40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2084: The most perfect immortal cultivator!

Li Jialing ran wildly in the cold tunnel, his whole body wounds as if a monster pattern completely enveloped him.

But in the tunnel behind him, there was a **** remains, like the digestive tract of a prehistoric beast.

"There, stop him!"

"Danger, don't step forward and open fire!"

The immortal cultivator screamed in shock and anger from far and near. The opponent's attack was not limited to anesthesia, but was smashed with the most dangerous offensive magic weapon.


A mysterious light exploded fiercely on the young man's chest, causing him to stagger to the ground, just avoiding three flying swords that were shot at him from behind.

And the moment he fell to the ground, every joint in his body looked like a spring, and he changed direction very strangely, bounced behind him, and the whirlwind rushed into the three immortal cultivators, "Ka Ka Ka Ka" a few times. After the dazzling attack, the crystal armors of these cultivators burst and fell backward.

Li Jialing took the opportunity to break into a side road.

The metal wall of the fork slid open silently, the fully automated crystal magnetic turret turned over, and the boy's eyes were lit by a deadly mysterious light.

"Ho **** ho ho!"

Li Jialing's entire face seemed to be burning, and deep in his throat screamed with joy or anger, his speed suddenly soared to the limit, and he rushed past the four crystal magnetic turrets.

The four crystal magnetic turrets all "whoop" sparks, twitching and shaking mechanically, until Li Jialing disappeared at the end of the tunnel, they exploded at the same time!

On the other side of the tunnel, waiting for Li Jialing was more than fifty super-heavy firepower crystal armors, and they blocked the only way to escape.

Wu Yinglan stood in front of these armor masters, with his hands on his back, with a relaxed expression, and he looked at Li Jialing meaningfully.

It can be seen from the volatile flames in the depths of the eyes that the owner of "Sky City, Manjusawa" faced the loss of control of the "test body", not so much accident and dissatisfaction, but rather ecstatic. .

"Have you played enough?"

Wu Yinglan looked at Li Jialing's fast-healing wounds, as if looking at a perfect masterpiece, and said lightly, "If you want to continue playing, at least you have to take a break!"

"Get out! Get out! Get out!"

Li Jialing's eyes were red and he turned a deaf ear. The blood mist all over his body turned into a monster with teeth and claws. He rushed towards Wu Yinglan, "Get out of me, or you will die!"


Li Jialing's blood mist turned into strange claws, wiping out three blood-red streamers, and firmly grasped Wu Yinglan's carotid artery, even tearing off his head!

"Tsk tusk tusk tusk, it's so ruthless."

Wu Yinglan smiled faintly. He was not equipped with crystal armor, just wearing ordinary casual clothes, but he was faster than the immortal cultivator equipped with ultra-high mobility scout crystal armor. No one saw how he flashed Li Jialing's attack. , I only saw that Li Jialing seemed to have hit a non-existent meteor and flew out fiercely, hitting the metal wall of the tunnel with a "boom", smashing a human-shaped pit.


Li Jialing spewed large masses of black blood and white vomit.

"Young man, you are the most perfect masterpiece I have ever prepared. Some aspects are even stronger than me."

Wu Yinglan moved her wrists and ankles slowly, and walked towards Li Jialing, "But you have a powerful body, but you don’t know how to use it. You are just squandering the most precious abilities given to you by heaven. I don’t think A little wasted all of us, did the hard work devoted to you?"

"You, you..."

Li Jialing seemed to be awakened by this fierce punch, crying and coughing, and rushed up again with his teeth and claws, "It's all demons, demons!"


He was blasted out again by Wu Yinglan. This time Wu Yinglan's fist did not stop, but he kept blasting his head into the depths of the metal wall. Then he spread his fingers and stuck his head firmly. He even made a "crack" sound in the Tianling Gai.

Wu Yinglan pulled Li Jialing out, yelled violently, and instantly doubled his body shape. The original loose casual clothes became tight-fitting training clothes thin as cicada wings, and the thick blue veins all over his body looked more like a snake. Clearly revealed on the clothes.

He smashed the boy on the ground, on the wall and even on the ceiling like a sack. Every time he bombarded, he shook the earth and the mountains. It is doubtful whether the "City in the Sky, Manzhushahua" itself suffered a huge impact. After the shelling, even many immortal cultivators who were not afraid of death had their scalp numb, secretly startled.

And Li Jialing's flesh and blood body was also tyrannical to an incredible degree. He was bombarded unreservedly by a powerhouse like Wu Yinglan, and he was not dead yet, still able to groan weakly.


