40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2106: The miracle begins!

"Sky City, Manzhushahua", Star Harbor One.

A black starship condensed like three sharp swords slowly slid out of its orbit, and the seven-star plum blossom-like power talisman behind it spewed out bright flames, making it speed to the limit in an instant, almost tearing the entire universe. Hurricaneously towards the sea of ​​stars that had begun to boil in the distance.

This is Li Lingfeng's flagship, "Hurricane"!

Li Lingfeng stood on the bridge, Li Jialing paced back and forth a little anxiously beside them, surrounded by extremely fast flashing light curtains.

Every scene that took place in the Xinghai and the underground, including Wu Yinglan's desperate words just now, all received their eyes.

"Wu Yinglan is wrong in saying this. How can it be said that there is no miracle in this world? Such words are heard by farmers, miners and assembly line workers who live in despair. How bad and disharmonious?"

Li Lingfeng played with a colorful ring that seemed to condense the rainbow together, and smiled, "Of course there are miracles in this world, but all miracles are created by us, the cultivator! We want it! What kind of miracle can be'created' what kind of miracle, and whoever wants a miracle to happen can happen to whoever!"

Indeed, miracles are created and controlled by immortal cultivators.

At this moment, in the "City of the Sky, Manzhushahua", Tianyan Group has a professional team with more than 50,000 people, dedicated to "creating miracles."

They are all the most brilliant script architects, screen editors and special effects engineers, as well as experts in news, directors and psychology.

At this moment, the war in the Xinghai Sea and the siege under the ground, the pictures taken through various crystal eyes are only the most primitive material.

If you send it out directly for the general public to see, on the one hand, the propaganda effect is not sufficiently impactful and educational, and on the other hand, it is not easy to grasp the occurrence of unexpected factors.

Therefore, it is nominally "real-time transmission", but in reality there will be a delay of one to five minutes depending on the situation.

And the expert team of 50,000 people is responsible for a series of screening, editing, and stitching in these crucial five minutes. It is necessary to apply grease and powder, transfer flowers and trees, reverse black and white, and create something out of nothing in order to finally output a "seamless and extremely The "impact" picture can implement the immortal cultivator to the greatest extent, more precisely, it is the will that Li Lingfeng and Wu Yinglan want to implement.


At this moment, in the entire empire, including Gao Xiaojian from the bottom of Gao Kangda, thousands of ordinary people have received pictures carefully compiled by immortal cultivators.

The underground cultivators in the picture are first arrogant and ecstatic, then desperate and completely desperate. The distorted faces are so pitiful, so abominable, and so ridiculous.

Gao Xiaojian and the workers who had undergone mechanization all over laughed, and were amused by the "stunned and dumbfounded" expressions of the practitioners.

And the dilapidated starships of the Starlight Organization's combined fleet, under the awe-inspiring contrast of the imperial main force fleet, are so shabby, desolate, and thin, and they are completely collapsed.

Coupled with various sound effects such as screams, wailings, and "We're done" in the later stages, it really interprets the ten words "The worm shakes the tree and is ridiculous."

"I knew so, why bother in the first place?"

Gao Xiaojian shook his head disapprovingly, and skillfully used the way of thinking instilled in him to think, "Working diligently and being a down-to-earth person is better than anything else? It's obviously that he is lazy and easy to work, which has caused the tragedy, so I must blame the society. , The system and the government, coupled with the infiltration and instigation of various foreign hostile forces such as the Holy League, the Demon, and so on, finally took the risk, committed illegal and disciplined, and acted indiscriminately. The only result was to harm others and self!"

"The empire has achieved a decisive and glorious victory on the front line, but our enemies will never be willing to fail silently like this. Even if they know the calamity is inevitable, they will still struggle to death and collude with various ambitious forces within the empire. Make the last wave."

In the picture, an imperial officer with sword eyebrows, star-eyed eyes, tall and straight, wearing a straight uniform, said loudly, "However, the empire is invincible, and the enemy is doomed to perish, for the sake of the empire and for the tens of thousands of people of the empire. To live and work in peace, for the rise of human civilization, we will never let any enemy succeed!

"Go ahead, the Imperial Army, completely eliminate the lackeys of these holy allies in front of you-the cultivators!"

"Go forward, Empire!"

"Hurray, empire!"

"Exterminate the cultivators, eliminate the holy allies, long live the empire, long live the immortals, and long live human civilization!"

For a moment, Gao Xiaojian was in a trance, as if he had become this tall and handsome imperial officer, stepping on the majestic super starship, galloping between the stars and the sea.

