40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2097: Have a good time!

Gao Kangda still remembers the panic and extremely low air pressure in the entire mining area at that time.

There are sensational rumors flying around, saying that they are no longer useful, and they are all sent to the front line as cannon fodder, or they are given some star sea jumping ability and can only go on regular sailing. The tattered starship, kicked them out.

You must know that in the vast but resource-sparse sea of ​​stars, it is definitely a dead end to be unable to make a four-dimensional space jump and find a habitable planet with an atmosphere and an ecosystem.

It may not be possible to fly out of a galaxy just by relying on a broken starship that can only conduct regular navigation, cruising at a speed of about 0.5% of the speed of light.

This is to use cold psychic puppets to kill their flesh and blood human miners alive!

It took a lot of effort to suppress the "rumors" and appease the restless mood of the miners, but the final solution was almost the same as the "rumors".

The sect where the miners of Gao Kangda and the others belonged, decided to "give away" a batch of old small mining ships and resources that can only last for three to five years as a compensation for their lifelong dedication, making them more dangerous and full of life. The chaotic star field with many radiations, storms and variables goes to prospecting and mining, but will not give them the slightest technical support and logistical supplies.

It is nominally self-financing, but in fact it means that they must survive on their own.

No one can bear such a result.

These miners, as well as their wives and children, have lived on super giant Xinghai mining ships for generations.

The super-giant Xinghai mining ships, which are more than ten kilometers long and dozens of kilometers long, are not only their workplaces, but also their grandfather's grandfather to their grandson's grandson, the home for generations.

They were born here listening to the sound of "rumbling" ore crushing, growing up between the hot power furnace and the cooling room with gusts of wind, meeting the opposite **** in the dusty sieving room, and in the cold and narrow like an iron coffin. The next generation is created in the cabin, and when they are entangled tightly with their fingers, the iron coffin has become the warmest home!

Now, they are going to expel them and their families from their homes, stuff them into a small mining boat that can’t even count as cans, and send them into the dark and cold universe, at the same speed as a snail crawling. Tap a little and die slowly-they have no choice but to use the sturdy muscles and steel-reinforced iron bones they have cultivated through hundreds of years of crazy cultivation and natural elimination to initiate a resistance!

On the day when the "puppet factory" manufacturing ship carrying the entire most advanced and fully automated mining puppet refining assembly line slowly entered the indefinite star field, forty-two super-giant ships distributed in the major mining areas of the indefinite star field On the Xinghai mining ship, tens of millions of miners and their families could not bear it, and together they launched a massive uprising, known as the "Uncertain Uprising."

The price of the uprising was very heavy.

Although for hundreds of years, in order to maximize work efficiency and compete with machines, miners had to practice all kinds of magical powers frantically, almost turning their flesh and blood into steel machines.

And they have a variety of semi-armed magic weapons such as "power picks", "Xuanguang drill bits", and "mining crystal armor". Power picks that can smash the hardest ore will naturally have the opportunity to dig a hole in the armor.

Although they have an absolute advantage in numbers, and they hold a heart of death, their morale is unprecedentedly high.

But the rabble is a rabble after all. In front of the highly armed cultivators who began to practice killing skills from the ground, they still fell like a harvested wheat field, one after another.

In the end, they did destroy the "puppet factory manufacturing ship" and almost killed all the management of the immortal cultivators in the mining area at that time.

However, the encirclement and suppression of the regular army followed. Three of the 42 super-giant Xinghai mining ships finally escaped. The remaining super-giant Xinghai mining ships all turned into bright fireballs, including Gao Kangda’s brother. Thousands of miners and their families are blood-stained in the galaxy, and there is no place to bury them!

At that time, everyone was terrified by the powerful combat power displayed by the regular army. The three mining ships panicked and launched the Xinghai jump. Gao Kangda did not know where the other two ships went, perhaps by the star sea storm in the four-dimensional space. It was completely torn apart, perhaps by the four-dimensional gale blowing to an unknown place on the edge of the star sea. In short, his own ship made nine star sea jumps in one breath, almost completely tearing up the main structure, and was lucky to escape.

After that, Gao Kangda and the only remaining brothers wandered in the stars for a long time, living a life of wandering and unsettled homes, almost degenerating into gangsters who gave up all the bottom lines for survival until they met the Starlight Organization , It was only a short time after two years of stability.

However, the Starlight Organization itself has had a very difficult life in recent years.

