40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2014: Nietu Paradise

Li Yao was silent for a while, and continued to say in a low, majestic, non-human emotion voice: "In addition to the'killing live broadcaster' like you, it seems that there are other immortal cultivators who have come here. They call themselves'players. '?"

Liao Fei was startled slightly, and nodded: "Yes, there are many people who come to the'Nietu Paradise' every day. Usually everyone is scattered all over the Nietu. This time I heard that a new indigenous powerhouse has emerged on the Nietu.' Boxing champion Lei Zonglie will also attack Xiaoyao City of Paradise, so players from all directions will gather together and get ready to have fun."

"Nietu Paradise?"

Li Yao slowly chewed on the name, "For the natives who grew up here, it is a sinful wasteland. For'players' like you, it is naturally a paradise. Then, except for you Apart from such'killing live broadcasters', who else is there?"

"Some people are here to do trial tasks and compete with each other."

Liao Fei refers to immortal cultivators like the "Red Training Squad", "Our true human empire advocates competition, whether it is from a lower-level academy to a higher-level academy for further studies, or a big family vying for the first heir. If you want to enter a large company, a large group, or a big sect, you must use decent trial results to speak.

"Nietu is the best trial ground. There are all kinds of monsters and murderous people. They will encounter all kinds of strange conditions. They can best test the comprehensive qualities and instincts of a trialer, but they are relatively closed. And controllable, it is convenient to formulate various difficult tasks.

"Therefore, many well-known academies, families, and sects in the empire will put various trial tasks and promotion exams on the evil soil, and the credibility is very strong.

"For a newcomer, he can pass the test of Nie Tu, and he can also write a lot of praise on his resume.

"In addition to the'killer live broadcaster' and the'mission tester', there are also tourists..."

"and many more."

Li Yao frowned and said, "Tourist—someone come here to travel?"

"Of course there is."

Liao Fei smiled bitterly, “The survival of the true human empire is very difficult. Even immortal cultivators face great pressure in their daily lives. Not only do they have to perform various tasks of a lifetime, they also have to face internal swords and intrigues. The high-level immortal cultivators can certainly lead a life of drunkenness, dreaming and dying, but the life of immortal cultivators in the refining period and the foundation building period, especially the younger ones who are not protected by the rich and ancient sects, is equally depressing.

"These humble children themselves are the lowest level among immortal cultivators. Many people do not have their own territory and slaves to vent. You know, most primitive people are not slaves, at least not slaves in the legal sense. It is a slave, if it belongs to a certain strong person, it is not something that a low-level immortal cultivator can play and slaughter casually.

"Therefore, after these low-level immortals have saved a sum of money and felt too much pressure, they will often choose to go to the Nietu Paradise for vacation. Anyway, here are all slaves among slaves, ants-like things, as long as they take out enough The money, they are here to dominate, and they can do whatever they want.

"In fact, in the so-called'Elysium', how many sinners are qualified to enjoy it. Most of the extravagant and extremely lustful enjoyment belongs to tourists.

"Naturally, if tourists don’t like the enjoyment of the meat forest in the wine pond, they can also go to the **** world to kill the ring. With the well-designed mission scene and the most advanced magic weapon, even if the criminals are several levels higher than theirs. , They will be slaughtered like pigs and dogs, easily bombarded, so that they can fully appreciate the pleasure of'leapfrogging monsters'!"

Li Yao squinted his eyes and said: "So, the so-called'Blood War World' is often not a conflagration between sinners and criminals, but tourists are slaughtering them arbitrarily?"

"Yes it is."

Liao Fei took it for granted, "Those tourists all came to Nietu Paradise for a lot of money. Naturally, they won’t be content to play with three-legged **** in the "Elysium". I usually receive enough instructions and squeeze from high-level cultivators. Naturally, I have to vent it here to be enough."

Li Yao said, "Are there any other immortal cultivators? How many people are there in total?"

Liao Fei said: "In addition to killing live broadcasters, task testers, and simple players, there should also be magic testers and guards and staff responsible for the operation of the entire Nindu Paradise. How many people are there in total... I’m not sure, for the entire planet, there are always tens of thousands."

Li Yao said: "This is not a planet with a large population. With such a harsh environment, it is extremely difficult to multiply and thrive. There are tens of thousands of immortal cultivators here who act arbitrarily. How can there be enough criminals in the land? Right? Also, have you never been discovered by the natives?"

Liao Fei's eyes rolled a few times and said: "The number of native criminals is naturally far from enough to consume. Therefore, every year, countless primitive slaves and immortal cultivators who have committed heinous crimes are transported from the major worlds of the empire. After sealing their memories, throw them down to fill up the shortcomings here-the empire is vast and rich in resources, with a large population, this is not a problem.

