40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1921: Amazing last words!

Li Yao estimated that when the "War of the Ancient Sacred Stars" took place, the civil war between Pangu and Nuwa was already in the middle and late stages. Both sides realized that there was no victor in this war, and it was very likely to lead to the destruction of two powerful civilizations. Everything that happens in this Pangu laboratory is like a microcosm and symbol of the entire war.

In tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years later, they will go deep into the Dark Nebula and find their successors. They may not be their kinsmen, or even descendants and inheritors who are related to them. It may be another kind of strangeness. Weird alien civilization, new civilization.

Therefore, before leaving the "last words", both parties must leave a deciphering method similar to a "dictionary". As long as the latecomers reach a certain level of civilization, they can try to learn and analyze their information.

"Then can we now know what information these two commanders left behind?" Li Yao asked in the communication channel.

"Yes, we already have a lot of deciphering methods for prehistoric information, and we can barely understand some key information."

The prehistoric linguistics expert said excitedly, “Now there are two more'dictionaries' that explain from different angles. Not only can these two pieces of information be deciphered, but also many mysterious, complicated, obscure and difficult information previously discovered, all promising. Deciphered!

"Wait a moment, we are going all out to unravel the secrets of these two ‘dictionaries’ and analyze the two groups of information clouds according to their guidance. Give us half an hour, or ten minutes..."

The voice of the linguistic experts of the prehistoric linguistics became weaker and weaker, and they were immersed in the mysterious and unpredictable world of ancient spiritual writings.

Meng Chixin asked in a deep voice on the communication channel, "Can I go in and explore now?"

Li Yao thought for a while: "A comprehensive scan of the embryo warehouse and control center has been carried out, and no fatal traps have been found, right?"

Meng Chixin: "No."

Li Yao: "There is no such kind of Cancer that is hibernating in the dark in the form of spores, or any zombies, zombies, monsters, monsters that seem to be motionless but may be resurrected at any time to bite people?"

Meng Chixin: "Neither, if there is one, we will blast its head first, and then come forward to check."

Li Yao: "Are there any rune formations that look weird, which seem to cause a big explosion in the entire Pangu Laboratory with a single touch?"

Meng Chixin: "...Is Daoyou Li being too cautious? Hundreds of thousands of years ago, an unprecedented and tragic battle took place here, and it was finally buried in a hurry, even if there were any deadly organs and traps at that time. Should all be excited, right?

"Furthermore, the Federation's puppet war beasts and Taixu war soldiers have really scanned every corner here. It's true, there is nothing weird about-this, you should know better than me."

Li Yao: "Once I was bitten by a snake and I was afraid of well ropes for ten years, I don't want to be so nervous, but...or else I will go in and see if there are any problems that will not hurt everyone?

"Huh, let the others step aside first, our ten peak powers above the Nascent Soul High-level, go in with you!"

Meng Chi snorted coldly, "Let’s say we’ve scanned it thirty or fifty times, and we really can’t find the slightest problem. Even if there are any traps and weirdness, more than a dozen Nascent Soul Peaks and even Transformation Gods are here, and they are still being caught by giants. The gods are fully armed, who can do nothing about me!"

Li Yao: "Don't, don't say such things, okay, when you say this, the ominous premonition in my heart is getting stronger and stronger!"

With that said, of course it is impossible for Li Yao to venture in alone.

The final result of the discussion was that six strong men and six giant soldiers were left on guard outside. Li Yao, Meng Chixin, Yan Liren, Wan Mingzhu, and Master Kuchan first brought a large number of Taixu soldiers to investigate.

Meng Chixin and Wan Mingzhu are ghost repair forms and will not be affected by genetic mutation potions. Yan Liren has the strongest attack power, and Master Kuchan's spirit is relatively firm. Together with Li Yao, this is the best team configuration. .

Five giant soldiers walked between the "towering trees" in the embryo warehouse, and the dark red culture chambers hanging from the branches on both sides exuded a faint ghostly atmosphere.

A close observation of the Pangu tribe, which is constantly changing into human forms, made Li Yao feel an extremely weird feeling deep in his heart.

When they stepped into the control center behind, the remains of the two commanders completely collapsed to pieces.

You can still see the colorful patterns on the broken bones of the Nuwa commander and the geometric patterns on the broken bones of the Pangu commander, but all of these are quickly annihilated under the faint smoke.

Even the black cubes of the Pangu tribe, which were originally suspended in mid-air and covered with green lines, seem to have exhausted the last little bit of strength, dimmed, extinguished, and landed on the ground, becoming ordinary. Of rocks.

