40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2013: "Moment of Killing"

The creepy rubbing was more terrifying than directly piercing the body. The expression of this immortal cultivator shattered like frozen glass, and finally collapsed completely.

"My name is Liao Fei, nicknamed ‘Wu Shuang Blade’, and I’m obviously participating in the live broadcast of "Moment of Killing." Why did I fall into this inexplicable ‘Secluded Spring Blood Realm’?"

Immortal cultivator Liao Fei screamed, "What the **** is this, is it a brand new real-life game?"

Li Yaodao: ""Moment of Killing", what is that?"

Liao Fei's eyes widened, his eyes full of alertness: "Not "Moment of Killing" is "Moment of Killing", everyone in the empire knows it, even the Holy Alliance, how do you want me to explain it?

He looked at the blood sea gods and monsters and the ghosts and monsters that covered the sky and the sun with a little bewilderment, showing a suddenly realized expression, "Are you an aboriginal here, a sinner and a sinner?"

He suddenly showed an expression of extreme anger and unwillingness, but was caught in a wave of blood by Li Yao, patted his face fiercely, and patted his entire face into meatloaf.

"I am not a sinner."

Li Yao said, "I accidentally landed on this planet by a meteorite. I know that this is a planet controlled by you. I know that this place was once called Wuying Realm. I know that the real human empire is outside. I...almost nothing. all know."

While Li Yao was speaking, the Scarlet Heart Demon unconsciously eroded and infected Liao Fei's spirit, causing him to fall into Li Yao's thinking logic unconsciously and completely believe in everything Li Yao said.


Liao Fei blinked his eyes, a little stunned. After thinking about it for a long time, his eyes grew wider and wider, and he stammered, "Impossible, what are you, such a weird power, aren't you, you are not a human being?"

Li Yao: "Um..."

Liao Fei struggled desperately: "No matter what kind of alien race you are, this is the human world, a powerful real human empire. If you dare to act recklessly, the only consequence is to be locked up in our human laboratory for sliced ​​research. Well, that is definitely something you can't imagine!"

Li Yao was a little surprised. He didn't expect the bones of this immortal cultivator to be so hard.

However, in the next second, Liao Fei revealed the true face of Seli Neil, and whispered: "However, if you are not malicious to humans, don't kill me, you have something to say!"

When Li Yao moved in his heart, he schemed and said: "Have many of my kind ever come to your human world?"

The Scarlet Heart Demon whispered to the depths of Liao Fei’s soul: “Maybe it’s really encountered the alien race of the starry sky. This is terrible, but you might as well talk with'it' first. Maybe you can get unexpected benefits. ?"

Liao Fei shuddered and said, "There are indeed many different starry sky alien races that have been defeated and captured by the empire. I don't know if they are of your kind. I have never seen any starry sky alien race with my own eyes, just heard of it."

"it is good……"

Li Yao deliberately said, “You don’t need to know what I am, as long as you know, I’m very curious about the human world. The weird artificial world, I want to figure out where I am at the moment in order to determine my next plan."

"You are in a bad situation now."

Liao Fei said, "This is a planet that is highly monitored by the empire. Our people are everywhere in the sky and underground. You will never escape without my help."

Li Yao smiled: "Well, I want to ask you some questions about this world and the real human empire. It will never involve any secrets. As long as you can answer me honestly, maybe I can consider letting you go. Even lodge on you, transform your body, and help you gain powerful and unmatched power!"


Liao Fei was overjoyed, her voice trembling, "Really?"

"Why should I lie to you?"

Li Yao said lightly, "Since you can guess that I am a new intelligent life form other than humans, you should know that I don't want to be locked into the laboratory of the real human empire for slicing research. It is the most convenient to live on you to understand the world. The method is good for you. It is a win-win option, right?"


Liao Fei’s eyes rolled round and round, thought about it, and then said, "However, I really don’t know any secrets. I only know some well-known news. The information that I can tell, the Saint League person must have long been. Mastered!"

Up to this moment, he was still a little suspicious that he was captured by the Holy Alliance.

If it weren't for the Saint ally, it seemed nothing terrible.

Human civilization has ruled this star field for 100,000 years. The established alien races in the starry sky have all been extinct long before the rise of mankind. There are only one or two alien races in the starry sky that have survived to this day, and they cannot set off too much trouble.

Even if it is neither a holy ally nor a starry alien race, but a mysterious and unpredictable strongman among the sinners, it is best to cooperate obediently and find a way to save this little life.

