40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2210: War is to death!

"It is out of consideration for the overall situation of the empire that I cannot make such a statement."

Lei Chenghu said blankly, "The so-called'Blood League Incident' is basically an absurd conspiracy. If it was not made by some ulterior motives in the Senate, it would have been made by our most dangerous enemy, the Covenant League. , I have no room for compromise on this matter.

"The reason for refusing to make such a public statement is that, first, the Blood League incident has not been investigated, and it is not even known whether the Blood League will do it-the Blood League is just a small young military officer radical organization, why can it be planned? Such a precise and large-scale assassination, and even complete control of a ground assault ship?

"Behind this incident, there must be a higher level of force to intervene. It is definitely not just what you said, some front-line radical officers are so simple!

"Secondly, this investigation report of your'Guangtong' accuses my officers of secretly joining the Blood League, and also linking up with colleagues in the front-line troops. It is simply a reversal of black and white, full of loopholes!

"They are all excellent young people who are the backbone of the empire's future. At such a critical moment, I will never vague my position and make any confusing statements that will erode the future of them and the empire.

"Thirdly, the most important point is that, regardless of the thundering fleet or the **** and scarred troops on the front line, even if some officers and soldiers are dissatisfied with the miasma reality, they have formed some small-scale discussion organizations. I personally think that it is completely Can understand and give support from a personal perspective.

"Yes, they are all soldiers. It is their bounden duty to obey orders. They should not get involved in dirty politics.

"But they are even more immortal cultivators, the rise and fall of the world, the hegemony of the empire, the future of human civilization... these are the natural responsibilities of immortal cultivators, and they are duty-bound to shoulder this responsibility!

"So, even if the final investigation comes out, the Blood League really planned and carried out the assassination of the empire’s elder Dongfang Tuo. I don’t think it is necessary to expand the investigation and search. The guilt that the Blood League should bear is limited to the Blood League. There is nothing to do with discussing organizations with young military officers such as the Wanying Club, the Charge Club, and the Black Clothes Club.

"On the contrary, not only do I disagree with expanding investigations and hunts to other youth officer organizations, but I even think that these organizations should be allowed to surface and give young officers and cultivators open channels for dialogue with the Senate.

"Faced with the misty and dark situation in the rear, the soldiers on the frontline have grievances in their hearts. This is not something you can fundamentally solve by eliminating one or two blood alliances, Wan Yinghui, and other organizations."

Dongfang Bai’s eyes were gleaming, as if he was angry at Lei Chenghu’s remarks, but also as if he was delighted by the numerous "handles" in this speech. He was going to reinforce Lei Chenghu’s rebellious remarks. Xiaorou said with a smile: "I didn't expect that Liao Haihou would have such an attitude toward the radical organization of frontline officers. However, I would like to ask... What do you mean by'smoke and darkness in the rear', in the Senate and the Emperor Your Majesty’s leadership, isn't the current empire thriving, reaching its peak in the past millennium, and a bright future?"

"Even you are so despicable, shameless, and useless. When you see the holy ally, you feel frightened. You only know that trickery, fanfare, intrigue, and selfish treacherous villains can climb to the key position of the expeditionary base camp based on your background. In the end, becoming a major general of the imperial army, and even being able to intervene in the reorganization of the expeditionary army, is not a militaristic event. Isn’t that “plumpy and dark”?"

Lei Chenghu said coldly, "You don't need to set me down. I know that countless people are watching this absurd "review meeting" at this moment. I will be responsible for every word I have said, even if I stand now. On the rostrum of the Senate, I still said this!"


Dongfang Bai gritted his teeth and even raised his eyebrows, his eyes turned quickly for a long time, but he forced a sulky smile, "Liao Haihou, have you figured it out? The purpose of this review meeting is to try your best. Clean up the relationship between you and the Blood League and the various young military officer radical organizations? We are trying to defend you. We never believe that you are the "Blood League leader", let alone that you will instigate the rebellion of frontline officers, but you The lines between the lines are full of sympathy for the Blood League and the young radical officers, and even vaguely endorses their actions. This is really...makes us very embarrassed!"

"you are right."

Lei Chenghu didn’t even glance at the trap set by Dongfang Bai. He stepped on it openly and said frankly, “I don’t agree with the assassination of the empire’s elder Dongfang by the Blood League, and I don’t want to see the imperial army's incomparable glory. The triumphant ritual turned into a chaotic and **** killing field, but the idea of ​​many front-line youth officer organizations, including the Blood League, may not be completely opposed.

"They are fighting on the front line and know the current situation of the front line and the enemy best. The base camp and the Senate behind them must listen carefully to their voices-if this is done early, there will never be a'blood alliance event'. happened."

