40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2103: Shopping to the end!

Accompanied by the overlapping and deafening loud noises, all of the 124 "enriched fountains" distributed in the depths of Wu Yingxing's world shot out the most dazzling mysterious light.

These mysterious lights are like the dragons of light with life, climbing slowly and firmly in mid-air, constantly adjusting their trajectories and angles.

There is only one ultimate goal, and that is, the beautiful and wicked Bianhua who hangs high above the sky!

Changhong goes through the sun and breaks through the sky!

All resistance fighters were deeply shocked by this indescribable picture. They held their breath and opened their eyes as much as they could, wishing to squeeze their blood into the bunches of teeth and claws through the light curtain, soaring into the sky. In the flames of light, let the speed be faster, faster, faster!

The sky reacted quickly.

On the sky track that tightly entangled the entire planet, there was also a blast of mysterious light, trying to intercept the blaze of the "Global Sword Net Strike System".

But these flames were not purely mysterious light and psychic attacks, but contained more than one hundred thousand super flying swords with automatic navigation runes.

Perceiving the opponent's interception, all the flames split instantly, from more than a hundred flames to tens of thousands of exiles, rushing to "City in the Sky, Manzhushahua" from all angles!

A crystal-clear psychic barrier gleamed around "City of the Sky, Manzhushahua". Thousands of sword rain slammed on it, and the shock wave that surged out was seen by many resistance fighters and sinners in this life. The brightest fireworks.

Although most of the sword rain was blocked, melted and destroyed by the defensive barriers, the defensive barriers also became fragmented and crashed. Finally, a small part of the flying swords broke through the defenses and penetrated. "The surface, turned into bunches of flowers representing death and destruction, slowly bloomed.

"Hit, really hit..."

"Have you seen that,'Sky City, Manjusawa' are trembling, all trembling under our attack!"

The resistance fighters were stunned and couldn't believe it, then they were so ecstatic that their hearts almost jumped out of their chests.

They jumped up with excitement, and slammed into each other like a bear and a rhino, roaring with the most primitive and wild voices, and the sound converged into a flood, rushing around the temple!

Even the toughest guy in the ordinary days, tears and nose flow turbulently, crying like a child, not for anything else, only for the trembling of "City in the Sky, Manzhushahua"!

"Everyone can see clearly that the power of the'Global Sword Net Strike System' is far beyond our imagination. The first wave of tentative attacks that have not yet been filled with the ultimate psionic power defeated the'City of the Sky and Manzhushahua.' 'The defensive shield!"

Wei Longtao sounded like a loud bell, unspeakably decisive, "Give us a second and third chance, and we will definitely be able to stoke this immortal cultivator's nest from the sky!

"However, the immortal cultivator is coming soon, and **** battles will break out at any time. Whether there is a second or third chance to inspire, it depends on everyone's desperate efforts!"

"Ho Ho Ho Ho, don't worry, leave it to us, Commander in Chief!"

The resistance fighters, who were five big three thick, hot blood gushing out of their pores to form a blood mist, bombarded their chests heavily and screamed confidently.

"Behave well, this is... the last battle!"

When he walked to Zuo Jingyun's side, Wei Longtao hesitated, a touch of tenderness and melancholy flashed under his eyes.


Zuo Jingyun did not notice Wei Longtao’s hesitation. He was still immersed in the excitement of hitting "Sky City, Manzhushahua", and said sincerely, "Thank you, commander-in-chief, for leading us to create miracles again and again, if Without you, we would never have imagined that one day we would be able to bring such a big shock to'Sky City, Manzhushahua'!

"Please, tell me once more personally, we really have a chance to blow down the'City of the Sky, Manjusawa', right?"

The bald female soldier looked at her leader expectantly.

Wei Longtao smiled and said, "I have sent the entire process of attacking'Sky City, Manzhushahua' just now to our fellow Daoists in the starry sky. If they cooperate with the attack, there will be a chance."

"Well, as long as you said it, it will definitely become a reality! Then even if I die, I will bite the bones of the cultivators, and I will never let them get closer to the temple!"

Zuo Jingyun gritted his teeth and said very seriously.

"Don't worry, we won't die."

Wei Longtao sighed lightly, with a subtle chill in his voice, "We will definitely live, and... live well!"


"Activated, those fellow Taoists under Wu Yingxing really found the temple, activated the'Global Sword Net', and exploded the defensive shield of the'Sky City, Manzhushahua'!"

