40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2092: Poor worm in a clear glass bottle

"Not killing them directly, but turning the cultivator into a clown?"

Li Jialing tilted his head, thinking seriously.

"Yes it is."

Wu Yinglan's eyes gleamed with a deep light, and smiled, "It's useless to destroy their flesh and blood like the past forty-one times-although that is easy for the empire, it is a pity, even with their flesh and blood. They can be burned out, and the bones can be ground into powder and dissipated in the icy sea of ​​stars, but their stupid and dangerous ideas are very likely to continue to spread.

"In the beginning, it was as harmless as the weakest cold virus, as if it was truly extinct, and even the legend of the cultivator would never be heard for decades.

"But there will always be a day, and there will always be some people who are infected by theories that have passed away with the wind for dozens of hundreds of years, become a new generation of cultivators, and then cause little trouble to the empire.

"You know, according to our investigation, the'Starlight Organization' that emerged this time didn't even have half of the spiritual root awakened at first, it was just a mess of ignorant miners.

"But after decades of development, after absorbing a large number of depressed low-level immortal cultivators, three educators, nine liu, and **** pirates, they have also developed a handful of quite troublesome powers.

"We have caught several core members of the new generation of Starlight Organization. They confessed that they have nothing to do with Nie Tu—the Wuying World. They didn’t even know that the original Starlight Organization originated in the Wuying World. They just heard about it. One by one, the illusory and absurd stories are nothing more than the legends of the starlight organization and the cultivators.

"In these ghostly legends, the starlight organization of the cultivator is like an immortal phoenix, which can be reborn from the ashes again and again, and all sacrifices are made for the next rebirth to become stronger.

"Some legends are spread by word of mouth, from the mouth of a wrinkled, dying old man; some legends come from jade slips and crystal brains, the past forty starlight organizations have left something behind before they were destroyed; rumors This kind of thing, the more bizarre and sensational, the more people believe it, and the faster it spreads.

"In short, the Xinghai is too vast. Even with the rapid and violent deployment of the empire’s forces, it is difficult for a certain border star field to immediately wipe out the news of the rise of the cultivator rebellion organization-- In this way, the Starlight Organization really took on a layer of mystery, tragic and heroic color, and the legend of "rebirth from the ashes again and again", there will be more fools and women who will believe it!

"So, even if we completely destroy this starlight organization today, it's just that it has entered a new "rebirth from the ashes". It won't be long before the next starlight organization will emerge. It may be exhausted by a group of exhausted people. The miners, perhaps by a group of angry low-level soldiers, or by a group of hungry peasants, no matter how weak and embarrassed it looks at first, as long as the'starlight' chess is erected, it means The cultivator... a small victory."

"Don't ignore the cultivator."

Li Lingfeng interjected, "Although our current enemy is the holy ally, the cultivators are always the earliest enemies of the empire. They cannot be completely wiped out for a whole thousand years. Their vitality is really stronger than that of cockroaches!"

"But after this'epic mission', it will be difficult for cultivators to confuse people anymore, because we will never give them the opportunity of'heroic sacrifice'."

Wu Yinglan smiled and said, swiftly operating on her wrist crystal brain, the curved light curtain around the spherical palace changed rapidly, this time the surface of the dirty ground, the ground and the vicinity of "City in the Sky, Manzhushahua" appeared. The image of the star field.

"The two branches of the Starlight Organization, in addition to the starry sky, some of their cockroaches are also active in the bottom of the evil land, and they have not been able to completely kill them for hundreds of years."

Wu Yinglan explained, "But decades ago, by chance and coincidence, I got an opportunity to nail one of my'anzi' into the bottom of the evil land. I originally wanted to rely on the information provided by this'anzi'. The underground branch of the Starlight Organization was completely leveled, but the performance of this'anzi' was unexpectedly good. If it was only used to deal with an underground branch, it seemed to be overkill. At that time, the killing live broadcast platform of our Tianyan Group gradually climbed At the peak, the influence spread throughout the empire, and I began to ponder a whole new possibility.

Li Jialing looked up and looked at the huge light curtain floating in front of them.

In the light curtain, all the remaining "Earth Traveling Dragons" in the underground branches of the Starlight Organization are clearly visible, and they have long been locked to the most accurate coordinates by the cultivators.