"I don't know, these two fighters have exhausted all their lives and souls, and carefully kept information for hundreds of thousands of years. What kind of secrets are there?"

Li Yao's heart is naturally more inclined to the Nuwa clan. After all, the Nuwa clan liberated the earliest human beings. He stood in front of the ashes of the Nuwa clan commander and bowed respectfully to the other party with a lot of emotions.

At this time, the voice of a prehistoric linguist came from the communication channel: "The information cloud left by the Nuwa commander has been deciphered by 30%. Although most of the details were lost in the deciphering process, the rest The core information can barely form a complete meaning."

"What did she say?"

Li Yao, Meng Chixin and others lifted their spirits and asked in unison.

"Emotions, desires, and free will are higher than life, higher than everything, higher than the entire universe. They are the most precious things, and they are worth fighting for."

The prehistoric linguist said dryly, “We are the Nuwa civilization, with'freedom' as the supreme belief, but our enemy Pangu civilization wants to suppress desire, deprive emotions, and destroy freedom. This is absolutely unbearable for us. Things.

"Later people, if you see this message, please inherit our will, destroy this evil base, and continue to fight for freedom to the end. Don't let the Pangu civilization imprison the entire universe!

"...Uh, the last words left by the Nuwa tribe are roughly the same. The original text is of course richer, and it also contains the specific tasks he performed and the brief introduction of the entire civilization, etc., but those things are not in human-understandable language and The words left behind are another highly condensed information structure, and it may take the Nuwa tribe's tail to be able to read it."

This is enough.

Their original guess is true. Nuwa civilization is really a noble race fighting for freedom, while Pangu civilization is a cold race that suppresses desires, obliterates emotions, and advocates absolute control. The issue of "freedom" or "control" occurs between the two sides. The ultimate war swept through three thousand worlds!

Li Yao, Meng Chixin, Yan Liren, Wan Mingzhu, and Master Kuchan, all in awe of the noble ideas of Nuwa civilization, once again bowed deeply, and secretly said in their hearts: "Don't worry, our human civilization must be Will inherit the legacy of Nuwa civilization and spread'freedom' to every corner of the endless sea of ​​stars!"

"Wait, the information cloud of the Pangu clan commander has also deciphered a small part, and I can barely see some fragmented meaning."

The voice of the prehistoric linguistics expert seemed a little weird, "His statement in the'last words' seems to be... somewhat different from the Nuwa commander.

This is natural. No one would think that he was on the side of "evil". Li Yao glanced at the ashes of the Pangu commander not far away, and asked, "What did the Pangu commander say?"

"The universe needs order, infinitely expanding desires, excessively strong emotions and absolute freedom will only destroy the universe and destroy all civilizations in this universe."

The prehistoric linguistics expert imitated the unwavering, ruthless voice of the ancient well and said, "For countless years, we have been in contact with the universe... here is a messy, cackling symbol, which represents'eternal disorder. ,Extremely chaotic, full of destructive power', the extended meaning can be reluctantly translated into'chaos', or it can be translated into'external demon'. Which one do we use?"

Li Yao thought for a while: "Chaos."

"For countless years, we have been fighting against the'chaos' in the universe, trying to maintain the balance of the universe, and we must not let it destroy the universe."

The prehistoric linguistics expert continued to say coldly, "We thought that we had eliminated the ‘chaos’ that ravaged the entire universe, and the final victory and calm had come, but that was only the beginning of conspiracy and ultimate destruction.

"'Chaos' has never been wiped out. They have eroded the Nuwa tribe, the youngest member of our'Pangu Civilization', penetrated into the fragile brain and immature souls of the Nuwa tribe, and brought all the Nuwa tribes away All have become ambitious, extremely violent and cruel existences, and we don't know anything about it.

"The Nuwa tribe who fell into the darkness deceived us and tempted us to implement an evil and huge plan, so that we invested a lot of resources in the entire civilization, and created a kind of... the meaning here is a bit ambiguous, maybe it is Excellent, maybe cheap, maybe it means high efficiency and potential, and strong reproductive ability. In short, it is a very powerful'tool' or'carrier'.

"The Nuwa people claim that we can completely control this'tool'. It was true for the first countless years. We relied on this'tool' to establish a peaceful and harmonious order in the wider star sea, but we didn't know. As early as the birth of "Tools", the Nuwas were planted with the seeds of chaos, making them more ambitious, unscrupulous, full of desires and strong emotions than the Nuwas. That is the purest existence. Chaos Warrior, the projection of the God of Destruction in the three-dimensional universe-'Humanity'!"

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