40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2205: The power is high, the bird hides the bow!

Li Yao secretly smacked his tongue. If the imperial army were to be viewed as a whole, General Lei Chenghu would be a well-deserved "military chief."

Li Linghai said: "When the empire finally launches a strategic counter-offensive, General Lei Chenghu's troops will take the lead and be the first to rush into the five worlds including Heifeng, which has been occupied by the Holy League for a hundred years. Five battles and five victories, a century-old homeland, one dynasty. The recovery also cleared the obstacles for the subsequent large-scale offensive forces.

"For more than ten years, General Lei Chenghu's Thunder Fleet has been galloping on the most difficult battlefield, fighting the Holy League many times to the point of fragmentation and almost losing its organizational system.

"Frightened by the prestige of General Lei Chenghu and the love for him by middle and lower-level officers, coupled with the anxiety at that time, the situation is urgently needed to open up the situation, even the four major electoral families dare not make any effort to supplement and rebuild the Thunder Fleet. Only the newest battleship that was just refined can be transferred to General Lei's command again and again.

"Of course, the members of the four major electoral families will not easily follow General Lei's advice. Therefore, the sources of troops that are added to the Thunder Fleet are often those local troops and miscellaneous troops that have been broken down in **** battles.

"For more than ten years of strategic counter-offensive, countless troops have naturally been destroyed and their organizations have lost their designations. These low morale remnants will be **** that no one wants, lest they will spread their malaise to other troops, but General Lei Chenghu never refused to come and accepted them all.

"After a series of **** battles, General Lei's troops have long become a hodgepodge of various sources, gathering remnants from all over Xinghai.

"There are even a lot of people who admire General Lei's personality charm and outstanding military exploits. They obviously have a better place to go, but they voluntarily surrendered to General Lei's command, making the composition of the Thunder fleet more complicated.

"Such a'cluster army' is a rabble in the hands of any commander, but General Lei Chenghu has incredible magical powers, able to train the rabble into a hundred combat elites in the shortest possible time, and give them and the enemy. The courage to burn the jade.

"General Lei Chenghu may not be the empire's leading soldier, but when it comes to training troops, he is generally recognized as the strongest in the empire!

"In short, General Lei Chenghu led such a hodgepodge force, always rushing to the front line against the Holy League, making great contributions to the empire.

"At the moment, the situation is a little stable. The Fourth Joint Fleet of the Expeditionary Force under General Lei Chenghu, also known as the'Thunder Fleet', has the largest number of main battleships, the most sophisticated equipment, and the most powerful combat capability in addition to the four major electoral systems. The strongest fleet, and in terms of fighting will, it even far surpasses the elector’s private soldiers-the waves scoured the sand, refined into gold, after a hundred years of iron and blood screening, now under General Lei Chenghu, there is neither Cowards who are greedy for life and fear of death, and there are no selfish villains, are all inspired by the purest ideals and willing to throw their heads and blood to defend the empire, the best soldiers!

"At present, General Lei Chenghu, as a super general of the Imperial Army, leads the Fourth Joint Fleet of the Expeditionary Force and serves as the commander of the Third Theater. The third theater has four war worlds that have just been restored and dozens of very rich ones. The resource planet also has two twisted star fields that are very suitable for the collective jump of the super-large fleet, which is a pivotal place for military strategists."

After listening to Li Linghai’s introduction, Li Yao was stunned for a long time and said: “In this case, General Lei Chenghu is really the empire’s'Optimus Pillar and the Sea of ​​Golden Beams'. The four major electors’ families dare to be frantic to such an extent. If you just want to fight the reformists and involve such a big military boss, aren’t you afraid of changes on the front lines?"

"That you are wrong."

Li Linghai said quietly, "Is it true that the four major electoral families want to deal with the reformists and wipe out General Lei Chenghu; or that the primary goal of the four major electoral families is General Lei Chenghu, and to deal with our reformers is just a smoke bomb. -Not yet known!"

Li Yao pondered for a moment, his eyes widened: "The power is high, the bird will hide in the bow?"

"Yes, I still remember that when I introduced the situation of the empire a few days ago, I said that after more than ten years of **** battles, the armies originally scattered in the various worlds of the empire have gathered together and gradually awakened the will called the'military'. Desire to make your own voice?"

Li Linghai smiled slightly and said, "Guess what, if the'military' really wants to get rid of the control of the four major electoral families and grow into an independent behemoth, who will it choose to become its leader?"

Li Yao blurted out: "General Lei Chenghu?"


Li Linghai said, "General Lei Chenghu is almost a perfect imperial soldier. No matter the prestige, military exploits, personality charm or the stalwart image in the minds of many grassroots officers and soldiers, no one can match. The word'God of War' is absolutely Worthy of the name.

