Li Yao sighed in his heart.

The real situation of the various strata of the empire is really different from what he imagined before he came to the center of the star sea.

At that time, he was still silly expecting that the true human empire would be "people living in dire straits, hating those in power, and all cherishing the previous cultivators. As long as he can raise his arms, he will surely follow them." !

The reality is too complicated. The empire’s cultivators are mixed, and the truth is indistinguishable, and even General Lei Chenghu, who is a little better in the miasma, mud and stone, is also very concerned about the road of cultivation. Big misunderstanding.

"Just saying two things will give you a rough idea of ​​General Lei Chenghu's character."

Li Linghai said, "First, General Lei Chenghu's eldest son also served in the army. He once used the Starship of the Thunder Fleet to trade in smuggled supplies.

"In fact, this kind of thing is so normal that it can no longer be normal. The vast majority of the empire's fleet was originally private soldiers of nobles and warlords. No matter how they are used, it is natural.

"What's more, after General Lei Chenghu went bankrupt and severed his relationship with all the forces in his hometown, after he came to the front line, he became a Piaoping without a foundation, and the only thing he had was this fleet.

"Only relying on the materials allocated by the Senate may be able to maintain the normal operation of the fleet, but what about the resources needed for self-cultivation?

"Therefore, at that time, almost all the fleets, especially the deep space fleet with the ability to cross the world and gallop into the depths of the stars and seas, were more or less operating their own'businesses'. They were battle clusters, transport caravans, and private fleets.的mix.

"This is an open secret, even the Senate can only open one eye and close one eye.

"And after knowing that his eldest son was using the fleet for personal gain, General Lei Chenghu made the matter public, and he unselfishly sent the eldest son to a military court, and sentenced the eldest son to death in accordance with the imperial military law thousands of years ago. !

"Later, the Senate, which was still shocked, used it to mediate and implemented an'amnesty' for his eldest son to save his eldest son's life, but since then, his eldest son bears an eternal stain on him. Not promoted to the highest decision-making level of the'Thunder Fleet'.

"The Thunder Fleet is the super elite that General Lei Chenghu has worked so hard to manage for a hundred years. It is the empire's most powerful armed force except for the four major electors and private soldiers. It is so harsh on the eldest son. It is by no means acting, but true. You are selfless and have no ambitions."

Li Yao slowly exhaled a suffocating breath.

The noble character of this General Lei Chenghu is really...not to mention the cultivators, even among the cultivators, they are extremely rare.

At least, many military leaders in the Star Federation have inextricable relationships with the political and business circles. Although they are not going to use the Federation fleet to smuggle, they will never be able to do the step of General Lei Chenghu.

"The second thing is that General Lei Chenghu's second son was originally an intermediate-level cultivator in the alchemy phase. If he wants to hit the vital'golden core' realm, he naturally needs to consume a lot of resources."

Li Linghai continued, "He knows his father's temper, and he doesn't dare to play tricks in private, but he honestly reports to the top of the fleet.

"As far as ordinary nobles and warlords are concerned, their own flesh and blood have to hit the realm of Jin Dan. Naturally, how many resources they have will be smashed hard, and even use resources far more than ten times the unfavorable ones to escort, increase the probability of success, and reduce Risk of confusion.

"No matter how ‘just, honest and selfless’, at least the right resources should be allocated in accordance with the standards established by the black star emperor in the past?

"After all, rushing to the realm of Jin Dan, even a first-class master, is good for the Thunder Fleet and the entire empire.

"But General Lei Chenghu just deducted his own flesh and blood in the resource application report and refused to approve it. He was unwilling to give the younger son even a ‘Golden Pill Activating Potion’, and he even ordered him not to attack the Golden Pill again and again!"

Li Yao was stunned: "Why?"

"General Lei said that the son he gave birth knows best. His youngest son has mediocre talents, mediocre aptitude, and very poor roots. He is not the material of cultivation at all. He was originally destined to be a ‘primitive’."

Li Linghai explained, "As a result, the family kept the secret of him, and secretly consumed a lot of resources for this young son to cleanse the marrow and cut the scriptures, reincarnate, and constantly stimulate the spiritual roots, and finally rely on the astronomical spar and the treasures of heaven and earth to save the young son. Forcibly accumulated a cultivation base of the'Pill Consolidation Period'.

"Although the younger son has become a cultivator in the pill formation stage, considering so many wasteful resources, it is a serious waste-if these resources are not consumed by his younger son, they will be allocated to the'right people'. For example, a person who came from a poor class, but has great potential for cultivation, might even have cultivated ten pill formation stages, or even one Nascent Infant stage.

