40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2004: Randomly assigned teammates

The three players smiled and nodded, and the woman with the snake tattoo casually said: "Yes, we are from the'Thorn Valley'."

Xin Xiaoqi's expression was even more ugly, like a bitter and astringent lime in his mouth.

Obviously she didn't want the two little guys to hear the name "Thorn Valley", lest they get deeper and deeper.

Hante and Liuli shook slightly, and they were obviously shocked.

Li Yao’s primordial spirit calmly released two warm ripples to help the two little guys calm their souls, and then sent a message to Haite’s brain: "Where is the valley of thorns? Is it terrible? Don’t use your mouth. Say, just sign with your hands behind my back."

After spending more than a month together, Hante also learned some secrets of condensing aura, silently, and quick communication. Now, using his fingertips as a pen, he quickly wrote behind Li Yao: "The valley of thorns is the most mysterious and most mysterious on the land of evil. A terrible organization, some even say that they are controlling the entire area of ​​evil in secret.

"In the legend, the valley of thorns has raised the most dangerous assassins and the most powerful mercenaries. Every time a large-scale conflict erupts in the evil soil, there is the shadow of the valley of thorns behind them, but strangely, no one has ever seen a living thorn. Valley assassins or warriors, even their bodies have not been found, let alone where their headquarters is, and how to contact them.

"In other words, no one can even figure out whether this organization exists or not. Perhaps they are just illusory legends, and they don’t exist at all. Or maybe people who have seen Thorns Assassins and Thorns Warriors in the past are all dead. Got it!"

"Don't be afraid."

Li Yao's soul released a second ripple, "With me, there will be nothing. You calm down and act according to the situation."

The Scarlet Heart Demon smiled at his primordial spirit: "It seems that the valley of thorns is the immortal cultivator's'player''s cover-up in the'Evil Earth Arena', a imaginary, non-existent organization of assassins and mercenaries. In this way, there are sufficient reasons to participate in all the conflicts and killings on the evil soil. Even if a very small number of criminals discover the truth, they will be "erased" quietly, not only affecting the entire area of ​​evil soil. The order-there is no order here."

Xin Xiaoqi tremblingly said, "I, my name is Xin Xiaoqi, I know a little bit about everything on the evil soil, the distribution of the major forces, the characters and characteristics of many powerful men, the location of the radiating mutant beast's nest, and the mysterious black market. In short, all three of you can ask me about all kinds of weird and all-encompassing information, and I know everything I can say, and I can say nothing, and I will definitely be satisfied with the three!"

It seems that Xin Xiaoqi may not know that the three "players" are the superior "heavens", but he must be impressed by the four words "Thorn Valley" and deeply understand the terrible nature of these fierce gods. Will die tragically on the spot.

Of course, Li Yao estimated that even if she really did her best to act as a guide and helped the three players complete their so-called "missions", the final outcome would not be too good. In all likelihood, they would be sent to the "City of the Sky, Manjusha". Hua" has become a hot experimental material.

Li Yao didn't think that the cultivator would let any sinners who had come into contact with the "player" alive.

The woman with the poisonous snake tattoo smiled and patted Xin Xiaoqi's shoulder with care, and said: "Don't be so nervous, the person who asked you to come here should have told you, what is the next task, right?"

"Yes it is."

Xin Xiaoqi was photographed by the poisonous snake girl and nodded tremblingly, "He wants me to take you to the'Boxing King', join the'Boxing King' army, and then follow your instructions to complete the'that thing' for you. Everything is convenient."

"That's it."

The Viper Girl squeezed Xin Xiaoqi's cheek and smiled, "Completing your task obediently will certainly benefit a lot, but...what are the next two items?"

She made a slap in the face of Hante and Liuli.

Both the black charcoal brawny and the six-eyed short man aimed their sharp gazes at the two little guys.

Being stared at by the three immortal cultivators, the blood of the two little guys almost froze. If it hadn't been for Li Yao to enter two auras to help them barely maintain it, they might have to snorted and fell to the ground.

"They, they are with me."

Xin Xiaoqi hesitated for a moment, showing unbearable expression, gritted his teeth fiercely, and quickly said, "Let's go to the boxing camp together!"

"is it?"

The Viper Girl was noncommittal, squinting her eyes, looking up and down at Hante and Liuli, the two overly green little guys, her lips suddenly trembled slightly.

"They are very murderous."

The Scarlet Heart Demon couldn't wait to say, "Do you want to kill them?"

"You are crazy. Since you are a'player', you must carry a communication tool that can communicate with'Sky City and Manjusawa'. Maybe they have a retina chip attached to their eyes, and they can shoot and upload what they see in real time. Everything that has arrived, even if these two are not there, the guy with six eyes must have!"

