40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2209: Attractive conditions

"Liao Haihou misunderstood again. I think you should not have this preconceived notion, thinking that we must be malicious towards you and the Thunder Fleet. In the final analysis, our goal is the same, that is, the stability and strength of the empire. "

Dongfang Bai took a deep breath, and again concealed his true emotions, but said with a gloomy face, "This is a big deal. There is no conclusive evidence, and we will not do it, so there is no need for Liao Haihou to provide more information. We came this time mainly to ask Liao Haihou to make a public statement."

Lei Chenghu raised his eyebrows: "What statement?"

"In the name of the commander of the thundering fleet, the commander of the third theater of the expeditionary force, the admiral of the empire, Liao Haihou, a public statement was issued to resolutely support the Senate’s efforts in combating treason forces in the blood alliance and other military forces. He also criticized the serious treason crimes committed by radical organizations such as the Blood League, Wanying Society, and Stormtroopers; hoped that the deceived middle- and lower-level officers and soldiers would know their way back and be truly loyal to the empire, the Senate, and the emperor. "

Dongfang Bai rolled his eyes and said, "The specific wording can be drawn up by Liao Haihou himself. We guarantee that a word will not be deleted or altered, as long as the above three meanings are expressed."

Lei Chenghu squinted his eyes: "Just want me to be absolutely loyal to the Senate?"

Dongfang Bai raised his voice slightly: "The Senate represents the supreme glory of the empire and the emperor. Isn't it worthy of absolute allegiance?"

Lei Chenghu's voice gradually hardened: "Of course the Senate deserves the absolute allegiance of every imperial soldier, but for a certain senator, that may not be the case!"

"Liao Haihou, you seem to have no clear understanding of the current situation!"

Dongfang White was grinding his teeth like a hyena, and his voice became more and more gloomy, "We all believe that your loyalty is with the sincerity of 120,000 points. We want to properly resolve the aftermath of the'Blood League Incident', without causing any problems. This aftermath spread to all front-line troops, turned into a shocking turmoil, and eventually became uncontrollable!

"It is the easiest and most effective way to make a public statement by you!

"As long as you can make such a statement, both we and the Senate will absolutely trust you and immediately end the so-called'censorship'.

"If you can go further and cooperate with us in investigating the militants hiding in the Third Theater and the Thunder Fleet, and let them all surrender, we can even treat most of them lightly and accept it for a while. After the quarantine review, they still have a chance to return to the fleet!

"Isn't this the best choice for each other?"

Lei Chenghu thought deeply, his small round eyes were completely hidden behind wrinkles and scars.

As for whether he is thinking about Dongfang Bai's suggestion, it is unclear.

Half a minute later, Lei Chenghu asked calmly: "If I return to the Thunder Fleet and stabilize the situation on the front line, I will issue such a public statement there that absolutely supports the Senate and cooperates with all the actions of the Special Investigation Committee-such Way, is it acceptable?"


Dongfang Bai laughed again, like a small sharp-mouthed beast, "We don't think you need to return to the Thunder Fleet in such a hurry. Out of respect for you, I can privately reveal to you a ‘undetermined’ gossip.

"In order to commend you for your outstanding contribution in the'Empire Strikes Back' in the past ten years, the Senate has been discussing granting you the rank of'Empire Marshal'. Tsk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk Marshal, this is truly supreme glory.

"And once you have been granted the rank of Marshal of the Empire, the position of Commander of the Third Theater of the Expeditionary Force, you will be too wronged by Liao Haihou.

"The Senate is considering the establishment of a new'Joint Commander Headquarters'. I very much hope that you can return to the imperial capital and take up the post of the'Joint Commander Headquarters'. You will continue to serve the Empire, the Senate and His Majesty the Emperor as you did in the past. Make a huge contribution."

"Joint Commander Headquarters?"

Lei Chenghu chewed on this brand new job, and he couldn't see his inner emotions from the eyebrows or wrinkles. He calmly said, "What is this? We have the'Ministry of National Defense', the'Military Order' and the'General Manager'. The staff's "These bloated, large and mutually restrictive institutions are not enough to house so many worthless, corpse-positioned, noble children, and what do they want to build a new, cecal-like muscle?"

The corners of Dongfang Bai's eyes twitched quickly, ignoring the teeth in the old general's words, and continued to smile: "Liao Haihou said that it is precisely because the current government and military structures of the empire overlap, which hinder each other and even intrigue. There are many problems, such as multiple trips, low efficiency, overcrowding, and so on. That's why it is necessary to establish a'joint command headquarters' to lead and balance the conflicts between various departments.

"At the same time, the'Imperial Strikes Back' for more than ten years has initially achieved its strategic goals. The next stage will focus on solidifying the defense zones and actively restoring the world's productivity. Under this new situation, the existence of the'Expeditionary Army' It has also become untimely.

