40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2101: Defend the temple to the death!

In the depths of the Star Harbor, the dock, and the abandoned ship, Li Yao sat cross-legged, suspended in the air three feet above the ground, with wisps of silver flow flashing all over his body, as if he was surrounded by a huge psionic egg.

The powerful divine consciousness of the transforming **** level uses Li Jialing's body as a "springboard" to spread, rippling, perceiving, and scanning silently in the hive prison in a mysterious and mysterious way.

Soon, in Li Yao's mind, every bit of faint psionic change in the entire honeycomb prison was clearly presented, and every psionic node stretched out crystal clear spiritual threads, crisscrossing each other. , Constantly entangled and torn, and finally formed the psychic operation structure diagram and magnetic field rotation model of the entire honeycomb prison.

It's like peeling off the flesh and blood, leaving only the nerve and blood vessel network specimens.

All the key points are clearly visible.

Including a relay station that is buried deep in the core of the prison and uses a continuous source of energy.

And this relay station is connected to the main energy supply system of the entire "City in the Sky, Manjusawa".

The main energy supply system is responsible for maintaining the internal and external gravity balance of the entire Star Sea Fortress, the operation of the psionic shield and various offensive and defensive weapons, and is responsible for resisting the gravitational involvement from Wu Yingxing-"Sky City, Manzhushahua" is suspended in Above Wu Yingxing's atmosphere, it has not completely escaped from the gravitational circle.

In other words, once the main energy supply system can be blasted and the anti-gravity array of the entire Star Wars Castle is partially ineffective, it will be attracted by the gravity of the vast land like the sea, and it will be an unprecedented and magnificent... come down!

When Li Yao was engrossed in perceiving every subtle psychic wave in the honeycomb prison, he also perceives countless people, who are imprisoned in this icy starry sky tomb, suffering the torture of life not as good as death, and being transformed so that people are not like people. , Ghosts are not like ghosts, that comes from the deepest pain, despair and anger of the soul.

The emotions thick as magma, swamp, and venom almost swallowed his soul and suffocated him completely.

Li Yao's expression solidified in the shadows for a long time, and finally cracked little by little. He cocked the corner of his mouth and responded to Li Jialing: "The scan is complete, you continue to practice normally, don't be found by the other party.

"By the way, find an opportunity to release my scouting magic weapon "Fierce Dragon". Next, I need it to do some "small things", and then wait for tomorrow to come and do it vigorously!"

"then what do I do?"

Li Jialing said anxiously, "You said that you will find a chance to help me escape from the'City of the Sky, Manzhushahua'!"

"Trust me."

Li Yao paused and said very seriously, "After tomorrow, the'City in the Sky, Manzhushahua' will no longer exist, and no matter Wu Yinglan or Li Lingfeng will have time to pay attention to you.

"Hey, do you know how many Star Sea battleships are parked in the Star Harbor of'Sky City, Manzhushahua'?"

"Uh, it's not clear. There should be 700 or 800 warships, right?"

Li Jialing thought for a while and said, "This battle to encircle and suppress the Starlight Organization is not a large-scale military operation, and the Starlight Organization is an extremely vigilant starry mouse. Escape, so Li Lingfeng should not mobilize too many regular troops, mainly to rely on his own giant soldiers and elite fighters of various major factions to solve the problem-anyway, the starships of the'Starlight Organization' are also civilian transport ships and armed mining. The scrap copper and rotten iron converted from the ship can easily explode them as long as the crystal armor can get into their stomachs, and there is no need to spend a lot of time to mobilize the main fleet back from the front."

"Eight hundred, right?"

Li Yao smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will attract all the firepower of these 800 warships to me, and then you can run away!"

Li Jialing stayed for a while: "What, what..."


The next day, Li Jialing stayed in the hive prison to practice.

It was called Cultivation, and it actually helped Li Yao secretly observe who the most vicious prisoners in the hive prison were and where they were being held.

And Li Yao was manipulating the Xiaolong, sneaking around in the entire "City of the Sky, Manzhushahua".

Now, in this super-giant starry sky battle castle, it is Wu Yinglan and Li Lingfeng that are known to pose a threat to Li Yao.

The war is about to come, and the two people are also hiding in the control center to discuss their conspiracy and tricks, trying to dig deeper into the trap, but they can't even dream of it. There is a cultivator of the transformation of gods in their lair. Drilling in the depths.

Through Li Jialing's description, Li Yao roughly grasped the overall structure of "Sky City, Manzhushahua", and then proceeded with targeted exploration, and the efficiency was naturally greatly improved.

