40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2005: Boxing champion base camp!

Above the evil soil, in the depths of the blood, the iron and blood camp of "Boxer" Lei Zonglie.

Approaching the base camp of the "Boxing King", the first thing that catches everyone's eyes is Xiaoyao City, which is dozens of kilometers away, on the horizon as the background.

In this position, the material transportation track connecting Xiaoyao City to the sky track is even more magnificent and eye-catching.

It can be clearly seen that the diameter of the "Tongtian Tower" is at least forty to fifty meters, and there are circles of spirally rising stairs or slide rails inlaid around it.

The materials from the sky track did not go straight up and down, but descended round and round through the spiral slide-it was like a huge drill bit, plunged deep into the earth.

Xiaoyao City may have been a prosperous and developed super city before the "Great Judgment". After being nourished by the sky, it has developed into a cruel and glamorous "Elysium".

Li Yao adjusted the scanning magical power of the crystal eye to the extreme, and he could clearly see the ray-like explosion and development, the colorful and chaotic urban area, and the warning towers standing in the urban area, and I don’t know how many. Strong men, armored chariots and crystal magnetic turrets are arranged in the streets and alleys, turning Xiaoyao City into a jungle of swords and halberds that cannot be splashed.

Such a deformed and chaotic city, if you want to conquer it, there will be extremely cruel street fighting, and countless people will die.

Perhaps this is the purpose of the immortal cultivators, and it is also the **** stage they are trying to build.

Staring at Xiaoyao City for a long time, he scanned the intertwined, messy, deformed city and the dotted, densely packed defense nodes into the primordial spirit, and reconstructed a golden virtual Xiaoyao City, before Li Yao looked back. , Look at the boxing champion base camp nearby.

He was immediately deeply shocked by the domineering and tyrannical "Boxing King" Lei Zonglie's camp.

The main body of the base camp is a steel battle fort that is nearly 100 meters high. The black shell is covered with intertwined pipes, dense exhaust outlets, and overlapping offensive talisman arrays, many of which are connected to the talisman array. The psychic transmission circuit on the upper part is exposed to the air, and even a protective shell is too lazy to add, and "crackling" sparks are exploded from time to time.

There are also gears. Numerous gears, large and small, bite together, or slowly rotate, or quickly spin, accompanied by bursts of white smoke, sending the surging power below the steel battle fort.

The base of the steel battle castle actually also uses a track structure, a total of sixteen sets of huge track propulsion systems, supporting this god-like battle castle slowly forward, advancing in the direction of Xiaoyao City, leaving behind The deep rut, the deepest point even reaches three to five meters, is enough to bury more than a hundred dead bodies.

The mark of the steel fortress running over the earth has spread to the end of the horizon, demonstrating the unrelenting courage to move forward.

Rather than saying that this is a steel battle fort, it is better to say that this is dragging a floating mountain to the ground and simply and rudely installing 16 crawlers!

What makes people look at the most thrilling is the center of the steel battle fort. In a deep crack like a canyon, a twenty- to thirty-meter long black-black cannon was poked out and pointed directly at it. Xiaoyao City.

The barrel is engraved with more than one hundred thousand amulet arrays, and a circle of metal rings used to amplify or suppress the psychic magnetic field slowly rotates on the barrel.

Li Yao didn't know what type of weapon this was for a while, but in terms of scale, it was almost the same as the main gun of a heavy starship.

In contrast to this huge and innocent main gun, the remaining hundreds of lumpy turrets seemed insignificant.


The steel battle fort uttered a earth-shattering neigh, and colorful exhaust gas gushed out from the ends of all the pipes in all directions, and the smoke filled the radius of several kilometers, which further highlighted its strength and domineering.

It must be a lunatic among lunatics who can refine such a super mobile fort.

"That is the mobile palace of the boxing champion, the'Big Iron City'!"

Xin Xiaoqi looked at the steel fortress with billowing smoke, dancing and dancing, "I heard that the'Boxer' was strengthened and transformed by himself. It's amazing!"

At this moment, the big iron city is advancing very slowly, almost standing still, only maintaining the minimum operation of the internal power system, like a kind of "standby state."

And around the big iron city, there are endless, densely packed armored chariots.

Almost all the armored tanks are studded with steel plates and spikes, and there are so many arrow-burst guns, crystal magnetic cannons, and bomber cannons piled up in a mess.

Many tents were erected around the armored chariots, which became temporary camps for the mobs.

Frightened by the prestige of "Boxing King" Lei Zonglie, he is more greedy for the materials and various profits in Xiaoyao City, and even has the opportunity to soar to "Sky City, Manzhushahua", murderers, thugs and powerful men from all directions have come All of them were placed around the big iron city and formed a town spontaneously.