Some "Earth Dragons" have even been installed with monitoring and surveillance chips by the cultivators, and can vaguely hear excited, low, or exhausted conversations between the cultivators; seeing that they are slightly nervously wiping magic weapons and rubbing swords. Loaded with guns, waiting for the decisive battle to find the temple-the global sword net strike system.

"Have you seen, these cultivators are eagerly looking forward to the arrival of the'sacred sacrifice'!"

Wu Yinglan chuckled and said, "They thought that the'attack on the city in the sky' would be the most magnificent, glorious and tragic battle of the Starlight Organization in hundreds of years. They did not consider the issue of victory or defeat at all, because even in the end Failed, as long as they really put on an aggressive posture and cause even the slightest damage to the'Sky City, Manjusawa', this news will definitely become a new legend after adding more energy and vinegar-'The cultivator does not die 'The legend, in the near future, will confuse another group of fools and become new cultivators.

"This is their wishful thinking. It doesn't matter whether they win or lose. They only want a vigorous battle to die. They only want the dignified human empire on a certain level to recognize that the cultivator is a concept comparable to the cultivator, and use this Promote your own thoughts, that's all.

"It's a pity that absolutely no cultivator would think that the so-called'attack on the sky city' this tragic battle was planned by our immortal cultivators from beginning to end, and I have put in a lot of our manpower in every aspect. .

"They think that they are launching a sacred war, which is extremely glorious, solemn, and just. They don't know that this is just a live broadcast and a game. They are just...the funny clowns and toys in the game.

"Look here, from the very beginning we can monitor the actions of a large number of cultivators, and listen to their idiotic rhetoric. If these rhetoric is changed to a different scene and accompanied by some tragic music, it may sound a little bit. Attractive, but if there are some'canned laughter' here, what about funny sound effects, what if a few glib barrage are placed on their faces?

"In this way, when the cultivators most want to fight for, that is, the middle and lower-level primitive people who account for 99% of the empire, when they see these carefully crafted pictures, what impression will they have on the cultivator? Are they warriors with moths fighting the fire, fools with manly arms as a car, or clowns who do not know the heights of the sky?

"Also here, have you seen it? This is the main battlefield of the underground, the Temple of the Cultivators, which I carefully designed. In order to be more gimmicky, I even fabricated the concept of a "Cultivator Lost for a Thousand Years".

"Actually, this is not my personal creation, but it has been circulated in those damn'Starlight Organizations' in the past. It is nothing more than an image of an ancient cultivator made up in a random manner to inspire morale, a great magical power. , The invincible god.

"You know, this is a resister who doesn't exist at all. How can the empire kill him or prove his non-existence?

"This time, let us in this carefully-arranged game, let this'lost millennia cultivator' appear as a clown, and in this way tell all the people of the empire, the faith and hope of the cultivator, what is the truth? How ridiculous!

"The underground is like this, and the starry sky is the same. In short, the sky and the earth have been thrown out, and all traps have been set. We have to capture every expression of the cultivator from hope to disappointment to despair; we have to see with our own eyes when they know that they have fallen into pieces. The sacred mission is just a well-planned game, how wonderful is that face; even the ordinary people, those primitive people must be deeply involved, so that they can produce cultivators. It is a poor bug that is vulnerable, and is ridiculed and ridiculed. Object, everything is under the control of the empire and immortal cultivators-such a feeling!

"At a time of desperation and complete loss of hope, many people are willing to be the tragic heroes of'the wind is slack and the water is cold.' The feeling of fighting bloody, exhausted, and falling on the mountain of dead blood is even quite romantic.

"But in any case, absolutely no one wants to be a fly in a transparent glass bottle. Every move is clearly seen. It's a ridiculous and pathetic poor bug!

"Now, the cultivator of the Starlight Organization, that's it, the poor bug in the transparent glass bottle!

"For these poor insects, we try not to kill them if we can't kill them. We will capture them alive and send them to the'City of the Sky, Manzhushahua' to modulate them, let them realize how stupid and ridiculous their past beliefs are. After being reborn and re-behaved, how profound is his understanding of Xiuxian Avenue.

"Believe me, after thoroughly understanding the truth and being sent to the'Sky City, Manzhushahua' and undergoing transformation, they will definitely undergo drastic changes that touch their souls. At that time, they can be transformed and gradually repented. The process will also be produced. To complete a live program, and arrange for them to conduct tour preaching throughout the empire.

"Although the procedures are a bit more troublesome, I believe that if you want to completely eliminate the cultivators and their minds without leaving too many tails, you can really do this."

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