40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2100: A loop

"A man who fell from the sky?"

Li Jialing twisted fiercely, twisting the third prisoner from the elbow joint to the shoulder blade into a twist, "How come it's like listening to a story?"

"It's true. In fact, our two growth environments are really the same. We are both the weak and the strong, the survival of the fittest, and lawlessness. In order to see the sun tomorrow, we must do our best to drain every drop of physical and mental hell."

Li Yao said, "Looking up, there are wolves, tigers and leopards in human skin everywhere; looking around, wasting a whole day in scrap copper and rotten iron may not be able to dig out a little bit of food, starving and freezing for days and nights is It’s common for people to vomit blood and break bones when they are beaten at home.

"I grew up in this distorted environment. When I have enough self-protection ability, I have become ruthless and hard-hearted. Anyway, as long as I can survive, it's fine. Others? Just fucking!

"I certainly don't like to bully the weak, but if those wolves in human skin are bullying other weak, as long as they don't provoke me, I don't bother to bother.

"At that time, those guys even gave me a nickname, called me a vulture, which means I have a fierce and withdrawn character."

"Vulture Li Yao?"

Li Jialing was startled slightly, "It sounds like the nickname of a cultivator."

"Who said no?"

Li Yao smiled, "If I grow up like this, maybe I will become an out-and-out cultivator of immortality, lonely, indifferent by nature, and may not take the initiative to harm others, but absolutely cannot save others. , Just like your ideal now, please be free and don't mess with me!

"But the old guy who fell from the sky completely changed me. He grabbed my ears and talked a lot of great truths every day, telling me what is right, what is wrong, what is justice, what is evil, and he must Drag me to the tomb of the magic weapon-that is the name of my hometown-in the darkest corner, let me see how those lonely little guys are bullied and how they cry and cry after being bullied. Trembling and full of despair.

"The bullying and crying of these little guys, I have also suffered and uttered them.

"In the beginning, I couldn't hear the least of that old guy's truth. I just thought he was verbose, so verbose that my head was about to explode.

"But he is stronger than me. He also uses very sophisticated magic repair techniques and some weird little magic weapons to seduce me. In order to learn his skills, I can only be patient, brazen my scalp, and listen to this old guy. Nonsense!

"Don't even mention it, human nature is really strange. Even people who are already hard-hearted and extremely cold, just look for the gap and plant a small seed, and it will take root and germinate and blossom and bear fruit one day. And as long as this "unbearable" seed really blooms a small flower, it's over, and the days when other people live or die and just want to be at ease are gone forever!

"On the surface, I still turn a blind eye to the tragic life of those helpless orphans who are bullied in the magic grave.

"But in the dead of night, I gradually started to dream, in which ragged orphans shivered on the trash mountain, huddled together to keep warm, and they were frozen to death and starved to death without knowing it.

"And I am one of them!

"Every time I wake up from such a nightmare, my heart's'unbearable' towards these orphans increases by one point, and my anger towards the adult garbage bugs also deepens.

"At that time, I still maintained the most basic sanity, and controlled myself not to provoke these adult garbage bugs-behind them were gangs, not half of me and an old guy can handle it, just for a while To provoke them quickly will only cause endless trouble.

"Until the last time, when the old guy and I were digging out valuable rubbish, he accidentally saw three adult **** bugs and forced an eight or nine-year-old orphan into a corner, trying to do terrible things to her. I finally lost control completely, my brain was blank, letting my "unbearable" replace my reason, and the old guy, I killed these three chores very hard, and I really caused trouble for myself. The old troubles haven't been there yet. Solved, new troubles followed one after another, until...to this day, these troubles seem to have not completely disappeared!

"This is probably the reason why I became a cultivator. In fact, everyone can become a cultivator, as long as he can feel a little bit of ‘unbearable’.

"The old guy gave me a seed, which activated the'unbearable' in my heart. Now I give this seed to you. I believe that as a'experimental body' you, seeing so many of the same kind bear with you. The same suffering in the past, somewhere deep in my heart, there will always be a bit'unbearable', right?"

"What a joke, I don't know what you are talking about."

Li Jialing frowned deeply, "Why me?"

"Because of some mysterious cycle, or rather—"

Li Yao smiled and said, "Fate!"


Li Jialing fisted the third prisoner into the air, wriggling **** the ground, unable to get up again.

