40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2083: Me just mechanical

The cruel battle is finally over.

Zuo Jingyun sneaked the fragmented "Crossing Cloud" into a natural underground cavity, and proceeded along a dry underground river all the way, without having to start the Xuanguang drill bit to minimize the noise.

The starlight organization's earth listening hand pressed the metal ear-like magic weapon against the rock wall in all directions. For a long time, I did not hear the sound of the drill bit rubbing the rock formation from above.

The cultivator shouldn't be chasing.

It is safe for the time being.

The cultivators can finally breathe a sigh of relief and race against time to repair the dragon and heal their injuries.

As the biggest hero of the battle, the boxing champion stayed far away from the crowd and hid in the dark corner of the underground cavity. Let Hante and Liuli two little guys help him with repair tools and spare parts to repair the damaged steel body. .

Everyone knows the prestigious name of "Boxing King" Lei Zonglie, and seeing his equally brave and brave performance in the two battles, seeing him look like a stranger, naturally they dare not step forward and interrupt.

"No. 3 heat sink."

The boxing champion observed his distorted body through four crystal eyes suspended in front of him, while thinking about the maintenance plan, he said to Liuli.

Liuli hurriedly found out what the boxing champion needed from the spare component box, and held it in both hands.

Seeing the boxing king full of chainsaw swords and concussive swords, as well as the bombardment of the arrow gun and the crystal magnetic cannon, the scarred and fragmented body, I thought of the scene of the steel giant in front of him and Hante desperately. The phrase "Don't be afraid, I will protect you" still lingers in her ears, Liuli's heart is hot, she can't help touching the broken body of the boxing champion, and sincerely said: "Thank you, Lord boxing."

Seeing the girl stretched out her fleshy hand, the boxer’s crystal eyes shrank quickly, but did not dodge, but coldly said: “Don’t thank me, you know this is just a deal, I’m just to become stronger 'The purpose is to filter out a seemingly optimal choice from the database.

"What's more, I am not a human being. Although I can simulate all human emotions, it is just a pile of data. Even if you thank me sincerely, I won't be touched at all."

"Hey, is that right?"

Liuli made a big red face, and said embarrassedly, "But at the top of the'Big Iron City' that day, when Master Boxing invited us to dinner..."

"It's just a disguise, it's a simulated character of'Boxing King Lei Zonglie'."

The boxing champion said lightly, "If necessary, I can simulate hundreds of different personalities, or be extremely calm, or brutal, or sinister and cunning, or impulsive and irritable. Such simulation can help me better integrate into the battlefield environment. , May be beneficial to the completion of the goal, but at the same time it will consume some computing power, slow down my core database, and cause a certain degree of instability.

"So, since the two of you already know my true identity, and now I have to use all my computing power to think about the repair plan, there is no need to maintain a simulation of my personality-in this way, my repair efficiency can be increased by 7%. the above."

In fact, the boxing king talked to Li Yao last time, but Liuli has never been able to understand: "It's so hard to understand. In other words, is this cold look now the real personality of the boxing king?"

"There is no'real character', and there is not even a real'Master Boxer'."

The boxing champion said coldly, "Character, emotion, or will are things that only humans have. I am not a human, nor do I have my own consciousness. I am just...a puppet, an object, and a clockwork. It's just a machine that moves in a certain direction. Haven't you used psionic puppets before?"

"Of course I used it."

Liuli thought for a while and shook her head, "But Master Boxing and those psychic puppets are still different. Those things are stupid. They will only respond when they give specific instructions or ask specific questions. Sparks will come out'whooping' and fall into silence."

"It's no different."

The boxing champion said blankly, "Those low-level psionic puppets look stupid, because their databases and alternative strategy groups are too poor, and they don't have the ability to learn and upgrade independently.

"My database and strategy group are thousands of times more abundant than theirs. It seems that I can answer all your questions in a fluent manner.

"But in essence, there is no difference between me and those things. They are all puppets and machines. You ask me a question. After calculation and analysis, I select a piece of information that seems most suitable from the database and respond by voice. , To make our relationship more harmonious, in order to better fulfill the purpose of "protecting you", that's it, multi-function wrench, thank you."

Liuli handed over the multi-function wrench, stuck out his tongue, and said with a smile: "So, Master Boxer would say'thank you'. Didn't you just say'thank you' meaningless?"

"To me,'thank you' has no meaning, but to you humans, it is a way of expressing kindness."

