40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2044: Human weakness

"do you know?"

This immortal cultivator from "City of the Sky, Manzhushahua" is getting more and more excited. At first, he may simply want to delay time. At this moment, he is full of pride and pride in the system that originated in the "Evil Earth Paradise". Pride, "In the early days when the concept of'Live Killing Live' was created by Master Wu Yinglan, we hired professors from Imperial University to conduct a ten-year follow-up investigation on 27 mining groups.

"The survey results show that among the miners who watch "Killing Live" for a long time, the happiness index is soaring every year, while the proportion of passive sabotage, armed strikes and even large-scale riots has been shrinking year by year. Those miners are in thrilling programs. I have vented my anger and excess energy to my heart's content, and I can work honestly. If there are really unruly thorns and the miserable end of the criminals, how dare you say anything?"

"I see, this is'killing the chicken and the monkey'."

Xia Hou said unintentionally, "Our sinners are chickens, and these primitive miners are monkeys."

"You, you--"

Xin Xiaoqi's eyes widened and he was completely dumbfounded. Even though he was used to seeing the weirdness and the dancing of demons on the evil soil, he couldn't think of such evil in the world. After "you" for a long time, I still don't know how to evaluate the deeds of the imperial cultivators. .

"you can say so."

Wei Xiaotian continued to laugh and said, “The pilot broadcasts in these mining groups have been very successful and helped them greatly improve the happiness index and production efficiency of the miners. "Killing Live" soon spread across the empire. Today, almost all Primitives, especially those engaged in dangerous and heavy physical labor, regard "Killing Live" as the only "stimulant", and even after 72 hours of continuous rotation in the depths of the mine, they can't take a rest. It depends on the'live broadcaster' killing two people, and only after being addicted, will they be willing to fall asleep!

"In this way, the society is stabilized, the primitive people feel happy, and the production efficiency is greatly improved. The human civilization is advancing faster and faster. The best thing is that it doesn't cost much at all-isn't it all you Credit for it?

"Also, our entire live broadcast industry is completely fair, open and transparent. There are almost no thresholds. It is the most direct ascending channel for the majority of primitive people. Any primitive person can participate in the'live broadcaster' as long as he can afford it. As long as he can pass the harsh test of one in a thousand, he can be sent to our training center of "Sky City, Manzhushahua" for modulation. We will transform them with the most cutting-edge technology and armed with the most advanced magic weapons. They, the most magical potion tempered them, and then put them in the "Nietu Paradise" to play the game, bringing happiness to all the people of the entire empire.

"As long as their styling is gimmick, the tactics are dazzling, topical, and they have the magic power to attract eyeballs, even the unknown pawns at the bottom of the 30,000-meter mine under the frozen planet can become the big names known to all the empire. Celebrity!

"The way out lies here. The empire never asks about the origin, and is willing to give anyone a chance. If you want to get ahead, you can go through the barriers yourself!

"Such a bright road is in front of them. What else can these primitive people complain about? The reason why they want to consume their lives in the dark mines is all because they are timid, cowardly, and weak! , You can completely get out of the army and become a "live broadcaster"! I have no abilities, but I complain about the world and people, complain about social injustice-how can there be such a reason?

"Now, Lord Wu Yinglan has a lot of superstar-level live broadcasters. They are all famous figures in the empire, the most powerful idol in the minds of countless primitive people-the power of role models is infinite. Thousands of original youths racked their brains and spared no effort to become a cool and arrogant'live broadcaster', and all their energy was devoted to it.

"With the'live broadcaster' playing the role of a great hero, who would take care of the former strike leaders and even armed rebels? That would be outdated long ago!"

Even the old and cunning Xiahou Wuxin was stunned and sighed: "Your methods... are indeed powerful."

"Master Wu Yinglan is of course a genius, someone who can change the entire empire!"

Wei Xiaotian said with emotion, "The empire a long time ago didn't use this method to manage primitive people. At that time, our methods were very simple and crude, stiff and clumsy, and even treated primitive people as slaves.

"Facts have proved that slavery is one of the most inefficient and inferior systems. It is completely unable to squeeze the greatest value of primitive people.

"It is more useful than a whip wrapped in thorns and soaked in venom. It is to use the weakness of human nature, it is **** and money!"

Xiahou Wuxin muttered, "Money?"

