40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2096: Tomorrow will be better!

Despite being in the dark underground, Zuo Jingyun's whole person still faintly glowed, as if it was made from ore that has been compressed and condensed for hundreds of millions of years in the underground.

The two little guys quietly thought about her words, and were also infected by the light released from her whole body, feeling that an inexplicable force was also surging in their own body.

"The meat is fried, eat it quickly."

The boxing king brought three plates and three forks, and besides the two little guys, he also handed Zuo Jingyun a piece of meat.

Zuo Jingyun tilted his head and looked at the boxer and the fried synthetic meat slices in his hand for a long time, and said, "I didn't expect you to be such a boxer."

"Although I myself do not need to supplement fat and protein, ordinary humans obviously inevitably need three meals a day."

The boxing champion said indifferently, "Only when you have enough food and drink, can you have the strength to practice and fight. The deliciousness of the food will definitely affect your combat effectiveness. In order to adjust the fighting state to the best, every detail must be considered-I am good at it. What's so strange about cooking?"

Zuo Jingyun laughed, thanked the boxing king, and stretched out his hand to him sincerely: "Boxing king, I think you are very different from ordinary gangsters, how about you, are you interested in joining our organization? Become a cultivator and smash this **** world together?"

"I am not interested in becoming a cultivator."

The boxing champion refused without hesitation, paused, and then said, "But I am very interested in smashing this **** world."

Zuo Jingyun stunned slightly, and laughed blankly: "That's right, in fact, it's not like this myself, it doesn't matter what a real cultivator looks like, I'm only interested in smashing this **** world.

"In other words, a generation has a mission for a generation. If our generation has the opportunity to completely smash this damned world of evil, it will be enough. As for how to build a new world after smashing, it is up to Hante and Liuli's generation will worry about it.

"Because, we must all die on the battlefield of smashing the old world!"

Hante and Liuli were holding fragrant pieces of meat in their mouths, hearing Zuo Jingyun talk about them again, and at the same time looked up at the bald female warrior.

"Will not!"

Liuli waved the fork and said anxiously, "Sister Yun will definitely survive, live to see a wonderful new world, to realize your dream, find a wilderness with high sky and low clouds, and build a small but beautiful room. House, and then do nothing all day long, just sit on the threshold or lie on the roof, looking at the sky, looking at the earth, free and carefree!"

Zuo Jingyun smiled, and a touch of blue and pure white really appeared in the almost transparent eyeballs, as if the entire sky was flowing into her eyes.

She was almost moved to tears by this picture, but the azure and pure white colors flashed away, and she quickly recovered her calm and firmness.

"From the composition of the rock formations and abandoned tunnels excavated today, we are getting closer and closer to the legendary temple. There are also several stray dragons that have reconnected, and at least thousands of fighters have been able to Surviving, everyone is marching towards the temple from all directions. It is expected that the temple will be found as soon as tomorrow, and the'Global Sword Net Strike System' will be activated."

Zuo Jingyun's eyes were bursting with underground fire, chewing his fork, and said in a low voice, "However, the cultivator bites very tightly behind our buttocks. Maybe he will follow, and there is bound to be a fierce battle.

"It doesn't matter whether I live or die. It doesn't matter if that hut is not built, but even if it is dead, I must activate the'Global Sword Net Strike System' and give it a shot at'Sky City, Manzhushahua'!

"I really don't know what it will be like tomorrow, tomorrow..."

"Tomorrow will be better!"

Hante and Liuli held Zuo Jingyun's warm right hand and cold left hand respectively, and said very seriously and religiously.

The boxing king watched silently, and the brain squeaked, collecting everything he saw and heard into his own database and integrated it into his own logic circuit.

In its logical circuit, something similar to a virus but more subtle is slowly breeding.


Gao Kangda stood upright on the messy bridge of the "Dashan", gazing at the shining starlight in the deep sea of ​​stars, the dots of stars that pierced people's tears, and reminded him of the guns that slaughtered the brothers 20 years ago. Fire and sword light.

The "Dashan" controlled by Gao Kangda is one of the largest starships in the joint assault fleet of the Starlight Organization, but it is not one of the super-heavy cruisers and expeditionary motherships refined in the regular military shipyards of the Empire. class.

As early as 455 years ago, it was used as a "deep space prospecting, mining, and smelting ship" to slide from a civilian dock to the Xinghai. In other words, this is an out-and-out Xinghai mining ship. Responsible for mobile mining operations in seismic belts, asteroid belts, and gravel belts where fixed mining sites cannot be spread in dangerous areas with harsh environments, radiation and star-sea storms.

