40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2211: Gambling on national luck!

Dongfang Bai was really stunned.

The three hyenas who wanted to gnaw at the corpse of the giant beast suddenly realized that they were the prey shrouded in sharp fangs. They couldn't help but tremble slightly under the gushing gaze of Lei Chenghu.

"Just kidding, right?"

Dongfang Bai stammered.

Lei Chenghu smiled gloomily, his eyes were full of contempt and hatred that iron cannot become steel, and he sighed: "You guys, you always put slogans like'natural selection, survival of the fittest' on On the lips, in the face of a few dozens or hundreds of primitive humans, they dare to trample and trample on each other's lives arbitrarily, but when they want to be true, they all turn into turtles with their heads shrunk.

"What kind of immortal cultivator are you, huh? It's just under the guise of an immortal cultivator, to satisfy your own selfish desires, to show your strength in bullying the weak, and to indulge in this boring pleasure. That's it!

"This is what I want to say to the Senate. I am responsible for every word I have said, and there is no element of joke.

"Although I have confronted the Saint League on the front line of the Black Wind Realm for a hundred years, I strongly disagreed with the hastily launching a strategic counterattack at the beginning.

"But at that time the Senate had issued a general mobilization for war, and I could only faithfully implement the orders of the Senate.

"When our army was so vigorous all the way and hit the front line of the'Condor-Furukawa' and conquered the eighteen worlds, I once again wrote to the Senate asking for an immediate change from a strategic offensive to a strategic defense, and the eighteen Big Thousand World has worked hard for at least fifty years before launching a new round of offensive.

"However, in the Senate and the base camp of the Expeditionary Forces, the profit-seeking, short-sighted guys threw my advice aside, rushing in like wild dogs that smelled meat, desperately, until today they swallowed dozens of them in one breath. In the big world, the pressure on the division of troops and logistical work is too great to increase.

"At this time, you know that you are scared. If you want to see it well, just accept it?

"Tell you, it's late!

"The Saint League people will never obediently watch the empire run the Xinguang Fosun area. In the past ten years, our army has conquered so many habitable planets and resource planets along the way, but they have never caught the signs of the main force of the Saint League— —This is the biggest hidden danger!

"I promised with the head of Xiang Shang. It won’t be long. Perhaps the Gong Gong princes on the top of our imperial temple are in intrigue. When thinking about how to divide up the'victory fruits' that have just been handed in, the main force of the Holy League will definitely start from the most unexpected. The coordinates are killed to launch the largest counterattack so far-if our army cannot withstand this counterattack, not only will it lose all the new world restoration, it will even completely lose its strategic initiative, exposing the entire hinterland to the blades of the Holy League. Below, let the enemy slaughter!

"It's more than just riding a tiger, it's simply precarious. It's ridiculous that you guys who sit in the back office, face the crystal brain and daydream all day long, are still ignorant!

"The best defense is offense. Originally, I did not approve of launching such an immature'Imperial Counterattack.' But now that the battle has been fought to this point, it won't help to oppose it. Rather than disperse the precious forces to dozens. A world that has just been recovered, resources are scarce, and the people are seriously brainwashed. In the dilemma of being passively beaten and restrained everywhere, I would rather concentrate all my troops and continue to attack, attack, and attack the hinterland of the Holy League!

"If you want to completely penetrate the last line of defense of the Saint League and force the main enemy force to come out for a strategic decisive battle, the scale of the expeditionary force will need to be expanded by at least another 20%!"


Dongfang Bai and the three prosecutors were completely stupid, staring at each other, unable to speak for a long time.

"I know there are difficulties in the rear, but the war is not undifficult."

Lei Chenghu said indifferently, "I have carefully studied the series of economic policies and rewards and penalties implemented by the rear in the overall mobilization, and found that you have neither clearly explained the great significance of this war and the current dangerous situation facing the empire to the people, but also The people's spirit of being loyal and patriotic, and sacrificing everything for human civilization has not been fully stimulated.

"In my opinion, there is still great potential for the rear to be tapped-I am writing a "Combat Strategy for the Next Stage", in which there is a'concentration camp system', which was originally planned to be in the Xinguang Fosun District to target those who have been sacred. The League is used by people with serious brainwashing, but at such a critical moment, for some rear riots and the world where the thoughts of cultivators are heavily polluted, some'concentration camps' may also be set up. I believe it can definitely greatly improve the work efficiency and patriotic enthusiasm of the original people. At least, they can greatly reduce their consumption, save more resources, and ensure front-line supply.

"In short, the war has reached the most critical time. The Empire and the Holy League are like bulls with two horns against the horns, panting and exhausted. At this time, it depends on who collapses first-whoever shows a trace of collapse, then It's all over!

"So, from this moment on, we must be prepared to fight hard battles for another three to five years or even ten years, and to sacrifice at least 50 billion people before and after—if you want to win, please consider the Senate carefully. My strategy."

Dongfang Bai swallowed hard and took a step back.

It's as if the tiger, surrounded by ghost fire, would tear through the barriers of Xinghai and directly bite his throat.

"The Senate will not agree to such a crazy plan."

The "Kuang Tong" spy chief swallowed with difficulty, his voice swaying like a candle in the wind, "What's more, the local nobles and warlords have complained about the current supply of resources, and there are various confrontations over and under the covers. How can it be possible to strengthen the strength of the general mobilization?"

