40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2104: The cruel truth!

boom! Boom boom boom boom!

Squeaky squeaky squeaky!

All kinds of weird and harsh noises filled the inside and outside of the temple. It was the sound of immortal cultivators, like tides and locust-like burrowing vehicles, rushing in and surrounding the temple.

Sometimes there are deafening explosions and hysterical screams. This is a small group of cultivators who have penetrated into the periphery of the temple, and they are engaged in a fierce battle with the cultivators who defend the temple!

Every cultivator in the temple is ready to sacrifice. They sealed the direction of the temple gate like a statue, silently waiting for the final moment of glory to come, the only thing in their hearts It is the countdown displayed by the rear artificial intelligence.

The second full-scale attack of "Global Sword Net" has entered the final countdown stage.

All the air attack magic weapons in the secret base this time are filled with the extreme psychic power of overload operation, and they can definitely bombard with ten times stronger destructive power than just now.

The defensive shield of "Sky City, Manzhushahua" was severely damaged in the first round of strikes and could not be repaired temporarily. It is now a huge target hanging high in the air.

This is the best opportunity.

"10! 9! 8! 7!"

Everyone counted down silently in their hearts, as if they could see the scene of "City in the Sky, Manzhushahua" falling from the sky in the raging fire.

Starlight testified, they were willing to give their lives and souls to make this scene a reality!

The sound of burrowing, explosions, and screaming are getting closer and closer. The collision between the burrowing vehicle and the terrestrial dragon has affected the ground under their feet, making every bone and muscle of everyone around Trembling.

But they are still desperately staying here-in a few seconds, the second blow will be fully launched.

"6! 5! 4!"

"Sister Yun..."

Hante and Liuli hid behind Zuo Jingyun. Although they were shaking badly, the two little guys also held the concussion saber and the chain saw sword tightly, and did not retreat half a step.

"Don't be afraid, we have a chance. Once the'City in the Sky, Manzhushahua' can really explode, the cultivators will be in chaos. When the time comes, my sister will save her life, and we will find a way to send you escape!"

Zuo Jingyun used his cold mechanical arms to protect the two little guys, and looked at the boxing champion next to him, and said hoarsely, "There is always someone who needs to spread today's battle and tell everyone to know!"

"3! 2! 1!"

Although the battle ahead was anxious, when the countdown came to "1", all the resistance fighters couldn't help but turn their heads back and watch the artificial intelligence present the last big, shiny, colorful " 0", and the ensuing mysterious light rises, soaring into the sky, ten thousand swords piercing the heart!


"The second round of global strikes, launch!"

"The immortal cultivator is still a step slower, this round of blows will definitely be able to blast down the'City in the Sky, Manzhushahua'!

The most dazzling flames appeared in the eyes of all resistance fighters.


Just after the countdown above the artificial intelligence jumped to "0", the expected flames in the surrounding light curtain did not appear, but it was seriously distorted like a crystal brain virus.

Immediately afterwards, a short line with infinite sarcasm popped out from all the light curtains:

"Zero, it means nothing."


The "Global Sword Net Strike System Control Center", which was originally running at high speed, was "buzzing" in all directions. It seemed that some switch was touched, and the colorful light all around dimmed, and the lighting talisman was forcibly closed to defend. The system was completely cut off, and those shining and golden automatic crystal magnetic turrets, and the magnetic rail barrels were also drooped down and turned into a ball of scrap copper and rotten iron again!

"this is--"

All the resistance fighters were dumbfounded, their hearts were cold, and they didn't know what had happened.

The surrounding area was dim, and only the huge pale golden human head in the void-the so-called "Global Sword Net Strike System", the artificial intelligence that contained the spirit, will and ideas of countless cultivators and martyrs was still eye-catching.

But this huge human head with a diameter of more than ten meters also changed drastically in a weird twist.

The flesh and blood on its face was eroded away in an instant, and at a speed visible to the naked eye, it changed from a flesh-and-blood face to a gloomy skull. Two rows of blood and tears flowed from the black eye sockets. The two rows of teeth, which were white and miserable, kept colliding with each other, making a laugh of "he...he...he...", the eerie and terrifying to the extreme.

"How, how could this happen!"

"It's impossible? Could it be invaded by the virus of the cultivator?"

"Why, at such a critical moment!"

At the last moment, the effort fell short, and the resistance of the soldiers' hearts raised from the mountain peaks, all of a sudden fell into the abyss, one by one only felt that the sky was spinning, the brain was blank, breathing was extremely difficult, and his face was flushed and red to purple!