Gao Kangda became the deputy director of the mining room on the "Dashan" thirty years ago-this is the highest position a primitive man can achieve. From that day on, he has been responsible for every screw of the "Dashan". Everything is well understood.

Since they launched a great uprising twenty years ago, captured the "Dashan", escaped the control of the immortal cultivators, and went to the Starlight Organization, he has treated the "Dashan" as his own wife and even his own flesh and blood. Every cabin added on the "Dashan", every piece of armor inlaid, every externally mounted crystal magnetic turret, all have to go through his endless pondering for days and nights before he can give the most appropriate one. arrangement.

To outsiders, the "Dashan" is like a pile of piles of garbage piled up. It is a giant steel beast covered with deformed tumors. There are exposed heat sinks, heat shields, and heat sinks everywhere. All kinds of metal components of unknown purpose don't seem to have to wait for the imperial army to be bombarded by artillery, and they will be fragmented when flying in the star sea, let alone making an extremely dangerous star sea jump.

Some people even invented a non-existent class name for the ship Gao Kangda, calling it "ancient junk", which means that both ancient and huge junk are put together.

But only Gao Kangda and those brothers who have been fighting alongside him for decades know how solid and reliable this "great junk" Dashan is, and how to help them withstand the most violent star storms and the fiercest. The gravel star stream, the most dangerous four-dimensional ripples, how did you withstand the imperial army’s artillery fire time and time again, thinking about the opponent’s line of defense, and shattering all the guys who used to be high above them into powder like smashing raw ore!

"Except for giving birth, Dashan can do everything; except for the imperial capital, Polar Celestial Realm and Celestial Star, Dashan dare to break in anywhere!"

This is the firmest belief of the entire crew of the Dashan, including Captain Gao Kangda.

But today...

Thinking of the attack they were about to launch tomorrow, Gao Kangda, the cultivator who had fought in countless encirclement and anti-encirclement and suppression campaigns, still couldn't help but swallowed secretly.

After this battle, this big ship that has followed him for decades, and has even become the "home" of him and countless people, is likely to really be broken, broken and sinking into the sand, and become a giant floating in the sea forever. Rubbish.

But, do they have other options?

If they had a choice, they would not have launched a major uprising 20 years ago, but would be their miners honestly and eat with their ability!

God knows that his brothers like Gao Kangda are all diligent, down-to-earth and honest people, and there are not half of them who are lazy and sneaky.

Mining in mines in the depths of the planet is already extremely dangerous. Shutting through the extremely unstable gravel star belts, against the dangerous mining of radiation, meteors and star sea storms, is even more dangerous!

For hundreds of years, from the ancestors to them, they have all gritted their teeth. I don’t know how many precious ores have been collected for the sect and for the empire with their own hands and bones, whether they are practicing for strengthening physical strength, durability and radiation resistance. Those extremely painful magical powers still use special genetic potions and strengthening potions to modify some of their own organs, or even take energy pills for a long time. Many people fall silent on their posts after fighting for several days and nights... These things are commonplace to them. Everyone has never complained about them. They are all contributing to the country and human civilization!

But why is this country and this **** human civilization so unsatisfied? The annual mining quota is getting higher and higher, but all the places that are slightly more stable and convenient for mining are all mined. They have to step into dangerous areas full of radiation, high-energy particle streams, and extremely unstable gravel star belts. Mining efficiency has naturally fallen sharply, and the casualty rate has risen sharply, resulting in low morale and unstable production. Can they be blamed for their laziness?

For these reasons, Gao Kangda has never known how many times it has spoken to the management of the cultivator above. The brothers have really tried their best. They are so tired that they can’t even vomit blood, but they just ignored them. The thorny electromagnetic war whip is spicy and cruel, one whip can smash a human flesh, two whips can smash five bones, and three whips can smash a person.

In the end, seeing that there was no more value squeezed from these miners, the sect actually wanted to introduce several fully automatic psionic puppet mining and smelting production lines, replacing all human miners with mining puppets.

It’s so pitiful, these people have been engaged in mining operations for generations since hundreds of years ago, and they can’t do anything except prospecting, mining, smelting, not to mention in the asteroid belt where the environment is extremely harsh, they can’t provide it at all. An environment sufficient for them to survive. If the mining puppets replace them all, how should they survive?

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