40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2026: Out of control iron fist!

"grown ups!"

An old man wearing a white lab coat, a small figure and a mouse-like appearance, stepped forward.

On the old man’s brow bone, there is a circle of metal rings inlaid from front to back. There are more than ten connectors evenly distributed on the metal ring. Most of the connectors are equipped with some weird magic weapons, or they flicker strangely. , Or humming, innumerable streams of information surging around his head, like a whirlpool of chaos.

He is Luo Tiansheng, the head of the "Manzhushahua Advanced Magic Weapons and Supernatural Power Laboratory", a top scholar who is proficient in everything from flying swords to crystal armor to biochemical transformation technology.

"Dr. Low."

Wu Yinglan stared at the "Big Iron City" that was rampant on the light curtain, and said, "You said the boxing champion is out of control? But didn't we know that his "Big Iron City" is weird? He took great pains to transform the "Big Iron City". The scenes of', are all under our close monitoring, what tricks can we play?"

"There is no problem with the'Big Iron City'. The problem is the control method of the'Big Iron City', or the'Boxing King' itself."

Luo Tian Shengdao, "My lord, please look at the combat parameters presented by the'Boxing King' at this moment."


A light curtain of the "Boxing King" massacre is constantly being magnified, and every shot he makes is analyzed in detail. From speed to angle to power, every subtle change is presented in a numerical way, with thousands of data. After one by one mysterious and complicated formula calculation, the comprehensive combat power value was finally obtained.

"It's really interesting."

Wu Yinglan squinted her eyes, the skin around her eyes was still frozen in the frost, but a smile of interest was raised at the corner of her mouth, "It should be more clumsy to drive the nearly 100-meter-high'big iron city'. Yes, but his speed and agility are more than twice as fast as we predicted, close to the speed of a giant soldier, what kind of secret method his remnant soul has cultivated to control such a huge steel fortress. To what extent is the arm pointing?"

"My lord is right. The overall combat power of the'Boxing King' is 275% higher than our prediction-this value is still soaring. It is impossible to analyze all the magical powers he has cultivated."

Luo Tiansheng said dryly, "So, we turned back to study all the past data of the'Boxing King', overturned countless preconceived assumptions, and finally reached an extremely surprising conclusion!"


Wu Yinglan watched Lei Zonglie, the "boxing king" in the light curtain, grasping an immortal cultivator player in the iron palm of the giant spirit.

The player struggled desperately, shouting hoarsely, as if saying something "No more, I no longer play, please help me, quickly let me out!"

But it was useless. In the next second, with a sound of "wave", this player was squeezed severely by the "Boxing King", turning into a ball of sparks and blood mist.

Wu Yinglan's cold smile became stronger: "What conclusion?"

"No ghost repairer can do what the'Boxing King' can do at this moment-invade Xiahou Wuxin's automated flying sword intensive attack system, and replace four psionic puppets in a short period of time, and finally one The super-giant psionic puppet that is nearly 100 meters high can be controlled to such a precise and agile level. There is absolutely no one!"

Luo Tiansheng said with certainty, "So,'Boxing King' Lei Zonglie is not a ghost repairer, and our entire expert team can guarantee it!"

"Not a ghost repair?"

Wu Yinglan's eyes glowed with mysterious luster, "What's that?"

"artificial intelligence."

Luo Tian Shengdao, "Or, adults can also understand him-it is an extremely special psionic puppet."


In the light curtain, the "boxing king" Lei Zonglie, who is nearly a hundred meters high, is suffering from thousands of artillery fires from Xiaoyao City. The colorful fireball seems to put him on a blazing battle armor, he-it is in the raging fire Towards Xiaoyao City, and the Tongtian Tower above Xiaoyao City, the sky above the Tongtian Tower and the Sky City, Manzhushahua in the center of the sky, sent out a metal and mechanical roar.

Wu Yinglan seemed to be looking at a big exquisite toy, "explain it."

"For a long time, we have been deceived by Lei Zonglie, the'boxing king'. It is rough and wild on the surface, and even makes no secret of his ambitious ambition to unify the entire land. It makes us mistakenly think that he is just a man with well-developed limbs and simple mind Takeshi."

Luo Tian Shengdao, "It now appears that he has thrown out such appalling ambitions just to cover up another bigger secret, disguising himself as a living human being, a remnant soul that has lost its flesh and blood, and another The ghost repair in the psychic prosthetic body.

"Until today, his full firepower has allowed us to see the tip of the iceberg of truth. It is not a human, but a psychic puppet with the ability to learn and upgrade independently, a super artificial that can vividly simulate human emotions and behavior. intelligent."