Li Yao calmly analyzed, "Even if you really want to kill them, it's not now. If you want to find a way to cut off their signal and block the sky from monitoring the ground, it is best to design a few traps ingeniously, without our own hands."

"They seem to be communicating in a way of'transmitting sound into secret'.

The Scarlet Heart Demon grinned and said, "It's so naive, I thought it would be foolproof, let me crack it!"

The so-called sound transmission is nothing more than precise control of sound waves, condensing the sound waves into lines similar to light beams, and directly transmitting them to the receiver's ears.

But no matter how condensed and controlled, the sound waves will eventually ripple out to extremely weak ripples, as long as the gap between the two sides is large enough, there will naturally be ways to intercept and crack.

Moments later, the conversations that the three "players" thought they were confidential were intercepted by Li Yao and the Scarlet Heart Demon.

The little man with six eyes frowned: "What's this? Is the system randomly assigned to our teammates? It looks very weak."

The brawny black charcoal snorted coldly: "Such a weak teammate, what the **** is there to come, just kill it directly, so as not to get in the way at the critical moment."

The Viper Girl didn't seem to like to act with too many natives, and she was seriously thinking about the suggestions of her two companions.

Li Yao once again sent out a thought to the depths of Hante's brain: "Take out the boxing champion's invitation card for them to see!"

Hante woke up like a dream, and hurriedly took out the rusty iron piece from his arms, and tremblingly said: "Please look at the three, this is the invitation card for the champion. With it, you can directly join the champion. Camp!"

Xin Xiaoqi was stunned slightly. It seemed that Han Te and Liuli would have invitation cards for the two little guys. At this moment, they seemed to grab a life-saving straw and nodded hurriedly: "Yes, with this invitation card, our six teams Team, you can directly join the boxing champion’s army!"

Li Yao saw that the snake girl's eyes rolled a few times, hesitated, and flicked her finger at her companion, saying: "Forget it, keep them for now, maybe the system randomly assigns to our teammates, it will trigger What kind of weird side missions? I have encountered similar situations when I came here for trials in the past few times. Although it is not a terrific mission, it is a pity to kill it so early."

After a pause, she continued to smile, "I know you all want to get the achievement of'Hundred People Slash', and I want to hit the super achievement of'Thousand People Slash', but I am not in a hurry, wait' After the fight between "Boxing King" and "Xiaoyao City Lord", there are opportunities."

The brawny black charcoal man and the little six-eyed man nodded, not daring to disobey the meaning of the snake girl.

But I didn't know that I had just escaped a murderous disaster in the ignorant—though, it was only temporarily.

"He is'Black Spear', he is'Flash Point', and my name is'Chi Lian'."

The Viper Girl introduced herself with a hint of playfulness.

Xin Xiaoqi swallowed hard and glanced at Hante and Liuli.

"I'm Hante."

"I am Liuli."

The two little guys pretended to introduce themselves calmly.

"What is this again?"

The snake girl "Chi Lian" suddenly turned her attention to Li Yao. She glanced lightly at first, and then developed a little curiosity. She rubbed Li Yao's steel shell carefully, a little surprised, "Look. It looks rough and ugly, and the design of certain components...not bad!"

Li Yao's vigilance just let go, and once again soared to the limit. In case of red training to spread the psychic energy to the core of his crystal brain for investigation, he does not know whether he can hide this "veteran player" without knowing it. "My eyes are really bad, I can only take the risk of being discovered and kill people.

Damn, why do these immortal cultivators always seek their own dead ends!

"It's called'Demon Star', and it's our psionic puppet."

Liuli added nervously, "It's amazing!"


Chi Lian glanced at the joints and crevices that Li Yao deliberately connected with rough techniques, then looked at his crawler covered with soil and fungus, and smiled faintly, "I don't know how great it is, but it seems It looks like it can pull a lot of goods."


Han Te hurriedly added, "The shuttle consumes too much psychic energy. We don't have so many crystals. Very often, all the belongings have to be dragged by the ‘Demon Star’."

Chi Lian is not a refiner, and he is not very interested in the "indigenous" psionic puppets in these "novice villages", but he bent his fingers and flicked on Li Yao's steel shell.

"Dang Cang!"

Li Yao immediately made a sound of components falling off and hitting, and the indicator light flashed rapidly.

Chi Lian was startled slightly, completely lost interest in Li Yao, yawned shallowly, looked at the Tongtian Tower that was connected to the sky track in the distance, smiled and said: "Let's go, go to the base camp of the'Boxing King','Xiaoyao The city offensive and defensive war' is about to begin!"

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