A low and majestic voice came from behind the many armor masters, and everyone rushed to the side to welcome the arrival of Li Lingfeng.

Wu Yinglan sneered, threw the boy aside, and walked away.

"You guys step back first."

Li Lingfeng looked at Li Jialing blankly, no one knew what he was thinking.

Wu Yinglan bowed respectfully, and soon led many immortal cultivators away cleanly.

In the **** corridor, only the **** wreckage and Li Jialing and Li Lingfeng were left, oh, maybe even the Xiaolong who had been hiding in Li Jialing's body—in there, there were Li Yao and Scarlet. The two spiritual thoughts of the inner demon!

"You finally awakened."

After the many immortal cultivators who belonged to the "City of the Sky, Manzhushahua" retired, Li Lingfeng's voice became mellow and... gentle, and smiled, "I have been thinking that one day when you break through all the shackles, you will fully awaken. What time will it look like, I really didn't expect this day to come earlier than I thought, and I didn't expect you to make such a wonderful performance.

"Don't be affected by what Wu Yinglan said just now. He has mastered such a huge power for decades, and you are only using it for the first time. It is only natural that you will be defeated by him.

"But under my guidance, if you practice madly, it won't take long for you to have a chance to be far above him!

"Believe in your potential and look at the **** road behind you, demon? Hehe, who is more like a demon?"

"Huh, huh, huh..."

Li Jialing huddled weakly in the corner, the horrible wounds all over his body were healing quickly, but the spirit that had just been freed from the extreme excitement was desperate and confused to the extreme.

Lost eyes looked at Li Lingfeng with a smile in front of his eyes, then at the stumps and broken arms and internal organs left by the immortal cultivator behind him, and finally at his self-sufficiently covered hands with bruises, the youth's lips trembled. long time.

"I killed, I killed, I killed...


He held his stomach and retched again.

It's a pity that all the contents in the internal organs just vomited completely, but at this moment nothing but confusion, regret and anger were vomited out.

"Why, what is all of this!"

Hot tears broke out again, and the young man was as haggard and trembling as a flower that had just been ravaged and contaminated by the swamp, and shouted desperately, "You are a great figure high above, strangling me is as simple as trampling on an ant. Why are you always forcing me to do things that I don’t want, to play with me like this!"

"Something you don't want?"

Li Lingfeng’s smile became more profound and ironic, admiring the corpses of the immortal cultivators who were torn apart by Li Jialing, and said lightly, “This is the end of the matter. There is no need to deceive yourself anymore. Don’t you dare to say that you just lost your mind completely? Just killing so many people, don't you feel the incomparable pleasure in the process of frantic killing? Isn't this the impulse that has been dormant in the depths of your heart, but was severely suppressed by the **** shackles?

"Look at these fragmented corpses. These are the best evidence to prove that you are a natural and perfect cultivator. This is your instinct. I am the real you. It'propelled' you."

Li Jialing seemed to have been struck by lightning in the depths of his soul, staring dumbfounded, crying without tears.

"Would you like to check it for you first?"

Seeing his mood calm down a little, Li Lingfeng asked, "Although your body's self-recovery function is extremely powerful, this is after all your first killing. It is safer to have a comprehensive examination."

"Do not touch me!"

Li Jialing jumped up like an electric shock, embracing his arms, shaking with tears, tearing down, "Don't touch me, please don't touch me, please don't touch me, let me be alone, I have to calm down, please ,please……"

"Okay, okay, okay, you should calm down and figure out your true identity and mission."

Li Lingfeng stretched out his hands and signaled that he was not at all malicious, "Don't beg me, and don't be so wary of me. I told you last time, and I want to repeat it today-you have never been a'experimental body'. You should also be aware that absolutely no one will put so much resources and effort into a mere "test body". In my eyes, you are the most perfect fighter of the Li family, and a new generation of the most standard immortal cultivator!"

"I do not understand."

The boy’s eyes gradually settled, as if unconsciously, stepping into the rhythm of Li Lingfeng, he completely freed himself from the panic and disgust just now, turning a blind eye to so many people who were killed by him, but squinted. He raised his eyes and said, "Tell me the truth, since I am not a'test subject', why have you been torturing me so cruelly for so many years."


Li Lingfeng laughed, suddenly changed his face, and stared at Li Jialing fiercely, "Boy, don't be blessed in the blessing, do you think everyone is qualified to endure this kind of'torture'?

"Tell you, this is not torture, but the most advanced, cutting-edge, and most powerful cultivation practice that no one can ask for!"

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