40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1922: Here again?

"What the hell!"

Li Yao was dumbfounded, and couldn't help but want to scratch the back of his head.

The Pangu commander’s last words have not been finished yet. The linguistic experts of the prehistoric linguistics took a few breaths before continuing: "When humans have spread all over the Xinghai and become an inseparable part of the entire civilization, the Nuwas think the time is right , Finally activated the "Chaos" seed hidden in the depths of himself and the human soul, and brazenly launched a civil war, tearing apart our great and harmonious civilization, calling itself the "Nuwa Civilization".

"With the help of the human army, Nuwa civilization launched an offensive against Pangu civilization from various fields, and even spread a large number of chaotic seeds to the Pangu civilization at all possible points, causing many Pangu warriors to be infected with'chaos'. Degenerate and become a member of Nuwa civilization, become a slave of desire, a minion of emotion, and a servant of the so-called'free will'.

"We have also stubbornly resisted, fought desperately, and tried every means to re-seal humanity, so that human beings wake up from madness, become controllable again and fight for the order of the universe.

"But our efforts have failed time and time again.

"One world after another is destroyed, one after another planet is falling. Seeing that the general situation is over, the entire universe will be immersed in chaos and destruction. We can only find ways to try to preserve the Pangu civilization in the depths of this dark nebula. Seed, hope that in tens of thousands of years, it still has the hope of reviving again, and can rebuild the universe ruined by Chaos, Nuwa and human beings.

"However, even in the depths of the Dark Nebula, such a hidden refuge was discovered by the Nuwa civilization. I really don't know whether this seed of'harmony' and'order' can be passed on to dozens of years. Tens of thousands or millions of years later, and at that time, in the fragmented and dying universe, will a new intelligent life be born, enough to explore the civilization in the depths of the dark nebula and get this information?

"If there are latecomers who come here and have enough wisdom to understand this message, then please bear in mind the advice of our Pangu civilization-absolute freedom will only lead to absolute destruction, the so-called'emotions' and'desires' And "curiosity", are the mumbling of the devil in the depths of your soul. Control yourself and control your civilization. Don't let it swell abnormally. Otherwise, one day, you will become the prisoners of chaos and step into the destruction of the universe. Road, or... be obliterated by the'will of the universe'!"

This concludes the last words of the Pangu commander.

But the impact it brought was like throwing an entire mountain into the ocean, causing a great storm that could not be calmed for a long time.

Li Yao, Meng Chixin, Yan Liren, Wan Mingzhu and Master Kuchan were all shocked and speechless. They looked at each other for a long time, and they were all cold and motionless.

"It's nonsense!"

Bai Lian mother Wan Mingzhu said sharply, "Could it be that the translation was wrong, right?"

"The last words of the commander of the Pangu tribe contain a lot of information that we can't understand, and naturally there is no way to translate it."

Honghuang linguistics expert said, "But this is the information that can be translated. Dozens of linguistic experts here have repeatedly studied for a long time. There may be some differences in terms and emotions that the other party wants to express. For example, it is chaos. It’s difficult to translate these key terms 100% in place, but the core meaning is absolutely not wrong.”

Li Yao took a deep breath, settled, and asked: "The last sentence is to control ourselves and our civilization. Otherwise, it will either destroy the universe or be obliterated by the'will of the universe', this'will of the universe'. 'What is it?'

"This is really difficult to explain in our language."

The prehistoric linguistics expert said, “Here, the Pangu commander uses a very unique compound symbol, which is similar to the symbol representing the “universe” above, but with a very anthropomorphic modification, which we have never seen before. After the anthropomorphic usage of the word'universe', after thinking about it, it translates into'will of the universe'."

"What an unexpected last word."

Meng Chi breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "A Pangu commander and a Nuwa commander are different, and they all speak brightly and justly, but the other party is extremely evil, but I don't know it. Who is right and who is wrong, who is good and who is evil."

"The last words of this Pangu commander are indeed quite different from the information we have come into contact with in the past."

Master Kuchan also pondered, "But if you think about it carefully, you can also connect all the evidence we know, and explain it from another angle... the origin of mankind sounds quite reasonable."

"That is to say, what kind of ‘chaotic minions’ are we?"

White lotus mother Wan Mingzhu coldly snorted, "I don't believe it. The human civilization outside of the dark nebula has developed for 100,000 years and has not destroyed the entire universe!"

"Perhaps the development time is not long enough."

Long Yangjun faintly said in the communication channel, "In just one hundred thousand years, the human civilization that has just mastered power has fought several super wars that have spread to three thousand worlds, tearing apart countless worlds and destroying countless planets.