Even if Liao Fei had a certain degree of loyalty to the true human empire, this loyalty would definitely not extend to the Wuying Realm-from Nie Tu.

Li Yao asked again: "What is "Moment of Killing"?"

This time, Liao Fei, who had made up his mind, replied: ""Killing Hour" is a large-scale interactive war game. It is one of the most popular live shows in the entire empire, with more than 300 billion viewers watching online at the same time. , The rest of the audience watching videos and small videos far exceeds one trillion! Uh, can you...understand?"

"Go on."

Li Yao said calmly, "What are you going to do on this planet?"

"Since it is called "Moment of Killing", it is naturally a big kill."

Liao Fei said, "I participated in a special contest. A total of 120 contestants have to compete for the number of kills within a month. Whoever kills the most will be the final winner, and audiences from all over the empire can do it. Through our crystal eyes and the invisible chip directly worn on the eyeball, we can see our heroic posture during the killing. This is basically the case."

"and so……"

Li Yao tried his best to pretend to be indifferent, "This planet is the paradise where you play the killing game. All the criminals here are the targets of your hunting. This so-called'war' is yours. Planning, carefully directed?"

"That's basically it."

Liao Fei said, "However, it is not only our "Moment of Killing" family of gamers who are active here. There are also dozens of interactive games and live shows such as "Game of War", "Honor Apostle", "Sword Warriors" and so on. , All year round, big kills!"

"I do not understand."

Li Yao frowned, "Does such a meaningless killing do you any good? I found that... you can't always keep in touch with the sky, and there is a high chance that you will die, right?"

"Of course there are benefits."

Liao Fei said happily, "One or two hundred years ago, this was just a pure weapon test field. Later, a genius thought it would be too wasteful to simply treat the people here as test subjects, so he came up with interactive games and real-time live broadcasts. After a hundred years of explosive development, this place has become a well-known entertainment center of the empire, supporting the amateur spiritual life of countless people in the empire, and many well-founded gaming companies have joined in. The profit rolling here every day is Astronomical numbers!

"Like me, participating in "Killing Hour" will have a high reward. If you can be among the top 120 contestants, there will be additional bonuses, but compared to the audience's rewards, these are trivial.

"As I said just now, looking at the entire empire, there are more than 300 billion viewers watching our show. As long as I can kill in the way they like, or leave their names on the corpses, they will not hesitate to spend money. For rewards, 300 billion, that's 300 billion viewers!

"Although I am just a mediocre second-rate goods, most of the rewards will be taken away by the "Killing Hour" platform, and I have to pay more than 90% of the special performance tax, but the remaining money is enough for me to spend time and money. Practice the highest intensity!

"Otherwise, I'm just an unknown person with no background and foundation. I don't rely on live killing to make money. How can I get enough resources to rush to the realm of pill formation!"

Li Yao said solemnly: "In other words, do others pay to see you kill? It's an incredible social formation!"

"It's not that incredible."

Liao Fei said, "You don’t know that our real human empire divides the people into two classes, real people and primitive people. Real people are immortal cultivators with powerful powers like me. Naturally, they rarely watch live killings because they want to have fun. , They can kill them personally, but they don't need to scratch them.

"But the original man is different.

"The primitive man is the bottom layer of the empire, a weak, lazy, mean and shameless existence, almost a muddle-headed, surly and tyrannical beast.

"The animal nature that is suppressed in their bodies will cause a mess if they cannot vent for too long.

"Our benevolent emperor does not want these primitive people to fight each other-it will greatly reduce work efficiency and disrupt public order.'Killing Live' just solves this problem, if all primitive people can pass the excess energy through' When "Killing Live" vents, you will naturally work hard, obediently and obediently, and the society will be harmonious and stable.

"Almost all the primitive people like to watch the'Killing Live', and they are willing to drop a lot of money to reward us, and some even steal it and want to reward us-I don't know the psychological state of these primitive people, but It doesn’t matter, money is money after all. Even if the rewards of each primitive person are just a drop in the bucket for us, but gathering sand into a tower, the income in the end is still great, this is that I am willing to take the risk of taking part in the "Moment of Killing" challenge. The reason for the match!"


Li Yaodao, "In that case, a killing game like this has formed a huge industry in the real human empire?"


Liao Fei said, "It is a huge industry that can affect the entire empire, and it is also a thriving sunrise industry. Almost all the royal families, nobles, and powerful and powerful people have invested a lot of money here. Compared with them, I am just A small shrimp is just the most insignificant gear on a huge machine!"

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