40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2043: Nietu's greatest secret

Wei Xiaotian’s face was solidified with a statue-like smile, but his eyes rolled round and round, and looked a little cautious: "Okay, because you have served the sky for so many years, what's the problem, you Just ask!"

Li Yao under the ground made a "thump" in his heart. He always felt that the cultivator was not so easy to talk. There must be some conspiracy.

After careful perception, I felt that the ripples between Wei Xiaotian and the sky seemed to be a lot more intense in an instant. It seemed that the amount of information transmission had increased by more than ten times, and the data exchange was going crazy.

"Don't think about it, this guy is delaying time."

The Scarlet Heart Demon on the Xiaolong sent a secret message to Li Yao, "He will never do any'deal' with Xiahou Wuxin. He just wants to delay time to verify what Xiahou Wuxin said just now.

"Sky City and Manzhu Shahua must closely monitor the actions of Xiahou Wuxin, Xiaoyao City and even the whole piece of evil soil on the ground, but real-time monitoring is one thing. All the monitored information is analyzed and processed clearly. It's another matter.

"The cultivators can get a huge database of astronomical figures, mountains and tsunamis, but I think it is difficult for them to gather enough manpower and computing power to analyze these data and figure out every clue.

"This immortal cultivator'Wei Xiaotian' can't tell whether Xiahou Wuxin is cheating him. If I am not wrong, the immortal cultivators in'Sky City, Manzhushahua' are doing their best to analyze Xiahou Wuxin's past. Monitoring information, trying to find the existence or non-existence of the most secret underground warehouse.

"That's why we need Wei Xiaotian to delay for a while. Xiahou Wuxin asked this, right in his arms.

"Of course, for us, this is also a good thing, it can make our layout more calm."

The Scarlet Heart Demon sent the footage taken by Xiaolong to Li Yao.

With Xiahou Wuxin, Wei Xiaotian and others as the core, the distribution of the bandits in all directions was clearly scanned by the Scarlet Heart Demon.

Hante and Liuli are searching for the most suitable target.

The boxing champion also uses a multi-function repair tool to fine-tune each of his metal joints to ensure that this body fits perfectly with his battle database.

The rain of blood is coming!

On the ground, Xiahou Wuxin took a deep breath and glanced at Xin Xiaoqi again, seemingly full of curiosity: "I know that the whole piece of wicked soil is your laboratory, and the wicked people are just your experiments. It’s just raw materials. I also know that the so-called "Thorn Valley" assassins and mercenaries that you asked me to arrange in the past are all here to practice and screen. You seem to call them "trials," right?

"All of this is cruel, but I can understand it in some way.

"However, among the celestial beings who have descended on the evil soil, in addition to experimenters like you and those trialers, there are also some crazy weird people who come purely for killing and destruction, and they often face the air. Talking to myself, laughing, and making all kinds of jaw-dropping ugliness. In recent years, there have been more and more killing clowns like this-I don't understand what is going on.

"Before I die, can Master Wei help me solve my puzzles and tell me the truth about these clowns, or else it's a bit... I can't die!"

Li Yao condensed the primordial spirit underground, not letting go of every sonic shock from the ground. Everything about those killing clowns-live broadcasters was also the most incomprehensible and the most curious thing he felt.

"I thought it was a big deal, it turned out to be just this thing!"

Wei Xiaotian smiled and said, "This is not a top secret, and it's okay to tell you, but you really have a foresight, and you can ask the key to the existence of the whole piece of evil in one sentence!"

Xiahou Wuxin asked in doubt: "The key to existence?"

"Yes, in the past few hundred years, Nie Tu has always existed as a testing site for magic weapons and supernatural powers, but in the past one hundred years, especially in recent decades, the arrival and activity of these'live broadcasters' is the'evil'. The biggest reason why Earth Paradise can continue to exist and thrive!"

Wei Xiaotian said proudly, "Don’t be arrogant and think that you are just poor'test materials' or'props' for trial tasks. No, for the great empire and the greater human civilization, you still have something to do. More importantly, none of you know how much you have contributed to the harmony and stability of the empire!

"Relax, the empire will never forget you, and human civilization will never forget you unsung heroes, haha, hahahahahaha!"

"Live broadcaster?"

Xiahou Wuxin finally knew the names of those killing clowns. After chewing these three words in his mouth for a while, he ignored the ridiculous "unsung hero" and continued to ask patiently, "What kind of contribution?"

