40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2024: The future of the Li family!

As a true human empire, one of the four major elected emperor families, the Li family has a long history. Before the establishment of the empire, it was already a wealthy family of the Xinghai Republic, dominating military, political and business circles.

Thousands of years of development, there are many branches and side lines, even if only the younger generation in the core bloodline, there are not ten thousand each year, but eight thousand.

With so many people, there are naturally diverse, good and bad people, and not all of them can become talents.

However, most of the people of the tribe will receive the strict elite education of the family, and they will develop a decisive, ruthless character from an early age.

Even the wicked people who kill on the evil soil without blinking are as harmless as lambs with their teeth removed in front of these seemingly gentle and handsome teenagers.

But this "Li Jialing" is an anomaly.

It is said that he was from a sideline of the Li family. His father was an unknown fighter in the family. He died on the battlefield very early, and his mother died of dystocia when he gave birth.

Therefore, as an orphan, he lives in the family’s "Peiyingyuan", a little bit older, and fostered in the house of a big family man. While learning from the big man, he handles daily chores for the big man, which is equivalent to not being a servant. Servant.

Originally, the fate of this kind of collateral orphan was either an ordinary family warrior or a more obscure staff member. Perhaps after working diligently for the big man for decades, he would go to the family’s newly developed industry on the wild planet to act as the director. such as.

However, Li Jialing was in fortune. For some reason, he was favored by "Li Lingfeng", one of the strongest in the middle generation of Li's family, and was often taken with him.

Li Lingfeng and the queen "Li Linghai", known as the "Double Bi" of the Li family, are the powerful figures who are most likely to become the next patriarch.

Not to mention the people he fancy, even a dog he fancy is more prestigious than some powerhouses in the outer world of the empire.

Li Jialing was able to enter the circle of the most outstanding core children of the Li family.

Like all the great clans in the empire, the Li family does not particularly value blood, and most advocates the cruel competition of the weak and the strong.

As long as they have sufficient strength, the collateral children can kill the main line heirs, they can still enter the hall and get the real inheritance of the Li family.

Therefore, at the beginning, these core children were very jealous of Li Jialing, thinking that he had a particularly cruel and tyrannical temperament in him, and Li Lingfeng saw it, so they looked at him differently.

Who knows, after a few days of contact, they discovered that this Li Jialing was completely pustules, soft eggs, waste, and jokes!

The level of strength is another matter, anyway, with the financial resources and technology of the Li family, even if it is really useless waste, astronomical resources can be smashed into a fighter who can barely make do with it.

But this guy who can't support the wall with mud has an extremely useless character, let alone murder, he doesn't even dare to kill a chicken.

Human nature is evil, young people are bullying and fearful of hard work and have a conformity mentality, especially the young people of the real human empire.

Li Jialing soon became the target of bullying and venting pressure by all the core children within the family.

At the beginning, there were still people who were scrupulous about Li Lingfeng's attitude.

However, apart from throwing Li Jialing to a special school that specializes in cultivating the core children of the family, Li Lingfeng has been indifferent, as if completely forgot about him.

Once, Li Lingfeng's grandson carefully asked him about Li Jialing. The big Li family raised his head during his busy schedule, still showing a confused look: "Li Jialing? What Li Jialing?"

It seemed that this was just an unintentional act made by Li Lingfeng on a whim. Perhaps the father of this waste had an intersection with Li Lingfeng, but it was by no means a big deal. Now, Li Lingfeng has forgotten this waste!

In the family core school, Li Jialing immediately became a target of humiliation and arbitrary abuse.

Even if the **** in the school grows legs, he will step on Li Jialing's face a few times a day.

Many people say that the reason why Li Jialing can live to this day is because he is too wasteful, and that whoever kills him will be ridiculed by his companions.

He is everyone's toy, a public air bag, that's all.

However, this time I came to "City in the Sky, Manzhushahua" to observe the trial missions of the higher grades. Somehow the leader of the family, Li Lingfeng, suddenly thought of the existence of this waste and called him to bring him along.

Many young people have long been dissatisfied. Just now, this trash dared to retaliate under the eyes of everyone, greatly losing the face of the Li family, but it made many people angry and angry, and murderous intent was born in their hearts.

Li Jialing was accustomed to all this for a long time. He silently wiped the leftovers from his body, his pale little face showed no expression, whether it was the ridicule within the family, the doubts of other families, or the undoubted result of his own death a few days later. , All indifferent.

