40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2025: The rise of Wu Yinglan!

The five words "the future of the Li family" made Li Jialing dizzy again, as if trapped in an unfathomable maze.

The young man stared at the man in front of him who could influence the entire real human empire, and he hesitated: "I... can I trust you?"

"Why not?"

Li Lingfeng smiled and said, "After experiencing so many inhumane and inhumane, life is better than death modulations, you should be very clear that if I want to interfere with or even manipulate your mind to carry out the killing, it will be effortless at all, and you can't resist it at all.

"But I haven't done this. For so many years, I have only transformed your flesh and blood, stimulated your brain potential, expanded your three souls and seven souls, and nourished the terrifying monster deep in your heart, but... Never interfere with your free will.

"If you just treat you as an ordinary ‘experimental body’, why should I take the trouble to cultivate you in this way?

"Come on, go to a place with me and meet someone."

Li Lingfeng took Li Jialing to a simple and elegant secret room beside the hall.

There is no one in the secret room, but there is a one-way transparent floor-to-ceiling mirror, and you can see all kinds of sentient beings in the hall.

There is also a more advanced and detailed light curtain than in the hall, allowing them to grasp every detail of the battlefield of Nietu.

This is the highest-level VIP room of "Sky City, Manzhushahua", and only a big boss of Li Lingfeng is eligible to enjoy it.

Through the one-way transparent floor-to-ceiling mirror, Li Jialing looked at the ignorant and suspicious Li juveniles in the hall.

He was like them, the second monk was puzzled.

"Look at that man."

Li Lingfeng pointed to the front of the hall, a middle-aged man who was as perfect as a marble statue. This man was talking to several military and political leaders. He was full of confidence that "everything is under control", "Do you know him?"


Li Jialing said honestly, "He is the master here, Wu Yinglan, and...for so many years, he has provided you with various techniques and secrets to modulate me."

"Yes, I have worked with him in depth decades ago and obtained a lot of cutting-edge technology from him. Most of the abilities in your body come from his laboratory."

Li Lingfeng smiled, "In this sense, you are the'son of Manzhushahua', and this is your real home!"

Li Jialing shuddered again and whispered: "I understand, you came to the'Sky City, Manzhushahua' in person this time, not for the trial mission of the new generation of the Li family, but for me and for me Here, the next stage of modulation is accepted."

"You are very smart, but that is only one of the purposes."

Li Lingfeng said lightly, "Now, I want to talk to you about Wu Yinglan's story. He is really similar to you."

Li Jialing was startled slightly, and quietly listened to Li Lingfeng's words.

"Although Wu Yinglan is an imperial clan, just like you, he is from a collateral family."

Li Lingfeng said calmly, "And you should be very aware of the embarrassing position of the royal family in the empire. Everyone was terrified by the strength of Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi. Since Wu Yingqi died, he has been working together to restrict the imperial power. , Even if the emperor's aloft himself, let alone whose puppet, is at least subject to a lot of constraints, unable to do whatever he wants, Wu Yinglan's collateral branch is nothing more than the heirs of our four major elected emperor families.

"What's more, this person is born with deficiencies. When he was just born, he was a deformed dwarf."


Li Jialing suddenly opened his eyes.

"The way he is now, after he got here, he used the cutting-edge technology of'Manzhushahua' to transform it after countless painful concoctions."

Li Lingfeng smiled and said, "I didn't expect that such a deformity that should have been strangled alive just after birth has survived tenaciously. I don't know what means it used to kill countless competitors and become the governor of the Wuying world!

"However, when he first took office, Wuying Realm was just a very ordinary place among dozens of large-scale magic weapons and supernatural power test bases in the empire.

"Furthermore, because of hundreds of years of excessive experimentation, this place has long been tossed in smoke and a mess. The few criminals are lingering cockroaches and mice. These ants can't test the empire's most advanced magic weapons and magical powers. Good or bad.

"So, everyone thought at the time that this magic weapon and supernatural power test base would soon be closed and abandoned-the arrival of Wu Yinglan, the ‘ghost governor’, is the best proof.

"Who knows that Wu Yinglan really has the ability to change the world and the world. He first thought of the idea of'killing live broadcast'. He used the most **** and exciting three-dimensional video to attract the depressed primitive people at the bottom of the empire. The first pot of gold was excavated from the primitive man.

"Subsequently, I smashed all the first pots of gold on the transformation of Nietu, turning it into a super first-class trial base with complete facilities and thrills, attracting major families, academies, Sects and groups come to the trial.