"You know, the empire is made up of 1% real humans and 99% primitive humans. Compared to real humans who know the meaning of life and can actively participate in the great cause of human civilization evolution, primitive humans are all muddle-headed. The inferior races, who are self-willed to degenerate, shameless, and lazy, want to stimulate the potential of these inferior races so that they can make some contribution to our great civilization. It is too difficult!"

Xiahou Wuxin sighed, "If you relax a little bit with things like primitive people, he will develop a variety of thoughts, push his nose to his face, and move around there; but if he is a little stricter, he will Disheartened, lifeless, and taking a half step with a whip, it's inferior to a psionic puppet.

"Even under the instigation of a small group of unpredictable, unruly people, and hostile forces outside the territory, these mobs will rise up against the real people and against the wise rule of the great empire!

"In the past thousand years, we have adopted many methods to manage primitive people, but no matter how high-handedly ruled, harsh repression or soft policies, all of them have defects of this kind. Too harsh methods will cause primitive people's work efficiency to decrease and work enthusiasm. Scarcity greatly increases the chances of riots and rebellion; and too loose means will cause all kinds of undesirable ideas in the hearts of primitive people, and will also destroy the hard-won prosperity and stability of the empire.

"Until in the end, our ruler of'Sky City, Manzhushahua', the wise and wise Lord Wu Yinglan, created the epoch-making concept of'killing live broadcast', which solved this problem in one fell swoop and satisfies most of the principles of the entire empire. Human needs have brought the real human empire into a whole new era!"

"Live Killing..."

Xiahou Wuxin turned his mind, and his voice became more and more bitter, "I understand, no wonder these'live broadcasters' carry so many unnecessary crystal eyes on their bodies. It turns out that all their killings are done for people to see, as if they are acting. It’s the same as the big show."

"Yes, all kinds of live killings are the most popular entertainment program in the entire empire, and it is also the only entertainment method for most primitive people."

Wei Xiaotian carried his hands on his back, and said lightly, "And it is far more than just a simple entertainment, but a brand-new way of enlightenment and grooming that is entertaining and entertaining."

"Education and fun?"

Xiahou gritted his teeth unintentionally, "What a ‘edutainment and fun’!"

"Humans are the strongest fighting race in the sea of ​​stars, and only the strongest are qualified to be called the great name of'humans'. The weak and the strong eat the strong, the natural selection of things, this is the only law in the universe!"

Wei Xiaotian suddenly raised his voice and said, "Such a supreme concept, every primitive person should understand-through the'killing live broadcast', it can help them more intuitively understand the concept of the'strong' and the'weak', and understand how cruel survival is. Also in the subtle, cultivate their fighting will, so that the ambitious and ambitious among them can better stand out!

"On the other hand, did you know that City Lord Xiahou, people’s happiness is relatively out of the question. The resources in the universe are so scarce. It is extremely difficult to improve the environment and material conditions on a large scale? Spiritual well-being is not so difficult.

"No matter how hard the work is, how painful the life is, as long as I know that someone is more painful, harder, and suffers more brutal and inhuman torture than me, all the pain I have encountered seems to be less difficult-human perception, that's it. strange!

"So, for those primitive people who worked in the vast expanse of the empire and deep in the dark mines, since we can’t improve their working environment and living conditions for a while, let’s play some more miserable people. They look at it, that's the life of you, the sinners."

Xiahou Wuxin said coldly: "I understand, the primitive people are your slaves. Needless to say, the torture of the slaves in the farmland and mines, but no matter what kind of torture, it is better than the stray dogs biting each other on the evil soil, or It is much better to be slaughtered by your'experimenters','testers' and'live broadcasters'!"

"You got the point."

Wei Xiaotian smiled and said, "When an unlucky person sees another person ten times more unlucky than him, his mood will become brighter, and he may even feel that his luck is weird-this is how happiness comes from!

"Those primitive people work in the depths of the mine day and night. They themselves are lazy, directionless, and awkward guys. After doing too much, they will of course complain or even slow down their work, leading to a decline in production efficiency.

"These cheap bones who are not afraid of being beaten or killed are useless to suppress blindly, but as long as they take advantage of the precious rest breaks, show them some clips of the'killing live broadcast', so that they can see how the sinners are wailing and groaning. And those who cry bitterly, they will be inexplicably happy, and their stomachs full of resentment will disappear."

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