40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2122: Our giant soldier!

One ship, one ship, another ship.

At least dozens of starships of the Starlight Organization slammed into the "City of the Sky, Manzhushahua", and their tail flames were like a leaning column after the collapse of a towering palace; A spear of light pierced deeply into the Star Wars Fort, speeding up the disintegration and fall of this magic cave!

More starships escorted their comrades around, abruptly resisting the attack of the cultivators, until they were torn apart, turned into a ball of light, and annihilated in the dark sea of ​​stars.

Li Yao was deeply shocked by the tactics of the cultivators of the Starlight Organization going forward and seeing death as home.

He recalled his boyhood, when he visited the "War Museum" in the East China Sea for the first time and saw the "Eternal Flagship of the Federal Army" Liaoyuan.

In the decisive battle with the Eastern Demon Kingdom, the battle that determined the survival of the Star Federation, the Liaoyuan, which had run out of ammunition and food, was also the same. With its steel body and burning will, it rushed into the enemy's formation and sank the powerful enemy. flagship!

Perhaps at the two ends of the sea of ​​stars, there are many differences between the federal cultivators and the empire cultivators.

Perhaps under the suppression and killing of the true human empire, the cultivators here have lost too much.


In any case, something is always the same.

Everyone is a cultivator!

Li Yao's nasal cavity was hot, bursting out of gunpowder-like heat.

At this time, he sensed the anger of Li Lingfeng's destruction of everything, and rolled towards the starships that hit the "Sky City, Manzhushahua".

Many starships were originally converted to transport ships and mining ships. The structure is far less solid than military starships. In the fierce battle just now, they withstood too much artillery fire. They became riddled and crumbly. At this moment, they simply bear it. Li Lingfeng's hateful blow could not help, and they disintegrated, exploded, collapsed, and turned into flaming and withered moths!

"No, Li Lingfeng became angry from embarrassment and became frenzied!"

Shocking scenes flashed in Li Yao's mind, "If I continue to pretend to be dead and leave it alone, he will definitely blow up all the starships of the cultivators!"

Li Yao's ten fingers were about to move again.

The gunpowder surging deep in the nasal cavity and throat condensed clusters of hot magma.

The brain is boiling in a mess, and the primordial spirit jumps up and down like a gorilla in heat.

"Hey, what do you want to do?"

The Scarlet Heart Demon drove the Xiaolong, turned into a red glow and reappeared in front of Li Yao, stirring sharp ripples, "You must not mess around, Li Lingfeng is not Wu Yinglan, and it is definitely not something you can deal with now, people It's a long-standing old monster of transforming god!

Li Yao rubbed his nose: "I am a rising star in the gods, the sun at 7 or 8 o'clock in the morning!"

The scarlet heart demon said anxiously: "Sun, you big-headed ghost! Don't be impulsive, don't mess around, you can't hurt you if you fight with Li Lingfeng! Even if you two are both gods and have giant soldiers, but giant soldiers' Combat effectiveness depends on a complete set of logistics and maintenance and even a large industrial system! Without logistics support and maintenance workshops, our giant soldiers are one-time consumables. After finishing this battle, it will become fragile. If there is no ammunition and food, what to do in the next battle, where do you go to maintain the giant soldiers, where to go to replenish fuel and ammunition!"

Li Yao pondered: "It seems to be the same, what you said makes sense!"

Above the shell of "Sky City, Manzhushahua", the massacre continued.

The starship of the Starlight Organization is not at all the opponent of the Li Lingfeng giant soldier "Storm God", he is torn, exploded, and completely blasted into stardust fragments one by one!

Scarlet Heart Demon: "Of course it makes sense, and yourself, if you fight with Li Lingfeng and lose both, people can transform a complete set of the most advanced medical equipment to recover in minutes, what do you do? Don't forget that this is the empire, you Where can I find a hospital that can heal the old monsters of the gods and treat you?"

Li Yao: "Well, you are right!"

Scarlet Heart Demon: "Since you know what I said is right, then don't be impulsive, don't mess around, calm down, be calm!"

Li Yao: "Understand, calm down, I must calm down."

Scarlet Heart Demon: "...then what are your hands doing, what are you taking out Qiankun Ring for, what are you summoning Xiao Hei to do, and what are your hair rooted up like an electric shock! What are you doing? The blaring electric arc is getting longer and longer and shining red and golden light! Hey, hey, hey, don't you think that making your hair so cool can beat others. I tell you, our most correct decision right now is Keep your strength, act on the fly, and find a chance to get away. Are you listening to me, bastard!"

"Yes, what you said is so correct and reasonable."

Li Yao crossed his fingers, stroked the roots and raised his hair, like a non-mainstream soaring hair, squinted his eyes and said, "It's just that, you know, I have been doing this since the first day I came out to cultivate. It's a cultivator, this is'Vulture Li Yao'!"


