40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2207: Sleepy tiger


This is a quiet and elegant suite.

The ice crystal wool carpet covering the ground not only has good sound absorption, heat insulation and dehumidification effect, but also has the magical effect of massage acupuncture points and relieves fatigue. Once you step on it, you will feel the soles of the feet cool and refreshing.

The class and taste of this suite can be seen only from this priceless handmade carpet and the various furniture crafted by masters.

Looking out from the floor-to-ceiling window facing the velvet bed, there is a vast ocean of blue waves, sparkling like billions of silver fishes, and countless sky-winged birds soaring under the blue sky and white clouds. , Dragging out a graceful arc.

The sky-winged bird is a rare bird that only grows in the imperial capital's "polar celestial realm, celestial star". It has wide wings and can reach nearly a hundred meters when unfolded. It was once regarded as a symbol of the royal family.

Under the shining of the sun, the sea changed into thousands of different levels of silver, which is the unique scenery of the "Myth Silver Sea", a scenic spot in the imperial capital.

Taking a deep breath, you can even smell the sea breeze that is unique to the Mithril Sea, with a slight metallic and fishy smell, which is extremely refreshing.

All of this shows that the building where this suite is located is located near the Miyin Sea in the Imperial Capital.

But if you really want to find a way to open this "floor-to-ceiling window", you will find that this is just a huge and vivid light curtain.

Even the so-called "the unique breath of the Mithril Sea" is slowly released through a synthetic scent generator hidden in the corner of the ceiling.

In fact, whether you can see the sea or not, there is no half of the window in the entire suite.

No matter how condensed the soul to pierce outward, it will not take long before it will hit a metal wall that seems to be endless.

The specially treated copper and iron walls prove the true purpose of this suite hidden under the elegant and quiet exterior.

No matter how luxurious the decoration, how relaxing the atmosphere, and no matter how respectful the people who come in morning and evening to deliver meals and serve, this place is still just a cell.

The "guest" in the suite, the old man with a short stature like an ape, and his face covered with wrinkles made of knives and axes, so that his eyes are deeply wrinkled, he has long realized his situation.

But he still stood tall in front of the light curtain disguised as floor-to-ceiling windows, "overlooking" the scenery of the Imperial Capital Miyin Sea, breathing the air that was rolled by the "sea breeze".

In this way, keep your brain alert.

After resting for ten minutes, the old man returned to the desk next to the "floor-to-ceiling window".

Out of respect or fear of his identity, the other party did not take away his Universe Ring.

However, a very special interference array was set up in this suite, which severely disturbed his universe ring and spirit perception, unable to extract his crystal brain and crystal armor, and unable to transmit even a ray of spiritual thoughts to the outside world. .

He can only use an old crystal brain provided by the other party, the special investigation committee, to work.

This crystal brain is unidirectionally blocked and cannot transmit data to the outside world. It can only accept data from a few Lingnet nodes designated by the other party.

And the old man has no doubt that every word he writes with this crystal brain will be seen by the other party for the first time.

Even so, after concentrating for a while, he still wrote intermittently according to the train of thought just now:

"...In the vast star sea, there is an extreme lack of barriers, mountains, and rivers for ancient land operations. Once the Star Gate is established or mastered, the attacker can choose the time and place to attack at will.

"The configuration of the modern deep-space fleet is even more self-sufficient. It can get rid of the constraints of the planet and fight independently in the star sea for decades and hundreds of years. Once it attacks and plunders a large amount of resources on a planet, Can greatly extend this time.

"That's why space warfare is an offensive war that is extremely advocating. Maintaining the existence and deterrence of the deep space fleet is the most important thing. In the short term, defense is meaningless, and conquering more devastating habitable planets and resource planets is meaningless. , The people entrenched on the surface of the planet and the resources buried deep in the ground, unable to collect and smelt in an instant, have no meaning!

"People are on the ground, and people are lost. The Shengmeng’s current strategy is to'lose land and keep people.' For more than ten years, our army has been fighting and winning, but it has not severely weakened or attacked the Shengmen’s main fleet. The opponent may be possible at any time. Make a comeback!

"As long as it causes a major blow to our army's main fleet, dozens of large worlds that have just been recovered, and thousands of logistics nodes that need to be divided and garrisoned will instantly become a burden on our army.

"If our army is disturbed by these recovery world and logistics nodes in the next two to three large-scale decisive battles, and the slightest idea of ​​dividing forces, it will be extremely easy to be defeated by the main fleet of the Holy League, completely losing strategic initiative, and making the entire battle situation complete. Reverse.