"If the military wants to get rid of the control of the four major electoral families and even the Senate, it is not enough to rely on the stunned and radical actions of the'Blood League'. It also needs a really important military leader to lead them, Lei Chenghu The general is the only candidate!"

Li Yao thought for a while and said, "What does General Lei Chenghu mean by himself, or what does he think of the so-called ‘renovators’?"

"General Lei Chenghu's personal attitude is not important. I believe that General Lei never led the army to resist the intention of the Senate, and will not have anything to do with the'Blood League'-if he had such ambitions, it would have been a hundred years ago. I will not destroy the family and alleviate the difficulties. I will come out and fight the Shengmeng desperately. I absolutely believe that General Lei has worked his entire life and gave up everything, just for the four words of loyalty to the country."

Li Linghai said, "It's just that, since he bears the name of the'God of War', General Lei can't avoid many things, including being called and incited by extremist organizations such as the'Blood League' in his name. Other officers and soldiers, even when the time was right, were held up high by countless fanatical young officers and pushed to a throne that he didn't want to sit on!"

Li Yao's pupils shrank to the extreme: "Understood, that means adding a yellow robe to the body!"

Li Linghai was startled slightly: "What does it mean to add a yellow robe?"

Li Yao blinked: "Uh, this is an allusion on our Firefly, don't care about it, in short, it is the same as what you want to say, I can fully understand the delicate situation of General Lei Chenghu."

"Then you should understand better, why are the four major electoral families taking the risk of frontline instability and slashing the chaos to solve General Lei Chenghu, rather than solving our reformists?"

Li Linghai sneered, "A hundred years ago, the four major electors’ families were not eager to deal with General Lei. It was not that they were soft-hearted, but that General Lei did not pose enough threats at that time, and when the front line was also employing people, General Lei was in urgent need. 'Mars'.

"But now, the independence of the military is getting stronger day by day, the positions of grassroots young officers are getting more radical day by day, and the prestige of General Lei is increasing day by day.

"Adding to the fact that the Saint League lost its armor and armor, it seemed that it would no longer be a major threat to the empire within a few decades. Isn't it the best time for the'rabbit to die and the bird to hide'?

"God of War, haha, God of War! In a thousand-year-old empire dominated by nobles and powerhouses, how can a man called the'God of War' end up?"

Li Yao let out a long sigh of relief, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said, "Since General Lei has such a high prestige in the army, how could that ‘special investigation committee’ easily take General Lei from the Thunder Fleet?"

"General Lei took the initiative to follow them."

Li Linghai sighed, "You don't know General Lei, he is a pure soldier, the kind of soldier whose obedience to orders is the duty of a soldier. The Senate represents the glory of the empire. He did not completely give up on the Senate. Before being completely desperate, he would only obey the orders of the Senate unconditionally.

"Therefore, the investigation committee does not need much manpower at all. Even if two civilians without the power to bind the chickens are sent, General Lei will leave his fleet and return to the lair of the four major electoral families with them."

Li Yao was stunned for a long time, then smiled bitterly: "I didn't expect that there are such immortal cultivators."

"General Lei is our ideal soldier and a model of immortal cultivator. Whether it is his friend or enemy, he has to admire his great personality."

Li Linghai said, "Many people say that General Lei was born in the wrong age-he should have been born in the era of the Black Star Emperor a thousand years ago, a vigorous, aggressive, fair and honest human empire.

"If that's the case, perhaps he would have helped Black Star Great Emperor to wipe out the Covenant Alliance as the Imperial Marshal, and at least he would be able to smooth out the remnants of the old nobles and clans!"

Li Yao's eyes rolled twice, and said: "Listening to what the Queen said, I think General Lei Chenghu has the demeanor of a cultivator!"

Li Linghai smiled slightly: "I know what you are thinking. Do you think you have the opportunity to transform General Lei into a cultivator? Then you are very wrong. Be careful. If you can meet General Lei one day, don’t expose your cultivation. The identity of a practitioner—General Lei hates cultivators."

Li Yao was stunned: "Why?"

"General Lei is one of the most determined cultivators, and he has suppressed several riots by cultivators."

Li Linghai said, "Of course, that may not be a'real cultivator', at least not a riot initiated by the Starlight Organization-many star thief and privateer fleets like to act in the name of cultivator, who is true or false? Need to be clear?

"Seeing the evil appearances of these'cultivators', and the ignorance and madness of the ignorant people who have been incited by them, do you think General Lei will have a good impression of the practitioners, regardless of the holy alliance, the demon or Cultivators are all the same in General Lei's eyes, they are all enemies of the empire!"

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