He not only figured out the key points and joints of the "Sky City, Manzhushahua", and even manipulated the Xiaolong to drill out small pieces on the crystal cables and psychic transmission lines of the Star Wars Castle in advance. In the hole, I installed the "small props" carefully refined by myself, specially used to invade the spirit web and crystal brain.

Once activated, these small props can become his "springboard", making him a huge destructive power derived from the "Devil Mo Xuan", surging, driving forward, and destroying!

Destruction has always been easier than construction, a hundred times easier.

Fortunately, this time he played the role of "the saboteur in the dark". He had no scruples, he only needed to vent his anger and hatred, and wreak havoc on everything!


The luxurious palace-like restaurant once again lights up crystal chandeliers that are translucent and brilliant like fire.

Immortal cultivators from all major worlds of the real human empire, with noble blood and powerful power, once again gathered together, laughing and talking, pushing cups and changing cups, and admiring the finale of this series of missions.

The three-dimensional three-dimensional light curtain floating around them showed images of several different "Earth Dragons" in the underground.

The ignorant and ignorant cultivators in the picture yelled with enthusiasm and impassion, but in exchange for the faint smile of the cultivator at the dining table.

There is also a very clear overall schematic diagram, which accurately shows the coordinates of the cultivators at the moment and their final destination to many cultivators.

Several bright arrows drilled towards a huge cavity not far from the ground at the same time. That was the place dug out, meticulously remodeled and whitewashed by the cultivator, and was called the "Sanctuary of the cultivator".

In one of the scenes, a bald one-armed female warrior with a drill tattoo on her forehead appeared. She was passionate and almost crying for joy. It provokes nobles, princes, generals, strong men and their children. Sneer.

"They found the temple!"


"They found the temple!"

In the depths of the evil soil, the bald female warrior Zuo Jingyun couldn't help dancing in the "Cloud Piercing" by the Dragon Travelling Dragon, reporting the long-awaited good news to all the people in the car. "Yes, it was discovered by Wei Longtao. He is not only a miracle." Bode escaped the pursuit of the immortal cultivator, and found the control center of the'Global Sword Net Strike System' in front of us, and the main control brain in it has been initially restored!"

"Punyun" was cheered up and down, Hante and Liuli couldn't help but hug each other, and climbed onto the boxing champion together, crying and laughing.

"Wei Longtao has sent over the specific coordinates of the'Sanctuary' and scanned the nearby rock formations. Everyone is desperately rushing over to join him. Let's move forward at full speed. Don't miss this historic moment. what!"

Zuo Jingyun waved his iron hand and said vigorously.

The Xuanguang drill bit revolved at high speed again, and the crawler with nails and claws rubbed against the rock formations, rubbing out sparks and splashing, and the earth walking dragon slightly tilted 30 degrees toward the ground, forward, forward, all the way forward like a broken bamboo!

They were originally not too far away from the "temple", and they had precise coordinates and the guidance of the rock structure map. After more than half an hour of exploration, the violent friction and screaming of the drill bit in front suddenly disappeared, and then the speed almost increased. It was one-third, but it came out from the bottom of an underground cavity!

This is not the real ground, but only the last kilometer is left from the ground. It seems that several underground rivers converged here a long time ago, coupled with the violent geological movement, creating such a natural dungeon-like air. Cavity.

At this moment, most of the underground cavity is occupied by a black metal fortress. The surface of the metal fortress is covered with various twisted and interlaced underground vines, emitting a faint fluorescence, like a beautiful fairy tale world. .

Above the underground cavity, there should be a gap leading directly to the ground, bringing cold and dry air from the ground, slightly diluting the darkness and depression of the underground world.

Zuo Jingyun and all the Starlight Organization resistance fighters were probably stimulated by the cold air. When they saw this underground battle fort, they couldn't help tears in their eyes: "Holy temple, our holy temple!"

At this moment, this "temple", which has been circulating in the mouths of all cultivators in the form of myths for many years, is like a behemoth of steel that is gradually awakening, with "rumbling" noises constantly inside, and the surface covered by vines is mysterious and complex. And the magnificent rune array exudes colorful light, this light stretches out its tentacles around and shoots into the depths of the cracks in the rock, not knowing where it will eventually shoot.

"Wei Longtao has already launched the'Global Sword Net Strike System'. It's so, great!"

Zuo Jingyun was surprised and happy. He could hardly believe his eyes and ears, but the facts were in front of her. She couldn't help but not believe it. The bald female warrior waved her arms and led the crowd in ecstatically, "Go, swear to death." To defend the temple, before Wei Commander blasted down the'Sky City, Manzhushahua', even if we were smashed to pieces, we would not be able to let a cultivator break into our temple!"

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