—though only partially and temporarily.

In response to this wonderful "condition of surrender", Li Yao himself and the federal strategy, law and even sociology experts have launched deductions.

The first question facing the experts is-is this matter legally acceptable?

Like most political entities wandering alone in the Star Sea, the Star Sea Federation does not prohibit dual citizenship. In other words, the Federation has never seriously considered before and will search for other Star Sea countries and form an "international society" together. Possible.

There is no "international society", and naturally there is no problem of dual citizenship.

In other words, Li Yao’s status as an "imperial citizen" is not illegal at least. There are still some prisoners of war who were captured ten years ago in the Xingyao Federation. They may not be willing to give up their status as imperial subjects and citizens. The Federation will naturally not force it. They make choices.

Of course, if he is a public official of the Star Federation, he is indeed suspected of treason if he is to serve as a public office in an enemy country.

However, after repeated research by experts, the conclusion is that Li Yao did not hold any public office in the federal government. The so-called "Three Realms Supreme" is just a propaganda slogan. He is just the chairman of several private foundations.

However, Li Yao can access a large number of federal secrets and is still a member of the "first family". Even if in theory he becomes a subject of the enemy's emperor, it will always have a huge impact.

However, the research has advanced to this point, and even in the legal sense, the word "enemy country" has become very suspicious. It seems that experts have only discovered at this moment that even if the Xinghai Battle was so fierce six months ago, the two sides had a total of large and small forces. Nearly ten thousand starships, even the giant soldiers used fifty or sixty, but unexpectedly, they did not declare war with each other!

For the Black Wind Fleet, the whole world, could it be King's Land, the three thousand worlds were originally the territory of the empire, they were just barbarians who came to crusade against the sea of ​​stars, and they did not treat the Federation as an opponent of the same level as the empire. , Naturally there is no need to declare war.

In order to ensure the secrecy of the "Dark Moon Project", the Federation had to pretend that it was caught off guard, and naturally it would not declare war on the empire.

As for the Battle of Xinghai, the Federation wished that the empire didn't know their existence and could continue to develop secretly for decades. How could it be possible to declare war on the empire with great fanfare?

At this time, a message from Xinghai Central speeded up the judgment of the Federation and Li Yao.

Di Feiwen's brown dwarf fleet has always had an ultra-long-distance communication base, and kept minimal contact with the empire's mainland.

The latest battle report they received is that the "strategic counteroffensive" launched by the true human empire accumulated for hundreds of years has already begun. The war can be described as "powerful and devastating". In just six months, they have achieved at least twice, which is called " The strategic victory of "Great Victory" recovered six or seven great worlds and more than 20 resource planets.

In short, the situation is very good. Seeing that it will not only be able to regain all the land that has been swallowed by the Holy League for hundreds of years, but also have the opportunity to break into the core territory of the Holy League for thousands of years, seize many of the Holy League’s heavy industrial bases and resource planets, and reverse both sides in one fell swoop. Comparison of comprehensive national strength.

I don’t know how many times the triumphal ceremony of the imperial capital was held. Many people have regarded this strategic counteroffensive as a sign of ZTE of the empire. Military strength, morale, and the loyalty of the strong to His Majesty the Emperor have all reached their peak in the last five hundred years.

The good news for the Empire is the bad news for the Federation.

According to the grand strategy planned for a century, the Star Federation, as a key chess piece, can play its greatest role only when the true human empire and the Covenant Alliance maintain a balance of power.

Whether the empire completely overwhelms the Holy League or the Holy League completely swallows the empire, it is not a good thing for the Star Federation that has just entered a period of rapid development.

Now, people in the real human empire already know the existence of the Star Federation, but under the deliberate calculations of Hei Yeming and others, they don't know that the Star Federation is such a highly modernized one, and its development speed is even faster than that of the empire. Emerging regional hegemony, thinking that they are just barbarians struggling in the wasteland

This can't be kept for long.

If the empire really completes this strategic counteroffensive, achieves decisive results, and completely establishes the strategic pattern of "Xinghai Domination", the next step will definitely be to cast its sights on the Federation.

His Majesty, the Emperor, who has achieved successive victories and swelled beyond his strength and prestige, may not care about the barbarians in the Star Beach, but he will certainly not let the arrogant soldiers of the Black Wind Fleet continue to be out of his control.

The lion of the Empire with hundreds of battles drawn from the frontal battlefield can definitely wipe out all enemies with the attitude of sweeping the fallen leaves in the autumn wind.

If the emperors, nobles and warlords of the empire know the truth about the Xinghai Beach, and know that the Black Wind Fleet was defeated by an unknown small border country, and this small country is very likely to become a confidant of the empire in just a hundred years. Is it possible for them not to stifle the threat in their infancy?

