40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2091: Tragic hero and clown

Li Jialing listened attentively, as if he was deeply attracted by Li Lingfeng and sincerely accepting the other party's "instructions".

Li Yao raised his ears even more-he was very curious about how today's immortal cultivators would treat the inherent contradiction between the "real person" and the "primitive person".

Li Lingfeng sighed and continued: "Since the empire reached the limit of expansion about three to four hundred years ago, the overall strength has actually been slowly declining. Those primitive people launched strikes and riots at every turn, which severely weakened the empire. Strength, the empire gradually became incompetent in the war with the Holy League.

"The culmination of this deterioration is the'Black Wind's defeat' a hundred years ago!"

Li Yao was particularly sensitive to the word "black wind", and the soul shuddered slightly.

Li Jialing's eyes turned: "You are talking about the defeat of the Black Wind Realm?"


Li Lingfeng said, "During that battle, the five worlds of the empire, including the Black Wind Realm, were swallowed by the Holy League. It can be said that it was a fiasco that has not been encountered in hundreds of years. More importantly, the empire was in a short period of time. There is no way to mobilize more troops to take back these five worlds-even if only one can be taken back.

"Such a fiasco has completely awakened all the immortal cultivators, and made everyone begin to reflect on the logic of the world's operation in the past, whether it makes sense to go.

"From then, to today, more than a hundred years, it has been the era of empire's innovation. Almost all people of insight are deliberately reflecting on the avenues of cultivation and dominance of the past, and throwing out various optimizations. And the upgrade plan, it can be said that the drastic changes that have taken place in the empire in the last 100 years are far more intense and profound than the entire thousand years in the past!"

Li Jialing said: "For example,'Live Killing Live'?"

Li Lingfeng smiled slightly and nodded approvingly: "Yes, you are very smart. At a glance, you can see that the so-called'killing live broadcast' is not a simple game at all, but a set of very low cost, most suitable for the original person to vent the excess. A lifestyle of energy and dissatisfaction.

"Through the thrilling main perspective of the battle screen; you can communicate with the'live broadcaster' at any time, and even manipulate the'live broadcaster' by means of likes and rewards; plus a variety of drafts and gambling... Control the eyeballs, brains and souls of all primitive humans!

"In the end, we can not only obtain astronomical benefits through the'killing live broadcast platform', but even subtly, bypassing traditional power barriers and nominal rulers, to conquer and control all primitive people-even if Yes... Those primitive people who do not belong to the Li family.

"This is the reason why I invested heavily in the'Sky Eye Group' and in the'Killing Live Broadcasting Platform'."

While talking, Li Lingfeng stopped at the end of the tunnel, smiled slightly and said, "We are here."

Li Jialing looked at his feet, and a faint blue arc slowly extended all around, finally converging into a ring. The floor inside the ring trembled slightly and sank downward, bringing him and Li Lingfeng in. Inside a huge hollow sphere without friends.

This place is like a magnificent spherical palace, surrounded by curved walls covered with a pair of crystal clear light curtains, flashing quickly.

However, what emerged on the light curtain were not the live scenes in the "Nietu Paradise", but rather anxious, excited, angry, or fearful faces that were all distorted to the extreme.

Next to each face is a series of information and parameters, pouring quickly like a waterfall, reflecting a series of weird luster.

Countless staff members stepped on the floating dish, flying silently above and below the spherical palace, like ghosts raising human heads.

"This, what is this?"

Li Jialing swallowed with some difficulty, "Isn't this a live broadcast center?"

"Yes, but of course we don't need to watch those old games in'Evil Earth Paradise'."

Li Lingfeng smiled and said, "These are all viewers who are watching'Killing Live'. They are randomly selected sample survey subjects. We have implanted some small information feedback chips in their crystal brain terminals to collect them. All the changes in physiological and psychological indexes when watching the "Killing Live", from breathing, heartbeat, adrenaline secretion to brain wave rhythm, can all be monitored.

"After the big data comprehensive analysis and calculation of their feedback information, we can more accurately obtain their needs and provide them with exciting, more exciting, and more irresistible programs.

"More importantly, we can grasp and even interfere with their...thoughts."


Li Jialing murmured.

"Yes, maybe you will know in the future that it is very easy to destroy a living enemy, but it is even harder to destroy a thought."

Li Lingfeng smiled strangely, "But today, we are going to use the platform of'Killing Live' to try to completely eliminate one kind of thought-the mind of a cultivator!"

Li Jialing trembled slightly, his eyes widened involuntarily.

