40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2105: A world without miracles (fourth!)

Although many people had guessed the answer faintly, listening to Wu Yinglan's own words, and seeing Wei Longtao standing silent under Wu Yinglan's huge head, many resistance fighters still fell into the ice cave.

Then, burn the ice cave into magma!

"Wei Longtao!"

Zuo Jingyun trembled and roared, "You betrayed us, you betrayed the Starlight Organization!"

"This is not a betrayal, but a person who knows the current affairs as a talented person. Leading members to find a bright future is what a qualified organization leader should do. It is not a moth to fight the fire and a man's arm as a car. Find your own way!"

Wu Yinglan said lightly, "Command Wei, now it's your turn."

"Don't get excited, everyone, listen to me, I definitely don't mean to hurt everyone at all, on the contrary, I want to save everyone-just like saving everyone in the past countless times!"

Wei Longtao took a deep breath and held his head high again, staring at the eyes like large light bulbs, looking directly at everyone including Zuo Jingyun without any shame.

What he said was so categorical and arrogant. Like every exciting speech in the past, it was full of convincing and trustworthy power, as if even if he said that the sun high in the sky was square, someone would believe it.

"Think about it, why do we have to resist the empire and fight the cultivators? There is no reason at all! It's just that we were born here, our ancestors have been entangled in this, and we have naturally become the so-called cultivators-in Cockroaches, fleas, and mice are hiding in the bottom of the earth!

"Is this kind of life really worth it? Is this kind of resistance really useful? Do the ideas and hopes we insist on really exist?

"Wake up, everyone, we are just caught in a dream of self-hypnosis and self-movement, entangled, parasitic, possessed, and completely lost by the undead that should have been annihilated a thousand years ago. The true self!

"Our lives are fake, our resistance is fake, our hopes are fake, our self-righteous heroes and the means of Jedi counterattack... all are fake, fake!

"In the past, I was the same as you all. Under the control of this dead soul for thousands of years, I was shrouded in self-deception and moved, thinking that what I did was really insignificant.

"Fortunately, I woke up in time and realized that the so-called'Road of Cultivation' is a complete lie. It is a fairy tale that can never be transformed into a reality. It will only bring an endless tragedy to the evil land and to all of us!

"What's more, we are not really cultivators at all. We are just a group of mobs, manipulated by hatred, anger, and inertia, and put together by chance!

"Not only are we not the opponents of'Sky City, Manjusawa', we can't even cause any harm to others, we just send them to death in vain! No one is afraid of death, but death has to be worthwhile, so I must save everyone , Lead everyone to fully realize the ridiculousness of this lie, and take everyone out of the sea of ​​suffering and embark on a new life!"

Wei Longtao roared with bruised veins, hoarse, blushing so much that even his cheeks were congested.

He opened his strong and powerful arms to everyone, and said sincerely: "Come on, don't deceive yourself anymore. We are not really cultivators at all, let alone true cultivators were beaten by cultivators a thousand years ago. What can we "fake people" have to struggle with? Let go of our hatred, leave the ground, and embrace a new life! I have received Master Wu Yinglan's promise that as long as we are willing to surrender unconditionally, we will be able to get humane. The treatment of immortality, the opportunity to recognize the real avenue of immortality and the laws of the world, and become the supreme immortal cultivator.

"This is the brightest future that belongs to all of us!"

"Commander, you, you..."

Zuo Jingyun covered her mouth in disbelief, tears bursting out of her eyes, and stepped back seven or eight steps in a row. She couldn't believe everything she heard and saw. His body was like a sand tower in the wind, crumbling, at any moment. Crashed.

The sounds of killing and explosions outside were getting closer and closer. With a sharp noise, several offensive drill vehicles of the immortal cultivators entered the temple from all directions, bringing a large number of armor masters and psionic puppets with teeth and claws.

"There are enemies everywhere!"

"The quantity is more than ten times ours!"

"What to do, what to do!"

The resistance fighters are like rats that have fallen into a hot pot, at a loss and completely confused.

"That's right, compared to the rebellious and uncivilized guys in Xinghai, I think you still have a trace of potential that can be transformed."

Wu Yinglan chuckled, "So, if you are willing to lay down your weapons and surrender obediently, as the lord of the'Sky City, Manzhushahua', I promise that I will never harm you, but will transform you into immortal cultivators. opportunity.

"Don't rush to make a decision, come, let's see the fate of your ‘dao friends’ in Xinghai first, haha, hahahaha!"

In Wu Yinglan's laughter, the battlefield in the vast sea of ​​stars emerged from the light curtain around the huge head.