On the outskirts of "Sky City, Manzhushahua", on the bridge of the armed mining ship "Dashan", the comprehension captain Gao Dakang watched the starships of his comrades not far away, one after another, the giant soldiers being stricken by the wind His face burst with tears, but a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

At this point, the result of this battle has far exceeded all of their expectations.

They really blasted the "City of the Sky, Manzhushahua", and there was no power to stop the fall of this magic cave. All the evil cultivators in it were all killed-it was a dreamlike result.

Gao Dakang could fully imagine the faces of the immortal cultivator who turned into anger, thunderous and at a loss.

The other party even dispatched giant soldiers to deal with their "crowds".

Giant soldiers, that is the most powerful ultimate weapon of the true human empire and even the entire human civilization. It is the king of destruction that has never even appeared in their nightmare!

Gao Dakang felt that he was worthy of his life by blasting down the "City of the Sky, Manzhushahua" and dying under the wrath of the legendary giant soldier!

"Go forward, forward, forward!"

He laughed and operated quickly on the console, trying to squeeze out the last bit of the thrust of the "Dashan", drill deeper into the shell of "Sky City, Manjusawa", and make it fall. Is faster!

When Li Lingfeng’s giant soldier "Storm God" shredded a light assault ship and appeared right in front of Gao Dakang’s "Dashan", this old miner and cultivator, who had died without regrets, had nothing in his mind. A little bit of fear, just through the light curtain, purely admiring the unstoppable beauty that destroys the world, destroys the earth and destroys the earth.

"It's... powerful!"

Even with dozens of heavy superalloy armors, Gao Dakang could perceive that unparalleled aura.

It was like the sun was falling and hitting him straight. He and the crew could not have the will to resist at all, and could only watch Li Lingfeng's windstorm swallow them.

All the magic weapons units on the "Dashan" are screaming. The air is full of fine floating arcs. Everyone's hair is fluffy and exploded, and even the fingernails are splitting and destructive. The breath filled every corridor and every cabin of this armed mining ship, and even the metal that made up the walls and floor groaned in pain.

This is the smell of death.

The ultimate weapon in the sea of ​​stars, the giant soldier, is so overbearing!

Most of the crew closed their eyes, gritted their teeth, and waited for the destruction to come.

Only Gao Dakang's eyes widened, and he was unwilling to let go of the opportunity to get close to the giant soldiers. The unparalleled strength and thrilling beauty deeply attracted and completely shocked him.

Then, he saw an incredible and unforgettable scene.

Li Lingfeng's giant soldier "Storm God" has raised a ship-cutting knife that is more than 20 meters long, and the flames of the giant war knife even spewed hundreds of meters away, which can easily break a medium-sized starship in two.

But when the movement of "Storm God" was stretched to its extreme, there was a momentary freeze.

In an instant, from the twisted gap of the "City of the Sky, Manzhushahua" behind it, red flames like lotus blooms spewed out.

In the red flames, the black psychic ripples spread out like ripples, and in the center of the ripples, a black giant soldier suddenly rushed out!

It was like opening the gate of Jiuyou Huangquan, and the undead warriors who gathered hundreds of millions of souls and anger jumped out. The black swords mixed with red flames turned into the stream of hurricanes and torrents, heading towards the powerful "tempest god". Brain swept away.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Li Lingfeng was caught off guard, and was hit by the opponent. The two giant soldiers plowed a shocking crack on the shell of "Sky City, Manzhushahua", and the waves of the collision of the spirit flames of the two sides spread. On top of Gao Dakang's hull, there was a loud explosion like a spar bomb!

"Two or two giant soldiers!"

Gao Dakang and his crew, as well as all the soldiers in the surviving Cultivator starship around, and the soldiers in the Immortal Cultivator battleship farther away, all watched this scene in shock, dumbfounded and shocked.

The two giant soldiers are like two majestic gods and demons descending from the sky. One is surrounded by a crimson flame on a black shell, and the two wings behind it that cover the sky and the sun extend to a distance of thousands of meters. Outside; another faint blue machine is always surrounded by the violent hurricane, and behind it is also intertwined with four wings condensed by the storm, and it also holds a ship-cutting knife that is enough to split the planet.

They intertwined, collided fiercely, and turned into hundreds of red and blue streamers, dragging out dazzling afterimages and trajectories, and they fought thousands of times in a flash, and they were evenly matched!

The mysterious black giant soldier actually blocked Li Lingfeng's "God of Storm" fury and saved Gao Dakang and most of the practitioners!

"this is……"

Gao Dakang looked at it, his eyes became hot and humid again, and he muttered in disbelief, "Our giant soldier?"

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