Life is like it doesn't belong to oneself, it's just an irrelevant game.

Li Jialing lowered his eyelids and didn't want to watch the fierce war on the light curtain anymore. He was about to hide in the corner of the hall. Suddenly he felt two cold and hot eyes, and he shuddered.

Li Lingfeng was not far away, looking at him quietly.

This powerful figure in the real human empire, the elder brother of the same father and mother of the Queen "Li Linghai", can mobilize thousands of starships and millions of dead men at any time with a light cough. Has a refined appearance that is completely different from that of his identity.

He looks like a crown of jade, eyes like shooting stars, long hair and shawl, gentle and elegant. He is obviously more than two hundred years old, but he looks like a fledgling young university scholar. He is indescribably suave and suave.

Li Jialing's eyelashes trembled for a while, head down, biting his lip, and obediently walked towards Li Lingfeng.

The Li boys who were still bullying him just now were puzzled, but how dare they come forward and ask?

Until Li Lingfeng and Li Jialing turned into the promenade outside the hall, they were confused and looked at each other, not understanding the relationship between the family boss and the "family shame".

On the promenade, Li Lingfeng and Li Jialing looked at each other silently, and the atmosphere was very delicate.

"Why have been bullied, but still refused to take action?"

Li Lingfeng carried his hands on his back, looked at the "weak" young man, and said lightly, "Are you going to endure this until you are really killed by them? As long as you yawn and kill them three or five casually, no one will be there. I dare to bully you again."

Li Jialing bit his lip deeply, was silent for a moment, and whispered softly: "There is still your grandson in there."

"I have many grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren."

Li Lingfeng said, "It's not a big deal to die ten or eight-let alone it's for you."

There was extreme pain in Li Jialing's eyes, but an extremely stubborn light. He still shook his head and said, "I, I don't want to kill people. I know that as long as I do it, a dam will be completely destroyed, and I can't control myself completely. Up!

"Is it enough to kill three or five? Impossible, you are lying to me, kill three or five, you will definitely arrange a stronger opponent for me, ask me to kill another thirty or fifty, and then three or five hundred One, then three to five thousand, this cruel experiment will never end forever.

"Since I can't escape the palm of your hand anyway, I'd rather not kill any of them. If you want to die, just die!"

A gratifying smile appeared on Li Lingfeng's face: "You are very smart, and you are getting smarter and smarter."

"You are the one who made me so smart."

A bitter smile appeared on the juvenile’s pale and immature face, “Smart enough to figure out his identity and destiny, realizing that he is just a special'experimental body', and those sinners in the paradise of evil, There is no difference at all."

"I am more and more optimistic about you."

Li Lingfeng's eyes became deep and mysterious, and he murmured, "I really hope to see you explode to your full potential. What a terrifying scene, it will definitely make'someone' shocked."

"What if I just don't let you get what you want?"

Li Jialing plucked up the courage to reveal a side that had never been seen before the Li boys, clenched his fists and said, "You can make me into a terrible monster, but I just can't be as cruel as you want. Killing, what would you do to kill me?"

Li Lingfeng laughed blankly.

"In the past ten years, I have spent so much effort and resources to train you. You know how complicated and successful each experiment is, right?"

The future Patriarch of the Li family looked at the young man deeply and said, "You are my most precious asset, how could I waste you in vain? Besides, your performance today has long been expected by me. It's a fun game between me and'someone', right?

"Trust me, one day, you will recognize your own nature, obey your real destiny, and even... inherit the power of the entire Li family!"

Li Jialing's figure flickered, shocked to the extreme.

He heard the last words Li Lingfeng said for the first time.

"You, what do you mean!"

The boy’s eye sockets seemed to have grown teeth, and his face exploded with needle-sized blood spots, half begging, and shouted, "Tell me the truth, who are my parents? You often say, "Someone." 'Who is it, why did you choose me for such a cruel modulation, why must you force me, and why all this!"

"If you want to know so, listen to the true voice in your heart, don't be bound by non-existent laws, and start killing as much as you want!"

Li Lingfeng remained silent, his eyes suddenly softened, "However, in any case, there is one thing you must believe-from beginning to end, I did not treat you as an'experimental body'. If possible, I hope very much. You can become my true inheritor and become...the future of the Li family!"

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