It can be clearly seen that in the starry sky not far from "City in the Sky, Manzhushahua", hundreds or even thousands of tattered, bizarrely shaped semi-armed starships have jumped out and gathered into a murderous arc. When it attacked the formation, there was a bit of an aura of destruction, sweeping the army.

It’s a pity that they are not facing a broken sky city that was smashed by the "Global Sword Net", but a complete defense system, abundant psionic energy and ammunition reserves, and secretly received half of the Empire’s main fleet reinforcements in the last month. , A steel battle fort armed to the teeth with tens of thousands of elite players from all major families!

The Starlight Organization’s combined fleet just jumped to the depths of the Wuying realm, and a large cosmic mine was detonated near their jumping point, releasing violent and unmatched radiation and high-energy particle streams, forming an extremely unstable space that stretches for millions of kilometers. zone.

These cosmic mines are not mainly used to kill the Starlight Organization’s combined fleet, but to completely disrupt the spatial stability of this area, in case the rats of the Starlight Organization see a bad situation and run away, desperately launching a second Xinghai. Jumping-if they jumped out of the Wuying realm or even the poisonous scorpion star cluster, it would be even more difficult if they wanted to catch it all. If they were caught or destroyed by other forces, it would not be counted as the credit of Li Lingfeng and Wu Yinglan.

But now, if you want to jump in an extremely unstable three-dimensional space, it is like setting sail when a tsunami strikes. The difficulty and risk factor have suddenly increased tenfold. No one will do this kind of thing that is close to death.

Almost at the moment when the cosmic mines exploded, the incomparable blood-colored flowers from the other side bloomed slowly, and the silent, cold, and elegant imperial fleet slid out from under the "petals", forming a blade-like attack with a dazzling posture. Formation.

There are also hundreds of thousands of dotted crystal armors, awakening from the dark sea of ​​stars in all directions, and outflank the combined fleet of the Starlight Organization.

Above the blood-colored flowers and the sky track, thousands of blood-colored beams of light appeared silently, swallowing hundreds of thousands of kilometers in an instant, and slammed into the combined fleet of the Starlight Organization, stabbing one by one that seemed to be crystal clear. Blood bubbles.

Epic missions, destroy the stars, and the massacre begins!


"We were betrayed.'Sky City, Manjusawa' was not damaged at all, and the psionic shield was not even wiped off at all!"

"Why are there so many main battleships of the Empire here? Shouldn't they be entangled with the Holy League on the front line? This, this is a trap!"

"We have been tricked, fooled, and betrayed by traitors. This is basically a conspiracy, a conspiracy to lure the enemy to go deep and kill them all!

"There is no hope, run away, run away, run away!"

There were exclaims and screams in the high-level communication channel of the Starlight Organization United Fleet, and there were occasional tsunamis-like explosions.

"All sounds!"

When seeing the opponent's Star Wars Fortress intact, and a large number of main battleships that far exceeded expectations, Gao Kangda also felt that the world was spinning, and the world in front of him became black and white.

But after all, he is a battlefield veteran who has survived the "Indefinite Riot", knowing that escaping at this time is equivalent to dying, "Since it is a trap, our back path must have been cut off by the enemy long ago. Look at your master crystal. The space stability index on the brain, this space is like a piece of paper torn apart, it can't start the star sea jump at all!

"We have no choice but to move forward. Even if we really want to escape, we must first break through the enemy in front of us and get rid of this chaotic space before we can start the star sea jump!

"Have you forgotten our purpose? We came here to die. Come on, let the cultivators see the courage of our cultivators. Even if we die, we will all die with the'City of the Sky and Manjushahua' , To knock this **** cave into the surface of the planet!"

Facing the radiant and fast-moving main battleship of the empire, the armed mining ship "Dashan", which resembled a junk planet, burst out with the brightest flames in hundreds of years, towards the enemy, towards the "city in the sky," Manju Shahua", launched an assault!


"Have you seen, your'dao friends' in the starry sky also stupidly jumped into our trap and are being harvested, slaughtered, and destroyed as much as they want."

Wu Yinglan said, "These stubborn people are destined to be a dead end. There is no chance, but you still have the choice to choose to repent, abandon the dark past, and embark on the path of light.

"Don't hesitate anymore, my patience and kindness are extremely limited, let go of all fantasies, believe me, this world... there is no miracle!"


The long-lost fourth watch finally appeared, Ho Ho Ho Ho, Lao Niu himself was very excited!

It's a pity that I haven't written the part of the "miracle" staged today, it doesn't matter, we will continue to be passionate tomorrow and launch a real thunder counterattack!

For the sake of the long-lost fourth watch, Lao Niu also asks for a monthly ticket recommendation. Students support it!

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