40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2201: Dignified back to the imperial capital!

Yue Wushuang sent the latest information just collected through secret channels to the light curtain of many innovative immortal cultivators.

According to the intelligence report, Her Royal Highness, who has been recuperating in the famous royal garden "Yongchun Island" of the imperial capital "Earth World, Heavenly Star" recently, has caused multiple body organs, including the brain, due to an extremely rare heterogeneous virus infection. Osmotic bleeding continued, and many doctors' consultations were invalid. Half an hour ago, he was officially declared dead.

At the same time, His Majesty, Emperor Shenwu, the supreme true human empire, also suffered from the same alien virus, but the symptoms were milder than the queen. He is currently receiving full treatment from the imperial physician and the medical team of the four major electors’ families. When there is no major problem, However, it takes a long period of time to recuperate—of course, to be sent to the sanctuary of recuperation under the control of the four major electors’ families.

Compared with the assassination of one of the five hundred elders of the empire, the sudden death of the queen and the severe illness of the emperor are nothing news.

In the recent 500-year history of the true human empire, the "emperor" was originally a high-risk occupation, and often "died violently" every few decades.

The original Emperor Tianzheng, who was later changed to "Shenwu", had been in power for nearly sixty years, and it was time for the "Dragon Emperor to return to heaven."

Of course, this top-secret information is only secretly circulated between the Imperial Senate and several core government agencies, and it is expected that it will take ten and a half days at the earliest before it reaches the ears of all nobles and celebrities.

It will take at least ten and a half days before the official announcement of the national funeral will be officially announced to all citizens.

Until then, Li Linghai, the queen of the empire, had "collapsed" unmistakably!

However, these change-makers and careerists who gathered in the top-secret communication room of the Deep Sea Dragon Palace knew very well what this flamboyant piece of information meant.

This means that the four major electors’ families have already dealt a painful killer to Her Royal Highness the Queen.

It also means that the four major electoral families do everything they can to completely destroy the political life and even the flesh and blood of the imperial queen Li Linghai.

Does the so-called "extremely rare heterogeneous virus" really exist and are really "extremely rare"?

The former may be true, but the latter, at least in the biochemical laboratories of the four major electorate families, there are similar viruses.

Fortunately, Li Linghai was forced to venture out of the imperial capital by his brother Li Lingfeng, but he left a stand-in on the "Yongchun Island". The result was a crooked fight, causing the "extremely rare alien virus" of the four major electoral families to miss the assistant vehicle.

But what if Li Linghai was still alive?

As long as the four major electors’ families say that Her Royal Highness the Queen has died of virus infection and exhaustion, who can object?

Who would dare to admit that the hair in front of him stood up, dancing wildly in the void, and the white-haired witch, like a nemesis, was the real Li Linghai?

What's more, even the emperor's majesty fell into the hands of the four major electors' families and was forced to "rest"!

It is not just what Li Linghai would do to order the princes of the emperor, but the four major electoral families are even more familiar with them.

Before the Emperor Shenwu died with His Royal Highness, he could still squeeze the greatest use value.

The stormy combination of punches of the four major electors’ families really came too hurriedly and ruthlessly, but they didn’t know how long they had been planning in secret, and they even beat many generals of the reformists into a bit of embarrassment. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Suddenly, the situation took a turn for the worse, as if you could hear the huge boulders crashing on the edge of the cliff, and the chaos under the abyss.

Everyone looked at each other, except for Yue Wushuang, who was always frosty and Jin Yuyan, who was full of spring breeze, the others were a little at a loss.

——Of course, we have to get rid of the wonderful work of Li Yao.


The Scarlet Heart Demon said in the depths of Li Yao's mind, "After you have cultivated to the realm of transforming gods, your ability to entrap your teammates has become more exquisite. It's not too much, so you have pitted the Queen so badly!"

"Don't be kidding, it's my business again? It's obviously that she is too sharp, OK? I really think that the four major electors' families have shaken the empire for thousands of years, it is fake!"

Li Yao pouted and replied.

However, he was very curious. The opponent was intertwined and murderous at every step, almost stabbing a knife into the throat of the reformers. How did this ambitious white-haired witch, the queen of the real human empire, fight back?

Li Yaowu remembered what Li Linghai said in the thundercloud storm of the sand barbarian world.

And she displayed the supernatural powers of the "Dragon Royal Heavenly Extreme", and her whole body was filled with the supreme aura of the emperor, the kind of domineering aura that governs the stars.

She is a woman who has inherited the legendary "Emperor", she shouldn't be so easily... right?

Li Yao stared at Li Linghai intently, not letting go of every detail of the white-haired witch.

