40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2123: Scam the truth!

Gao Dakang never thought that one day, there would be a giant soldier standing in front of him, resisting endless swords and flames for himself.

He has also seen the "heroic appearance" of giant soldiers in some propaganda videos of real human empires. It is really the ultimate weapon that has been blessed and cursed by billions of gods and demons. They dare not even think about how to face it. That's a peerless soldier!

In the original plan of the Starlight Organization, once the giant soldiers of the empire appeared, the only way was to have all the warriors rush forward one after another, and use their lives to buy a little time for the latecomers, so that they could fight against the "City of the Sky, Manzhushahua" "Cause more damage.

But this ridiculous idea collapsed suddenly at the moment when the "God of Storm" appeared, it seemed so pale and absurd.

——In front of a furious giant soldier, even if they are all shattered and wiped out in ashes, it can't be delayed for too long!

But at this moment, their giant soldiers appeared!

The giant soldiers belonging to the cultivators and the giant soldiers of the cultivators staged an upright, gorgeous, and extremely brilliant dream showdown!

At this moment, Gao Dakang seemed to really see beams of dazzling golden light projected from billions of stars onto their giant soldiers, making this black giant soldier even more mysterious and unstoppable!

"Come on, our giant soldier!"

Gao Dakang and all the soldiers of the Starlight Organization clenched their fists and gritted their teeth, trying to swell the heat from the depths of his soul, and all poured into the power unit of this black giant soldier to help him!

"Boom! Boom boom boom boom!"

The two giant soldiers became more and more mad as they fought, and their bodies were only thirty or forty meters in size. In the boundless universe, they were really a drop in the ocean, but the spiritual flames they smashed out soared to thousands of meters or even tens of thousands of meters. In addition, it looks like two meteors with octagonal awning and mysterious light. Every time they collide, they will destroy the world and destroy the earth!

As the "battlefield", "Sky City, Manzhushahua" was once again ravaged and devastated, continuously breaking down and disintegrating, a torrent of metal like a volcanic eruption, one after another, the shells of the starship that blasted Gao Dakang burst out again and again. , Will tear at any time!


Thousands of afterimages from the two giant soldiers illusion all disappeared. They locked their four arms and wrestled with each other. They spewed out an upright magical image from their bodies, almost larger than a starship!

Waves of invisible and invisible psychic energy spread around like turbulent waves, smashing the starships of Gao Dakang and others, like a lone boat at the highest point of the tsunami!

Both the cultivator and the cultivator were deeply shocked by this scene, almost suffocating.

Along with the waves of psychic energy from the mountain whistling and the tsunami, a strong divine thought was also transmitted to the starship of the cultivator, turning into a sharp shout:

"Hey, don't be stupid to come up and die, your mission has been completed, and the'Sky City, Manjushahua' is doomed! Now, retreat!"

Gao Dakang and the crew widened their eyes, listening to the sudden voice, and only reacted after half a second: "Predecessor, Senior! Are you the legendary "Lost Millennial Cultivator"?"

The voices of Gao Dakang and others were obviously unable to penetrate the heavily armored and vacuum universe, and were received by Li Yao.

So they could only listen to Li Yao gritted his teeth and shouted, "Have you heard, the'Sky City, Manjushahua' has been blown by us, this battle is our cultivator's victory! The next most important thing is Retreat, run, the more people who can run out, the better, there is no need to die here in vain!

"You are seeds, you are hope, your existence is more important than anything! Run, run to the end of the world, run to the depths of the stars, to tell everyone the truth that happened here, and to tell the cultivator's philosophy Spread to everyone!

"The immortal cultivator will do everything possible to conceal or even obliterate the results of this battle, and even deny the existence of me and you, but it does not matter. You must shoot a lot of videos, plus yourself, that is the best evidence! Go to the truth. Tell everyone, this is a new mission, a new mission!

"So, I will help you withstand this guy, and you can run with the strength of milking, ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Li Yao shouted violently, every red thorn-shaped psychic energy pipeline around the giant soldier "Nine Nether Profound Bones" instantly doubled, and the wings on the back split into eight pairs suddenly, with the psychic output exceeding the limit. , Unexpectedly pushed Li Lingfeng's "God of Storm" out, and bombarded a nine-unit turret on the periphery of "Sky City, Manzhushahua", smashing the turret to pieces!

Countless starships of the Starlight Organization have all received divine and soul messages from Li Yao.

The phrase "we have won" made them all irritate their noses and burst into tears.

However, now is not the time to weep with joy.

This "old generation of cultivators who have lost a thousand years" is right. They have learned the despicable methods of cultivators many times. The empire that controls all media and propaganda channels can easily modify or even subvert any results, whatever they want. Fabricate the "facts" they want, such as describing the desperate and rising miners as "mobs" and the "Starlight Organization" of the resistance group of their cultivators as "terrorist organizations"!