"Therefore, in the next phase of the overall strategy, neither should we relax our vigilance or even imagine that the enemy will easily surrender, nor should we care about the gains and losses of a planet or even a large world. We should still maintain the pressure and harassment of the core world of the Holy League. , Actively search for the main force of the Holy League and engage in strategic decisive battles with them.

"Only the complete victory of the strategic decisive battle will mark a new stage in the war.

"If you lose in the strategic decisive battle, you should not hesitate to abandon the more than ten great worlds that have just been restored, and shrink the line of defense to the line of the'Condor-Furukawa' to avoid the possibility of the entire army being wiped out..."

When the old man wrote here, he was silent for a long time like a statue. After erasing the four words "annihilated", he wrote it again, and after writing it, he erased it. Repeated three or four times, he finally left the extremely dazzling four words. over there.

Even in such a treacherous atmosphere, these four words are suspected of shaking the army's morale, so I don't hesitate to do it!

There was a soft knock on the door outside, which seemed very respectful.

The old man saved the paragraph he had just written, and stood up and opened the door blankly.

It was the same as it was. The outside of the suite was a black metal tunnel that didn't know where it led to. The tunnel seemed to be filled with hundreds of millions of tons of metal, and the spirit couldn't penetrate it.

Within a range of just over ten meters, more than twenty fully armed crystal armors can be sensed, all offensive talisman formations are activated, and the firepower of storms and rains can be poured out at any time.

And in the depths of the darkness, there is still no idea how many people are hidden.

His entourage and guards were all gone.

The one who served him was a new female soldier—for every meal, or what he asked for, a brand new female soldier would always appear, who was equally polite, respectful, and same to him. He was humble to the extreme, and of course he asked three questions, and would never answer any of his questions.

However, this female soldier brought brand new news-an hour after the meal, the "review meeting" would begin.

This surprised the old man a little bit.

Because he had never heard the name "review meeting" before.

He should go to the special investigation committee of the imperial capital to assist in the investigation of the "Blood League Incident". He should even go to the Senate, stand in front of the 500 senators and give a generous speech, clarifying the current situation on the front line and the threats hidden in the calm sea. ——This is exactly how the other party promised him that he will leave his fleet, his officers and soldiers.

but now……

First, he was put under house arrest in this heavily guarded, gloomy, and highly guarded prison. What kind of "censorship" was it?

Even though there were hundreds of millions of tons of doubts and anger in the old man's chest, nothing was revealed in Gu Jing Wubo's eyes.

He is not the kind of so-called "strong man" who uses astronomical resources to comfortably accumulate the Nascent Soul and even the Realm of Transformation in his own manor. He has strong power in the air, is essentially weak-willed, and his heart is barren, and is vulnerable to a single blow.

He was tempered from the rain of bullets, mysterious light, and cannon fodder for nearly two hundred years, and he was an iron-blooded soldier who soaked steel and flames into his bone marrow.

It is the violent wind sweeping across the icy edges of Kujixing Sub-Baidu, the red lotus star erupts to thousands of meters high magma, thousands of deadly venoms in the vast jungle of the Green Magic Star, and the terrifying starry alien "Hong" "Dragon", as well as the swords of the cultivator, the bullets of the holy ally, the psychic energy of the celestial demon outside the territories...Many terrifying powers have shaped him together in the battle of nine deaths, and removed him from his former nationality. The nameless guy who only knows wishful thinking and is often ridiculed as a fool has been tempered into what he is today, the "God of War" Lei Chenghu!

Compared with the vicious enemies he had encountered, even the conspiracy of the Special Investigation Committee was nothing but the cool breeze in the summer afternoon.

According to the habit cultivated over a hundred years, within three minutes at the speed of a soldier, after lunch, Lei Chenghu hit a punch in ten minutes to promote digestion and ensure that every grain of grain is converted into energy and supply In the cells of the whole body, there is no waste of resources, so I sat down again and wrote this article called "Strategies for the Next Stage of Combat Against the Enemy".

Being behind bars, the dangerous environment, including the sudden "review meeting", did not affect the old general at all.

Half an hour later, he had already built the general framework, but without the touch of the secretary, the sentence seemed too rough.

There was again a knock on the door, neither light nor heavy, from outside.

But this time, Lei Chenghu did not get up to open the door.

Because he suddenly felt that these villains who came in the name of the "review committee" were not worth an extra second of his time.

Sure enough, after three minutes of silence, the door was silently opened from the outside, and three humanoid psychic puppets stepped in stiffly, standing dead in front of him.


On the surface of the three humanoid psychic puppets, the light and shadow flickered, and a layer of vivid virtual light film was covered on the whole body, forming the appearance of three cultivators with sharp heads and brains.

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