"At present, the Senate is planning to reorganize and reorganize both the expeditionary base camp and frontline troops. Some expeditionary troops will be reorganized into border guards and continue to be stationed on the front lines; the other part of the troops that have traveled from thousands of miles will return to their hometowns and restructure. It will be built as a local army; a part of the expeditionary army will be dispersed to the new world and become the first force to build the new world.

"There are various interest entanglements involved. It can be described as numerous and complicated. It is necessary to have a prestigious and selfless leader to coordinate everything. Looking at the entire empire, besides Liao Haihou, who can What about this great task?"

Hearing what the other party said "righteous and awe-inspiring", Lei Chenghu laughed dumbly, staring at Dongfang Bai for a long time, until the head of "Guangtong" felt a little bit nervous, and then said: "Understood, I want to leave my fleet and go. Wrangling with the Ministry of National Defense, the Military Order, the General Staff, and the arrogant dignitaries-is that all?"

"When, of course not."

Even though his body was far away from the sea of ​​stars, Dongfang Bai was stared with white hair by Lei Chenghu's scorching eyes, and smiled even more flatteringly. "If Liao Haihou is willing to return to the imperial capital to lead the'United Commander Headquarters', the Senate He promised to establish the Kingswood Realm in the recovered world as the hereditary fief of Liaohaihou. As long as the empire exists, the Kingswood Realm will always be named Lei!"

"The Kingswood Realm, that is the richest one among the dozens of great worlds in Xinguangfu. Tsk tusk tusk tusk, the Senate's actions are really generous, and I am beginning to believe what you call the '120,000 sincerity'. "

Lei Chenghu smiled brightly, "Anything else?"


Dongfang Bai stared at every wrinkle on Lei Chenghu’s face, and threw out his hand, "Since he is the first new marshal of the empire in a hundred years, and the joint commander, then enter the Senate and become the supreme elder of the empire. , Is it also a matter of course?"

"The Imperial Marshal, the empire veteran, the Lord of Kingswood, the head of the joint commander..."

Lei Chenghu seems to be thinking deeply, "This is your trading terms. All I have to do is make a public statement and leave the Thunder Fleet forever?"

"As for how to deal with the thundering fleet, we can discuss it slowly, and the result will definitely satisfy Liao Haihou."

Dongfang Bai’s eyes shone, and said, “I’m willing to say frankly with Liao Haihou that the Thunder Fleet has indeed made great contributions to the empire in the past hundred years. It is the copper wall and iron wall that resisted the Holy League steadily. But now the war situation is reversed. The alliance has been beaten to a halt, and there is no way to fight back. There is no need or ability to maintain such a large number of permanent troops on the front line.

"The officers and soldiers of the Thunder Fleet have been immersed in the Shura Blood Prison for a whole hundred years. How can we bear to watch them continue to suffer on the front lines? Shouldn't we find a way to let them live a comfortable life for a few days?

"Xinguangfu World has so many rich resource worlds, and even the Senate is willing to find some quiet and fertile planets in the rear with beautiful mountains and rivers, birds and flowers, quiet and fertile, and the empire will never treat any hero badly.

"What's more, there is still a'Blood League Event', which involves all aspects of the frontline troops. At such a delicate time, it is not that we deliberately targeted the Thunder Fleet, but any deep space fleet on the frontline, and maintain such a large fleet. The scale and such a strong independence are not very good for...in every respect, are they?"

Lei Chenghu laughed lowly, showing his teeth stained with lead gray by gunfire and gun smoke, and said, "It sounds reasonable, but what if I still refuse?"

"The Senate believes in the loyalty and wisdom of Liao Haihou, knowing that even if you do not consider the future of yourself and your family, you will definitely consider the future of the Thunder Fleet and the Empire."

Dongfang White’s spine bends down, and he looks at Lei Chenghu secretly from bottom to top, "If you really are thinking about the Thunder Fleet and the Empire, and you don’t want a huge storm sweeping the Star Sea and affecting many people in the Thunder Fleet, just I will definitely not refuse."

"No, I refuse."

Lei Chenghu didn't hesitate for half a second, so he answered indifferently.

The flattering dry smile on Dongfang Bai's face completely solidified.

It's like a hyena leaping out of the bushes and rushing toward the body of the giant beast, ready to sharpen its teeth and feast on it, only to find that the giant beast suddenly wakes up, staring at it with widened yellow-brown eyes. .

"Why, why?"

Dongfang Bai's face was as pale as his name, and he said every word, "Liao Haihou, General Lei! Please believe in the sincerity of the Senate, and put the overall situation first and the overall situation!"

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