Wu Yinglan said casually: "I know that about two to three hundred years ago, the empire set off a'super artificial intelligence craze.' Many experts and scholars believe that psionic puppets with independent learning and upgrading capabilities can maximize Replace the soldiers, at least replace the soldiers at the bottom-those cannon fodder.

"If it succeeds, maybe we don't need to feed so many dirty primitive people.

"At that time, experts and scholars seemed to have conducted a lot of experiments on this planet, right?"

"Yes it is."

Luo Tian Shengdao, "Two hundred years ago, we used to put 47 different types of self-learning and upgraded psionic puppets on Nietu. Their logic circuits and upgrade methods were different. At that time, our thoughts were still 'Raising Gu', I hope that these 47 kinds of psychic puppets can kill each other, swallow and merge like forty-seven different kinds of gu worms. In the end, there will be the last kind of'Gu King', its Logic circuits, thinking databases, and upgrade patterns are the most valuable for research and mass production.

"So, when these psionic puppets were thrown into the evil soil, we did not set any precise and subtle goals for them. We only entered a very vague command into the depths of their thinking database."

Wu Yinglan asked: "What kind of instructions?"

Luo Tianshengdao: "At any cost, by any means, upgrade to the strongest!"

Wu Yinglan said calmly, "What happened later?"

"Later, this project ended without a problem."

Luo Tiansheng sighed, "This was originally the largest research project that Nietu Lab invested in two hundred years ago, but everyone underestimated the difficulty of the birth of real artificial intelligence. The so-called'autonomous learning and upgrading' is basically a research project. Unrealistic fantasy. In the end, these psionic puppets can still only perform mechanical, rigid, and deterministic tasks, but cannot understand vague, chaotic, and ever-changing goals.

"Psionic puppets can destroy everything with a certain coordinate, but it is impossible to understand what'upgrade to the strongest' means.

"What is the strongest? It is the strongest in the evil land, the strongest in the Wuying world, the strongest scorpion star cluster, the strongest real human empire, or... the strongest in the entire universe, even strong enough to explode the entire three-dimensional universe, four-dimensional The extent of the universe, the five-dimensional universe and the eleven-dimensional universe?

"The experts and scholars at the time did not consider this issue, but simply and rudely input such ridiculous instructions to these artificial intelligences.

"In addition to the fragility and instability of the new crystal brain, the failure rate of these self-learning psionic puppets is extremely high. Even if there is no failure, 99% will fall into a ridiculous logical trap.

"If ordinary psionic puppets are lifeless killing machines, self-learning psionic puppets are like three-year-old children, unpredictable, uncontrollable, and uncontrollable.

"The self-learning psionic puppet project has become a bottomless pit that swallows countless resources, causing heavy losses to the major factions, families, and consortia participating in the project, and even led to the decline of the Nietu Lab, and it is dying. To the point—until the adults come here and come back to life."

Wu Yinglan nodded: "So, what happened to these psionic puppets with independent learning and upgrading capabilities?"

"Most of them were destroyed by the flames of war, disassembled into the most basic components in the endless fighting of the evil soil, or buried in the deepest part of the ruins of the city."

Luo Tian Shengdao, "Only a very small number of people fell into the hands of the criminals, but their performance in the battle was too unstable and killed many people. Later, most of them were civilians, similar to'mechanical slaves' and'waiters'. And the role of the'porter'.

"The adults know that our monitoring resources are very limited, and the human and crystal brain analysis capabilities are severely lacking. Therefore, after you arrive and have launched dozens of successful large projects, most of the resources are allocated to other places, and gradually Lost the tracking and monitoring of the remaining self-learning psionic puppets."

Wu Yinglan smiled and said: "It seems that the'King Gu' that experts and scholars had expected two hundred years ago has been born inadvertently."


Luo Tian Shengdao, "When researching super artificial intelligence, experts and scholars used all the most extreme methods, including digging out the ruins of the ancient and desolate, superhuman beings from the Pangu and Nuwa tribes. The microchips are directly copied and embedded in our crystal brains. We must know that there are countless mysterious and complicated runes and circuits in those ultramicrochips. We don't even know the principle of operation, only the input conditions and output results. , Which is equivalent to a "black box".

"Embed countless'black box state' ultra-microchips into the brains with independent learning and upgrade capabilities, and put them on the ever-changing, chaotic battlefield. In two hundred years, what incredible changes will happen? I can only do it. Say, everything is possible!"

"So, this is an unexpected joy?"

Wu Yinglan murmured, "Look at it, how powerful, majestic, and majestic! Do you think it has true self-awareness, is it a life of a new form?"

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