Lei Chenghu smiled, his face was full of expressions of "I know you can't do it", and he turned around and said, "If it can't be done, then prepare to retreat strategically!"

Dongfang Bai was completely confused: "What?"

"The dozens of large worlds in the Xinguang Fosun District are destined to be impossible to defend."

Lei Chenghu patiently explained that it was not for Dongfang Bai, but for the many veterans behind Dongfang Bai, "especially the more than 20 large worlds that have been conquered in one go in the past three years. They are pure bait thrown by the Holy League. , Poisonous!

"If the Senate cannot continue to increase troops to the Expeditionary Army, I suggest that we take the initiative to abandon the more than 20 large worlds and shrink the whole army to the line of the'Condor-Furukawa'. While concentrating its forces, it also reduces logistical pressure. There may be opportunities Resist the Jedi counterattack of the Holy League.

"Of course, even if you choose this relatively conservative strategy and really retreat to the line of'Condor-Furukawa', the expeditionary force must not be abolished. At least the current scale must be maintained and the highest command authority must be further concentrated. Fighting strength, waiting for the opportunity to fight with the main force of the Holy League, strategic decisive battle!"

"It's even more impossible!"

Dongfang Bai blurted out, "The enemy has already been defeated and fled, but our army has to retreat without fighting and voluntarily abandon more than twenty great worlds. This is simply--"

"Yes, it's really impossible. Those hungry dignitaries have already craned their necks to carve up so many delicious and plump trophies. Who is willing to vomit the fat that was sent to the throat for nothing?"

Lei Chenghu shook his head and sighed, "Timidity is not the way to ruin, and greed is not the same, but it is both timid and greedy, or greedy when it should be timid, and timid when it should be greedy-then it is self-defeating!"

"This Hou's words are all here, so let's do it for yourself!"

Lei Chenghu slowly closed his eyes and fell into thought.

This was the first time he called himself "Benhou".

"Liao Haihou..."

Dongfang Bai was a little at a loss for a while, froze for a long time, and said, "You are too alarmist.'Lure the enemy deep' is a tactic used by soldiers, but since ancient times, who can be crazy enough to pay dozens of worlds? The price is to'entice the enemy to go deeper'?

"This is dozens of habitable planets plus hundreds of resource planets, an immeasurable population, mineral veins and various resources!

"Such a huge resource will be digested and absorbed by the empire if there is a slight mistake. At that time, the Holy League will be overwhelmed and will be defeated!

"Even the most frenzied gambler can't adopt this desperate strategy. This is purely a gamble on national luck!

"More than ten years ago, when the empire launched a strategic counterattack, the Holy League clearly had the upper hand. Is there any reason to bet on the national fortune in such a frenzied manner?

"Therefore, the base camp and the Senate have not considered that the enemy is'inducing the enemy to deepen', but the possibility is very slim, and it doesn't exist at all!"


Lei Chenghu opened his eyes again, bursting into the light of a mixture of wild beasts and gamblers, and said every word, "Gambling on national luck? This word is used well!

"Indeed, if the Shengmeng is really as powerful as it seems on the surface, and has always maintained its advantage over the empire, there is no need to gamble on national luck.

"But what if the Saint League is not as powerful as it seems?

"If the enemy is strong from abroad, it has already emptied the family property in the Millennium War and has fallen to the brink of collapse?

"If the Saints don't engage in tricks of ‘inducing the enemy to go deeper’ and spend decades on the frontal battlefield with the empire, will they also be destined to collapse?

"In this case, is there any chance that an enemy will bet on everything and bet it all? Please tell me!"

Dongfang Bai was shocked and speechless.

"Compared with the imperial system, the biggest advantage of the Shengmeng system is the brainwashing implemented through the genetic stage, which restrains the free will of the people's desires to the greatest extent."

Lei Chenghu said lightly, "In this way, the power of all citizens is highly concentrated, and there is almost no internal friction. The internal friction coefficient of social operation is infinitely close to zero, instead of going to the empire, doing their own things and fighting each other.

"But such a deformed system also has inherent fatal flaws.

"Without free will, there is a lack of creativity and initiative; without emotions and desires, one would never think of pushing civilization forward. The whole world is lifeless, and everyone is in order, just a bunch of clockwork machines.

"The only factor that can promote the evolution of the Shengmeng is that they continue to unearth the Pangu relics and upgrade them through the technology and magic weapons given to them by the'God'.

"A thousand years ago, Shengmeng once caught the empire by surprise by relying on the two points of ‘advanced technology of Pangu ruins’ and ‘zero friction system with almost no internal friction’, and gained a strategic advantage over the empire.

"But war has always been the fastest way to communicate between civilizations. After the millennium war, the empire has also acquired a technical level close to the Holy League through various channels.

"And the Shengmeng society lacks creativity and initiative, and the fatal weakness of lifelessness is constantly exposed.

"Furthermore, for thousands of years, the empire has always firmly occupied the richest world in the center of Xinghai, and its overall national strength has surpassed the Holy League. Even if the frontline suffers several miserable defeats, it can continuously replenish its forces and resources, but the Holy League will never consume From.

"The war between the Holy League and the empire is typical of a small country conquering a big country. It can be maintained for a thousand years. It is already a miracle in a miracle. ?"

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