"Moreover, the speed of human development is getting faster and faster, increasing exponentially. During the tens of thousands of years in the ancient cultivation era, the evolution of social forms and cultivation techniques has been very slow, but in the modern cultivation society, everything has been hurriedly advanced, almost New magical powers, new magic weapons, new ideas, and new madmen appear every day. The development of the present ten years is worth the thousand years of the past, and the development of one day in the future may be faster than the present one year.

"I'm afraid you haven't even thought about the terrifying ability of such an accelerated development. If it continues to develop like this, it may not take 30,000 to 50,000 years before human beings will be able to completely master the ability to interfere in the entire universe.

"Regardless of the past 100,000 years or the next 30,000 to 50,000 years, from the perspective of the entire universe, it is just a blink of an eye.

"In the blink of an eye, a terrifying virus will sweep the entire universe. Isn't it terrible?

"If Pangu civilization is an ancient civilization that develops at a constant speed or even falls into a period of stagnation, it took millions or even tens of millions of years to develop to their peak state, when they realized the horrible potential of accelerated human development, I can't help being shocked, and turning humans into the most perfect "destroyer" is not surprising at all!"

"Wang Daoyou is right..."

Meng Chi thought about it for a long time, and saw that Li Yao had been silent next to him. He was a little strange, "Li Daoyou, what do you have for the last words of these two prehistoric commanders, Daoyou Li?"


Li Yao woke up from the trance, and slowly shook his head, "I don't have any opinion. These are all illusory things hundreds of thousands of years ago, and they are things that are justified by the public and the mother-in-law. I'm just thinking about another thing."

Meng Chixin and many ancient sage experts looked at each other: "What else is more important than what is right now?"

"These principles are not clear at all."

Li Yao frowned, "I'm just thinking, suppose the last words left by this Pangu clan commander clarify part of the truth. The so-called'Nuwa civilization' means that after the'chaos' eroded some members of the Pangu civilization, it differentiated. A brand-new civilization, so in the depths of the brain or soul of every Nuwa civilization, there is a'chaos', or rather, an'extraterritorial demon' of the prehistoric age?"

Everyone looked at each other: "...Perhaps, can you understand it this way?"


Li Yao pointed to the remains of the Nuwa clan commander who turned into ashes in the corner and said, "This eldest sister should also have an'Outer Ancient Territory Demon' in the depths of her brain?"

Everyone swallowed at the same time: "It's possible."

"That's the problem."

Li Yao narrowed his eyes and said with a bit of toothache, "Although the body of this elder sister of the Nuwa clan is fragrant, but where is the'devil from outside the ancient territories' dormant in the depths of her brain? It disappeared together, or—"

Before Li Yao's words fell, everyone's pupils all shrank into needlepoints.

Everyone immediately stimulated the psychic shield of the Giant God Soldier to its limit, preventing abnormal fluctuations and radiation from intruding into it.

And the moment they activated the psychic shield, there was indeed a cloud of illusory and colorful energy that burst out from the ashes of the Nuwa clan commander's bones.

Perhaps it was angry that Li Yao actually saw through the existence of "it". Amidst the screams of madness, brutality, and cruelty, most of the mad energy slammed into the Jiuyou Profound Bone!


In an instant, a large number of invisible particles flowed through the psychic shield and layers of armor of the Nine Nether Profound Bone, and shot into the depths of Li Yao's brain.

Li Yao felt like he was hit by a torrent of **** killing, drowned in a whirlpool of fear and destruction!

Feelings, anger, sorrow, emotions, all desires, all ambitions, and all curiosities have all been amplified to the limit.

He wants to cry happily, he wants to laugh unscrupulously, he wants to eat all the delicacies in the world, he wants to kill all those who disobey him, he wants to become the master of the entire universe, he wants to create everything, conquer everything, and release Everything, destroy everything!

"Hahahaha, hahahahahaha!"

Amidst the sea of ​​blood and boundless flames, a man's head and snake body, a giant shadow with the most brilliant colors emerged, bursting out bursts of headaches, but full of weird attractive laughter.

This laughter seemed to evoke all the most primitive and ultimate desires of people, making Li Yao feel that one hundred and eighty thousand volcanoes have grown from the inside out, and they are constantly ejecting!

"Isn't it, here's the same thing again, the Pangu tribe was reborn last time, this time it's the Nuwa tribe's turn to be rebirth?"

Li Yao wanted to cry without tears, "And you are not the liberator of justice and light, why do you laugh so exaggeratedly, "Jie Jie Jie Jie"!"

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