"Now, the youngest son is recklessly trying to hit the Golden Core Realm. According to his repeated evaluation, the chance of success is extremely low, not exceeding 5%. In most cases, a lot of resources will be wasted and the empire will be wasted. Overall benefit.

"The so-called Xiuxian Avenue is to break through the old and hypocritical ethics, use the most ruthless way to rationally allocate precious resources to the right people, and ultimately promote the rapid progress of the entire civilization.

"In a word, only the strong are qualified to get resources, the weak are not worthy at all, and they should never waste any resources.

"His youngest son is a weak and a trash. He did not allow him to spend his life as a'primitive'. This is already his biggest concession as a father, as the commander of the Thunder Fleet and the general of the real human empire. , He will never allow this kind of waste of resources to happen again.

"So, he hopes that his youngest son can completely die of this heart, and safely defend his mid-level cultivation base during the pill formation period. With such strength, he will be broken and loyal to serve the country!"

Li Yao was dumbfounded: "Huh?"

This General Lei Chenghu is too... uncomfortable, right?

Although it is said that the "optimal allocation of resources" is indeed the truth for the continuation of human civilization in the dark universe, this approach is really cruel!

"Don't you think that General Lei is just singing high-profile and talking big words."

Li Linghai said indifferently, "General Lei thinks so, so he does so.

"He guarded the front line for a hundred years and made countless achievements. The Senate never owed him either in merits or resources. He hoped to win him over with high-ranking officials. Therefore, whether in the name of the Senate or the Four Electors In the name of the family, the various resources and treasures of rewards, gifts or allocations to him are countless.

"If he leaves all these things behind, even if he uses a duck-filling method to pile it up abruptly, he will be able to pile up his heirs and bloodlines into masters above the rank.

"But he only left one-tenth for himself and his family at most, and the remaining nine-tenths were all sent by him to the grass-roots officers and soldiers in the front-line war zone, for those who were born in poverty, did not have enough resources, and emerged in the battle. Military officers and even ordinary soldiers.

"After a hundred years of selfless training, many officers of the expeditionary force in each fleet on the front line have been favored by General Lei. Some officers who have been favored a hundred years ago have changed their destiny and have even climbed into their own fleet. Half of the decision-making level of General Lei, the prestige of General Lei, came out, and the other half came from this way."

Li Yao was moved, and he was stunned for a long time before saying: "So...what happened to General Lei's youngest son?"


Li Linghai said indifferently, "Although General Lei ordered and five applications not to allow his younger son to attack the Golden Core Realm, who can resist the temptation to become stronger in a world where the weak eats the strong and the winner is king? General Lei's younger son secretly collects resources. , Took the risk of rushing through the customs privately, but got caught up in it, and died.

"It is said that he was not killed on the spot when he fell into trouble. If he smashed a lot of resources, he might be rescued. However, General Lei personally judged the death of his youngest son. The waste of thinking is controlled, and there is no need to waste national resources.

"General Lei said this while looking at his younger son's face. Not long after he finished speaking, the younger son vomited blood and died."

When Li Yao heard this, he was already in a cold sweat.

"What kind of cultivator is this?"

He asked in disbelief again.

"The true immortal cultivator should be like this; the true immortal cultivator should be like this!"

Li Linghai's eyes once again showed admiration and admiration, "If it weren't for this kind of noble and selfless person, how could human civilization break through the dark fog of besieged, and how dare to boast that Xiuxian Avenue must be more advanced than Xiuzhen Avenue Philosophy?"

Li Yao didn’t want to argue with Li Linghai on this topic. He pondered for a moment and said: “In short, I have already understood that this General Lei Chenghu is indeed an important mission in the military and even the entire empire. If he can be rescued successfully, he will again If we can fully support the reformists, there will be hope for the cause of'respecting the emperor and rebelling against the emperor and reforming with martial arts!

"Yes, General Lei still had illusions about the Senate in the past. We have never dared to have in-depth contact with him, let alone expose our true strength and purpose to him."

Li Linghai squinted his eyes and cut the line firmly, "But now, we have nowhere to go. As the saying goes, "the arrow is on the string, we have to send it." No matter how much it costs, we must rescue General Lei Chenghu!"

Li Yao said, "So, where is General Lei now invited to'assistance in the investigation'?"

Li Linghai glanced at Li Yao with a very strange look, and said: "You just broke the hive prison there in'Sky City, Manzhushahua'.

"However, the tightness of defense of the hive prison is at most the top five in the entire empire.

"Looking at the entire empire, the prison with the strongest defense and the highest level of criminals is—the prison of the gods!"

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