40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2045: Triple shock!

"Thank you, Master Wei, for finally letting my old dog understand what kind of world he has been living in."

Xiahou Wuxin breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, "In the past, I always thought that Nie Tu—Wuying Realm is a laboratory with no way out, a transparent but closed cage, which can never be broken.

"But now, it seems that not only Nie Tu, but the entire real human empire outside, and even the entire Star Sea, is also a cruel slaughterhouse, a huge prison, that's all! Escape, or escape. What's the difference if you don't go out?"

The implication is very dejected, it really seems to have lost all fighting spirit.

"Not a prison, but an army."

Wei Xiaotian said indifferently, "All human flesh, soul, and will are gathered together to build an invincible and invincible iron-blooded army, charging and fighting in the endless star sea, shaping the greatness and pride of human civilization-this is The significance of the existence of an empire is also the value of sacrifices made by you!"

"Human civilization..."

Xiahou Wuxin chewed these words carefully, smiled bitterly, and suddenly lowered his voice, "But this way, I can't figure out anything else, cough cough, cough cough cough!"

He suppressed his voice extremely, and suddenly coughed sharply, causing the attention of all the gray armor masters including Wei Xiaotian to focus on him.

At this time, in the sewage pipe that is not too deep under their feet, Li Yao and the boxing champion have fine-tuned every magic weapon on their bodies, every bearing and every chip are in the best condition to ensure that they can release the most Strong combat effectiveness.

And Hante and Liuli also found their target, which was in a huge warehouse less than two kilometers away from Xiahou Wuxin and others.

The elite of the "Fist God Association" are here, confronting the main force of the defenders of Xiaoyao City who are holding onto the warehouse.

Both sides are the boxing champion and Xiahou Wuxin’s personally trained soldiers from hundreds of battles. They are completely different from the temporarily recruited rabble. Even if the order collapses and the city is in chaos, they still maintain a certain degree of pressure and control under their respective bosses. Discipline and combat effectiveness.

Both sides wanted to seize this seemingly large-scale and extremely rich warehouse, but they both saw each other's strength and did not fight desperately.

Because there are countless mobs and stragglers roaming around, sneaking out their heads at them, like hungry hyenas waiting for the results of the two lions' fight, even wanting to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight and pick them. Cheap.

They naturally won't let these small bandits succeed, but they are also reluctant to leave easily, and they are all frozen here for a while.

The astonishing change took place in two places almost at the same time.

Xiahou Wuxin just raised the last question, coughing fiercely, unable to stand still. While spitting out a large mouth of blood, he staggered and fell involuntarily in Xin Xiaoqi's direction.

At this time, Wei Xiaotian had a warning sign.

But no matter how maddening his vigilance is, he is not as fast as Xiahou Wuxin!

In an instant, Xiahou Wuxin seemed to have faded away a shell called "weakness", and became a masterful and invincible city lord of Xiaoyao. He stepped in front of Xin Xiaoqi in one step, and wanted to push her chest heavily. : "Xiaoqi, go!"

It turned out to be sacrificing himself to help Xin Xiaoqi blaze a trail!

The several qi mechanisms that firmly locked Xin Xiaoqi next to him were all disturbed by his flash flood-like fighting spirit. Three or five gray armor masters were shocked and rushed towards him and behind Xin Xiaoqi in an attempt to intercept Xin Xiaoqi's retreat.

Xiahou Wuxin gave a grinning grin. On his shriveled chest and thin arms, dozens of strong snake-like veins were instantly entwined. With a sudden force, relying on his flesh and blood and a gray armor master, he fisted and fought. The opponent fell three to five meters, and the pieces of armor on the crystal armor armband burst, like a goddess scattered flowers!

Later, Xiahou Wuxin made a move that everyone hadn't expected.

He clearly wanted to push Xin Xiaoqi out of the battle circle, and he deliberately yelled so that everyone thought he was going to sacrifice himself to protect Xin Xiaoqi.

Unexpectedly, at this time, he suddenly sucked fiercely, and a whirlpool-like force came from the palm of his hand, sucking Xin Xiaoqi back, and smashing it towards the densest place of gray armor masters.

However, he seems to have double wings, his arms "crackling" noise, soaring into the air, and tens of meters out of the battle circle, seeing the rabbit rising and falling, you can flash into the depths of the ruins. Among the burning and collapsed streets.

Having said so much just now, and pretending to be completely depressed and completely desperate, it turned out to be a vain shot. He still wanted to escape by himself, even at the expense of the life of the only true disciple!


Wei Xiaotian snorted coldly, expression on his face still, but a dim gray glow was shining around the crystal armor, dozens of miniature flying swords shot out, from all weird angles in all directions, towards Xiahou unintentionally.