This time, they have won a rare victory in countless resistances over the centuries. Someone must spread this exciting news, tell the truth to the entire empire, the entire universe, and put this blazing, endless flame. ,Handed down!

"We won, retreat!"

Many Comprehensive Starships who were not too deep in the Star Wars Castle reversed their direction, preparing to leave the "Sky City, Manzhushahua", and dispersed in a rush.

Including the Cultivator starship that hadn't hit the Star Wars Castle in the distance, all of them adjusted their directions and broke out frantically.

In the vast expanse of space with almost no terrain restrictions, it is almost impossible to completely intercept a fleet that is scurrying around.

What's more, the starships of the immortal cultivators are deeply shocked by the sudden appearance of Li Yao, and even more so because of the fall of their base-"Sky City, Manzhushahua", they are in an uproar and the military is in disarray.

They don’t know whether it’s better to intercept the starship of the cultivator who disperses in a rush; it is better to step forward and help Li Lingfeng deal with this mysterious and powerful cultivator; or to find a way to support the "city in the sky, Manzhushahua", no Let it continue to fall.

All three missions are as difficult as climbing to the sky. The immortal cultivators' starship commanders have not received the order from Li Lingfeng, and they all fell into a moment of sluggishness.

Many Cultivator starships were too badly damaged and lost the possibility of jumping in the stars. Knowing that there was no way out, they simply turned around and slammed into the Cultivator starship to increase the success rate for the escape of their comrades.

The cultivators laughed in the flames: "Taste our power, this is the cultivator!"

God testified that they have never been so proud, so majestic, and so happy in hundreds of years!

Perceiving the starships of the surrounding cultivators, Li Yao vomited blood while laughing wildly in the spiritual palace of the Nine Nether Profound Bone.

Li Lingfeng is indeed the strongest opponent he has ever encountered in his life.

The collision between the transforming gods and the old monsters is not the same concept as the peak state of the Nascent Soul Stage.

Perhaps in terms of individual combat effectiveness, the God of Transformation is not much stronger than Yuan Ying, but the control of the surrounding world has increased by more than ten times!

Li Yao felt that under the increase of the Nine Nether Profound Bone, he had detached himself from the shackles of his physical body, "evenly distributed" to the surrounding area of ​​nearly a kilometer, forming a small world under absolute control.

However, Li Lingfeng on the opposite side, under the agitation of the "God of Storm", swelled into a small world with yin wind and anger, and Lingyan monstrous!

All matter, psychic energy, spirit, will, and even laws in the two small worlds are colliding mysteriously, mysteriously, and unpredictably on all levels, trying to swallow each other.

In every collision, in addition to the physical damage and the consumption of the soul, Li Yao even felt the faint wavering of his own beliefs.

Can not help but have a deeper understanding of the thrill and mystery of the battle between the old monsters of the gods.

In just one minute, Li Yao felt like he had been playing for three days and three nights, feeling that the thief went to the sky and the lamp was dry. The Li Lingfeng was so strong that he was not the one at the moment, and he could easily contend.

However, he will never give up!

"Li Jialing said that Li Lingfeng's giant soldier is called the'God of Storm', and it can condense the psychic vortex in the form of a hurricane, and it is amazing!

"It's just that my first magical power was to comprehend it in a thunder and lightning storm. I am a person who can kill even a hurricane!

"Hehehehe, come on, as long as I don't die in this battle, I will definitely be able to fully comprehend the mystery of the realm of transforming gods, and step into the ranks of advanced transforming gods!"

Li Yao laughed wildly, desperately burning his life and stirring his soul, the blood-colored saber waved thousands of scarlet flames!

Compared with Li Yao, who has a lot of information, the confused Li Lingfeng is even more impatient and annoyed. He never thought that a cultivator would have such a powerful giant soldier, which seemed to be better than his own "Storm of the Wind". The ranks of "God" are all high, and the one who controls this black giant soldier is actually a powerful person who has a "domain" of transforming gods!

Even though the opponent was not his opponent, he became more and more frightened.

Every old monster of the transformation **** is the tip of the iceberg, and behind it there must be a huge and immeasurable power hidden behind it.

Li Lingfeng's mind flashed through the information of all the empires and even the Saint League powerhouses and their giant soldiers.

But there was no data on Li Yao and Jiuyou Xuangu at all.

This made him even more frightened.

"Who are you?"

After Li Yao blocked his attack again, Li Lingfeng finally couldn't help but blasted a violent wave of divine consciousness at Li Yao's giant soldiers, "It is so crazy, dare to be an enemy of the empire!"

Li Yao's thoughts moved, he hehe weird smile, and a divine thought ripple: "No matter how frantic I am, I am not as bold as you, even the son of the empire queen dare to steal!"

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