Dongfang Bai got excited suddenly, leaving a drop of cold sweat on his forehead, and said in a trembled voice: "Liao Haihou, you said you may not completely oppose the radical officers' ideas. Can you elaborate on it? You know, the blood alliance will wait. One of the core concepts of such radical officer organizations is to resolutely oppose the reorganization and reorganization of the expeditionary army base camp. Instead, they must continue to increase troops to the front, continuously send a large amount of manpower and resources in, and greatly enhance the independence of the expeditionary army!

"You just rejected the position of'Joint Commander Headquarters', so you said... In fact, you also agree with the idea of'Expeditionary Force Expansion'?"

"Yes it is."

Lei Chenghu said calmly, "The reason why I agreed to leave the Thunder Fleet and return to the imperial capital with you is to clarify my most resolute position to the five hundred veterans in the Senate—the Expeditionary Army must not be adapted. On the contrary, we should continue to expand the army and give us frontline soldiers greater autonomy, so that we can control the battle more flexibly and look for opportunities to search for the main force of the Holy League and conduct a decisive battle!

"Unexpectedly, you were sent here halfway through the road.

"However, there should be many veterans who are paying attention to this review meeting, so it is the same here."

The air was as silent as death.

The three censors were all dumbfounded. They didn't expect it to be so easy and effortless to let Lei Chenghu say something like this... What made the four major electors' families frightened and had trouble sleeping and eating.

The expeditionary army will never accept the drawdown, and will continue to expand the army!

And to seek greater autonomy!

Lei Chenghu, what on earth does this man who is hailed as the "God of War" by countless frontline officers and soldiers want to do!

Dongfang Bai took out a delicate silky handkerchief from his arms and gently wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

There is a sense of fear after fishing to catch a big shark.


At this moment, he became cautious and asked cautiously, "Liao Haihou, you should understand the delicate situation facing the expeditionary force now? We have already won the victory in the "Imperial Strikes Back", and the rear is facing this The support of the war has reached its limit. It is time to recuperate and absorb the fruits of victory.

"War is logistics, and our logistics can no longer support the next decade of war. It's time to take a rest and recharge.

"Such a simple truth may not be understood by those dizzy young radical officers, but I don't believe that an experienced battlefield veteran like you does not understand it.

"So, what is the real intention of continuing to expand the expeditionary force? Please explain to the review committee and the Senate."

Lei Chenghu watched Dongfang Bai for a long time, and suddenly laughed, tears coming out of his laughter: "Who told you that we have achieved a'victory victory'? Even the **** soldiers on the front line dare not do this. Say, you guys who only boast in the rear, make up some self-deceiving good news all day long, over time, have you even been deceived?

"I have fought a whole life with the holy ally, and know their style and methods well. In the'Empire Strikes Back' in the past ten years, except for a few battles aimed at depleting the vital forces of our army, most of the battles , The fighting will of the Saint Allies is much weaker than in the past, and the phenomenon of collapse at the touch of a touch abounds, and there is no such thing as a mad believer's aura of life and death, **** battle to the end.

"It is totally unreasonable to say that the morale of the Saint League people will drop to this level in just a few years, and it is more like retaining strength.

"Until today, we seem to have recovered dozens of large worlds and hundreds of resource planets, but a large part of them were voluntarily given up by the other party, and before giving up, we destroyed all the infrastructure on the planet and took away. A large amount of resources prevented these planets from continuously exporting troops and productivity to the empire in three to five years or even ten years.

"Wasting a large amount of the empire's troops, food, and various resources only increased a certain strategic depth, but today with the'Xinghai Leap' as the main force deployment model, the so-called'strategic depth' does not make much sense.

"Therefore, there is no ‘hearty victory’ at all. The empire at this moment is like a python that has just swallowed an elephant, but it’s being watched by new enemies, and it’s at the most dangerous juncture.

"Therefore, at all costs, we must continue to invest resources on the front line and expand the expeditionary force. Until the main force of the Holy Alliance is found and completely defeated, and the enemy's main mobile force is eliminated, then we can safely digest the fruits of victory."

"The empire is already ‘whatever it takes’!"

Dongfangbai gritted his teeth and said: "In order to support this super war that has swept through dozens of great worlds, the farmland and mines in the rear do not know how many people have died and how many riots have been caused!"

"A war is to kill people. Since the battle is fought for this purpose, it is more determined than whose fighting will is. If it takes 50 billion people to die to win, then 50 billion will die. If you need to fill in one. One hundred billion, then one hundred billion! Only in this way can the remaining people survive and build a brand new empire!"

Lei Chenghu said coldly, "If there is a riot, then severely suppress it. Those shrimp soldiers and crabs who stay behind will not even be able to suppress the riots of a few primitive people or cultivators?"

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