On the edge of the poisonous scorpion star cluster, in the vast sea of ​​stars, in the starlight organization combined fleet hovering in the gravel star belt and the back of the barren planet orbit, there were also bursts of cheers.

Refitted from the super-giant integrated mining ship, now known as the "integrated supply mothership", Captain Gao Kangda of the "Dashan", through the short-distance mysterious light information transmission network, is discussing the final strategy.

"The daoists underground have already started, let's act quickly, attack from both sides, and destroy the cannibal cave of'Sky City, Manzhushahua' in one fell swoop!"

Someone can't wait.

"Wait? We only have some remotely transmitted images, mottled and mottled. We don't know what the destruction of "Sky City, Manjusawa" is. It would be too risky to attack rashly."

Some people are relatively calm.

"The opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss is not to come. The psychic shield of'Sky City, Manzhushahua' cannot be broken forever, and the chaos of a moment can be quickly restored. The underground fellow Taoists can't hold on for long. We have waited for so long, aren't we just waiting for the enemy's most vulnerable moment to arrive? Now that we are afraid to start, there will be no chance to start!"

Some people sneered.

"I agree with Qi Daoyou."

Gao Kang rubbed his cheeks crisscrossed and criss-crossed, and said in a deep voice, "With our strength today, there is no capital for'no risk' at all, everyone. It took all the resources of Xinghai to gather here from all over Xinghai. It can be said that there is no way to turn back!

"We rebels from all sides of Xinghai gathered here today, not for a 100% successful victory. Victory and failure are indifferent. We only need to do it vigorously and happily!

"Even if we really fail in the end, as long as we can spell out the blood, courage and courage of a comprehensionist, someone will remember us firmly, someone will want to become us, and there will be a stronger starlight. With the emergence of organizations, a new generation of cultivators will be reborn in Nirvana!

"In this battle, we do not seek victory or defeat. We only seek to tell the entire empire, everyone in the entire star sea-when you are driven to a dead end and cannot bear it, there is at least one last choice, and that is to summon up. Courage, clenched fists, rise up and resist!

"So, now, do it!"

"Go ahead!

"Start it!"

"Even if the trajectory of our voyage to the Scorpion star cluster is hidden from all directions, it should be discovered by the empire at this moment. It is absolutely impossible to retreat unscathed. Captain Gao is right. Let's fight it!"

The Starlight Organization's joint assault fleet quickly reached an agreement.

All starships that looked tattered, oddly shaped, and deformed like metal behemoths scattered one after another, forming a semi-arc attack formation.

With bursts of light bursting, spiral folds appeared around all starships.

"The goal is'City in the Sky, Manzhushahua', jump in the stars at super close range, start!

"Long live the rebels, long live the cultivators, come and see our strength now, go to death, empire!"

Accompanied by bursts of wild and unruly roars, the broken starships of the Starlight Organization's combined fleet suddenly disappeared, turning into groups of extremely angry streamers in the four-dimensional space, and hurried away toward the "city of the sky, Manzhushahua"!


In the banquet hall of "Sky City, Manzhushahua", the party of light singing, dancing, feasting and feasting was still going on, and there was no sign of attack or explosion at all.

Regardless of the ecstatic expressions and gestures of the resistance fighters in the underground branch of the Starlight Organization, or the rhetoric of the United Fleet Resistance fighters, they all appear on the surrounding three-dimensional light curtains with a delay of no more than 1 second, and become coveted. In between, a small entertainment show.

The cultivators smiled and picked up the crystal clear, round and jade cherries or strawberries into the mouth, tasted the faint sweet and sour, and glanced at the light curtain from time to time, enjoying the lively performance of the cultivators, and gave out a faint smile. sound.

"These clowns are so silly that they are so cute, I really think they can cause the slightest harm to the "Sky City, Manjusawa"!

The immortal cultivators smiled at each other, shaking their heads and sighing for the innocence and stupidity of the clowns. There was a feeling of caring for mentally handicapped children in their eyes. I really can’t figure out why this magical species can continue to this day. Extinct.


The host here, Wu Yinglan, tapped the wine glass lightly, raising her voice, "Please enjoy the next scene. Among the scripts carefully designed by our people, this is the most exciting link. I hope you don’t miss every comprehension. The expression on the face of the reader, I believe it must be so wonderful that no pen or ink can describe it!"

In the light curtain behind Wu Yinglan, in the "underground temple", the cultivator's earth burrowing vehicle has broken through the peripheral defenses and appeared in front of the cultivator.

The preparations for the second strike of the "Global Sword Net" are also nearly complete, and the final countdown is underway!

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