The young man gasped, frowning, and motioned to the monitor eyes in the corner: "It's not enough. Choose thirty more randomly. No, fifty prisoners come in!"

Soon, fifty prisoners with strange shapes, stubborn backs and hideous faces stood in front of Li Jialing.

Each of them foamed at their mouths, their eyes were red, and their muscles were trembling unnaturally. They were obviously injected with an excessive amount of stimulant.


The young man grinned, the power rune array of the crystal armor surged to its limit, and the small training room was full of the noise of flame tearing the air, and layers of shock waves swept every inch of the space like waves of air.

"call out!"

Li Jialing turned into a streamer and rushed towards the fifty prisoners.

The strength of these prisoners is obviously higher than the three prisoners just now. Although they don’t carry any equipment, their iron fists and claws are the most dangerous killing machines. Fifty violent men who are not afraid of death. For one, even if Li Jialing couldn't completely crush, he was blasted out by them again and again and hit the transparent glass wall severely.

However, Li Jialing was so successful that he used the transparent glass wall as a point of force time and time again. His legs slammed on the wall to exert his strength, and the flames of the power talisman on the soles of the feet blasted out of the transparent glass wall. weaken.

at last--

Li Jialing dodged and flashed under the claws of the two prisoners. He knelt on one knee, opened his hands, and turned out a miniature crystal magnet on his wrist and shoulder. A total of four crystal magnets were aimed at the prisoners madly. The bombardment, most of the mysterious light and projectiles, were bombarded on the transparent glass wall facing the hollow elevator channel!

Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

Li Jialing was like a madman, and flying meteors roared out from his hands and shoulders, sweeping everything like a gust of wind and rain.

In addition to smoothing a large area of ​​prisoners, a series of criss-cross spider web cracks were also blasted on the transparent glass wall.

"Crack, click, wow!"

The tempered glass walls here originally only considered the impact of the prisoners' flesh and blood, but never thought that someone would launch magic weapons from the inside out.

Coupled with Li Jialing's first few heavy pedaling, the hardness and stability of the transparent glass wall have long been severely weakened.

At this moment, under the bombardment of the crystal magnetic cannon like the pouring rain, it would not last long at all, and they were bombarded with shocking large holes.

The prisoners who were besieging Li Jialing instantly calmed down, looking at the fragmented transparent glass wall in disbelief.

Li Jialing also stopped attacking, looking at a loss.


The prisoners shouted hoarsely, and the shouts contained extremely strong unwillingness and joy, and they were almost dancing.

No one looked at Li Jialing again, and jumped out of the broken transparent glass wall.

Orderly sirens sounded up and down the hive prison.


As the red and cyan mysterious lights flickered alternately, an invisible and mysterious power rose rapidly like a flood, and instantly flooded the entire honeycomb prison. The mysterious and complicated runes on the surrounding walls began to gleam with magnificent light, and the prisoners. Between our shackles, there is an electric arc visible to the naked eye!

For a time, in all the cells in all directions, the prisoners slammed on the ground, the shackles and the ground were integrated, and even a piece of paper could not be inserted.

The prisoners who had jumped into the air were also dragged back by the force of the powerful psychic magnets and slammed "bang, bang, bang, bang" on the walls, the ground and the ceiling, as if they were nailed to death. The rat nailed to the chopping board cannot be moved in the slightest.

"Crack, click, click!"

A few prisoners with particularly stubborn personalities wanted to break free from the shackles, but they caused harsh bones to burst out of their bodies. The white and miserable bones even pierced the flesh and blood into the air, and their faces His expression is not so much painful as it is deep sadness and despair!

"Oh, oh, oh!"

They roared at Li Jialing and the entire prison like wild beasts.

Li Jialing looked at these prisoners coldly, with both hands on his back, silent.

"I'm very curious, when you were taken to the operating table by the five-flowered giant, was it also their grinning, painful, non-human and non-ghost expression?"

Li Yao asked.

Li Jialing squinted his eyes and snorted coldly. For some reason, some did not dare to look at the faces of these deformed prisoners again, and could not answer Li Yao's question directly. The front of the conversation changed: "Well, I have lured the prison to start After the'Tianluodiwang' array, have you figured out the operating model of the entire magnetic field and where is its weakness?"

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