The king of fighters said, "I calculated that if I can be more friendly, the efficiency of sorting and screening spare components for the two of you will increase, and the probability of error will decrease-this is what I want to thank you for. the reason."

Liuli was stunned for a long time, and blushed, "No matter what the Master Boxer said, we should still take a break from you, do you know that, in fact, you... are such a good person!"

"logical error."

The King of Boxing said, "You know very well that I am not good, and I am not a ‘human’. I only choose to protect you just to achieve the goal of continuous improvement and feel that this transaction is profitable.

"If there is another way to make me stronger, but to kill many people, I will not hesitate to choose to kill, including killing both of you—in fact, I have killed many, many people. , Otherwise how can you become the'Boxing King' Lei Zonglie?"


Liuli blushed, and a wave of courage emerged from nowhere, and said, "At least you wouldn't choose a brutal and inhumane killing, would you?"

The boxing champion was silent for a moment and said: "Yes."

"That's it."

Liuli said, "Hant and I grew up in a barren world and have seen countless thugs in the **** world. Many of them are perverts, lunatics, and demons! Killing unweaned babies and peeling off human skins. Watching **** people dancing, throwing people into the radiation mutant herd, biting them to death, hanging people upside down and exposed to the sun for several days before drying and starving to death... I don’t know how many such things have been seen. , How many have you heard, would Master Boxing do such a thing?"

"will not."

The boxing champion shook his head and said, "If I want to kill someone, I will definitely take the most efficient and quickest method. I can't understand the practice of torturing a person for three days and three nights and slowly torturing him to death. It not only wastes one's own time and energy, but also increases the possibility of the other party's escape. It is really... meaningless."

"So I!"

Liuli smiled, "In a place like Nietu, people like Master Boxing can already be regarded as good people, just like my father and Yao Lao."

The boxing champion was silent for a long time, focusing on adjusting his joints and power runes, and then said after a full five minutes: "Aren't you afraid of me?"

Liuli and Hante looked at each other, "Should we be afraid of you?"

"I don't know, but there used to be some humans who were very afraid of us, afraid of our artificial intelligence."

The King of Boxing said, "You know, I once got an underground refuge or library of Wu Yingming, which contains countless materials of Wu Yingming, including some of their entertainment and art works.

"It's very strange that Wu Yingming was faced with various threats at the time. It can be said that there are constant internal and external troubles. However, in many entertainment and artistic works, the future enemy is pointed to artificial intelligence.

"For some reason, some Wuying people seem to be afraid of the emergence of self-learning and upgraded artificial intelligence, and even think that one day artificial intelligence will destroy their world.

"It's just that the mankind himself was the one who destroyed Wu Yingming in the end.

"I don't know whether humans should be afraid of artificial intelligence, but if ‘fear’ can be defined as being alert to unknown dangers, then maybe I’m more afraid of you humans."

Liuli and Hante widened their eyes: "You, are you afraid of us?"

"Yes, I'm afraid of you."

The boxing king said seriously, "Some of you are terrible."

Liuli tilted her head and thought for a long time. She didn't know how to explain or relieved, she suddenly took out the metal pot that she regarded as life in her arms, grabbed a small handful of golden seeds, and handed it over.

"This is the golden barley seed."

The little girl smiled brightly on her face, innocent and innocent, "I have thought about it, the soil is so big, and with my own strength, I will definitely not be able to fill the whole world with golden barley, so I decided, from now on, if If you can meet a really good person, give him a handful of golden barley seeds and let him help me.

"Master Boxing, you are willing to do me this favor. From now on, I will go to far, far away places. When you encounter suitable soil, help me sow a handful of golden barley seeds!"

The boxing king's crystal eyes solidified for a long time, and he stretched out his metal arm a little dryly, took the golden barley seeds, looked in front of him for a long time, and installed it in the storage space deep in his chest.

"Okay, I will do my best."

It said in a low voice, its voice was no longer cold, but it brought with it the ambition and anger of looking at the world again.


Liuli blinked her eyes quickly and said in surprise, "Master Boxer has become the way he invited us to dinner that day. Didn't you say that simulating such a character would consume a lot of computing power?"

"...If this makes you feel a little more comfortable, it's not a lot."

The boxing king said dullly, "After all, I have played the role of Lei Zonglie, the'boxing king' for more than ten years and I am used to it.


The little girl cheered, "If you can always get used to it, maybe one day, Master Boxer can become a real human!"

"Human beings are too complicated, I'm afraid I will never be able to upgrade to yours?"

The boxing champion paused, increased his tone, and repeated, "I... just a puppet, a machine."

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