"A lot of people didn’t understand at the time—you know, the cost of'trials' is extremely high, whether it’s all kinds of consumption during the trial, or the timely replenishment of the prey after the slaughter, including security and monitoring issues. The investment is astronomical. According to Wu Yinglan's offer, it is basically a loss-making business, and the first pot of gold will soon be squandered.

"At the time, no one knew that Wu Yinglan's focus was not money at all, but connections!

"The trial teams that come here continuously are all from the most powerful family and sectarian group in the empire, and they must be led by bigwigs from all quarters.

"Among the newcomers participating in the trial, there are also many talented young people who will become the mainstay of the family in a few years.

"Wu Yinglan attracted these people together, through which he threaded needles and threads, and naturally weaved an extremely broad and tough network of contacts.

"With contacts, everything is there. Wu Yinglan has been appreciated by many people, including me, and invested a lot of resources to help him bring this precarious magic weapon and supernatural power test base back to life, and then enter a virtuous circle, trial. The level is getting higher and higher, more and more teams are coming to the trial, the laboratory has also obtained the freshest raw materials, one after another has come up with the most cutting-edge experimental results, the influence of "killing live broadcast" is increasing day by day, and it has formed its own Gaming groups, to this day, have become behemoths across various fields such as media, gaming and cutting-edge research! The dwarf that nobody liked or even knew about in the past has also become the hottest big man in the royal family. ', it's not easy, it's really not easy!"

Li Jialing was silent for a moment, puzzled: "Why tell me this?"

Li Lingfeng smiled and said, "It's very simple. Since Wu Yinglan can do all this, and use his bare hands to create a huge media empire, why can't you?"

Li Jialing opened his mouth, increasingly wondering why Li Lingfeng treated himself like this.

But after all, he didn't ask, because the boy knew that even if he asked, the other party would not give him an answer.

He is just a rice-sized chess piece in the opponent's hand, and he is not qualified to know what the chess player thinks.

"and also."

Li Lingfeng said, "I want you to know that most of the methods I use to concoct you are Wu Yinglan's once used on him. It can even be said that you are Wu Yinglan's purely in terms of flesh and blood.' The enhanced version', as for how much it has been enhanced, you have to ask yourself.

"So, I think you two might as well get closer, maybe he can solve some of your confusion?"

Li Jialing's eyes became wider and wider, looking at Wu Yinglan not far away, and then at his pale and thin hands, completely plunged into a vortex of confusion.

Li Lingfeng smiled slightly, raised his wrist and brain, preparing to summon Wu Yinglan.

Suddenly there was a deafening loud noise in the sound transmission talisman array, and hundreds of light curtains appeared at the same time a horrible picture of the "big iron city" floating, with eight arms extended.

"Boxing King" Lei Zonglie's astonishing aura, almost burned a hole in the light curtain!


Li Lingfeng was slightly surprised, "Wu Yinglan really has unexpected behaviors from time to time. I really didn't expect that he would concoct such a tyrannical monster. This game is finally a bit interesting."

In the hall, the ultimate form of "Boxing King" Lei Zonglie attracted the attention of many audiences.

Some people whispered to each other, some exclaimed, and a lot of people who bet on the boxing king's side were blushing and joyful.

Wu Yinglan, the owner of "Sky City, Manzhushahua", was holding a wine glass, smiling faintly, without even blinking a single eyelash, as if "Boxing King" Lei Zonglie was under his control every time he transformed. In, are all part of the game.

Even Li Lingfeng, the biggest supporter behind "City in the Sky, Manzhushahua", didn't know the waves in Wu Yinglan's heart at this moment.

With a smile on his face, he continued to accompany the two VIPs to talk for a while, so that everyone can appreciate and enjoy, and then he left the hall without hurries, walked through a long and narrow corridor, and came to the planning and control of the entire trial mission. Room.

Here is a sea of ​​crystal brains and light curtains. The overwhelming pictures and data are a hundred times more complicated than those in the hall. In addition to twelve super crystal brains plus a thousand immortal cultivators with super computing power, they are racing against time to analyze and process, so that they can barely monitor and maintain. The most critical areas on Nietu include the "Battle of Xiaoyao City" that is being carried out at this moment.

Now, all shots are locked on the "big iron city".

The "Boxing King" Lei Zonglie showed his true shape and was killing him. He had penetrated Xiaoyao City's seven defenses and killed more than fifty immortal cultivators. It also caught the control center of Sky City by surprise.

"what happened?"

Wu Yinglan frowned and asked coldly, "What do you mean when you say that the'Boxing King' is out of control?"

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