"As for whether it has been discovered by the natives, it must be, but what if it is discovered? Above the evil soil, there is no grass, and most of the resources depend on the delivery of the sky. As long as the resource delivery is cut off, no matter how heroic it is. The world’s strongest people must kneel down and beg for mercy, obediently cooperate with us to obliterate other insiders, otherwise they will only be obliterated together!"

Li Yao continued to ask: "What kind of existence is the so-called'City of the Sky, Manzhushahua'? Can the sinners get rid of their past identities and become'heavens', that is, cultivators of immortals?"

"That's a restricted area, not something we can approach."

Liao Fei said, "I heard that there is an extremely strict prison and laboratory, where countless extremely dangerous murderers and monsters are imprisoned-perhaps the strongest person who has emerged from the cruel fighting of the evil soil?

"As for being a cultivator, I have never heard of such an example anyway."

Li Yao said: "So, even if someone helped'Boxing King' Lei Zonglie capture Xiaoyao City and was really sent to'Sky City, Manzhushahua', it is impossible to become a cultivator?"

"Of course it's impossible!"

Liao Fei grinned and said, "What ruler of the world of bliss is just the dog we raise. If you are obedient, you can eat two bones, but how can it be equal to us?"


Li Yao pondered, "Now, who is the supreme controller of this ‘Evil Earth Paradise’?"

Liao Fei said, "That's Wu Yinglan, the helm of the'Sky Eye Group'."

Li Yao said: "Wu Yinglan? Is it your royal family? Tell me all about him."

Liao Fei nodded and said: "Wu Yinglan is indeed a royal family, but only a branch of the younger brother. When passed down to him, his strength is already quite weak, and it is impossible to participate in the struggle for the power center. He was'distributed' to him when he was very young. The Scorpion star cluster is in charge of the weapon test field and the magic laboratory.

"This was originally quite a piece of work, because this weapon test field and magic weapon laboratory have been used for hundreds of years, and almost all the value has been squeezed out. Moreover, the test field and laboratory have their own supervisors. There are many places where he can get in. This is basically an idle messenger waiting for death. It is specially used to place the royal branch. Which royal family is'distributed' to the poisonous scorpion star cluster is basically equivalent to everyone It completely disappeared from the sight of it!

"However, Wu Yinglan is an ambitious and whimsical person. Just now I said that someone thought of all kinds of ideas to squeeze the value of evil soil, and that was him.

"In short, Wu Yingxing came back to life only under Wu Yinglan's ingenious operation. It has developed rapidly in the past 100 years and has received support from various bigwigs and military industry groups. It has once again become one of the empire's most important new magic weapons and supernatural power test bases.

"And Wu Yinglan's'Tianyan Group' also made its fortune with the'Live Killing Live' and staged scenes of miracles of snake swallowing elephants. Until now, he has controlled half of the imperial gaming industry and media industry, making him a desolate king and grandson. A hot and powerful figure!"

Li Yao's eyes are piercing: "So, Wu Yinglan can be called the creator and manipulator of the'Evil Land Paradise', and even the'general director' of our current tragic siege?"

Liao Fei nodded his head: "Yes!"

Li Yao pondered for a moment and said: "The last question, have you ever heard of the'Starlight Organization' and the so-called'Cultivator of Poetry for a Thousand Years"?

Liao Fei smiled and said: "Of course I have heard that it was originally a legend about the poisonous scorpion star cluster, and it has spread to the entire empire in the past century. Perhaps it is because some unpredictable generations are doing shameful deeds under the banner of legends, what? Cultivators are just a bunch of self-seeking idiots who went extinct more than a thousand years ago. What storms can they cause?"

"I understand."

Li Yao said, in the sea of ​​blood, "gurgling" bubbles popped up, "Thank you for your truthful answer. I originally wanted to ask you some more questions, but time is limited, so let's stop here."

The blood bubble "Bobo" burst, releasing a faint killing intent.

The smile on Liao Fei's face gradually solidified, and there was a trace of surprise and fear in his eyes, and he stammered: "Wait, you said you didn't kill me, you have no reason to kill me! No matter if you are a starry alien or a sinner You shouldn’t kill me, the strong among the sinners! Without my cooperation, you would never escape, you can’t escape from the paradise of evil, and you can’t escape from Wu Yinglan's net of heaven and earth! Calm down and think about it!"


A grinning smile bloomed on the face of the **** and demon standing in the sea of ​​blood, and said lightly, "But, who said I was going to escape?"

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