Cultivators of course have their own principles, but adhering to principles does not mean dogmatism, nor does it mean advancing blindly. With the strength of seven or eight frontier worlds, they will go head-to-head with the hundreds of core worlds of the empire. Except for the complete destruction of the future of hundreds of billions of people, this action is of no use.

The Federation had no choice but to make false claims with the empire itself, and even conduct big strategic deceptions to make the empire believe that everything in the Star Beach is under the control of the Black Wind Fleet, and the Black Wind Fleet also maintains a high degree of loyalty to the Empire.

It would be better to fight for decades of development time for the Federation to digest and absorb all the technologies contained in the Black Wind Fleet and the Ancient Sacred Nvwa battleship to achieve leap-forward development, and then... wait and see the changes!

To achieve this, it is necessary to obtain the remnants of the Black Wind Fleet, at least the Brown Dwarf Fleet, which controls the ultra-long-distance communication base, that is, the full cooperation of Di Feiwen.

The development of the situation is so subtle, and the empire has achieved successive victories, which may not be a good thing for the Black Wind Fleet, because it indicates that the Black Wind Fleet is even less useful to the Empire, but it is a trouble that will not drop.

Even if their hometown is "restored" by the empire, it will fall into the hands of other princes and warlords, and even be directly under the emperor's majesty.

With their current defeated soldiers, they wanted the emperor and warlords to spit out the five pieces of fat they had eaten. There was no door!

To some extent, the interests of the Black Wind Fleet and the interests of the Star Federation are slowly being tied together.

Then, to get the full cooperation of the Black Wind Fleet and Di Feiwen, there is really only the last little "plea" left.

All the information was clearly listed in front of Li Yao, and the most detailed analysis was carried out. Even considering that Di Feiwen lied, the empire did not actually have the possibility of achieving victory.

But Di Feiwen has no reason to lie about such important news-this is easy to expose. After the Black Wind Fleet will remain in the Federation for a long time, it will even be broken up and reorganized. It is truly "artificial". Knife you, I am a fish", to be slaughtered by the Federation.

If he dared to spread such a big lie and completely shatter the trust between the two sides, it would not benefit the future of the Black Wind Fleet and all the immortal cultivators.

Li Yao scratched his hair for a long time, and pondered it over and over for a long time. In the end, it was a sentence from the **** heart demon that helped him make up his mind.

"Aren't we going to the center of the star sea to search for the earth? I think, even in the center of the star sea, it is impossible for any cat or dog to know such news?

"If you want to uncover the truth of the earth, you must become a big figure in the center of the star sea, at least to be able to get in touch with those big people. Then the identity of the'King of the Black Wind' is a very suitable entry point.

"As for you are worried about whether Di Feiwen will be tricky, you don't have to worry about this. On the one hand, you can keep him in the Federation and be closely monitored by Guo Chunfeng, Jin Xinyue and others, and then dismantle the Black Wind fleet. Brainwashing, all civilians are sent to federal schools for education on the Road of Comprehension, can it be turned upside down? On the other hand, even if you go to the Empire, there is no need to expose your identity with great fanfare. You have grown so frustrated. White dragon fish suit, sneak in low-key, who can guess that you are the legendary'King of the Black Wind'? There won't be any trouble!"

A word to wake up the dreamer, even though Li Yao has opinions on the sentence "You look so frustrated", he coughed twice and resolutely ran to the temporary flagship of the remnants of the Black Wind Fleet "Black Death". , Accepted the title of "King of Black Wind".

Eight months after the magnificent and majestic Battle of the Stars, the Imperial Expeditionary Force integrated cruiser "Black Death", a short and low-key event was held in the auditorium transformed from a huge repair shop. Ceremony.

Although the ceremony was simple, the five great worlds of immortality, Black Wind, Rock, Purple Fire, Fire Spider, and Desolate Wolf, were all rich in those who survived two consecutive defeats.

The black military uniforms, shiny boots, solemn expressions, and meticulous cultivators, lowered their haughty heads to the man on the stage with the chicken coop head, as if he hadn't woken up, and knelt down on one knee, shouting in unison:

"We will make this sacred oath in front of hundreds of millions of stars: I will unconditionally obey the overlord of the Xinghai Sea, the slayer of gods and demons, the destroyer of the star gate, and the guardian of the seven realms of Tianyuan. The new rulers of the five worlds, including Wild Wolf, Purple Fire and Fire Spider, and the new leader of the Black Wind Fleet, are also our supreme masters!

"For the immortal glory of human civilization, we will always obey the leader's orders, no matter when and where, we are willing to give our lives for this oath, even if death destroys our body and soul, it will not be able to obliterate our standing at this moment. Oath!

"Long live the leader, long live the Black Wind Fleet, and long live human civilization-long live!"

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