All the artificial blood surging around his body poured into his brain, and he felt himself burning all at once.

There was a thunderous roar in the sound transmission talisman, Gao Xiaojian's roar mixed with the shouts of the workers, almost breaking through the dome of the "loyalty room"...


"Are you ready?"

On the "Hurricane", Li Lingfeng smiled and looked at Li Jialing, "You are the biggest'miracle' we are going to create in this battle. From this moment on, you are the soaring eagle that spreads its wings and releases its potential to the fullest. Go... …Take the entire universe!"


Li Jialing stopped pacing, took a deep breath, clenched his fist slightly, and said, "I can't wait."

"That's good, get ready to fight, I will let my most elite'Greeting Team' follow you."

Li Lingfeng said, "Remember, there is no need to entangle the enemy's miscellaneous soldiers. Your target is the enemy's starship. If you can blast a starship with a crystal armor, it will be of great propaganda value."

Li Lingfeng's trip did not bring much support from the main battleship to Wu Yinglan.

After all, the war between the front line and the Holy ally is not over. Now the empire has swallowed a large area of ​​stars in one breath. The defense line and the logistics supply line are stretched very long at once, and fleets are needed everywhere to guard against the Holy ally's counterattack.

Besides, the imperial army itself is not monolithic, each fleet is nominally the supreme emperor, but in fact all belong to the nobles and the world’s masters. The source of troops, finances and commanders at all levels are all controlled by the nobles and the masters. In our hands, we have long been overwhelmed and we are doing our best.

The vast star field that is new to hand is a big cake. In order to divide this big cake, the imperial fleets representing the interests of the nobles and the strong may have to play with their brains.

At this time, who is willing to give up the benefits of a whole planet or even a large world, stupidly to transfer the fleet back and fight with Li Lingfeng?

Cultivators are just cockroaches and rats. Whether they are hit or not is the same thing. Even if none of them are left, what if they are killed? what is the benefit? Can a cultivator change several resource planets and give it to the cultivator with both hands?

As for Li Lingfeng himself, although he is a leader among the middle-aged generation of the Li family, he is known as the "future emperor candidate", but after all, he is an illusory future.

At least for now, he is not the Patriarch of the Li family, and he is not one of the "four major elections". There are many peers and even uncles in the family who are coveting his position. It would be good not to stab him in the back. , How could it be possible to bring out his own private soldiers to help him?

He really wants to mobilize contacts and put together a few fleets, but it is not without his means.

The problem is that they are not stupid. If they really want to deploy a large number of troops, they must reach out to the "Sky Eye Group" and reach out to the platform of "Killing Live" to share his core interests.

"Tianyan Group" is Wu Yinglan Holdings in name. In fact, it is all supported by his "future election candidate", including the construction of "Nietu Paradise" and "Sky City, Manzhushahua", as well as the current "Epic Tasks, smashing the stars," everything he did has only one purpose, which is to pave the way for his "li family leader and one of the four election emperors", providing a steady stream of funds, contacts, fame, media control, and even military exploits. support.

Li Lingfeng would absolutely not tolerate it, anyone would insert his tentacles into his core interests in any form.

Therefore, he and Wu Yinglan thought about it, and made the most accurate estimation of the overall strength of the Starlight Organization. In the end, they decided to rely on the armed forces of the Sky Eye Group, Li Lingfeng’s own private soldiers, and a few simple money transactions. Fleet of mercenaries to solve the problem.

The cultivators are all mobs, and with their strength at hand, it is easy to defeat the cultivators.

However, Xinghai is too vast after all. If the cultivators are really ignorant of fleeing wildly together and want to eliminate these cockroaches without reservation, it is really necessary to plan carefully.

Therefore, even Li Lingfeng personally led the flagship to send out, just to achieve the most perfect ending, to consolidate this feat to the extent that no one has anything to say.

"Until this moment, everything is under our control. These cockroaches that have been entangled for a whole thousand years will finally be completely trampled to death by us!"

Li Lingfeng patted Li Jialing's shoulder hard, "Go, our'miracle moment' has begun, let's create your miracle!"

"it is good."

Li Jialing smiled and looked at Li Lingfeng deeply. He respectfully bowed to him, and took the opportunity to hide his eyes in the shadows, "I will show you a miracle that is earth-shattering!"


"City in the Sky, Manzhushahua", in a lonely starport, in a corner separated by a wall from the dark sea of ​​stars, Li Yao spread his limbs, lying on the ground in the shape of "big", and slowly opened his scarlet eyes.

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