Stepping into this bizarre city, Li Yao really opened his eyes.

Needless to say, there are fish and dragons mixed with black smoke and miasma. A lot of the murderous people that I see are skeletal-specific and weird-shaped, such as the whole body is covered with needle-like hair, or the natural chest is too long One arm, or two heads growing out of one body, or even half-human, half-animal, there are so many weird things.

Li Yao couldn't help comparing "Nietu" with "Blood Demon Realm."

Many demon races in the blood demon world are of course hideous and daunting existences.

But the monster race has undergone tens of thousands of years of mutation before it "evolves" to what it is today. No matter how hideous and terrifying, at least it looks more natural, as if they were born to be like this.

The mutants in the evil soil are all victims of the cultivator's radical experiment. In just a few hundred years or even decades, they have become completely unrecognizable, bearing a strong brand of man-made manipulation, which is a kind of obvious. deformity.

Moreover, the fierce people on the evil soil seem to be very keen on biochemical and mechanical transformation of their bodies, and various psychic prostheses are popular.

A burly man with a head full of tumors but with spikes on his body, dragging a robotic arm larger than his own body, with two enhanced power shafts embedded in his spine, walking between the tents like no one. Go-this kind of nightmare scene can be seen everywhere here.

"This is the temporary camp of the boxing champion army. In the past half month or so, hundreds of elite gangs have gathered here one after another, and there are countless'lone rangers' who are eating alone on the evil soil. Flocking to come, of course it is not even less... everybody like this."

Xin Xiaoqi wiped his forehead with a cold sweat, "You guys don't worry, there are people from the "Boxing Club" under the "Boxing King". I will register with them so that we can find a place to park and camp for us."

Li Yao noticed that although the entire temporary camp was very lively and chaotic, no one was suspended in mid-air except for some brawny men wearing black armor with a white fist logo painted on their chests. This is the rules of the boxing champion.

Xin Xiaoqi found a few members of the "Fighting God Club" in a light car. Perhaps she had prepared invitation cards for the three "players", but now what Li Yao got from Shuanglong City was the one that Li Yao got from Shuanglong City, and the "Fighting God Club". "The members communicated for a while, and the other party handed Xin Xiaoqi a rough and bulky wrist-type crystal brain, and she returned to everyone in sweat.

"According to your instructions, I registered under the name of the'Red Training Team'."

Xin Xiaoqi said, "The opponent has arranged a position for us in the East 13th District. If we do not actively apply for the task, we will also launch an attack in the name of the East 13th Clan in the siege."

There are many hunters and adventurers on the evil soil, and many lonely masters don't like to gather rabble crowds and engage in large-scale gangs, and they often act in teams of no more than ten elites.

Although the number of such adventurous squads is small, since they have the confidence to survive on the evil soil, they are often extremely dangerous, and ordinary gangs dare not easily provoke them.

If there is no special name, the adventure team will be named after the captain.

"Chi Lian", the woman with the highest level of viper tattoo among the three players, shook her head and said: "You should be very clear about our mission. Since we have joined the army of boxing champions, naturally we are not here to serve as ordinary cannon fodder. We have to see it alone. Boxing champion, communicate with him in depth."

Xin Xiaoqi said with an embarrassed expression: "Since the news that the boxing king is about to attack Xiaoyao City, there are countless heroes coming from all directions every day. It is naturally impossible for the boxing king to meet everyone alone. We have one in hand. "Samsung Invitation Card", but there are nine stars at the highest level. In other words, we belong to a small force that is not influential, and the boxing champion has no reason to meet us."

According to Xin Xiaoqi's statement, on the one hand, their reputation is not obvious, and their strength is not good in the eyes of outsiders, and it is not worth the boxing champion to waste time.

More importantly, their current "loyalty" cannot be guaranteed-the situation on the evil soil is changing too fast, and the speed of information dissemination is too slow, the major forces are up and down, who is who and who is loyal to whom. , Who has a deep hatred with whom, these questions are difficult to find answers.

Therefore, among the people who rushed to join the boxing champion, whether or not they would arrange the spies of Xiaoyao City Lord, this is something that no one can tell.

Even if they really show their amazing strength, it is impossible for a while to gain the absolute trust of the boxing champion and get the opportunity to communicate alone.

Chi Lian said with interest: "It sounds reasonable, so how should we solve it?"

"Then you have to do a lot of tasks first to slowly accumulate the favor and trust of the champion."

Xin Xiaoqi said, "This is called the'casting of the name'. If we can deal a heavy blow to Xiaoyao City Lord first and cause Xiaoyao City to suffer heavy losses, we will naturally win the trust of the champion."

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