40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2202: A true imperial soldier!

Li Linghai may not be a conspirator with an extremely calm mind and an exhaustive plan.

But from the fact that she mercilessly beheaded her brother Li Lingfeng, and even murdered her own son, it can be seen that she indeed possesses the kind of cruelty that is extremely cruel and unscrupulous in order to achieve the goal, dare to drag the entire universe to bury when necessary. The momentum of is a red-eyed gambler who engraved the words "Desperate Throw" into his bones.

Now, scattered all over the stars, the people's minds are floating, panic, the reformists and the opposition of the four major electoral families may need such a lunatic and gambler to lead.

Everyone was deeply shocked by Li Linghai's half-crazy and half-firm aura.

She was also completely attracted by her transparent eyes that were as deep as a whirlpool, and she couldn't help but fall into Li Linghai's way of thinking.

Many reformists are local figures with real power and strong independence. Since they dare to disobey the orders of the four major electoral families, naturally they cannot be driven by Li Linghai at will.

But now, besides absolutely believing in the imperial queen who is about to be officially declared dead, what other choice do they have?

The meeting lasted for a full six hours. All the reformists who were dormant in the darkness surfaced one by one, contributed the resources, force, and intelligence channels they had at their disposal, and solemnly promised in the name of themselves, their families, and factions. : You will surely fight to the end to build a new empire!

Many people were in single-line contact with Li Linghai, and they didn’t even know that they were so deeply involved in the cause of "respecting the emperor and rebelling against the emperor." They were surprised to hear that the reformists were able to mobilize so many resources and force. The confidence that sank to the bottom was burning again.

Li Linghai's brain runs at ultra-high speed like a super crystal brain, dazzling and swiftly carrying out resource allocation and integration.

From commanding many revolutionary leaders to hide and avoid searches, to how to rescue the daoists who have been arrested, to how to connect the power of the entire Xinghai Sea, and mobilize the opposition from all walks of life, including the military, politics, economy, and media, Attacking the Senate controlled by the four major electoral families above the imperial capital temple, and even how to instigate the frontline troops, especially the hearts of the grassroots officers and soldiers, and strive to draw the army over, all have made decisions and spread out in an orderly manner.

Even when Li Yao saw her calmly and eloquently issuing orders next to her, there was almost no gap, and she had an artistic sense of beauty. He couldn't help but secretly admire her in my heart.

This white-haired witch-like empire queen has a stronger combat power than his wife Ding Lingdang, but the crazy and fierce energy is like an enhanced version of Jin Xinyue.

It was like mixing Ding Lingdang and Jin Xinyue together, and then magnifying it ten times.

If such a woman leads the entire "new empire" in the near future, will it be better or worse than the current situation?

If it is worse, how can Li Yao stop her, or "transform" her?

Every time an order is issued, a senior officer of the Deep Sea Fleet will leave the communication room, or the light and shadow of a long-distance communication will disappear, and the action will be launched against the clock.

Six hours later, Li Linghai issued the last command blankly.

Jin Yuyan, Yue Wushuang, Dongfang Sheng, Tu Zhengdao, all her right-hand men left the communication room.

The thunderstorm of reformers, a Jedi counterattack sweeping the entire empire is about to begin.

The huge secret communication room resembles a spherical palace, and the smooth arc-shaped walls around it can't see half of the cracks, giving people a cold and depressed feeling.

Only Li Linghai, the Queen of the Empire, and her bodyguard "Vulture Li Yao" were left.

Li Linghai silently watched the last string of words disintegrate on the light curtain, turning into dots of light, annihilated in the darkness like a burning butterfly, and suddenly hummed, his face always covered with frost chapped, overflowing with a trace of pain. His body trembled slightly, and he was about to crumble onto the floating dish.

Even at the peak of the unfathomable cultivation of God, like a human-shaped crystal brain that has continuously processed six hours of intricate information and commands with super-high intensity, the brain is seriously overdrawn and is on the verge of scorching.

As a personal bodyguard, Li Yao had an unshirkable responsibility, stepped onto Li Linghai's floating dish, and carefully supported the empire queen.

Somewhat unexpectedly, the arrogant, cold-hearted Queen did not refuse his kindness, but closed her eyes, her face was pale, and a layer of fine sweat leaked from her forehead.

It seems that the four major electors' families suddenly attacked her, completely obliterating her from politics to her body. This incident dealt a huge blow to her, and it was by no means as fanatical and strong as she had shown in front of others.

Li Yao even had a false sense in a trance, as if he could see a twisted and fragile spirit and another real Li Linghai through the face of the empire empress's meticulously modified face and the layered sturdy armor behind the face!