Wu Yinglan, the owner of "Sky City, Manzhushahua", with his hands on his back and the floating saucer on his feet, slowly rose up.

"Report your lord, everything is ready."

Wu Yinglan gracefully leaned toward Li Lingfeng, smiling with a smile on his face, "The underground branch of the starlight organization is about to find their'temple', and the branch of the starlight organization in the starry sky should soon arrive in the predetermined star field, and is about to launch to us. The moths are attacking the fire, everything is under our control, and we can uncover the most exciting scene of the epic mission "Break the Stars" at any time."


Li Lingfeng nodded with satisfaction, and said, "However, let's trouble Master Wu Ying to explain first, the reason for planning this'epic mission'!"

Wu Yinglan looked at Li Jialing and said with a smile: "Is your injury better? Don't blame me for taking too much action just now!"

Li Jialing looked at Li Lingfeng and Wu Yinglan, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and couldn't help saying: "I understand that you have known the existence of the'Starlight Organization' for a long time, and they deliberately played the trick of'please enter the urn'. But I don’t understand why you want to put the entire battle on the live broadcast platform. It’s too trivial and the risk is too high. Will the other party spot any flaws?"

Wu Yinglan smiled slightly, and shook her head: "Please rest assured, which pictures can be made public and which pictures must be hidden. These are all carefully calculated by us. We will never reveal the slightest information that should not be leaked, only wait until the other party. When the general offensive is launched and we can't look back anymore, we will release all the shots and images, so that the audience of the entire empire can see with their own eyes how a pitiful and pathetic organization of cultivators has been wiped out.

"As for what you said...this is definitely not our whim, but the most thorough move we have to take in order to completely eliminate the Starlight Organization."

Li Jialing was a little dumbfounded, blinked his eyes for a long time and said, "I don't understand, is it difficult to eliminate the Starlight Organization?"

"No, it's not that it's actually difficult to eliminate, but it's too easy to eliminate."

Wu Yinglan leaned her face towards the boy and said with a smile, "You know, the first group of Starlight Organization members was conquered by the Empire from the Wuying Realm and fled into the Star Sea in a hurry. To this day, the Starlight Organization has been conquered by the empire. Destroyed a full forty times!

"Each time, the Imperial Army completely destroyed all the personnel, structures and secret bases of the Starlight Organization, ensuring that there were no half-missing fish or half-hiding places.

"But it won’t take long, or even at the same time, that the old astral organization will be smashed into pieces, and the new astral organization will emerge from the depths of a mine on a remote planet, just like fleas and cockroaches that can’t be killed anymore. ,mouse!"

Li Jialing murmured: "How could this be?"


Wu Yinglan pointed to her own brain, "Because every time in the past, the empire only wiped out the bodies, weapons, and bases of the cultivators of the Starlight Organization, but did not wipe out their thoughts.

"Thinking is the most dangerous thing in the world. It is invisible, invisible and omnipresent. It seems illusory, but it can exert the power to overwhelm the world and destroy the earth. It can turn cowards into beasts, beasts into warriors, and mobs. Become an iron-blooded strong soldier!

"It's useless to just destroy a'starlight organization' and kill all the cultivators.

"It won’t be long before someone will be infected by their naive but dangerous thoughts. In their name, they will form a new “Starlight Organization”, which will be passed on from generation to generation, and spread from one world to another. In the end, this The'Starlight Organization' may have been completely unrecognizable, and it is not the same thing as the'Starlight Organization' in the Wuying World, but they share the same set of **** thoughts!

"Such thoughts are difficult to be completely killed. The more cruel methods are used to kill the cultivators, the more their blood will shed, the more they will only create the image of their'tragic heroes' and attract more and more people. More desperate primitive people and low-level cultivators join the camp of cultivators to form a new'starlight organization'.

"It's like a cancer cell, killing one, and proliferating two, the more you kill, the more you get bored.

"Therefore, even though Xinghai Republic was replaced by the real human empire a thousand years ago, the large-scale resistance of the practitioners has long since disappeared, but the practitioners of the ‘scability’ have never been able to completely eliminate it.

"Thousands of years ago, they were ‘scuffing’. Today, a thousand years later, after being wiped out forty-one times, they are still ‘scuffing’. It’s really unreasonable!

"This is the most critical point. Thoughts are hard to kill, but they can be distorted and deconstructed. To prevent the cultivators from recurring, this'scability' is not only to destroy them physically, but also to destroy them. Change the role of their'tragic heroes' and become another character that the majority of primitive people like to hear.

"That's... the clown."

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