After becoming the captain of the "Dashan", in order to better command this starlight organization's leading ship, Gao Kangda also read a lot of books steadily, and understood a lot of truths that he didn't understand before. It’s just like a sudden resuscitation. The cultivation base "Ceng Ceng Ceng" skyrocketed. In just ten or twenty years, it has just broken through the Qi refining period from the late period of the Great Uprising and reached the current Dan-condensing period. It can be considered a lot of truth .

Of course he knew that there had been a fascinating and majestic starlight organization a long time ago.

But he knows better that this "real" starlight organization has been destroyed for a long, long time, and the current starlight organization that he has trusted in is nothing more than a gang of mobs under the guise of their predecessors. , It's not even the first one to pull the flag, there were already dozens of starlight organizations before them, and they were all annihilated by the empire!

The source of the members of this Starlight Organization is very complicated. There are miners who face the competition of automated mining puppets and are forced to despair; there are farmers who have lost their arable land after the planet’s highly developed environment; and even some have failed in family competition and were The family wanted the immortal cultivators who had to go into exile in Xinghai-three religions, nine streams, a mixture of fish and dragons, they are an out-and-out mob.

Everyone’s origins, beliefs, and desires are different, and many people don’t even know what they want, but they gather together, keep warm, and have a good time with the ancient robbers who screamed in the mountains and forests, large pieces of meat and large bowls of wine. , There is not much difference.

There is no clear concept, no common belief, and there is no basic disk that can be relied on. It is completely adhering to the idea of ​​"vigorous and dry votes". The new generation of starlight organizations can exist for decades, but it is Ling Gao. Kangda himself was a little surprised.

However, as long as it is a dream, there will always be a day of shattering.

In the past few years, the empire has been focusing all its energy on the battle between the front line and the Holy League, and has not had time to draw out its troops to wipe out their annoying little fleas.

However, as the empire’s battles on the front line were victorious and entered the stage of consolidating the interests of the war, the shackles on the neck of the Starlight Organization were getting closer, their space for activities became narrower and more suffocating, and the days were coming. The more sad.

Just like cockroaches and mice have an instinctive premonition for the disaster of extinction, the resistance fighters of the Starlight Organization including Gao Kangda also vaguely feel that the catastrophe is approaching, and the catastrophe is inevitable!

But they were unable to do anything about it and could not find a way to deal with it.

It is absolutely impossible to fight. The vast majority of starships in the Starlight Organization are the "Dashan" of Gao Kangda, which are converted from semi-armed transport ships, Xinghai mining ships and comprehensive refining ships. No matter how many they are, it seems What a huge momentum, put it in front of the elite fleet of the empire, it is basically a dish of clean and peeled dishes.

Surrender is also impossible to consider. They are all people who have committed heinous crimes, and many "former immortals" are thorns in the eyes of families or sects, and they really fall into the hands of former enemies. It is definitely better to die.

After thinking about it, there is only the last way left, "If you have a great deal of vigor, you will die a happy death."

Therefore, when the Starlight Organization’s original origin world, the "Underground Branch of the Starlight Organization" in the depths of the Wuying world tried to contact them, and threw out a joint attack on the "Sky City, Manzhushahua" plan, they really were Surprised and delighted, he breathed a long sigh of relief, and finally meant to be relieved.

They are not afraid of death, but they will never see hope in this way. It is not for humans to live in fear and hide in the dark sea of ​​stars all their lives!

Rather than being so embarrassed, it's better to go all out and fight the immortal cultivator. Even if you die, you will be able to make the name of the "Starlight Organization" anyway!

As the captain of the "Dashan", Gao Kangda can be considered in the decision-making level of the Starlight Organization. He also agrees to vigorously engage with the immortal cultivator. His head dropped a bowl and a big scar. The big deal is a death. Twenty years ago, he deserved to die in the "Indefinite Riot". He still has not forgotten the taste of knocking the power pick into the skull of the immortal practitioner and being splashed with blood and brains. That's the **** uprising. , And what life has been going on for twenty years after escaping, every night he dreams of those brothers and sisters who died tragically, with white eyes, staring straight at him!

"Fight it!"

Gao Kang said to himself and murmured, "Don't worry, everyone, Lao Gao will come down to accompany you tomorrow, but before I come down, I must have a happy and beautiful job for nothing. So many brothers and sisters in the fixed star field take revenge, let these cultivators see, the power of our cultivators!

"Tomorrow, tomorrow..."

Gao Kangda looked at the swaying starlight, and once again fell into the violent flame that swept across the entire indefinite star field.

Not far from his "Dashan", there are dozens of similarly weird, tattered, and rusty starships dormant, waiting anxiously for the coming of tomorrow.

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