However, this "fragility" was only a moment. When Li Linghai opened his eyes again after five seconds, the bottom of his eyes was still cold ice that would last forever, once again becoming that desperate, **** battle to the end, the imperial queen who would rather die than surrender!

"Hearing the news that I was obliterated, almost everyone was shaken for an instant, only three people were completely unmoved, Yue Wushuang, Jin Yuyan, and you."

Li Linghai stared at Li Yao intently, and said seriously, "Yue Wushuang and Jin Yuyan are the most diehard reformers, and my closest comrades-in-arms, but your performance is somewhat beyond my expectations."

"Uh, I'm used to it."

Li Yao blinked his eyes and said, "Besides, the reason why I am on your side is not because you are the empress of the empire, but because you are the woman my foster father loved so deeply and will never forget it until death. It is impossible for me to abandon you and watch you die."

Li Linghai was stunned for a long time, then suddenly laughed, and said: "I really didn't expect that when my career fell to the lowest point and was about to collapse, the one standing next to me turned out to be a cultivator.

"Your appearance is really a gift from God in time. In the next period of time, I do need a personal bodyguard as powerful as you. Once the four major electoral families discover that they are not killing me with biochemical viruses, The second and third rounds of assassination will definitely be launched.

"Although I have received a lot of inheritance from the'Golden Holy See-High Heaven Realm', these inheritances are absolutely invisible until the situation has stabilized. Therefore, in many cases, it is not convenient for me to act personally. rely on you.

"Of course, you are so loyal to me, I will never treat you badly, do you want to see the secret treasure in the'Golden Holy See-High Heaven Realm'?"

Li Yao's pupils suddenly contracted, and his breathing suddenly became quicker.

It's no wonder that his cultivation of the realm of transforming gods can't calm the chaotic brain. That was the inheritance of the supreme "emperor" of mankind 10,000 years ago!

Li Linghai was willing to share the inheritance of the emperor with him, indicating that the trust in him had reached a new height.

Li Yao took a deep breath and shook his head vigorously, knowing that there is no free lunch in the world, and that Li Linghai is so generous and must have a plan.

He didn't want to fall into the rhythm of Li Linghai, and reluctantly said: "Of course, you need to learn about the inheritance of the emperor, but you are not in a hurry. Let's talk about the next step.

"Since Her Royal Highness is willing to share such a precious inheritance with me, it is obvious that I am going to perform a very difficult task that is perilous and life-threatening?"

Li Linghai was startled slightly. He didn't expect that Li Yao would not waver in the face of such a huge temptation. He raised his evaluation of Li Yao by another level and nodded: "Yes, there is indeed a very difficult task, but it will never Let you be alone in the danger, but we are all dispatched, a thunder strike-in any case, we must rescue General Lei Chenghu, this is the key to the success or failure of our cause!

"Rescue Lei Chenghu?"

Li Yao thought for a while, and said, "Where is the sacred General Lei Chenghu, who is known as the'God of War', whose nickname is so domineering?"

The word "God of War" is not something that anyone can afford.

He must be one of the best in the military or the military world to shake the stars, suppress the empire, and be one of the best to be worthy of such a domineering nickname.

"General Lei Chenghu is the legend of the imperial army, or, in addition to the generals of the four major electoral family systems, the generals in the imperial army with the oldest qualifications, the most military exploits, and the highest prestige. The word'God of War' is by no means an exaggeration. , But the most pertinent evaluation of countless local warlords and miscellaneous troops."

When referring to the experience of "Lei Chenghu", even the arrogant imperial queen Li Linghai brought a trace of reverence in her tone, "General Lei was born in the'Guangyuan Lei Family', which is considered to be between the four major electors' families. Between the little nobles, a middle-sized family, could have lived in a large world of its own, and lived a whole life at ease, in the wine pond, and in the flesh.

"If you have a little ambition, you will lead your own private soldiers to intrigue, rub each other, and fight for power and profit with the warlords of the neighboring world.

"But General Lei is an odd number among nobles and warlords.

"He is the kind of true, pure, selfless immortal cultivator. After he took control of all the resources of the'Guangyuan Lei Family', he really expanded his armaments, exhausted his family's resources, and formed an extremely powerful private soldier. .

"But he didn't use this fleet to expand toward the neighboring world, but went deep into the vast sea of ​​stars to fight against the star thief entrenched in the depths of darkness.

"For forty to fifty years, General Lei has been leading his fleet on the battlefield against star thief, almost sweeping away the star thief from dozens of worlds and hundreds of star regions in the fourth quadrant of the empire. In the end, as long as the transporting caravan draws the battle emblem of the thundering tiger on the starship, the star thief will be frightened and flee--it is so tyrannical!"

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