When the empire queen heard her "death", apart from her white hair dancing wildly like a waterfall, her eyelashes did not tremble halfway.

The eyes that were originally crystal clear, like dewdrops, looked more ethereal. Her thoughts seemed to have drifted to the imperial capital beyond billions of stars, condensing all her heart and energy, and in the most dangerous situation, she acted as a dying to live. the way!

"Dear friends..."

After thinking about it for a minute, Li Linghai finally said in an extremely calm tone, "I know that until this moment, there are still many daoists who have unrealistic illusions about those nobles and chaebols, and they still have a fluke mentality. , I think we can use more flexible means to slowly negotiate and negotiate with those people, and finally, in a bloodless way, achieve the goal of'renovating the empire'.

"Now, after hearing the news of my'death in violent death', do any fellow daoists think so?

"Recognize the reality. The so-called innovation is a life-and-death war. One must completely drain the last drop of blood from one party. There is no room for mercy, hesitation, and fluke!

"The four major electoral families dared to assassinate their elders and empire queens, and even the highly prestigious lieutenants in the army who were known as the'God of War' like Lei Chenghu dared to arrest them unscrupulously and'assistance in the investigation'. What is the charge of General Luo Zhi!

"My fellow daoists, ask yourself what is the patriarch Dongfang Tuo of the empire, I, and General Biray? Even if you abandon the reformist ideals now and crawl to the feet of the four major electoral families to surrender, they are so cruel and cruel, and Will you let you go?

"You, as well as the families, sects, forces, fleets, and even the great world behind you have fallen too deep.

"Everyone has seen the arrest list of the Special Investigation Committee. How many names are inextricably related to you, and how long will it take to catch you?

"We are all driven to a dead end, and there is nowhere to escape. Instead of being cut by a blunt knife, slashed by a thousand knives, and watching our careers and ideas all in smoke, it is better to fight back and fight to the death. The Hou family will die together, and we will also use the brilliance released by our broken bones to illuminate the future path of the true human empire!"

Speaking of the end, the empire empress Li Linghai seemed to have become transparent, and from the depths of the soul burst out enough to pierce the eyes, really like a lighthouse that can illuminate the dark empire!


A reformist immortal cultivator hesitated, "Many of the fleets that are inclined to us have been transferred and isolated, our secret accounts have been frozen, and a large number of our sympathizers and supporters have been arrested and imprisoned. Even... Your Royal Highness, you have been obliterated by the four major electors' families, what else can we do?"

"The offensive of the four major electoral families may be very fierce, and they can almost seal their throats with a sword, but they have made two fatal mistakes."

Li Linghai’s eyes were filled with crazy flames, and he stretched out his fists, both as if he was giving a unity ceremony, and as if he was making a fist and swearing to everyone, "First, they didn’t expect that I would temporarily consciously leave the imperial capital, but left a meticulous one. Modified stand-in.

"Furthermore, they will never know that my true strength has already reached the stage of transformation. It is definitely not a foreign virus that can be removed, but they have missed the best opportunity to kill me.

"Second, and more importantly, no matter how they spy and research, I am afraid that our reformist power has already expanded to such a degree. I can't think that the deep sea fleet and the ever-expanding Inquisition of Heavenly Demon that we have secretly built are already one of the empires. Waiting for the powerful soldiers, let alone think that we still have a dual-line and concurrently cultivating powerhouse like the "Vulture Li Yao", who will be used as a masterpiece!

"While the four major electors’ families have driven us to a dead end, they have also driven themselves to a dead end, because now all the small and medium aristocrats, low-level cultivators, and warlords and leaders of the miscellaneous army in the outer world can all see clearly. Because of the wolf ambitions of the four major electoral families, knowing that they will not resist anymore, they are just waiting to die!

"At this time, as long as we can severely combat the arrogance of the four major electoral families, and then raise our arms, we can unite all the forces of the entire empire that oppose the powerful and powerful!

"In any case, I will never admit that I just ‘died’ silently like this!"

"I promise you that within a month, I will take you as the queen of the real human empire, bringing you back to the imperial capital dignifiedly. There is no power to stop me!"

Everyone was somewhat stunned by Li Linghai's madness.

After a long silence, the reformist immortal cultivator who asked just now said: "So, what should we do?"

Li Linghai smiled.

With her arms stretched out towards the crowd, her eyes faintly filled with purple air, the white-haired witch said sincerely: "Trust me, at this moment, I only need all the fellow daoists to believe me wholeheartedly and unreservedly. , Faithfully execute every command of mine, no matter how crazy the command sounds, I will never disappoint everyone, now is the darkness before dawn, and a more powerful new empire will soon be born in this darkness! "

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