The other gray armor masters reacted and relaxed their monitoring of Xin Xiaoqi, who was still dancing in mid-air. They locked Xiahou Wuxin's ghostly figure, and rushed towards him amidst the roar of being fooled.

The third change occurred when Xiahou Wuxin was struck by the miniature flying sword.

Xin Xiaoqi was originally tossed by him to the gray armor master as a "meat shield", but at this time it seemed that someone had kicked Xin Xiaoqi's ass, and the jet ejection magic weapon on his hands and feet also spewed out a large air current. It made her abruptly a turning point, which reflected outside the battle circle!

Xiahou Wuxin and Xin Xiaoqi were originally blocked by a circle formed by more than a dozen gray armor masters. The positions of each other were so delicate that they couldn't find half a gap anyway.

However, after Xiahou Wuxin’s one, two, and three changes, he first pretended to sacrifice himself and save his disciples; then he turned into asking his disciple to act as a ghost and flee by himself; in the end, he had to sacrifice himself to protect Xin Xiaoqi, and finally In the opponent's perfect formation, a tiny gap was torn out, and Xin Xiaoqi was sent out!


Dozens of miniature flying swords focused on Xiahou Wuxin at the same time, a large cloud of smoke rose from the fire and blood, but Xiahou Wuxin's hoarse laughter came from the smoke.

A gray armor master plunged into the smoke, and then there was a sound of metal distortion and bone shattering, as well as a series of explosions!

When the smoke and dust dissipated a little, a figure heavier than the boxing champion appeared in the boiling blood and burning flame!

The height is about two meters and one or two. The evil soil that is rampant everywhere may not be too high, but the shoulder width is also close to two meters, and the whole is four squares filled with muscles.

The muscles are superimposed on the muscles, and the tendons are entangled with the tendons, like a mixture of reinforced concrete.

And the whole arm, densely packed bone spurs and scarlet eyes, and the huge nostrils that constantly sprayed anger, added a bit more fierce and evil flavor than the steel boxing champion!

"Ho ho, **** ho **** ho!"

He roared like a trapped animal.

Everyone on Nietu knows that Xiaoyao City Lord Xiahou Wuxin is a master of flying swords, walking fast, lightly, and unrestrainedly.

No one has seen Xiahou Wuxin in such an explosive form, more like a prehistoric beast than "Boxing King" Lei Zonglie!

"Isn't'transfiguration' especially popular in your evil land?"

Underground, Li Yao asked the boxing champion in a low voice, "All the big guys don't have a'second form, final form' or anything, so they are embarrassed to come out to walk the rivers and lakes?"


The boxing king’s crystal brain "cracked" and calculated, "In this way, everything makes sense. Xiahou Wuxin's combat effectiveness was obviously insufficient when he was in a duel with me, and I usually collected the data analyzed from his battle video. At least a 40% reduction.

"I thought just now that he knew the truth about the'Evil Earth Paradise' a long time ago, and knew that he was just a tool for being researched and played with, so he was discouraged and lost his fighting spirit.

"It now appears that everything is intentional, and he deliberately retains his strength."

"In front of a peerless murderer like you, deliberately retain strength?"

Li Yao couldn't help but shudder at Xiahou Wuxin's insidiousness and deepness. He just wanted to ask "why did he do this", but he thought of it instantly.

"You mean, Xiahou Wuxin has also been waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity to allow himself, at least his disciple Xin Xiaoqi, to completely get rid of the surveillance of the'City of the Sky, Manzhushahua'?"

Li Yao pondered for a moment, and said quickly, "As long as Xiaoyao City is not chaotic for a day, and he is the Lord of Xiaoyao City for a day, he will definitely not be able to escape the surveillance and manipulation of the sky, and there is no possibility of escape at all.

"So, even though he may have been planning for decades in secret, even his childhood sweetheart, Xin Xiaoqi's mother, when the'Xiaoqin' was personally killed by him, he began secretly preparing everything, but he I have never dared to act rashly, because there is no possibility of escape in the calm.

"And when you commanded the army to attack Xiaoyao City, you just gave him a godsend opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

"He pretended that he could not beat you and was seriously injured. He disappeared from everyone's sight. He wanted to escape the city without knowing it. Unfortunately, he was blocked by the cultivator and forced him to expose. Real strength that hasn't been exposed for decades!"

"Yes it is."

The king of fighters said, "My logical thinking loop, and the analysis results of all known information, there is a 93.3% possibility, that's it!"

"That's great!"

Li Yao's crystal eyes gleamed, and his smile gradually became ferocious, "In this way, we will be more confident that we will keep the entire gray team here!"

On the ground, Wei Xiaotian's eyes also began to gleam: "So you didn't get hurt at all, and you still cultivated brand new supernatural powers in secret? Such a perfect form... It's amazing and delightful, City Lord Xiahou!"

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