"Yes, in the current empire, there are not many slaves in the traditional sense. The vast majority of the original people are free people, including those who are struggling in the depths of the mines. They are theoretically free people. They will also be offered expensive salaries and use shiny money to stimulate their work enthusiasm to the greatest extent."

Wei Xiaotian said, "However, if money is not really used for consumption, it is just a pile of waste paper, and it is not even as good as waste paper. It is just a bunch of illusory numbers.

"The resources in Xinghai are so precious. Of course, it is impossible for the primitive people to buy enough supplies, but if they refuse to sell them, they will immediately discover the money scam, and find that the string of numbers in their account is not worth a lot of money. Worth it.

"At this time, our Master Wu Yinglan came up with an extremely genius idea, equipped with a'reward system' and a'gaming system' in "Killing Live" to attract the original audience to use their real money. Buy a variety of virtual gifts to reward the "live broadcaster", in this way, to consume excess money.

"For ten dollars, you can send a virtual flower to a ‘live streamer’ in "Killing Live" to make your name appear in the system-0.01 second.

"For five hundred yuan, you can buy a shiny virtual dragon-slaying knife and give it to the live broadcaster, and get a loud thank you from the live broadcaster, so that you will have a bright face in front of all the workers in the entire mining area-this It is human vanity, and it is the only way for these low-level workers to get the attention of others.

"If you are willing to save money for a year and a half and spend 50,000 yuan, you can let a certain'livestreamer' adopt the killing method you specify, and you can also leave your name on the corpse and sing and dance. Guy, it was killed for the big brother so and so on the so and so planet', tsk tsk tsk tsk, think about it, a live broadcaster who has the foundation and even the cultivation of alchemy, called you'big brother', only 50,000 yuan, how cheap Thing!

"Many low-level workers work in factories on the most remote planet of the empire, and in factories with the worst environment. They don’t usually have too many channels to spend money. Too much money is accumulated in their accounts, which makes them feel bad. .

"In this way of rewarding them to guide their consumption and consume all their savings in the virtual world, they can only continue to work honestly in the factory-there are really many workers who do not take a break for six months and take the initiative to work hard. , I’m tired of vomiting blood and have to save a lot of money to reward the live broadcaster, just because his name can appear on the interface for half a second, and listen to the live broadcaster shouting "Big Brother and Big Sister".

"There are even people who are desperate to borrow usury and have to reward the broadcaster, sell themselves and turn from freedmen to slaves-that is to blame, no one can blame anyone.

"As for gambling, the same is true. We often hold various killing competitions in the "Killing Live" program. Sometimes it is the massacre of the criminals by the live broadcasters, and sometimes the live broadcasts kill each other with different settings. Betting methods and odds.

"It is true that some people are desperate and get rich overnight. Since then, they can get rid of their status as workers at the bottom and can comfortably live the rest of their lives. Of course, the empire also guarantees the legal rights of these people.

"But hundreds of times more people gamble and lose, and lose and gamble. They are stuck in mud and cannot extricate themselves. They eventually owe large debts and become slaves in another sense.

"Rewarding and gambling work together. This is how our world works.

"In the past slavery system, real people directly enslaved the primitive people. It was too simple and rude and inefficient. Now, real people enslaved money, and money enslaved the primitive people. Everything is voluntary. How perfect and harmonious!"

"you guys……"

Xiahou Wuxin sighed: "You really have thoroughly studied human nature."

"Yes, human nature is evil, as long as you understand the weakness of human nature, you can turn anyone into a real slave as you like!"

Wei Xiaotian said from the bottom of his heart, "In the past few hundred years, there have been many problems within the empire that have caused foreign enemies to take advantage of the void and plunge the empire into a short ebb."

"However, since Master Wu Yinglan promoted "Killing Live", the relationship between the real person and the original person has changed greatly. The empire has become more united and more productive, and the contradictions in various aspects have gradually eased, and the overall national strength of the empire has advanced by leaps and bounds.

"Now, all the enemies from all quarters have been repelled by us, and even the biggest mortal enemy has been beaten by us to the last breath. How can this be done by frontline soldiers alone? This is all the credit of our Lord Wu Yinglan. !

"And you sinners and sinners who are fortunate enough to devote themselves to such a great cause, contribute to the prosperity of the empire, and become a burning fuel. You should also feel extremely proud and proud.

"How about it, now that you know the importance of'Evil Land Paradise' and'Killing Live' to the empire, you should die without regrets?"

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