However, reality will only be more cruel than they thought.

They directed all their firepower at the door of the temple hole, but they did not guard against the darkness in the depths of the temple.

At this moment, from the darkness in the depths of the temple, hundreds of psionic puppets burst out like a tide.

These psionic puppets are like eight-clawed octopuses with large eyes in the center of the body, consisting of a round body and four freely retractable circular robotic arms.


At the tip of the mechanical tentacles, the sawtooth cross iron tongs are opened. The center of the iron tongs is also a super high-resolution crystal eye. Tens of thousands of scarlet crystal eyes gleam in the dark, condescending and unblinking. Staring at the resistance fighters.

It seems that there must be another channel behind the temple that leads directly to the outside world and even the ground, and this channel has long been mastered by the cultivator.

"We, are we in the middle?"

"Trap, this is a trap!"

Watching countless icy psionic puppets flying around the sky, making harsh metal distortions, finally the resistance fighters reacted desperately, but it was too late.

But even if they die, they really can't figure it out. Where is the problem?

The smiling skull with blood and tears in the air continued to collapse and peel away. This time, after the white and miserable skull mask was stripped off, it turned into a handsome face like a middle-aged man carved from marble.

In the dark, except for the smiling face of the middle-aged man, it was the cup of blood-like grape wine in his hand.

"Dear friends, thank you for your wonderful performances so far. Your enthusiastic and dedicated performances really made us enjoy a thrilling, passionate, and heart-wrenching show."

The marble statue-like middle-aged man took a sip of wine and continued to smile, "However, no matter how good the scene is, there will be a moment of ending. Time is precious. I have to reveal the truth to you. First of all, please allow me to introduce myself. Now, my name is Wu Yinglan, the owner of the'City in the Sky, Manzhushahua' you never forget to destroy..."


"This, how is this possible!"

"We, what kind of trap did we fall into!"

Including Zuo Jingyun, all the Starlight Organization resistance fighters were shattered with three souls and seven souls, and the belief and strength that supported them to this moment have all collapsed. Everyone is like an empty body, like a heart. Staring grayly at the huge head in midair.

"Don't understand? Then take a look at the real "Sky City, Manjusawa" at this moment!"

Wu Yinglan raised her voice slightly, and a new light curtain immediately appeared next to his huge head like a **** and demon. The light curtain showed the appearance of "City in the Sky, Manzhushahua" taken at close range.

The red glow, the golden light, the psychic shield is intact, and the surface is as bright as new. The "Sky City, Manzhushahua" still hangs above the sky like the most colorful flowers on the sky, and there is no one who has been attacked. appearance?

"It's a pity that you just saw the scene of the attack on the'Sky City, Manzhushahua'. No, it should be said that everything you saw after entering this so-called'temple' is fake. It is our immortal cultivation. It’s a virtual one."

Wu Yinglan said indifferently, "From the very beginning, there was no'Global Sword Net Strike System', and there was no'Cultivator's Temple'. Everything, your hope, your mission, you are willing to fight for it all your life. All things that sacrifice your lives are all fake, given to you by our immortal cultivators.

"Even your organization, including the lives of each of you, is deliberately reserved, carefully planned and controlled by our immortal cultivators. You think you are'free', but the so-called'freedom' comes from our rewards. In fact, You are no different from those on the ground. They are all puppets and puppets made of flesh and blood manipulated by the Sky City and Manzhushahua, including your resistance, fierce battle, escape and the Jedi counterattack. ', everything comes from... the script written by our cultivators."

The three-dimensional light curtain surrounding Wu Yinglan began to play some secretly filmed images long ago. It was the most secret combat meeting of the Resistance Organization, which showed that the cultivators had infiltrated and controlled the entire underground branch of the Starlight Organization a long time ago. .

"This this……"

Many cultivators were at a loss, more cultivators were in tears, and some clung to their heads, with their fingers deeply embedded in their skulls, staggering back two or three steps, and fell to the ground for a long time. Speechless.

Some people pierced suspicious eyes at their most trusted, most dependent and most admired leader, commander-in-chief Wei Longtao!

"By the way, and your commander-in-chief, Wei Longtao, the omnipotent hero of the Starlight Organization."

Wu Yinglan's smile became stronger and stronger, and he admired the expressions of the resistance fighters with interest, "Yes, a long time ago, he was indeed a cultivator, but such a smart person naturally quickly realized the world. The true rules of operation abandon those naive, naive and impossible ideas, and become a glorious, noble and pure cultivator!"

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